
Yanik Silver – Maverick Business Insider


Maverick Business Insider

“To Get Your Hands On This Single Sheet of
Paper Would Have Cost You Nearly $15,000.00
And 6 Full Days of Your Time”
(If You Even Qualified to Be There)…

But Now It Could Be Yours FREE
With One Tiny ‘Catch’

Dear Internet Friend,

Let me set the stage for you…

There I was, probably 250 miles from the nearest paved 2-lane road, the lights in the “seminar” room (if you call it that — really more of a thatched rooftop deck) were mostly powered by kerosene lamps, to my left was the world’s second longest surf break and in front of me were a group of 26 millionaires and multi-millionaires awaiting my presentation.

I admit it, I was starting to get a bit nervous.

Okay, maybe more than a bit…

Previously, I’ve spoken to groups as large as 3,000 , presented at the prestigious Wharton School of Business and conducted lots of my own seminars and workshops (costing upwards of $10k/person). So why would I get the jitters now?

It’s got to do with who was in the room – here’s a small snapshot

  • – A $900,000,000 International resort developer –
  • – A $200,000,000 motorcycle mogul
  • – Pair of brothers who own a $100M manufacturing conglomerate
  • – 14 Internet millionaires and multi-millionaires
  • – A top luxury Real Estate agent for South Carolina
  • – 3 financial services founders (with assets under management of over $6B)
  • – and 1 multi-millionaire service company founder

As you can see — a pretty accomplished group.

They had all come in for my inaugural Maverick Business Adventures® Ultimate Baja experience. And these 26 top-gun entrepreneurs and business leaders had each paid about $15,000.00 between membership fees and trip costs to be here (if they met our strict criteria to attend).

My idea was to combine business building sessions while creating lifetime memories blasting 80mph through the Baja peninsula in Porsche-powered Dune buggies.

This was the 3rd day of our epic adventures and we’d driven 318 miles all day (and part of the night) through cactus forests, sheer drop-offs, dried salt beds and more, to finally arrive at one of the most pristine locations known as “Scorpion Bay”. Truly an oasis of wild and unspoiled nature that is well beyond mass tourism because it’s so isolated and nearly inaccessible. To put it into perspective the entire town is about 400 strong. That’s it.

So there I was literally in the middle of nowhere in Baja, Mexico…

I had NO fancy pants Powerpoint slides to use as a crutch…NO notes to hand out…NO microphone…and NO stage…

Pretty much nothing except one sheet of paper that I stuffed deep into my backpack at the start of this journey. Yep, just one measly 8 ½ x 11″ paper of paper that I thought (hoped) would be useful enough to these ultra successful entrepreneurs and be worth their entire journey. I was about to find out…

What could I say to such a wide ranging group of online millionaires, B-to-B CEOs and International resort developers?

What would create more profits for each of them no matter what business or product they sold? Those are the questions I racked my brain with over for weeks on end before the trip – and now it was time to see if I had the right answer. I called my presentation

“Instant Leverage Points in Your Business That Bring You
Surges of Cash”

Frankly, this was the first time I presented all of this information in one place. These “Instant Leverage Points” are little tweaks and ‘hacks’ that immediately ramp up the bottom line with a few quick fixes. And the best part is once they are set-up — they keep paying you over and over again.

I handed out a single sheet of paper that had my MindMap on it.

[Side Note: the one below has been ‘prettied’ up by an artist and I’ll tell you how to get your hands on this revised one in a moment.]

Essentially, these are HIDDEN profit opportunities just waiting to be uncovered in nearly any business. (Or, if you don’t have a business — this is the blueprint for wringing the most revenue out of one when you do start it.)

Here’s a small glimpse at what I shared during this 33-minute, confidential closed-door presentation in Scorpion Bay:

  • The absolute easiest way to instantly increase every single order coming in. (I do this now and get 66% of customers to say ‘YES’.)
  • The most overlooked (yet most powerful) page on your website. I practically guarantee you’re currently letting this windfall slip through your fingers.
  • How to have customers eagerly give you money each and every month (without you asking).
  • My #1 psychological ‘hot button’ I use anytime we need a cash surge. (It’s been responsible for quick bursts of $50k, $35k, $75k within 48-72 hours!)
  • Where to find new profit centers from vendors you’re already using and recommending.
  • 2 simple words I added to my products names that almost guarantee another big payday and customers eagerly awaiting when they can buy more. (Hint: Hollywood does this extremely well.)
  • What American Express knows about creating ‘levels’ of ascension and how it lets each of your customers segment themselves into high-paying, hyper-responsive customers.
  • The easiest ways to significantly increase your price (and profits) while still delivering an incredible value. (Yes, this works even in a ‘soft’ economy!)
  • How to ‘license’ your core competencies and create new profit centers that spin off cash each month. (I have a Japanese licensee who regularly deposits sizeable 4 and 5-figure deposits into my account with zero work on my part.)
  • An overlooked way to get other companies to pick up the tab on items you regularly pay for. (This cost savings goes straight to the bottom line.)
  • Why ‘knocking’ yourself off is an ultimate way to sew up the marketplace and fend off any competitors.
  • The easiest, quickest and simplest group of customers to extract easy money from. (Hint: It’s not who you think.)
  • And still more!

In fact …

I’m willing to send you the whole thing for virtually FREE as my ‘ethical bribe’ that I’ll explain in a moment. (Keep reading for all the details!)

Yes, that’s right! I’ll give you uncensored “The $15,000 Closed-Door Session” plus my entire MindMap (the infamous single sheet of paper) with my compliments for test-driving the new Maverick Business Insider newsletter.

I’ll tell you all about it in a second — but for now let me share with you what else I’m throwing in to sweeten the pot even more…

Extra Bonus #1: The Brand New Book ’34 Rules for Maverick Entrepreneurs’

A few months ago I was invited to Necker Island, Sir Richard Branson’s private island in BVI. I came as a guest of my friends, Joe Polish and Dean Graziosi. They had developed a relationship with Richard and asked me to participate in a brainstorming session with Virgin’s charity foundation — Virgin Unite.

Here’s Sir Richard Branson, Yanik Silver and other top-level entrepreneurs brainstorming in the ‘Great Room’ on Necker Island.

Branson has always been one of my business heroes from the way he lives his life to the fullest to his business success. I’ve been fortunate to have the chance to meet many of my mentors/heroes and most of them left me feeling uninspired. With Branson — it’s the opposite. I’m even more impressed and inspired.

I met Richard for a few moments at SpaceShip Two’s unveiling (I’m signed up as astronaut #144 on his suborbital space venture, Virgin Galactic) but this was exponentially different. Being with him and about a dozen other guests created a cool, intimate environment for meaningful conversation and interaction.

Yanik’s journal on the flight home from Necker Island

Flying home from Necker, I was so excited and inspired by my time with the Virgin Billionaire that I just started jotting down all my own rules for successful entrepreneurial endeavors. The same ones that have helped me achieve financial independence and become a millionaire before turning 31.

I started scribbling thoughts in my journal and I thought it would be top 10 list or something like that but I kept writing and writing. When I touched down it came to 34 rules. (You can see part of the actual journal page here including my doodles.)

I posted these 34 rules on my personal blog and the reaction totally freaked me out!

Readers went crazy for it! When I last checked there were 369 comments about this list of rules for Maverick entrepreneurs.

Now instead of keeping the rules a secret or making you go hunt for them on my blog — here are all 34 rules right here:

  1. It’s got to be a BIG idea that you, your team and your customers can “get” in seconds.
  2. Strive to create 10x — 100x in value for any price you charge. Your rewards are always proportionate to the value you provide.
  3. You must charge a premium price so you have a large margin to provide an extraordinary value & experience.
  4. Provide a ‘Reason Why’ customers should do business with you and pay you a premium.
  5. Get paid before you deliver your product or service. And when possible figure out how to create recurring revenue from transactions.
  6. You get to make the rules for your business. Don’t let industry norms dictate how you’ll work or who you’ll work with.
  7. Create your business around your life instead of settling for your life around your business.
  8. Consistently and constantly force yourself to focus on the ‘critically few’ proactive activities that produce exponential results. Don’t get caught up in minutia & bullshit.
  9. Seek to minimize start-up risk but have maximum upside potential.
  10. Get your idea out there as fast as possible even if it’s not quite ready by setting must-hit deadlines. Let the market tell you if you have a winner or not. If not — move on and fail forward fast! If it’s got potential — then you can make it better.
  11. Find partners and team members who are strong where you are weak and appreciate being paid on results.
  12. Your reputation always counts. Honor your obligations and agreements.
  13. Never, ever get paid based on hours worked.
  14. Leverage your marketing activities exponentially by using direct response methods and testing.
  15. Measure and track your marketing so you know what’s working and what’s not.
  16. Bootstrap. Having too much capital leads to incredible waste and doing things using conventional means.
  17. Your partners and employees actions are their true core — not what they tell you.
  18. Keep asking the right questions to come up with innovative solutions. “How?”, “What?”, “Where?”, “Who Else?” & “Why?” open up possibilities.
  19. You’ll never have a perfect business and you’ll never be totally “done”. Deal with it.
  20. Focus most of your time on your core strengths and less time working in areas you suck at.
  21. Make it easier for customers to buy by taking away the risk of the transaction by guaranteeing what you do in a meaningful way.
  22. Always have something else to sell (via upsell, cross-sell, follow-up offer, etc) whenever a transaction takes place. The hottest buyer in the world is one who just gave you money.
  23. Always go back to your existing customers with exceptional offers and reasons they should give you more money. It’s 5x less expensive to sell to happy customers than go find new ones.
  24. However the flip side is – fire your most annoying customers. They’ll be replaced with the right ones.
  25. The marketplace and competitors are always trying to beat you down to a commodity. Don’t let that happen.
  26. Develop and build your business’s personality that stands out. People want to buy from people.
  27. Create your own category so you can be first in the consumer’s mind.
  28. Go the opposite direction competitors are headed — you’ll stand out.
  29. Mastermind and collaborate with other smart entrepreneurs if they have futures that are even bigger than their present.
  30. Celebrate your victories. It’s too easy to simply move on to your next goal without acknowledging and appreciating the ‘win’.
  31. Make your business AND doing business with you FUN!
  32. Do the unexpected before and after anything goes wrong so customers are compelled to ‘share your story’.
  33. Get a life! Business and making money are important but your life is the sum total of your experiences. Go out and create experiences & adventures so you can come back renewed and inspired for your next big thing.
  34. Give back! Commit to taking a % of your company’s sales and make a difference. If this becomes a habit like brushing your teeth pretty soon the big checks with lots of zeros won’t be scary to write. If you think you can’t donate a percentage of your sales simply raise your price.


I decided to expand the 34 rules into a full blown book with each rule illustrated with real-world examples and more in-depth insight. It took a few months but it’s finally ready to go.

Inside you’ll discover:

  • Why the biggest mistake most business owners make is with pricing and how to completely stop competing on price.
  • How to leverage your time so you can make more while doing less!
  • What it takes to stand out in a crowded marketplace. (Just one easy maneuver.)
  • The painless rule for giving back now instead of waiting.
  • What successful entrepreneurs do to quickly and easily ‘test’ their million dollar idea.
  • And 29 more “rules” detailed and explained that Maverick entrepreneurs use to make more, have more fun and give more back!

You’ve got the game plan for getting more out of everything you’ve got and truly engineering the type of business, and life, you really want.

As of right now, I haven’t released this to bookstores, online or anywhere else — but when I do it’ll probably sell in the neighborhood of $19.95 or so — and you get it…FREE!

But there’s still a lot more to my “Ethical Bribe”…

Bonus #2: Two full length Audio CDs “34 Rules For Maverick Entrepreneurs”

Personally, I love listening (and re-listening) to materials in my car, at the gym or on my computer while doing other work – so I decided to expand all the 34 rules into an audio program. I had my friend and National best-selling author of ‘Conversations with Millionaires’, Mike Litman, interview me.

Mike has interviewed incredible success stories like Tony Robbins, Jim Rohn, Wally “Famous” Amos, Chicken Soup for the Soul’s, Mark Victor Hansen, and so many others. If you’ve never heard Mike do an interview he brings an incredible energy and uncanny perception to extract just the right stories, insights and even more real-world examples to make these 34 rules come alive for you.

Instead of just 1 audio CD — it turned into 2 full-length audios. And you’ll get both of them shipped to your door too! (That’s easily another $29.95 value — but yours again on the house.)

Bonus #3: Wall Poster of the ’34 Rules for Maverick Entrepreneurs’

This one seemed a little silly at first but I had so many people responding on the blog mentioning how they printed up the list and tacked it above their desk — that it got me thinking. And then I saw this comment:

Jerry C Says:
“I have read dozens of books and listened to an massive number of audio tapes by many, many different authors, I have been motivated and developed by all of them, well most of them ! I must say however that none of them have said as much in a complete book or a unabridged set of tapes or CD’s as you have in the “34 Rules” you established in the blog and printed above! I have redone them onto a 16×24 poster and put it up at my full time J-O-B, as well as deck of file cards I keep in my pocket and review twice a day, these “Rules” keep me focused! Thank you Yanik! *

I figured I had to include a small, fold-out wall poster for you too. You get all 34 rules in one spot to keep you motivated, inspired and on track to creating your own play book for success.

Okay, Finally Here’s the Little ‘Catch’ You’ve Been Waiting For…

Bonus #4: One Month Test-Drive to Maverick Business Insider Newsletter

I want to introduce you to my own personal network of insider connections…

These individuals are a small, distinct group of self-made millionaires who make up Maverick Business Adventures®. Members ranging from well-known, ‘celebrity’ online pioneers & experts, INC 500 companies, multi-national manufacturers, heads of financial institutions to renowned experts and International real estate developers.

Quite simply you’re looking at true ‘Who’s Who’ of successful entrepreneurs, CEOs and business owners.

More importantly, each member shares a common ‘DNA’ of wanting to live life to the fullest, creating business breakthroughs and giving back through charity and education to empower future Maverick entrepreneurs!

And the last part about ‘giving back’ is where this gets good for you…

You see, the most successful entrepreneurs I know come from a place of abundance instead of scarcity. They believe in giving advice, insight and support to up-and-coming entrepreneurs because many of them were helped along the way themselves.

Every month, you’ll get to eavesdrop in on candid conversations with these self-made millionaires. You’ll hear their success journey and the exact techniques of how they’ve actually done it.

The big thing is these are NOT the same usual suspects and not people making their money pushing “how to make money” info. It’s simply real-world, in-the-trenches advice and ‘how I did it’ info so you can follow their blueprint to wealth. Plus, they’ll talk about the Maverick philosophy of having more fun and giving more back.

Nearly every Maverick member I’ve talked to has been willing to spill the beans on what they do and allow me to download the juiciest information out of their head with one provision. (I’ll explain their one stipulation in a moment.)

Finally, you can get real-world advice from real millionaires (not Ivory Tower theorists with empty bank accounts) who truly ‘walk the talk’ and not just ‘talk the talk’.

The guts of the newsletter will be a complete unedited and “raw” audio CD of our candid interview. Plus, you’ll also get a complete word-for-word transcript and 1-page ‘Hot Points’ summary.

Your first interview is with Mike G. (sorry – I cannot reveal his full name here in print).

Mike went from working 20 hours per day at a full-time job to creating a wildly successful fitness site. But it wasn’t an overnight success.

He started his first online ventures in 2004, and did not produce a profit for over 2 years. Today, Mike’s business is on track to do $3,000,000.00 – $4,000,000.00 in revenue this year — a major leap from $500k just 12 months ago. So it’s growing wildly now that he figured it out. Surprisingly, Mike still does these incredible numbers with just one virtual assistant and only one fitness-related eBook he sells.

Here’s a tiny glimpse of what I get Mike to reveal:

  • Using the power of article marketing techniques to drive traffic AND creating search-engine friendly links that stay in place for years to come. (Hint: It’s by doing something no other article author does.)
  • The perfect and intuitive way to segment visitors coming to your website. When Mike did this his conversion rates shot through the roof practically overnight.
  • Why you want to ‘overpay’ affiliates and get them working for you day and night promoting your products. (This is such a powerful technique that Mike couldn’t turn off the traffic to his websites even if he tried.)
  • How to build successful, long-term partnerships with your affiliates by giving them the tools others don’t.
  • The little ‘trick’ to turning regular questions your customers ask into loads of testimonials.
  • The benefits of offering real, usable information on your sales page – instead of the “standard” sales copy drivel everywhere else.
  • How to use the power of advertising on Facebook to reach new prospects beyond any other PPC methods and tap into the booming social network space.
  • The insider ‘head game’ Mike played to create (and exceed) his personal goals.

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Original price was: $40.00.Current price is: $17.00.

Digital Download: You will receive a download link via your order email To Get Your Hands On This Single Sheet of Paper Would Have Cost You Nearly $15,000.00 And 6 Full Days of Your Time” (If You Even Qualified to Be There)