
Yanik Silver – Instant Sales Letters


Instant Sales Letters

“Amazing! Just point and click and you can be on the way to

having kick-butt sales letters!
A brilliant idea!”
Joe Vitale, author,
There’s A Customer Born Every Minute

“When I ran across your “Instant Sales Letters” on the web I purchased it immediately. Of all the things I have bought over the web yours is surely the most valuable.”

Ken Kerr,
Author “Mouse Power” and former Creative Director of Disney Imagineering and project manager of EPCOT Center and Disney Japan

“If you want to write a killer sales letter in record speed – but don’t want to struggle with finding the right words, get Yanik’s Instant Sales Letters kit. Instead of having to nervously face a blank screen, you’ll be met with templates for sales letters galore. I’ve already started using the Testimonial Request Letter & Fax Form. And guess what?… 5 new endorsements in less than a week. I’ve always been hit-and-miss in this department – (not knowing what or how to ask) – so I’m very pleased with the results. This kit is a godsend for small business owners like me!”

Monique Harris
Author, Make Your Knowledge Sell

Stop Writing Sales Letters The Hard Way! Here’s How To Turn Any Ordinary Company Into A Booming Business…

“In Only 2 ½ Minutes You Can Quickly and Easily Create A Sales Letter Guaranteed To Sell Your Product Or Service…
Without Writing!”

Looking To Increase Your Business?
Just Fill In A Few Blanks And PRESTO…
You’ve Just Created A Powerful, Money-Making Sales Letter!

From Yanik Silver

Dear Friend,

How much is one good sales letter worth to your business?

Suppose you could sit down, write a simple letter to your prospects and customers, mail it and then have your phone start ringing off the hook.

Imagine…one letter could bring you tons of hot leads and new customers, get them to keep buying over and over again, reactivate ‘lost’ customers, and even provide you with a constant stream of referrals. So anytime you need more business – you simply turn the tap on… it’s like having the goose that lays the golden egg.

Sounds too good to be true?

Well, it isn’t if you have the right tools. You see, dollar-for-dollar, nothing provides a better return on investment than direct mail and it doesn’t matter what product or service you sell.

Think about it. A sales letter is the most powerful employee you could ever hire. For about the price of a cup of coffee – it will relentlessly go out and deliver your message perfectly, every time. It will never call in sick. It will never complain. And it will never quit on you. Simply put, a powerful sales letter is like having a little automatic, money-making robot working for you, tirelessly…day and night.

But Creating That Winning Sales Letter
Is The Hard Part…

It could take you years and can cost you a small fortune to figure out just the right combinations that make some sales letters work – while others fall flat on their face.

But instead of knocking yourself out trying to come up with just the right sales letter, you can now have an entire collection of hard-hitting, profit-generating sales letters for your business, ready at your beck and call.– announcing:

“Instant Sales Letter Templates”

In just 2 ½ minutes you can fill-in-the-blanks of these simple (yet extremely powerful) sales letter templates instead of staring at a blank piece of paper.

At Last! Every Sales Letter You Need
Is Already Written For You…

Maybe you’re a sales rep looking to attract more leads…no problem! Just click on the Business to Business folder and you’ll instantly have access to a powerful lead generating letter that pulls in qualified prospects like paperclips to a super-charged magnet. Never cold call again!

“Yanik, I absolutely love these letters, this package FAR exceeded my expectations. I was very reluctant first because I’ve seen some packages of business letters and they were bad – some of them very bad. There are some books with letters that are horrible, a while ago I had a computer program Top Producer (for realtors) and there was a selection of sales letters – I wouldn’t dare to send any of those letters to my prospects then, they sounded like canned letters and one could spot it right away. Yours are excellent, brilliant, just as doctor ordered. Dynamic, smart, with a rhythm…! It is so easy to use, it is mind boggling – I like especially your joint ventures proposal letters, they are fabulous.”
Wanda Loskot

Perhaps you own a retail store or a restaurant and want a quick way to increase your business? – Easy! Click open the Retail/Restaurant folder and you’ll find a letter guaranteed to produce an immediate “cash surge” whenever you want.

“I sent a letter based on your template two weeks ago. I used the “reason why” method. By Tuesday (4 days later) we had increased sales by $6000 and received 1000 new prospects. Then I sent a follow-up letter to the same…It is Wednesday as I write this (5 days later) and we have increased sales over this short period by another $9000… and received another 1000 new prospects! By the time I finish with this promotion, I expect to have increased sales by about $20,000 and will add another 2500 potential customers to my mailing list. The cost for this promotion is about $760 in free goods (at my cost) and the time to write the letters. So, that’s a 26000% return and a new customer base of 2500 users.”
Dan Loyer

Are you a professional? Well, you’ll get an entire folder, filled with letters to generate more referrals (without asking in the office), reactivate old patients/clients, introduce new services and lots more. Any physician, chiropractor, dentist, accountant, lawyer or veterinarian can use these letter templates to quickly and easily grow their practices.

“The best letters I have read. I have gone through a few other templates and suggestions by other people, no one impressed me so much.”
Dr Hisham Abdalla,
Auckland, New Zealand

Or do you operate a service company? Then you’ve got it made. Inside your folder you’ll find letters guaranteed to sell more of your service, spur referrals and even gather powerful testimonials.

“I achieve about a 30:1 sales ratio using a sales letter you provided. That is outstanding!”
Ben Pedersen
The Pedersen Group
Alamo , CA

There is even a new section just added that’s devoted to Network Marketing and Business Opportunity templates. I can promise you these definitely are not the same stale letters you see flying around all over the Internet.

“Thank you, Thank you Thank you. You wouldn’t believe the sales I’m getting after the new templates you gave us. Then again, I guess you do believe the success I’m getting. I got probably 15 sales in the last 2 days.”
Paul Banks
Greensboro, NC

And get this – I’ve just added a brand new section for selling information products (online and off). Perfect for ebooks, manuals, membership sites, etc. Inside this section, you’ll find the long-form sales letters that are the workhorse of any direct marketing company. They’re based on my proven sales letters that have generated nearly half a million in sales.

“Within a week of signing-up for the “Instant Sales Letter” I received two $339.95 orders for my home business development system. That’s with no personal contact at all. The things that I learned from the techniques and templates contained in your sales writing e-book have already paid for itself 13 times over! If this pace continues my business will explode. So far, your program has been everything you say it is and more.”
Raymond M. DeGrendel
Oscoda, MI

Ready to get started?Click Here

Now, No Matter What Product or Service
You Have To Sell –
You’ll Find A Sales Letter That’s
Already Written For You…

But get ready for a shock. These sales letters are unlike anything you’ve ever seen before. If you’re expecting some boring collection of business letters, like those available at any bookstore or on a CD-Rom, you’ve got another thing coming.

You won’t produce sales using those outdated, boring letters — with their stodgy writing: “In reply to your letter dated… and pursuant to… and wherein… blah…blah…blah”


Can you say B-O-R-I-N-G?

These letters may get you an ‘A’ in English class – but I can guarantee you they’ll never sell any of your products or services! So unless you’re looking to help subsidize the post office – you need to use sales letters that sell.

“Was starting to think that your methods wouldn’t work for my business, but I sent out some emails written using your style and methods and the head of a new program wrote me this: “Would you consider writing a few ads? You’re really good.” SO I GUESS IT DOES WORK FOR MY BUSINESS!”
Amy Hutton
Palm Beach Gardens, FL

And that’s why I want to let you in on a little-known secret to creating powerful sales letters, by sharing this story with you…

* * * *

In 1904 a man named Albert Lasker, the head of the Lord and Thomas advertising agency, received a peculiar note. The note read:

“I am in the saloon downstairs, and I can tell you what advertising is. I know that you don’t know. It will mean much to me to have you know what it is and it will mean much to you. If you wish to know what advertising is, send the word ‘Yes’ down by messenger.” Signed – John E. Kennedy.

Unknown to Kennedy, Lasker had been searching for the answer to this question for over 7 years. He immediately summoned Kennedy, a relatively unknown copywriter, to his office. During this fateful meeting Kennedy uttered 3 words that changed advertising forever. Those words were “Salesmanship in Print”.

* * * *

A simple concept, yet nobody has been able to improve on it.

And the results?

Well, here’s what happened with the first client who used this new principle: A washing machine company was on the brink of bankruptcy. Lasker and Kennedy rewrote their ads using salesmanship in print principles, and within 4 months the company had doubled its advertising spending. Also before the year was up it had tripled its sales and built a new plant – all thanks to their new ad campaign.

What’s more, Albert Lasker was said to have made more money than anyone else in the history of the advertising business. (Which is just another incredible testament to the power of salesmanship in print.)

And You Too, Can Use This Secret To Make Yourself a Fortune!

Be warned, unless you understand how to apply salesmanship in print – your letter is destined to fail.

Did you know that the industry average for direct mail is a meager 0.3%. That’s just 3/10 of a percentage point. Pitiful. However, when you start using these powerful sales letter templates you can expect to see results in the 3%…5%…10%…15% range and even higher.

“Hi Yanik, I wanted to write to you and thank you for the excellent sales letter you wrote for my new home based business. So far the lead response has been 4 times the statistical average. You have a real knack for writing in a style that “gets into the head” of the target customer. Thanks to you, I have gotten a large response to my advertising campaign. Thanks a Million!”
Dr. Steven Vaughn
Rhino Ventures
Bowie, MD

In fact, I recently had a letter get a 17% response rate (and the responses are still coming in) simply by using these timeless, yet extremely powerful principles.

Okay, Now I Hear You Grumbling:
“But I Can’t Write” or “I’m Not Creative”

Actually, that’s the whole point of these sales letter templates. Even if you can’t write a grocery list and if you don’t think you have a creative bone in your body — you can still create powerful, profit-producing sales letters just by filling in a few simple blanks.

It really couldn’t be any easier unless I put the stamp on for you. That means, in about 2 painless minutes, you’ll have a sales letter ready to go…without writing!

Which Of These Fill-In-The-Blank, Sales Letter Templates Could You Use To Grow Your Business?

Turn ‘lost’ customers into active, paying customers or patients.

Compel current customers or patients to immediately send referrals to you.

Introduce new products or services and sell them right away.

Create a surge of hot, qualified leads, sales appointments and new customers.

Gather testimonials that are worth their weight in gold.

Quickly move overstocked merchandise. (You’ll get a template based on the letter I wrote for a small medical equipment company that generated $9,794.00 in sales of overstocked equipment. In just a few days the entire inventory was sold and it only cost $257 to send out.)

“I had the perfect opportunity to use the [overstock] letter…this week! I tailored the letter and faxed it to 50 prospects on Tuesday…. By Friday, I had received 8 phone calls and 1 Signed Contract for $14,000!

Thank you for the great letter idea. I look forward to the opportunity of using more of your great ideas for making Big Bucks!”
Steve Daniel
Antioch, TN USA

Create a massive “cash surge” using special events and sales anytime you want.

Fill your seminars with interested prospective clients and patients.

Attract new subscribers to your professional newsletter.

Practically ‘force’ new customers to buy from you over and over again.

With Instant Sales Letters, you’ll get all of these, plus 49 more hard-hitting, profit-generating sales letter templates guaranteed to produce results for you, every time you send them out. And it doesn’t matter if you own a professional practice, service company, retail store, restaurant, or even sell business to business – these letters will add your bottom line right away.

Okay, So What’s The Cost For This Incredible Resource?

Well, realize that this collection of sales letter templates could easily sell for thousands of dollars. In fact if you asked a top copywriter, like myself, to produce 39 sales letters for your business, you’d be charged in the neighborhood of $10,000 to $50,000.00, not including royalties.

(I currently charge a minimum of $1,500.00 per copywriting project — and that’s for the really small jobs). So at a bare bones minimum you’re getting thousands and thousands of dollars worth of powerful sales letters at your disposal.

But I’m not going to charge you anywhere near that amount or even my minimum project price. In fact, your total investment for all 39 money-making, fill-in-the-blank sales letter templates is just $39.97. The money you’ll earn as a result of these proven letters can very easily pay you back hundreds (probably thousands) times your meager investment.

So what’s the catch? Why am I practically giving these letters away?

Well, it’s really quite simple. Since you’re accessing these directly from the Internet I have no inventory and no fulfillment costs. I don’t need to pay anyone to take the orders over the phone (though, you are welcome to call me at 301-656-2424 to rest assured that I am a real person). This way I can pass along my cost savings to you. So you win and I win.

4 FREE Bonuses For Ordering By Midnight Tonight

Bonus#1: As a special free bonus for acting immediately I’ll also give you a copy of a special e-book “Surefire Sales Letter Secrets: How To Create a Fortune in Your Business With Powerful Direct Mail.” This is a $39.95 value.

“I recently bought your Instant Sales Letter Kit. As a bonus, Surefire Sales Letter Secrets came with it. This book really exceeded my expectations. I read it all in one sitting and couldn’t put it down. It is so concise, yet says so much. I found it very clearly written, to the point, well organized and packed with tremendously useful information, but not too long. You have an amazing ability to get the most content with the least amount of words. I’m finding myself referring to it constantly as I write.”
Ruth James
Rockland, CA

Bonus#2: My Surefire Direct Mail Profit Worksheet.This pre-done spreadsheet gives you a powerful analysis tool for all your direct mail projects. You simply enter in basic information like number of pieces mailed, mailing costs and number of responses — then this worksheet automatically performs the important analysis calculations for you — instantly! This essential tool is another $39.95 value.

Bonus#3: Fill-in-the-blank Email Templates. You’ll find all kinds of market tested and proven email templates for just about all your e-commerce needs – take at look:

  • A complete series of autoresponders follow-ups that you can use and model for your own product or service.
  • Setting up high profit Joint Ventures with other site owners.
  • Getting links to your site to increase your traffic.
  • Special offer emails you can send to your opt-in list for immediate (and huge) profits. (This template is based on the proven email that brings me $1.00 per email sent – take the size of your opt-in list and you do the math!)
  • Submitting articles to Ezines for thousands in free advertising.
  • Recruiting your own powerful force of hundreds, even thousands of affiliates all selling your product or service. And lots more…

Bonus#4: Ultimate Sales Letter Tool Box: All The Openings, Bullets, Copy-Connectors, Selling Words, Phrases, Guarantees, Closes, and P.S.s You’ll Ever Need To Create Killer Sales Letters (A $39.95 value).

Then the next day we received this update from her…

“Last night, right after I had read “Ultimate Sales Letter Tool Box”, my husband came home with a couple of sales letter drafts he and his boss had been slaving over for days. Just for the fun of it, I looked them over…and instantly saw what was needed. While the main body of information was there, they lacked good openers, transitions, connectors and a close. Using the lists in the “Tool Box,” I put them in (I just LOVE those lists). What a difference it made! Now the letters are so much more compelling (and very professional) and I’m sure will get responses. My husband’s boss loved the changes. I should be charging him!”
Ruth James
Rockland, CA

This manual actually started out just as a personal resource to use whenever I sat down to write copy for a client or my own company. In fact, I really wasn’t planning on making this available until a fellow marketer pleaded, “I gotta have a copy!”

And it’s true; this is the kind of resource I would have killed for when I was starting out. But it’s yours absolutely free if you act quickly.

This reference guide makes writing any sales letters you want a snap! Take a look at what’s inside this free bonus:

  • 133 Magical Openings That Makes Readers Beg For More.
    Never again be stuck on how to start a letter. Your opening is one of the most important parts of the letter, that’s where readers decide to keep reading or just toss your letter.
  • 333 Greatest Selling Words and Phrases.
    Certain words and phrases have been proven over and over again to produce results. Now, you’ll have a ready-reference of tested words and phrases for your next marketing piece.
  • 226 “Bucket Brigade” Copy Transitions and Connectors.
    This is my absolute favorite section in the entire manual. And you’ll get 226 ways to smoothly and seamlessly connect every paragraph. This section alone is worth your admission price.
  • 55 Powerful Fill-In-The-Blank Bullet Templates That Sell!
    Powerful bullets make sales letters sizzle! And you’ll get dozens of quick and easy ways to create selling bullets.
  • 22 Powerful Ways to State Your Guarantee.
    A well-worded guarantee can multiply your sales. It’s true. And instead of falling back on “satisfaction guaranteed”, you can take advantage of these proven examples.
  • 31 Closings That Make Prospects Whip Out Their Wallets.
    Here’s the part where most letters totally wimp out — it’s not enough to just write “call today” because people won’t. In this section you’re handed 31 of the most profitable examples of how to close your letter for maximum results.
  • 32 Compelling P.S.s That Make Prospects Buy.
    Your letter’s P.S. is critical. That’s your last chance to turn a prospect into a customer. And now you’ve got 32 tested samples to use for your next sales letter.

Get download Yanik Silver – Instant Sales Letters at right now!


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Original price was: $40.00.Current price is: $17.00.

Digital Download: You will receive a download link via your order email Stop Writing Sales Letters The Hard Way! Here’s How To Turn Any Ordinary Company Into A Booming Business… “In Only 2 ½ Minutes You Can Quickly and Easily Create A Sales Letter Guaranteed To Sell Your Product Or Service… Without Writing!”