
The Perfect Lead Magnet – Melanie Duncan



 Melanie Duncan – The Perfect Lead Magnet

The Perfect Lead Magnet – Melanie Duncan

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Discover the secret to building a list of your dream clients & customers

Most business owners are so overwhelmed by everything that they need to do, that they put little to no thought into what to offer people for signing up for their email list.

They know that they should be building their list, they just don’t really know how, so they slap something up on their site and then painfully struggle for years to attract the attention of their dream clients and customers.

There is a better way.

What you choose to give people for signing up for your email list can make or break the success of your business.

Let me explain…

  • To sell more of your products and services you need to get more of The Right people on your email list.
  • To get more of the right people to sign up for your list…You Need A Better Offer.

Here’s what works…

Give People An Amazing Reason To Sign Up For Your List.

(Get rid of that boring newsletter sign-up and create something that people will go crazy for!)

Believe it or not, no one actually wants to sign up for an email list, just to sign up for another email list.

If you want to get more sign-up’s, you’ve got to entice people with something that they actually want.

Start By Creating Something Innovative & Unique

Do you want to know how to stand out online? Create something that no one has ever seen before. You’re not boring, so don’t let your offer be!

This is your chance to showcase your creativity so that you can stand out.

In most cases, what you offer to get people to sign up for your list will provide their first impression – you need to make it count!

And don’t try to appeal to everyone (or you’ll appeal to no one).

When you have the right offer, you attract the right people.

When you offer something vague and general, not only does it sound lame, but it prevents you from building a list of targeted prospects who are actually interested in buying what you have to offer.

Your Focus Should Be On Building A List Filled With Quality Over Quantity.

To Do This You Need A Perfect Lead Magnet.


  1. Is a strategic sampling of the value that you have to offer.
  2. It can be obtained for free, in exchange for a prospect’s email address.
  3. It is memorable, instantly positions, and creates a desire for more.

A Perfect Lead Magnet not only attracts more of your dream customers, it makes selling more of your products & services effortless.

It doesn’t just attract more leads, it attracts the right leads.

This how you build a business flush with income, influence and impact.

The Average Lead Magnet VS The Perfect Lead Magnet

The Average Lead Magnet

 /></p><ul><li>Blends In And Doesn’t Differentiate</li><li>Hurts Instead Of Helps Your Brand</li><li>Leaves Prospective Buyers Underwhelmed</li></ul></div></div><div><div><h3>The Perfect Lead Magnet</h3><p><img src=

  • Stands Out and Instantly Sets You Apart
  • Provides Value & Positions You
  • Creates A Desire For Your Products & Services

Your lead magnet may be repelling your dream customers (instead of attracting them).

What you use to attract people to you is boring, generic and lacks value – people assume that your business is boring, generic and lacks value.

Talk about making it impossible to stand out online…

You will blend in with everyone else and fail to capture your dream customer’s attention.

The real secret to attracting your dream clients and customers is to create something special that will give people a taste of the talent that you have to offer.

A Bad Lead Magnet = A Bad Customer Experience

What do people receive from you after they sign up for your email list?

What you decide to send people within the first 24 hours after they sign up can make or break their decision to buy from you forever.

Are you delivering a WOW experience that leaves them tingling with excitement to learn more about you and what you do?

Or are you assaulting them with a WOW experience that lacks any real originality or value?

You only get one chance to make a first impression. What does your lead magnet say about you?

If you’ve got a few people on your email list, but it’s taking a lot longer (and it’s been a lot harder) to get people to sign up than you thought it would be…

You Need a Perfect Lead Magnet.

If you have offer something to get people to sign up for your list, but it does not deliver the value that you have to offer…

You Need a Perfect Lead Magnet.

If people are signing up for your list, but they aren’t buying your products or services…

You Need a Perfect Lead Magnet.

If making a better lead magnet on your “to-do” lists for months (but you have no clue what to create)…


The Perfect

Lead Magnet


 /></p></div></div></div><div><div><h2>LET ME HELP YOU FIGURE OUT EXACTLY WHAT YOUR LEAD MAGNET SHOULD BE…</h2><ul><li>This program will guide you through the list building process so that you can build a better list with higher quality leads FASTER.</li><li>I can show you how to quickly get your business in front of the right people so that you spend less time worrying about customers, and more time creating exceptional products and programs for your customers.</li><li>Gain access to the system that I’ve personally used to build email lists of hundreds of thousands of dream clients and customers in both my ecommerce and online education businesses.</li></ul><div>My own Perfect Lead Magnets have generated millions in revenue in BOTH ecommerce & service industries – so I know that this strategy can work for you too.</div></div></div><div><div><h2>TAKE A PEEK INSIDE</h2><div><div><div class=

 /></td></tr></tbody></table><table><tbody><tr><td><table><tbody><tr><td><a href= Portrait image for Melanie Duncan

PLM 4, cut 2

from Melanie Duncan

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