
Vic Johnson, Jim Rohn, Bob Proctor and others – Claim Your Power Now Volume 2


Finally, you can have the life you’ve always desired…

“Discover The Little Known (and rarely talked about) Philosophies, Beliefs and Personal Behaviors That Allow World-Class Achievers To Attract Maximum Wealth and Create Maximum Health in Record Time”

Read on to discover how easy it is to claim your personal power and create new beliefs that change your focus to rapidly designing a life of abundance

If one area of your financial, emotional or physical life is out of balance, it spills over and creates chaos in the others. Magnetically attract a life of luxury almost overnight, living in a lifestyle you could only imagine before… while achieving success after success exactly the way you want it, as predictable as the high tide… and, effortlessly break through the beliefs that stand in your way!


Press Play Below and Find Out for Yourself!

“It has been life changing…”

“You have shaken my world. I ordered the Claim Your Power CD program just over a week ago and I think I have played them over 20 times. It has been life changing. In these past 2 weeks you and the other amazing speakers have given me a new world to live in, you have unleashed a desire and faith that I have never experienced before. My world now is full of opportunities and I can never be grateful enough for this. All the speakers were so inspiring it leaves me feeling like Superman.

Richard Cozzella – Melbourne, Australia

From: Vic and Lisa Johnson, Melrose, FL

Dear Friend,

Has procrastination become a habit?

Are you paralyzed by fear that’s keeping you from going after what you want?

Do you have trouble staying focused on a goal?

And the most important question….are you truly ready to change all of that?

If you’re truly ready for a change in your life… it’s time to claim your personal power. Transforming your thinking and beliefs will come easy in the right atmosphere when you’re willing.

Maybe you’re in deep trouble financially, in your relationships or your body is feeling like it’s falling apart… maybe not.

Perhaps you just need an edge to quickly shortcut your way to the next level of joy and contentment. No matter what your frame of mind, if you’re reading this, then you will find the answers you’ve been looking for.

Here’s what this is all about: My name is Vic Johnson and what I’m going to tell you will transform your life. In 1997 my life was a mess. My family and I had already been evicted from our home, and to add insult to injury, the repo-man was coming after my car. I couldn’t have him show up at my house and humiliate me in front of my kids, so I delivered it to him personally. I sunk even further when I had to resort to borrowing a clunky 1985 Dodge Lancer from a friend.

I earned so little money that I qualified for federal poverty programs.

And now I have a three-story dream home on a gorgeous lake and I regularly vacation at some of the most glamorous hot-spots in the world. I have the romantic relationship of my dreams and get along better with my children than I ever have. My book is a bona-fide best-seller and my television program on the The Success Training Network (TSTN) draws a world-wide audience.

Financially things have never looked better. And best of all, I have a love and passion for my work, my family and my health.

It used to drive me nuts! I worked so hard for my money that I was willing to take any job, no matter how petty the wages in order to make ends meet. Regardless of what I did or how hard I worked, the Holy Grail of success eluded me.

Doesn’t it drive you nuts? I kept trying harder and harder and failed repeatedly. I was totally frustrated with my life. And it wasn’t for lack of trying either. People saw me as a complete disaster — You know, I’d have to agree with them. I was. I often wished things would be different…

The Weekend That “Saved” My Life!

There’s a difference between wishing and taking action. Finally I realized that I was sick and tired of being sick and tired and I had to do something… fast!

But while I realized that something drastic had to be done, like most people, I had no idea where to start.

The answer came on a fateful Saturday night in October 1997 in Jacksonville, Florida.

I’d scraped some money together for a weekend seminar and with a couple of dollars left over, I put it in the gas tank of the bomb I was driving and took off for what would be for me, the most incredible weekend of my life.

But it sure didn’t seem that way on Friday, as I thought it was just another ho-hum weekend.

But on Saturday night, as I sat wishing on a wish that I could find some way out of my miserable circumstances, I heard 13 words that rocked my world. And it hasn’t been the same since.

Now, the real secret to take from this is not those 13 magic words. It’s what I did with them. I gave them wings and I put them into action.

And things began to change almost overnight! Within 90 days I was attracting people and opportunities into my life from everywhere. It was long after that and the fruit was heavy on the vine, and then I began to harvest a bumper crop of abundance…that continues to grow at astronomical rates.

And here’s the best part, since I heard those 13 words, I’ve shown thousands of other people how to do it too! And that’s why I had to “pay it forward.” I had to sponsor my own weekend where I could show others how to….

Claim YOUR Power Now

What started out long ago as a “someday” dream came to life last July when we had people come from the four corners of the earth to experience the first Claim Your Power Now Weekend. To say it was a powerful weekend would be a gross understatement. It was more than powerful — it was the most magical, mind-bending, life-changing, paradigm-shifting event I’ve ever attended (and I’ve been to many weekend seminars).

But don’t take my word for it (I might be a little prejudiced). Read the words of someone who will never be the same again:

“If you don’t read anything else on this page — read this.”

“I’ve been married for 31 years — most of it blissful. But the last 7 years has been hell. I made some bad choices that just destroyed my wife’s self esteem — or should I say added to her self destruction. Since I started listening to As a Man Thinketh and I’ve listened to the audio every day for months now, my life has started to change for the better. I took responsibility for my actions and thoughts and the Light has come on.

At any rate, my wife has seen the amazing transformation in my life from a distance and became hungry for what she saw happening in me. I began to relate to her what I was doing, had her start to listen to As A Man Thinketh and the wheels started turning. So when you emailed me about Claim Your Power Now I asked her if she would go with me and delightfully, she accepted.

All I can tell you is that she listened intently to all the speakers and I could see chains being lifted off her mind and being. For the first time in our marriage, I actually saw FREEDOM breaking in upon her heart and soul. I was in tears most of the event, as I sat beside her and watched this transformation taking place before my very eyes. And let me tell you, I felt the same thing going on inside of me as well.

We honestly were totally RECONNECTED at the seminar. I am at a loss for words in how to describe this to you, but we are in total unity now as never before. Words mean things, and the words that were spoken at the seminar were LIFE to both of us and for that I am so grateful.”

John Becker, North Carolina

Postscript: John went on to finish his first year in Real Estate by being named “Rookie of the Year” in his area.

You Can Discover the Same Secrets of
Creating Your Own Power That John Did

Are you ready to feel FREEDOM in your life?

Would you like to RECONNECT in your relationship?

Now, in the comfort of your home and automobile you can experience an exciting breakthrough just like the live audience where this life-altering material was recorded.

Picture your breakthrough. Just close your eyes for a moment and feel the intense vibration of the focused beam of transformation bathing you in the power that’s yours to claim.

Can you imagine how great that feels?

Make no mistake about it. The world-class staff of experts we brought to this event were committed to leading people to rapid personal breakthroughs. And it happened right before our eyes on three magical days.

“the best thing that has happened to me in a LONG time! Thank you for feeding my hungry mind and soul!” – Maria Nieves, Florida

It doesn’t matter if you’ve read every self improvement book at Barnes & Noble, or bought every CD program that comes down the pike, Claim Your Power Now will help you crash through every barrier you think is in your path (in fact, I guarantee it will, but more on that later).

  • No matter how busy you are or how little money you have or even your level of education. Your mind will show you how to create true financial abundance.

  • 11 ways affluent people think and act differently from poor and middle-class people and how to put them in to action immediately so that you can unlock the financial success that has eluded you for so long.

  • Why “beginners” are able to use these secrets to quickly surpass their own expectations… even if they don’t know a thing about abundance thinking! (In fact, the less you understand about what the “experts” try to tell you, the faster you’ll be on the mend and getting the rewards you could only dream about before!)

  • Erase everything you’ve learned about goal setting, organizing yourself, or “thinking big.” You’ll discover exactly what the rich do that set them apart and how you can do it to and achieve your dreams.

  • Turn your financial fear into one of your best friends and teachers. Your fears will no longer dominate your life and hold you back. You will step through your fears to extraordinary wealth.

  • Discover how to take control of your wealth and health in the quickest fashion possible. You will actually jumpstart your transformation in record time as we connect with you and lead you step-by-step to claim the power that is justly yours. Our “take action formula” is so simple you’ll be astounded by your rapid success.

  • You can make more progress than you ever imagined. It doesn’t matter what career or business you choose to pursue. It doesn’t matter if you’ve lost your friends or you can’t figure out why you have no energy. Claiming your power will show you how to overcome every self-limiting belief you have about yourself. You are more successful than you think!

“Give Me Seven Minutes, and I’ll Forecast Your Financial Future for the Rest of Your Life. Even Better, I’ll Show You How To Turn It Around In 14 Hours”

In just seven minutes, I can diagnose what’s called your money and success “thermostat.”

Each of us has a personal money and success thermostat, ingrained in our subconscious mind, and it is this thermostat, more than anything else that determines your financial destiny.

Your “financial thermostat” is simply your preset program or way of being in relation to money. Your financial thermostat consists of your thoughts, feelings and actions related to money.

Your financial thermostat consists of the “programming” you received in the past, starting as a young child. For most people, this would include parents, siblings, friends, authority figures, teachers, religious leaders, media, and your culture to name a few. If you’ve been headed in the wrong direction I’m going to reveal how to set your thermostat for success. It’s simple, once you know the secret.

If your room temperature is 72°, chances are good that your thermostat is set for 72°. Is it possible that because the window is opened, and it’s cold outside, the temperature can fall to 60°? Of course, but what eventually will happen is that the thermostat will kick in and bring the temperature back to 72.

The only way to permanently change the temperature in the room is to reset the thermostat. In the exact same way, the only way to change your level of financial success on a “permanent” basis is to reset your financial thermostat. Pretty simple, isn’t it?

Now, you would never let your neighbor come over to your house and control your thermostat would you? Perhaps he would like it hotter or colder than you like it.

Here’s the kicker, most folks let others control their “financial thermostat.”

Let’s face it, all you need to do is commit to change the temperature and I’ll reveal exactly what you need to do to reset your financial thermostat and program yourself for automatic success. And that’s just the beginning. I help you identify the patterns of thinking that have held you back, and what you need to do to turn them around. But there’s one thing you need to understand first…

It’s Not All Your Fault!

If you’re kicking yourself because you made a few mistakes and you’re in debt up to your eyeballs and you have no idea how you’ll ever get out…or your relationships are withering on the vine…you’re worried about your health being intact by retirement, it’s not all your fault you’re in hot water.

Here’s why…

It’s the subconscious programming you’ve received up to this point in your life. It’s interesting that folks get conditioned from years of “No, you can’t do that!”

Maybe your parents, teachers, friends or your boss meant well communicating what you can’t do. But playing the blame game won’t help solve the issue.

Fortunately, now there’s a simple way to change these patterns and it’s as easy as flipping a switch. Your financial, emotional and physical state is totally dependant on these messages and even if Lady Luck came calling, things would simply stay the same. Let me prove it.

We’ve all heard about people who are broke who suddenly get a cash windfall—say, through an inheritance, a legal action, or by winning the lottery—only to rapidly lose all that money and return miserably to status quo. It’s not that they have bad luck or their born under the wrong astrological sign, it’s just their internal thermostat is set to “poor,” and so when money lands in their hands and they are temporarily thrown into the unnatural state (to them) of wealth, it’s only a matter of weeks or months before they lose it all.

On the other hand, we’ve all heard stories of rich people losing huge sums of money—say, through a stock market crash or by a disastrous business venture—only to eventually rebound within a few short years. Their internal thermostat is permanently set to “rich.” If they go broke and are temporarily in an unnatural state (to them) of scarcity, it’s only a matter of time before they are rolling in dough again.

Take the man behind The Apprentice for example. Donald Trump has failed more times in business than just about anyone. Yet he always comes back and moves on to generate new wealth. Even more people chase him, to offer new deals. There is a simple reason why; his internal thermostat is permanently set to prosperity. Your thermostat can be changed too.

But wait! Remember I said it’s not all your fault?

Let me explain…

The fact is when a person knows what the problem is and they don’t do anything about it… it becomes their fault.

Astonishing, isn’t it.

Now, if you’re like I was and you’re ready to claim responsibility…you’re ready to claim your power now…then you’re ready for two guys who helped me totally rebuild my life.

See Bob Proctor and Jim Rohn

Several years ago I found out that in more than 40 years of touching lives around the world, Bob Proctor and Jim Rohn had never appeared on the same stage. So it became a dream of mine to host a transformational weekend event with Bob and Jim appearing together and sharing their awesome wisdom with a few new friends and fellow seekers of wisdom.

OK. You may be asking, who are Bob and Jim?

Over the last four decades, Bob Proctor has focused his life around helping others lead lives of prosperity, rewarding relationships and spiritual awareness.

His rags to riches story will inspire you and create unstoppable momentum that propels you to your own quantum leap. In the beginning of his remarkable career, Bob climbed the success ladder and went from dead broke to a $100,000 income in one short year. Now, while $100,000 may not seem significant, Bob accomplished this amazing feat in 1961 and if we adjusted for infl

ation it would now be the equivalent to $623,696.29!

He studied under Earl Nightingale and rose to become a Vice President of Nightingale-Conant, where he helped completely change the self-improvement movement.

And that’s not all, he’ll show you it doesn’t matter how you grew up, or how hard you’ve struggled, your mind can turn it all around virtually overnight.

Best-selling author, speaker and perhaps most importantly…gifted teacher. He’ll motivate you to rocket to the next level with his simple, yet brilliant strategies.

My friend Jim Rohn has been hailed as one of the most influential thinkers of our time. He’s authored more than 17 books, audio and video programs.

Completely broke as a young twenty-something, Jim found a mentor who unlocked life’s greatest secrets for him. Within four years he had become a millionaire and since then has shared his wisdom with more than 4 million people worldwide.

He has been described as everything from a master motivator, to a modern day Will Rogers, … to a legend.

When I first heard Bob talk about the unlimited abundance in the universe, the message moved me so much, I broke into tears of joy. After all the seeking I had done, I had finally found the principles that I needed to live my life by.

When I first heard Jim share his wealth of wisdom in the Five Major Pieces of the Life Puzzle, I was amazed that life could be so simple (after I had tried to make it so difficult.)

From both of these Masters I honed my personal philosophy that has brought me the abundance and happiness that I always knew existed, I just could never figure out how to achieve.

My friend, these two legends were absolutely incredible!

But, I’m going to take you even farther…

Here’s the Rest of the Faculty of World-Class Trainers Who Make This an Experience of Guaranteed Transformation

Michael Angier

Founder of the ten-year-old personal development portal and author of the 101 Best Ways series.

Bob Burg

Best selling author of Endless Referrals and Winning Without Intimidation, Bob is also a popular corporate trainer.

John Dilemme

From stutterer to millionaire mentor, John delivers a powerful message to help you “find your why and fly.”

Rene Godefroy

Unable to speak English, Rene arrived in America with just five dollars. His story of triumph will touch your heart.

Christopher Guerriero

The fitness and nutrition guru to top models and celebrities will teach you how to maximize your personal energy.

Dr. Philip Humbert

This former pastor, accountant and clinical psychologist is now a distinguished author, popular coach and Internet entrepreneur.

Jeff Keller

He’s sold more than 150,000 books and taught thousands around the world, as he will teach you, that “Attitude IS Everything!”

Lisa Jimenez

The best selling author of Conquer Fear! will help you claim all your power over fear and all the limiting factors in your life.

Carl Logrecco

A personal and business coach and strategist with more than 13,000 clients who call him “The Professional Butt Kicker.”

Ron White

Let the Guinness World Memory Record holder teach you how to build relationships and improve your sales and performance.

Chris Widener

The hottest new leadership authority on the planet and host of Made for Success on the TSTN Network.

Emcee: Eric Taylor

The 2003 National Body for Life Champion is also a Champion emcee and was our guide for an awesome weekend.

In Only 14 Hours, You’ll Have All These Tools

  • The millionaire mindset of wealthy people and how to adopt it, so you stop struggling and magically attract opportunities most people miss

  • The key to eliminating the self-sabotaging behavior that brings your best efforts to a screeching halt and stunts your personal growth

  • How your words program you for success or mediocrity. Your self-talk can rapidly rocket you to success when you learn these simple step-by-step principals

  • Four Keys to making Goals work to influence your heart, your mind and create unstoppable progress

  • How to identify and accelerate on a path toward making YOUR financial visions a reality as fast as humanly possible

  • The secret to developing unstoppable persistence. No, you don’t need to be in sales to harness the power if determination.

  • The root cause and solution to nearly every financial problem. It’s not what you think it is and you’ll be shocked by it’s simplicity

  • How to turn a lack mentality to an abundance attitude that will instantly reveal numerous income generating opportunities available that are right under your nose

  • Developing masters level skills of Extraordinary Leadership so people will walk over hot coals to follow your vision

  • The secret to discovering your passion and unleashing your potential into a tidal wave of focused action

  • How to Create and Leverage the power of “massive momentum” so health, wealth and satisfaction are yours at last

  • How to determine what you really want, and how to motivate yourself to get started, keep going, and — most importantly — finish what you start, so you actually get unrelenting focus that creates stunning change

  • 7 secrets to good health, weight loss and fitness that you’ll never find in a diet or exercise program

  • How to create multiple streams of passive income so money can be made 24/7… in your sleep, at play or on vacation!

  • A little known technique to re-wire your brain and turn any adversity into tangible benefits that keep you on top of the mental game

  • The simple 5 minute process to discover the real causes of procrastination and stop it cold in it’s tracks

  • How to use the most powerful six-word “secret” in the world to totally transform your life, regardless of where you’re at today

  • The friction-free way to maintain laser focus on any goal so you stay on target effortlessly

  • Three simple, easy-to-adopt habits that you can use to radically alter your results and literally clone success

  • 3 super-hot motivational tactics that work on yourself, your family and your business associates

  • Six keys to creating influential relationships that quickly and dramatically give you breathtaking and immediate results

  • Why it’s imperative to start building wealth before you focus on debt and saving. This tactic is worth the entire investment. 97% of the population has this completely wrong. Get it right and leverage takes on a whole new meaning

  • How to harness the power of commitment to achieve extraordinary results in a tiny fraction of the time

That’s just the tip of the iceberg of powerful tools you’ll receive from this mind-expanding program.

Who’s Ready To Claim Their Power?

  • Business Owners

  • Online Marketers

  • Entrepreneurs

  • Consultants

  • Real Estate Professionals

  • Insurance Sales

  • Direct Marketers

  • Stock Brokers

  • Mortgage Brokers

  • Health Care Professionals

  • Sales Professionals

  • Network Marketers

  • Multi-Level Marketers

  • Future Business Owners

  • Anyone Stuck In A Rut

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