?This is a largely pictorial representation of approaches used to address facial trauma. It has a large collection of schematic pictures and photos from actual surgeries.
The purpose is to illustrate surgical approaches used in facial trauma. The accompanying online format makes it more accessible on the go and is user friendly.
The audience is residents and attendings, and the book would be useful for practitioners of ENT, oral surgery, plastic surgery, and ophthalmology. The main author is from a high-volume trauma center and has the experience needed to write this type of book.
It is always helpful to have new/updated resources that help residents better understand surgical procedures. The best part of this book is its well-illustrated, well-explained approach to surgical procedures. It systematically covers each approach, step by step, and provides illustrations to support the text.
This is a helpful adjunct when preparing for cases. The illustrations are very good, and the instructions are thorough, yet succinct and understandable.?
Weighted Numerical Score: 82 – 3 Stars
Doodys Publishers’ Club, May 2018
–This text refers to the hardcover edition.