
Winter Vee – Ancient Secrets Of Kings


Three men in history have lived this life. More than any other.

These same three men, have permanently reshaped the world we live in for the better. And their ideas still rule the world. To this very day.

And each of these men has a secret that has never been told. A secret that made them who they are, and gave them everything they had. And today, from beyond the grave, these three kings will speak.

They will share their secret with you and when the secrets get out, they’re out.

And NOTHING will ever be the same.

 /></div></div><h2>“My Income Is Literally Up Around 42% …”</h2><div><div><img src=

I have had 2 promotions in the past six months since I started using the Ancient Secrets of Kings…

My Income is literally up around 42% from what it used to be. Thank you!

– Steven Brown, Philadelphia

 /></div></div><h2>“…The Keys To Massive <br /> Success…”</h2><div><div><img src=

My confidence is soaring…
My energy levels are soaring…
And my relationship with my husband has improved as well…

It’s no joke…these ancient techniques actually may be the keys to massive success in this world…

I don’t know how I lived life without them…

– Angie Miller, Jacksonville

 /></div></div><h2>“…Just Last Month I made <br /> $22,634…”</h2><div><div><img src=

This is Alex. And I wanted to let you know that Ancient Secrets of Kings has been the best thing that happened to me.

I felt that my life was over, and that I was going to be buried alive in debt forever.

But now I’m free. And I see opportunities everywhere now. I am getting really lucky in so many ways that I feel like my dreams really are possible and will come true..

My business is moving along much better and just last month I made $22,634.

Anything, yes anything is possible and I’m believing it! I dream really big, so here it goes….”

– Alex White, Denver

 /></div></div><h2>“I Saw Results On The Very <br /> First Day.”</h2><div><div><img src=

Ancient Secrets of Kings…is by far the most fascinating and powerful program I have ever taken…and I’ve taken them all..

I saw results on the very first day..

I know that sounds cliché…but I promise you…

I still can’t believe it…but

I JUST went to the mailbox and there were two checks for $100 and $150 I wasn’t expecting. Money really DOES come to me through all types of channels, as I expect it to.

And it has happened a few times since then…

A speeding ticket payment got returned to me…yes a speeding ticket payment!

I didn’t even think that was possible.

The law of attraction never got me these kinds of results… I always thought I was doing something wrong…

Apparently…I just needed Secrets of Kings.. because all the sudden everything started going so smoothly and naturally…

I’ve gone from just a woman to a queen…

I’m really starting to see what it takes to go from just a woman…to a queen…and it’s the most exciting journey I’ve ever had…

– Emily Spiel, Phoenix

 /></div></div><h2>Welcome to The Ancient Secrets of Kings!”</h2><p>And I know exactly why you’re here.</p><div><div><p>You’re looking for this:</p></div><div><img src=

That “switch” you can flip that turns your life from darkness to light. From confusion to clarity, and from an uphill battle, to a life where wealth and success flow to you easily like a force of gravity.

And you’re sick of waiting for it. It’s time for results. Real results you can see touch and feel and of course results you can spend.

Well I have good news: The switch exists. We’ve officially found it. That switch has been officially found.

And you’re going to get a chance to flip it before this video is even through. At that point, the money will come… boy will it come!

But that’s not really what this video is about.

What we’re most interested in is what happens next.

 /></div></div><p>This world is suffering right now and it needs good leaders like never before.</p><p>It needs benevolent and powerful kings and queen, who actually have the power to make a difference.</p><p>And we need to make sure that WE <em>outnumber</em> THEM.</p><div><div><img src=

See satisfying and passionate relationships bloom before your eyes and experience a body that’s good as new from the inside out. And boast the energy of an 16 year old no matter what age you are now.

And wouldn’t that be nice? I mean with all the courses you’ve been buying, has anything made a truly radical shift like the one I’m talking about as opposed to just promises?

Listen. If my stats are correct, you’re making ABOUT as much money as you were when you started this personal development journey minus everything you’ve spent on the course.

And more than anything you just want traction. You want to feel good about what you’re doing.

And you want to enjoy yourself doing it.

I saw a client yesterday, who got out of 20K of tax debt since he started using this program. I saw a client today, that repaired a relationship with her mother even though they haven’t spoken for nearly a decade.

And I have people that could barely get up the stairs, playing soccer with their son for 45 minutes straight.

They flipped the life switch.

And that’s what can happen when you do.

Now I would never say that everyone will become rich, happy and famous with this course. But I would say that these secrets have been secretly used throughout history to do exactly that.

We’re bringing that power back that’s been hidden for too long.

Which may leave you wondering how could these secrets be so old? And yet work so well in our modern setting? I wondered that myself.

And what I’ve found is that was all just a big misconception that I got from my schooling. Old doesn’t mean dumb. Not at all! You’re about to find out, it’s quite the opposite.

I know because I’ve been teaching and coaching on this stuff for years. I’ve had a lot of wonderful success stories in that time. Made a name for myself and was earning a living more would die for.

But with the Ancient Secrets of Kings, I’ve have never had so much fun. It’s a different world because it’s a lot faster. The results are a lot bigger. In fact, I can’t even compare it to anything I’ve done before.

It’s operating on a completely different playing field. I see smiles and even laughter in the first five minutes into the program. And I receive at least one excited email telling me about promotions at their job or a big business deal, almost every day.

I could’ve stopped there, but my soul got restless. And I got that strange feeling that something was still missing… like I wasn’t reaching near what my potential could be. I felt I had to do something totally different from what I’ve been doing.

So instead of going wider for information i.e. more self-books, I decided it was time to go deeper, into the art of success. No matter where that took me.

Doing a Google search one day, I stumbled on a quote from Confucius which says simply:

 /></div></div><h2>“Study the past if you <br /> would define the future”</h2><div><div><img src=

That got me thinking…what if what I was looking for wasn’t in any book at all, but in an old legacy?

Why not look into those
men who were the most
successful of anyone
on earth?

The ones with greatest architectural feats. The greatest political influence.

The greatest spiritual influence. And of course, the greatest fortunes.

They must have known something nobody else did… what was it?

As I began to look into that, three men kept popping up in my research as the ones who really excelled in all of these categories.

They were:

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Interestingly each of these men had a signature monument.

An amazing architectural feat that became a fascination to the world throughout the ages.

I had to see those monuments first hand to fully understand these men, or maybe it was just an excuse for a vacation. Either way. I booked a three part flight for Cairo, Egypt and the Pyramid at Giza, Beijing, China and the Great Wall and Jerusalem, Israel and the Temple of Solomon.

In honesty, these monuments were going to be my focus.

Because the monuments is
always a symbol of what the
man stood for.

I had to know what kind of code did they leave behind in those monuments, for me to crack?

You’re about to find out exactly what I found in this wild ride back into the ancient world.

Or as a I found out it was actually a ride into the future. But is it really backwards at all? But before we have lift off, I want you to understand something.

  • Where are we going?
  • Is it really into the past?
  • Or are we going into the future?

Think about that. There’s really nothing ancient about China. Their empire hasn’t gone anywhere.

In fact the US economy, the world’s superpower, is currently dependent on China to stay afloat economically. Many analysts predict they may just grab the top spot any year now.

Napoleon Bonaparte once said of China,

 /></div></div><h2>“Let her sleep, for when she <br /> wakes, she will shake the <br /> world.”</h2><div><div><img src=

And boy do they.

 /></div></div><p>Here’s the interesting thing that I found. And their success now right now is really founded the same principles they had then.</p><p>Applied to a modern area and which are once again ruling the world.</p><p>But then, comes the big daddy. The civilization that really started it all when it comes to success, wisdom and spirituality.</p><h2>And that is ancient Egypt.</h2><p>What can we say about ancient Egypt that will give it justice?</p><p>Some say they were even more advanced than we are now. In truth? That’s a pathetic understatement. Don’t believe anything your schoolbooks try to get you to believe.</p><p>In ancient Egypt they had board games, cosmetics, judges and juries of their peers. Specialized medicine, even a women’s lib movement. This next one almost seems like a joke, but serious historians are now considering the possibility that they had operational airplanes somewhat similar the ones we use today.</p><p>Some of those hieroglyphics certainly make it look that way. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg.</p><div><div><p>When we get to the pyramid of Giza, things becomes downright spooky.</p><p>First off, Science is baffled about how they simply put that pyramid together.</p><p>No contractor today can even build half a pyramid with those dimensions and bricks that heavy. They’ve tried and failed.</p></div><div><img src=

But way more spooky than that, are the messages encoded in the pyramid.

Don’t ask me details on this because it’s way beyond me.
But apparently if you know how to measure the pyramid the right way, you find familiar numbers that seem eerily familiar. You will find numbers that we have only discovered in the past 100 years.

For instance, it’s clear they knew Pythagoras theorem and advanced geometry. They knew what PI was up to 5 digits past the decimal point. What about advanced physics? They had that too. You’ll find in the measurements. They knew exactly what the speed of light was.

As well as another measurement we have no idea how to discover called… FASTER than speed of light.

The codes in this pyramid show these men could put any modern scientist today, to shame. But it goes even further than that if you can believe it.

 /></div></div><p>Energy. They knew to harness and trap energy from the stars; something we know nothing about.</p><p>With this energy they appear to have been able to create a current, pretty similar to our current day electricity! <br /> I’ve heard claims that the codes indicate even knowledge of molecular biology.</p><p>It really makes you think; what the hell was going on 4,000 years ago? Nobody taught me this stuff in school</p><p>But that still ain’t it. When we move from the physical to the spiritual, the rabbit hole goes deeper.</p><p>Energies have been discovered in the pyramid that have almost magical powers. The ability to heal, to calm and the ability to preserve food almost indefinitely.</p><p>Indeed the main purpose of the pyramid was spiritual; to take the kings and actually turn them into gods.</p><p>And it seems basically that’s what they almost were, no wonder everyone worshipped them as such. So the knowledge was off the charts.</p><p>But where did all that knowledge go?</p><p>The answer is… it didn’t disappear.</p><p>Knowledge rarely ever does. It has just gone underground. To the secret societies. Like… the thirty third degree masons, the skull and bones, the knights of the golden circle and the highest degrees of masonry.</p><p>What most people don’t realize is that at these elite organizations, they all study deep Ancient Egyptian knowledge in what they call their mystery schools.</p><p>And surprise, surprise! Those organizations, the ones with this wisdom, pretty much run things in the Western World. You won’t find many presidents that aren’t masons or part of some other major secret society.</p><div><div><p>And now look at the back of your dollars, what do you see?</p><p>You’ll see that the pyramid at Giza is still in control of money as well.</p><p>No question they operate at a higher playing field. A higher field of energy perhaps? Possibly.</p></div><div><img src=

But one thing’s for sure, we’ve been left in the dark about it and that’s the reason why we are where we are and they are where they are.

 /></div></div><h2>And finally… Ancient Israel</h2><p>I had to visit this country as well because growing up in a Catholic household, I knew that the Israelites were at first enslaved by Egypt and the Pharaohs and ultimately wound up getting the upper hand, at least for a while.</p><p>Now who could get the upper hand on those Pharaohs? Were they even more advanced than they were?</p><p>Well if you believe the story you’ll know that a pretty smart young man named Moses was raised in Pharaoh’s household and in charge of a great deal of the operations of the country.</p><p>No question he had this knowledge and then he turned it against them. Did he know something they didn’t? And why has Israel, when so many other great civilizations have fallen, persisted until today.</p><p>Why are the descendants of that very same people, occupying leading positions in Hollywood and the news media, science and the arts, when they are 2% percent of the population and were nearly annihilated just 50 years ago.</p><p>Incidentally, they have also produced one of the wealthiest men who ever lived in our recent history including Mayer Amschel Rothschild.</p><p>And locked down 20% Nobel prizes, when once again, they are only 2% of the population. It seemed like they also knew something I had to know.</p><p>These thoughts swirled in my mind, as I sat on the runway when I had this overwhelming feeling that once I discovered what I was going to discover on this trip.</p><p>Nothing would ever be the same, and it wasn’t. So without further ado… let’s roll the tape on my journey back in time to the greatest civilizations of all time.</p><div><div><img src=

The Tour

Our flight takes off and our first stop is…


As I walked the streets I was blown away. But my eyes were set on the prize…The Great Wall of China.

Which has been standing for years and has been visited by everyone from Nelson Mandela to David Copperfield.

 /></div></div><p>And actually has been the driving force of inspiration, for a nation that has dominated the world stage while all other powerhouse civilizations such ancient ROME have withered and died off.</p><p>What we learned at the Wall gave us a lot of clues.</p><p>But we enlisted the help of an expert to help us crack the code. We went to the best and we grilled them for hours.</p><p>Until we found out exactly what makes the Chinese people. What made King of China and what is generating the massive success today. And it took a while but we found gold.</p><p>If you look at the Chinese dictionary,</p><h2>Self-discipline is defined as the power to control one’s actions, impulses, or emotions.</h2><p>I want to show you something Confucius wrote:</p><div><div><img src=

“First in importance is the
will. When one wills what he
wishes, and wishes what he
wills, he will become clear
and firm and strong. The
man is his will, his desires
should be disciplined. That is

 /></div></div><p>Here’s another quote:</p><div><div><img src=

“To subdue one’s self and return to propriety is perfect virtue (Analects, bk. XII.)
Men must be resolute about what they will NOT do and then they are able to act with vigor.” (Bk IV., py ii., c.viii.)

 /></div></div><p>The real secret of Chinese success is self-discipline or as some would call it; becoming a god over oneself.</p><p>Good habits, overcoming laziness and procrastination, loyalty to schedules, loyalty to family and most importantly being resolute not only about what we WILL do, but what we will NOT do.</p><p>I was taken aback by this. We spend so much time on what we should do. How many times do you hear in a personal development course that the key is…</p><h2>What you should NOT do.</h2><p>Restraint, according to one of the wisest men who ever lived, is the key to a society that lives in prosperity for longer than any other has lived.</p><p>From there I went further. I actually dug deep into the WAY the Chinese exercise their self-restraint so successfully when Americans seem to fail in that department.</p><p>And I picked up gem after gem and the results I started to see when I got back and started implementing, literally blew my mind. It was almost as if I had a 48 hour day, instead of one that was just 24. I was coming out with more content than I ever have before. And my income was going up rapidly.</p><p>I lost the desire to skip the gym or sleep in late. And even kicked smoking. Indeed China has something we’ve all been missing out on. But my students aren’t gonna miss out on it any longer.</p><p>While we were in China we thought we might also investigate a famous trivia question you may have come across. What monuments is the only monument visible from the moon? The answer often given is the Wall of China. But is that true?</p><p>Egypt</p><p>If this trip ended here it would have been well worth, it but we’ve just begun.</p><p>We’re on to the most fascination misunderstood and downright spooky locations in the world.</p><div><div><p>The Pyramid of Giza, that also is in some sense, is in control of western society to this very day, via the mystery schools.</p><p>Once again, we went to see it first hand and then met with Egypt’s world class historians to help us crack the code.</p></div><div><img src=

A tomb that actually preserves fruit? And has healing powers?

A tomb that actually preserves fruit? And has healing powers?

I had to see this for myself. I don’t care what kind of a skeptic you are.

There is no denying I have had a significant boost in my energy levels and increased level of peace and well-being. And when it comes to money, I just started to have what I can only describe as good luck.

A certain synchronicity that fall into place and the money just began to flow so much more easily from everything I did.

And here’s the best news: You don’t even have to go to Egypt at all to benefit from these energies.

Because I conduct extensive research among spiritualists and scientists to discover some of the energetic principles that are behind the power of the pyramid of Giza.

And from my trials here in the US, we have discovered that we can achieve strikingly similar results. Here you have something special you will never find anywhere else.

A secret power from the
ancient world being
translated into money in
your bank account.

Just like it did for the Pharaohs.

Enjoy the powers of a king in your modern life. I will forever be changed by my experience at the Pyramid of Giza and the BLANK tomb.

And while we were at it, we managed to solve another conundrum: How were the pyramids made.

Experts in the US are still baffled as to how those heavy stones made it up so high.

But we got a tip that there was a young historian who may just have the answer. And I must say, it certainly looks like she did.


We had one more stop left. The Holy Land of Israel. The most ancient civilization of all.

According to the Bible, the very first man and the Garden of Eden were right here. And the civilization continues to reshape and innovate in our world way beyond its numbers

 /></div></div><p>We were lucky enough to be able to catch up with two acclaimed experts with very different perspectives who both manage to wind up at a similar conclusion when it comes to on King Solomon’s secret to success.</p><p>In addition to this huge breakthrough about what was behind possibly the most wise influential and prosperous leaders of all time.</p><p>We ALSO picked up a golden nugget from this guru that MAY just forever change my relationship with money for the better. I was a little surprised when seemed to have he picked up on some issues I was secretly dealing with. And got in my face about it.</p><div><div><img src=

We’ll be expanding on this critical concept, our trainings in some very interesting and practical ways and it may just be your missing link to having both a happy life as well as a successful one.

Because what’s really the point of the later without the former. Much more than you see here. Did I do….

You’ll learn all about it in the member’s area in just a minute.

I learned the language. Charted the landscape of the country. Did business with entrepreneurs and saw how they operate… and the insights just kept coming.

I ate and drank their philosophy for every meal. And indeed. I found as I suspected that every major success in those countries was fuelled by these great men and their philosophies.

Three different paths. Three
different outlooks which
led to three very different

But each trip was totally indispensable to my growth. I came back a new person. And I couldn’t have imagined one trip without the other.

Which is why I came to the conclusion that the ultimate “success switch” lies in incorporating of ALL of these three outlooks into your life. Because they are all right.

Indeed, you must master yourself before you can begin to conquer the world around you.

You must understand the science of energy, luck and synchronicity, so the universe propels you to success without friction.

And finally, you need to be able to turn that success into true prosperity. By directing all that energy towards others, becoming a “benevolent entrepreneur and creating a life you can be proud of.

Leading by example is King Solomon, the richest of the three men and also well-liked and respected by the world leaders of his time. That’s true success.

On the plane ride back, my brain was bubbling over with everything I wanted to say and share with the world. I didn’t want to forget any of it, so I went right into the work of building my system.

Based on these three pillars. Just one system. That step by step takes advantage of the power of all of these kings and all of these undying powerhouse civilizations. So that you too can do exactly what they did.

Rise the ranks and become not just a success but a king over your environment while at the same time being in total harmony with it.

Making this product was a gruelling process. But I made it. I finally was able to turn all these deep secrets into one single easy to digest product.

That I call:

The Ancient Secrets of Kings

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So I know you’re curious.

What’s it like inside the Ancient Secrets of Kings member’s area?
Well… It’s different. In a good way. We’ve invented a learning style that’s a bit new but is getting mind boggling results. We call it pillars and capsules.

We have three basic pillars
namely for: China, Egypt
and Israel.

Then we have capsules for each pillar. The reason why we did it like this is because we’ve polled you and we know you crave instant gratification. So we made sure you’re never bored, never confused and always seeing results every single day.

Instead of reading 100 pages and still be scratching your head, we spoon food you the info in a small little capsule. All you have to do is watch and listen for just a matter of seconds and then… like a starburst, the idea is gonna explode deliciously in your brain.

We find a lot of students do a lot of laughing when they start just because it’s so new and so life changing, they’ve never seen anything like it.

It’s almost like being invited into the Secret Society minus the horrible initiation. And this set up forces you into action.

You have the aha moment, and you know exactly what to do with it immediately. So there’s no way a moment is wasted.

New neural pathways will be paved quickly. Pathways to power… because you will be walking in the footstep of the greatest men of all time. And step by step, you will step into their shoes.

Risk the ranks and turn your life into everything you ever dreamed it could be. And I mean everything.

In the China Pillar

…where the symbol is the Great Wall, we’ll be covering boundaries. Without boundaries, you’re completely open for attack from forces that wish to keep you from your dream life.

That means when you get through this pillar, you’ll be able to keep a schedule, eliminate procrastination, eliminate unwanted thoughts and double your productivity. You will discover what loyalty means.

Real loyalty to…

 /></div></div><p>This pillar will also force you to completely organize and optimize your life. Just imagine how much you could accomplish if every aspect of it was perfectly…organized.</p><p>What if you could set big goals every day that you didn’t even think were possible. And hit every single one of them AHEAD of schedule.</p><p>Think of how much more time you’ll have for yourself and all the things you love. All that’s going to make you a fitting vessel for the wealth that’s coming your way in the next pillar.</p><h2>And the second pillar is <br /> Egypt, and your money.</h2><p>This is probably the most interesting pillar and it is definitely the point where we see the most drastic changes in our clients’ lives.</p><p>It’s where we do three basic things:</p><div><div><img src=

We get you out of debt; for those who need that. Because it’s impossible to become wealthy when you’re in debt.

 /></div><div><h4>We have the inside scoop on how to do this much faster than any credit counsellors could do for you. Once that’s done, we move on to the secret wisdom that I discovered during my trip.</h4></div></div><div><div><img src=

We go deep using the principles of the Pyramid to actually harness the energy of the universe, just like the Pharaohs did.

When you align yourself with the stars, the universe sees you as the natural destination for everything good that’s floating out there.

It’s just like setting up a dam on a river and redirecting the flow, just like that the money around you will be redirected in your direction and you’ll begin to understand why they call it cash flow.

I know the energy part of it sounds weird, but it’s really quite simple and practical when you get the hang of it and you will, very quickly, no prior skills required. At this pillar you’ll notice synchronicity coming into play.

You’ll notice things just start to “line up’ and success just seems closer, more light and easy and attainable as the universe actually starts doing the hard work FOR YOU. Expect a lot of unexpected surprises in the mailbox that are sure to make you smile no matter how many times it happens.

I’m also going to get incredibly practical. Showing you a tailor made plan to radically increase your income, no matter what job you do right now and even if you have a “full plate”, it

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