
Various Authors – 7 Days To Profit: $100,000 Challenge Webinar


7 Days To Profit: $100,000 Challenge Webinar

“Midas Touch Marketing Issues Utterly Outrageous $100,000 Challenge That Made Shovel Sellers Pee In Their Pants!”

Those Wusses Chickened Out For Fear Of Being EXPOSED…

From The Desk: Jo Han Mok & Ewen Chia

Dear Friend:

Do you know what a shovel seller is?

Well in the days of the ‘gold rush’, there was a great demand for shovels for mining gold, and not surprisingly, the people who made the most money were the people who sold shovels.

I quote you the story of Sam Brannan, a San Francisco merchant, who would eventually be made the richest person in California by the ‘gold rush’.

Sam was an expert in the ‘art of hype’.

In recent years, the ‘guru of gurus’ Dan Kennedy coined this term for the people who became rich by ‘teaching people how to get rich’:

Met Any Shovel Sellers Recently?

Well, who hasn’t?

Take a good look around and you’ll find them EVERYWHERE.

They teach people to sell “Internet Marketing Products” and give them ‘turn-key businesses’ to run.

That’s not necessarily a bad thing.

FACT: There IS big money to be made in the opportunity market, and it’s a great market.

But there is also a BIG problem.

Most People Just Don’t Have What It Takes To Compete In This Marketplace!

It takes some serious marketing chops to be a real player.

You’re battling people who are the NAVY SEALS of marketing.

Achieving success in a marketplace like this is not as easy as simply slapping up a “ready-to-go” website.

You need to be on guard all the time. You need to outwit, outperform and outmaneuver the competition!

You need a DEEP understanding of human psychology to edge out your competitors and to capture mind share.

Without the necessary time in the ‘trenches’, without the ability to re-engineer offers, without the ability to differentiate, you’re doomed to fail.

You Don’t Have To Bang Your Head Against The Wall…

All you have to do, is find another market that isn’t as ‘marketing-savvy’ as the biz-op market.

You may not realize this, but people in the biz-op market are ‘numb’ to powerful marketing tactics because they are overused.

“They Laughed When I Said Who Else Wants To Be An Internet Marketing Millionaire?”

It’s true.

Do you not roll your eyes upwards when you see a sales letter that had “Who Else Wants To..” or “They Laughed When I…”

Tsk tsk.

I DARE you to test headlines like this in markets that have only been exposed to institutional marketing gonzos.

You’ll understand the kind of marketing firepower you truly possess because you were a ‘biz-op’ junkie.

The results might astound you. In fact, the words “Secrets Of…” may just be responsible for your next sales explosion!

That’ll make you truly aware of the ‘stuff’ you’ve been taking for granted…because…

You COULD Be The Next Person Making An Internet Fortune From Pet Rocks!

And it could be easier than you think.

You see, Ewen and I issued a $100,000 challenge recently to our esteemed colleagues and associates.

Almost ALL of them turned us down.


Take a good look at the challenge below.

The $100,000 Challenge

“Armed with nothing but the Internet Marketing knowledge you’ve amassed over the years and with only $100 in your bank…How do you set up an online business in a niche you’re completely unfamiliar with in just 7 days…

What will you do in these 7 days to guarantee that this business will be set to do AT LEAST $100,000 a year?”

Jo Han Mok & Ewen Chia

You have to admit, it’s a REAL TOUGH one.

And you probably don’t need me to remind you that if the conditions to this challenge are met, then the information revealed will be worth AT LEAST $100,000 to you!

Well, here are the FEW brave individuals who decided to take us on.

As you read down the list of names, you’ll realize that these rare individuals are also phenomenal successes in the marketing industry, some of whom have been responsible for the success of Ewen and myself, and people we have the utmost respect for.

Introducing Your $100,000 Faculty Members!

$100,000 Faculty Member #1

Jeff ‘Six In Seven’ Walker!

You may not be very familiar with Jeff for a simple reason.

He’s way too busy making money.

But you may have heard of the ‘guy’ who actually made more than $106,000.00 in one seven day period, with no affiliates or advertising costs.

That’s him alright.

When he started publishing a free newsletter on the internet in 1996 a lot of people laughed – including some of his family and friends.

Then in late 1996, he told his friends he was going to start charging $700.00 a year for an email newsletter, and they REALLY started laughing.

And you know what? Right now he is the only one laughing, and he is laughing all the way to the bank.

Jeff doesn’t ‘hang-out’ on the Internet marketing scene much short of making some guest appearances and attending some seminars once in a while. He’s sort of a mystery man online.

Of course, YOU might not have heard of him, but his strategies are watched like a hawk by many of the inner circle elite of Internet marketing. In fact, his strategies were used to sell well over $1.5 million in products in 2003 alone.

In fact, after John Reese recently sold $1 million in product in a single day, he gave Jeff a lot of credit for teaching him the strategies to create the online “feeding frenzy” that drove that product launch.

$100,000 Faculty Member #2

Perry Marshall!

Perry Marshall helps companies grow sales and eliminate waste using results-accountable marketing and publicity.

Believing that investing any time in cold calling is a tremendous waste of resources, he designs marketing systems that consistently generate ready-to-buy leads.

Perry has used Internet marketing to grow a quasi-start-up business 2,000 percent. Four years after he started plying his direct marketing skills, the company sold for $18 million!

Since then, he’s marketed everything from eBooks and computer hardware to health products, high-end custom manufacturing and $50,000 software licenses online.

Universally acknowledged in the Internet marketing world as the “go to” expert in using Google AdWords, Perry reveals how to double the number of qualified visitors your site receives each day, while spending less money on online advertising.

$100,000 Faculty Member #3

Mike Filsaime!

Mike’s definitely a name you will have heard of. He’s the master of cranking out cash-churning products and websites that leave other marketers salivating. Check out and for yourself.

He has also developed some of the most innovative and profitable marketing strategies that I’ve ever seen…

Now Mike has recently quit his day job and fired his boss to pursue online marketing full time – why?

He is making much more online in one month than he ever did in ONE year as a manager in his old job!

Mike has grossed profits as high as $35,000 in ONE day and for October 2004 alone he managed to bank in $100,000 !

Don’t ever miss out on hearing what he has to reveal…

On the 2nd of Dec 2004 at 8pm E.S. T, we conducted a sold out webinar, and these guys spilled their guts on exactly what they would do in 7 days to dominate and decimate a niche that they were totally unfamiliar with and tell you how they would hands down guarantee that this business WILL bring in AT LEAST $100k a year.

And sure enough, these guys delivered, and met and exceeded the $100k challenge Ewen and I laid out.

Here’s Just a Tiny Sampling Of What Was Revealed In This Amazing Webinar:

  • How to locate little known rabid, starving markets which have irrational spending habits (a crucial determinant of the profitability of your business. Get this wrong, and you’re screwed)

  • The down and dirty on emotional vs mechanical markets

  • How to use simple blogging techniques to instantly penetrate any market

  • What people DO NOT know about Blogger and why over 95% of the people out there are not blogging correctly

  • The Google secret that makes spider man look bad!

  • The ‘secret sauce’ that makes keyword research work and why it makes making money as easy as shooting fish in a barrel

  • The critical factor to consider in continuity or one shot business models. (Most people get this wrong)

  • How to uncover untapped, hyper-responsive niche markets long before anyone else even knows they exist. (It’s like finding secret fishing holes nobody knows about! How sweet is that?)

  • What you need to do to increase the receptivity of your visitors so that you can convert the more easily into life long customers who will give you money for life

  • The ‘slim-shady’ method of milking your list for more profits, and how you can achieve ‘unheard of’ conversions ratios

  • Killer methods to increase your Google Page Rank (Deadly in effectiveness, but easy as pie in execution)

  • What you need to do to get Google to write you a big fat juicy check without fail every single month!

  • The ultimate shortcut to making a fortune on the Internet! You’ll out compete 99.9999% of all other websites with this method! (The beautiful thing is it simplifies your life by 350% or more!

  • Practical examples of niche websites that you CAN model. These secret websites have NOT been publicly revealed before for fear of competition

  • How to use “radio magic” to flood your Internet business with cash and turn yourself into an overnight celebrity!

  • How to build massive lists of highly qualified prospects by using a little known offline technique that requires nothing more than brass balls

  • You’ll shake your head when you discover the mind-blowing secret of the ‘network’! (And how you can use this secret in your own business to make a financial killing!)

  • What you need to do to uncover the hidden pot of gold that lies buried in the tidal wave of daily search traffic

  • What you absolutely need to do, to ‘oil’ your niche marketing money machine. It’s greased lightning!

  • Secrets of harvesting all the wildly profitable “low hanging fruit” in YOUR Business

  • How to obliterate ‘non-profitability’ completely once and for all!

  • Discover cutting edge tools that “force” your business to it’s ultimate potential

  • How to potentially profit beyond your wildest dreams by “plugging into” the right ‘money socket’. (You’ll need to know which one is the right one first)

  • And way too much to list over here!

While you might still be skeptical at this point and it sounds like hype, listen to these webinar attendees who started off as skeptics just like you…

Here’s What Formerly Skeptical Webinar Attendees Are Saying About Midas Touch Marketing’s “7 Days To Profit” $100,000 Challenge Webinar:

“Incredible! the information shared on this call was the BEST such info I’ve ever heard, and I’ve been on hundreds of teleseminars and webinars trying to find the exact type of info you guys gave out! Bravo! I have already started using several of the tips and am excited to see how 2005 plays out. Thanks, thanks, thanks!”

Rod Hammer

Absolutely amazing! I was sitting on the edge of my seat nearly the entire time. The information I learned from this broadcast just blew me away. Thank you so much!”

Simon Forsyth

“This has been one of the most informative “nuts and bolts”, “Step by Step” teleseminar I have been on in awhile. I have got so much out of this and now I have a very specific plan of action to get my niche marketing into the fast lane. Thanks Jeff, Perry and Mike and Thanks to Jo Han and Ewen for putting it together.”

Arnold Brownridge

“I just finished listening to the recording, and it was packed with information anyone can use. What I really liked was how each one lays out a day by day action plan, along with all the resources needed to get it done. It’s idiot proof! All three presentations were amazing and had 1 important thing in common…Once you have learned to do this the first time, you’ll have a blueprint to follow over and over again. Anyone who wants 3 unique blueprints for success should definitely listen to these guys.”

Al Hannigan
Cuyahoga Falls, OH

Without any doubt, this is by far the best webinar I have ever subscribed to and consider myself so lucky to have done so. I thought I knew it all when it comes to making money online but my head still has not stopped spinning with the incredible wealth of info, ideas and strategies it gave. This is information newbies thru to internet marketing experts would truly benefit from.”

Mason Ramm

“The content on the 7 Days to Profit Webinar was outstanding – You truly overdelivered! If you hold another one ( which you SHOULD ) I definitely want to know about it! Thanks for delivering an excellent value.”

Joe Gadoury

“Simply Awesome. I attended the online conference and was spellbound. Honestly, I have been online for over 7 yrs and know lots of Stuff. But now the learning curve is all about Marketing and Promotion. So my hat off to you. Great Job and Great Speakers.”

Judy Lamont

“Regrettably I missed the first hour of the broadcast but did get on-board in time to hear Mike discussing niche marketing. Fantastic! Within a very short time my mind was sifting through a million ideas and plans and for the very first time I became aware of just how huge the Internet is and of the endless possibilities it presents.”

Lee Wheeler

“Thank you, thank you, thank you! This put it all together for me. I have been trying to make money online for 3 years now, and I have tried just about everything, read all the e-books, listened to all the teleseminars, and have yet to make any money online. I have always felt that I had all the pieces, I just could not get them to all fit together. Now I not only understand how to make it all work, but more importantly, I know how to get off to an explosive start. I now know exactly what to do to tip the balance and put all the odds in my favor. I am right now applying what I learned to the websites I already have. This is life-changing information for anybody who actually uses it, regardless of their current level. Please, lock the recording of this call in a vault and only release it AFTER I have made my millions.”

Calvin Brown, WA

“I just wanted to say “Thanks!” for the strategies provided by Jeff. Just a couple of items that he highlighted will have a tremendous impact on developing my businesses. Some of the keys I am going to implement right away were actions on creating content for my site (now I have a realistic target to keep me focused), using Blogger, developing relationships with other Webmasters for linking, and much more! Thanks and God Bless!”

Jerold Johnson

“I really enjoyed this webcast. It gave me a lot of new ideas to try out and also reaffirmed that YES, it can be done.

Palyn Peterson

“Like many, I have purchased dozens of books and courses about Internet marketing. This is the first time I’ve seen someone put it together in a concise step by step low budget format. It didn’t just simplify the process. It reduced it from a seeming mountain of complex tasks to a series of practical steps that anyone can do. Thanks so much for putting this together.”

Kirk Peterson

I guess you might be a little more convinced that we were not full of beans, and our faculty members more than delivered what they said they would.

The Bad News…

It’s really a pity that this webinar is over…otherwise you would have been able to participate LIVE and feel the raw energy…

But the good news is, I’ve had the entire event captured on audio. All 2 hours worth! Save for some minor editing, everything else is uncensored, and you’ll be able to listen in, as though you were right there with us.

We’ve segmented the audio according to speaker, so you’ll get 3 audios in Mp3 format, and you have complete flexibility to listen to these on your computer, Mp3 player or burn it to a CD if you wish.

Listen to Perry, Jeff or Mike first, it’s all up to you. Every $100k blueprint laid out is complete in itself. No stone is left unturned.

To make it easier on you, we’ve also had everything on the webinar transcribed in a ready to go PDF, and you can print it off and follow along with the audio, and jot notes along the way. Believe me there is so much meat on this webinar, you’ll be in a frantic rush to take notes.

There is absolutely NO pitching, no B.S and no theory.

It’s 100% useable content that you can take to the bank.

In fact to make absolutely sure that you ‘get this’, we’ve gone so far as to get our Director of Web Operations Greg Johnson, a bonafide geek to create 4 special video tutorials that outline Jeff’ Walker’s unique system so that it is as easy as ‘monkey see, monkey do’. (We did this because it’s a little ‘technical’ than the other $100k blueprints and we didn’t want to take any chances).

As A Special ‘Take Action Now’ Bonus, You’ll Also Get To Download An Insider’s Guide To Creating 20-50 Pages Or More Of 100% Original Niche Content Every Single Month Without Ever Sitting Down To Write A Single Word!

The truth is…

You don’t have to be an expert on a particular subject to create quality content about that subject.

The “big boys” usually tell you that you do just to keep you in the dark about how they really consistently create quality content.

It’s not hard. In fact, you don’t have to spend any of your time creating original content. Let’s face it, if you’re selling internet marketing information to other marketers you’re going to struggle because there’s just too much competition from people who have been at this a lot longer than you.

This 20-page manual reveals a simple formula you can use starting today to create 10, 20, or even 50 quality articles (on any topic) in less than a month without writing a single word and tap into profitable niche markets with little competition.

So the question is…

What Would You Pay To Learn How To Make $100,000 A Year If You Knew That You Couldn’t Fail?

While information of this caliber will usually cost you around $1,997 or more, new webcasting technology has enable us to bring you this education for a tiny fraction of what others have paid.

Your measly investment is only $97.

I’ll be honest. $97 is WAY too low, and the only reason why I priced it this low, aside from my obvious negligible fulfillment costs, is to help as many people as possible.

This is not some make believe ‘altruistic claim’ designed to rip you of $97. I don’t need your money. Neither does my partner Ewen or my faculty members. All of us are already independently wealthy and it really doesn’t make a difference to us whether or not you buy this information.

But it could make a critical difference to YOU.

Look, I’m not saying this to be cocky or to brag or boast, but it is the truth. It really is our intention to help as many people achieve the same kind of financial freedom and control we’ve been blessed enough to achieve, and if you have trouble with $97, then more than anyone else, you NEED this information.

This information WILL help you if you take action on it, and apply the methods or strategies explained.

Massive Action = Massive Results

There is NO magic pill, no ‘sit on yer ass and get rich’ plan here.

If you cannot commit 7 days or more to making this work, then I suggest you keep your money. This is not for you.

You’re either a click away from making $100,000 a year, or you’re not.

The choice is clear.

To Your $100,000 Success,


Midas Touch Marketing

Get download Various Authors – 7 Days To Profit: $100,000 Challenge Webinar at right now!


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– If you cannot find the download link, please don’t worry about that. We will update and notify you as soon as possible at 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM (UTC 8).

Thank You For Shopping With Us!

Original price was: $97.00.Current price is: $20.00.

Digital Download: You will receive a download link via your order email “Midas Touch Marketing Issues Utterly Outrageous $100,000 Challenge That Made Shovel Sellers Pee In Their Pants!” Those Wusses Chickened Out For Fear Of Being EXPOSED…