
Simon Ree – Options Academy Elevate


I’ve been diving deep into the world of options trading, and one name that keeps popping up is Simon Ree. He’s the brains behind Options Academy Elevate, a program that’s been turning heads in the trading community.

With a wealth of experience under his belt, Ree has crafted a course that promises to take traders from curious novices to seasoned pros. I’m intrigued by the buzz and can’t wait to share my insights on what makes Options Academy Elevate stand out.

Whether you’re looking to sharpen your trading skills or starting from scratch, Ree’s approach is designed to elevate your understanding of the markets. Let’s unpack what this course offers and why it might just be your ticket to trading success.

What is Options Academy Elevate?

In the journey to untangle the complexities of options trading, I’ve come across a plethora of educational resources. Among them, Options Academy Elevate stands out as a premier program. This course is designed to arm traders with the expertise needed to navigate the options market confidently.

Founded by Simon Ree, a trader with an enviable track record, Options Academy Elevate is a comprehensive educational resource tailored for individuals at various levels of their trading journey. Unlike many programs that merely skim the surface, this course dives deep into strategies and tactics essential for trading success. It’s structured to build knowledge progressively, ensuring that foundational concepts are firmly grasped before moving to advanced topics.

Here’s what sets Options Academy Elevate apart:

  • Real-World Trading Insight: Simon Ree infuses his years of trading experience into the course, offering practical insight that transcends textbook theories.
  • Modular Learning Design: The program is segmented into modules, facilitating a step-by-step learning experience that accommodates both beginners and seasoned traders.
  • Interactive Educational Tools: Learners benefit from quizzes, interactive sessions, and even one-on-one coaching opportunities, allowing for an engaging and personalized learning environment.
  • Community Support: Membership comes with access to a community of traders, fostering an environment where knowledge and experiences can be shared.

Moreover, the focus on risk management within the course helps traders understand how to protect their capital while optimizing their trading performance. Given the ever-evolving nature of the financial markets, Options Academy Elevate emphasizes adaptability, teaching traders how to remain fluid with market trends.

The aim of the program isn’t just about imparting knowledge; it’s about transforming that knowledge into actionable strategies that can lead to successful trades. It’s clear that Simon Ree has structured Options Academy Elevate not merely as a course but as a conduit to career advancement for traders. Whether it’s options trading basics or complex trade adjustments, this program addresses a breadth of subjects, promising a robust learning experience for anyone committed to mastering the art of options trading.

Who is Simon Ree?

I’ve come across many prominent figures in the trading world, but few have the track record and respect that Simon Ree commands. A seasoned professional with over two decades of experience in the financial markets, Ree stands as a towering figure in options trading. More than just a trader, he’s an esteemed educator, author, and strategist, distinguished not only by his mastery of the markets but also by his passion for teaching.

Before founding Options Academy Elevate, Ree earned his stripes working with some of the world’s largest investment banks and hedge funds. His tenure in the industry gifted him a profound understanding of market mechanics and the strategies that truly work—not just in textbooks, but in the action-packed reality of the trading floor. His expertise spans across equities, derivatives, and foreign exchange markets, making him nothing short of a multidisciplinary trading virtuoso.

Ree’s philosophy centers on the power of Strategic Options Trading, a method that leverages flexibility and manages risk to secure financial success. His prowess in this field is unrivaled, and it’s this skill set that he brings to his mentorship role at Options Academy Elevate. His approach isn’t about get-rich-quick schemes; rather, it’s about equipping traders with the insights and methods needed to build lasting success.

Authoring the book “Turning Losing Forex Trades into Winners” is another testament to Ree’s dedication to knowledge sharing. Through his writing and education efforts, Simon Ree has shown an unwavering commitment to helping others unlock their trading potential. His books and courses are infused with his empirical knowledge, offering tactical advice that I’ve seen benefit both novice and experienced traders alike.

It’s clear to me that Simon Ree isn’t just an instructor; he’s a catalyst for transformation in the trading community. His role in shaping the curriculum at Options Academy Elevate ensures that members receive guidance from someone who’s truly walked the walk and knows the intricacies of navigating the markets with precision and savvy.

The Journey from Novice to Pro Trader

Embarking on my trading career, I knew the journey from novice to professional wouldn’t be easy. Still, I was committed to arming myself with the right resources, one of which was Options Academy Elevate. I can pinpoint the exact moment when things clicked for me. I realized that strategic options trading was more than just a set of rules; it’s a craft that molds you into an adaptive, thoughtful investor.

Early in my training, I was introduced to the foundational principles that govern the financial markets. I learned about the essential tools and techniques that every trader needs to know, such as technical analysis, market trends, and risk management strategies. As I progressed, the complexity of the concepts increased, but so did my ability to grasp them.

Working closely with Simon Ree expanded my knowledge exponentially. His approach, focused on practical applications and real-world scenarios, transitioned me from understanding theory to executing trades with confidence. We delved into options strategies such as covered calls, straddles, and spreads, which sounded complex at first but gradually became a part of my trading arsenal.

Here’s what my journey looked like in terms of personal growth:

Stage Skills Learned Impact on Trading Confidence
Beginner Basic market understanding Low
Intermediate Risk management techniques Moderate
Advanced Advanced options strategies High

The course modules were structured to build upon each other, ensuring a gradual increase in difficulty and learning. This meant that the transition from one stage to the next felt natural and that I wasn’t overwhelmed by the new information.

As I refined my strategies and learned to navigate the ups and downs of the market, I was pleased to find that the community aspect of Options Academy Elevate played a critical role. Interactive sessions with peers and mentors provided a supportive environment and the exchange of ideas enriched the learning experience more than I anticipated.

Through Simon Ree’s mentorship, I’ve gained a comprehensive understanding of options trading that transcends the initial strategies I was taught. It’s become clear that the nuances of trading are vast, but with the right guidance and persistence, mastering them is entirely within reach.

Key Features of Options Academy Elevate

When I embarked on the journey with Options Academy Elevate, I discovered some key features that set it apart from other training programs in the marketplace. Firsthand experience with a seasoned expert like Simon Ree is undeniably the centerpiece. Having direct access to someone of his caliber, whose strategies have been battle-tested in live markets, provided me with unparalleled insights into the nuances of options trading.

At the core of Options Academy Elevate is the comprehensive curriculum. It’s designed in a way that caters to both novices and seasoned traders. The course is laid out in easily digestible segments that are fleshed out with practical examples to showcase the application of theoretical concepts. I learned to not just identify but truly understand market indicators, and how to exploit them for profitable trading.

  • Technical Analysis Mastery: From candlestick patterns to Fibonacci retracements, understanding these concepts allowed me to forecast market trends with greater accuracy.
  • Risk Management: This crucial pillar taught me to protect my capital and ensure longevity in the trading world.
  • Live Trading Sessions: Nothing beats real-time learning, and the live trading sessions conducted by Simon himself are beyond educational. They’re a deep dive into the fast-paced world of trading, showing you exactly what to do when the market is live.
  • Community Support: The community access is invaluable. It’s a platform to connect, discuss strategies, and get feedback from fellow traders as well as mentors.

It’s crucial to mention that Options Academy Elevate also places a strong emphasis on psychological preparation, a topic often overlooked. Trading psychology plays a massive role in successful trading—understanding how fear, greed, and other emotions can impact decision-making is integral to becoming a disciplined trader.

The flexibility of the program ensures I never felt stagnant. As market conditions change, so do the teachings, all thanks to Simon’s commitment to providing the most current and relevant trading strategies. I found that the more time I invested in participating actively in the community and applying myself in the live sessions, the more I garnered out of the program.

Each tool, each session, and every module built upon the last, reinforcing my knowledge base and boosting my confidence. With Options Academy Elevate, I learned the true art of options trading, well beyond what I initially understood as the basics.

Testimonials from Successful Students

As I further delve into the effects of Simon Ree’s mentorship through the Options Academy Elevate program, I’ve come across a trove of success stories from students. Each testimony serves as a beacon of what’s attainable through dedication and the strategic application of learned skills.

Jeff H., an engineer by trade, shared how the course’s focus on risk management transformed his trading approach. “Before joining the Academy, my trades were haphazard,” he confided. “Now, I’ve embraced a systematic strategy that’s not only increased my portfolio’s value but also my confidence in making trades.”

Another student, Linda T., a former school teacher, emphasized the comprehensive curriculum’s impact. “Options Academy Elevate didn’t just teach me about the markets; it taught me how to think like a trader. Simon’s insights, especially on market trends, are now indispensable tools in my trading arsenal.”

The praises extend to the interactive community fostered by Options Academy. Arjun S., now a full-time trader, noted, “The live sessions and peer discussions accelerated my learning curve. I’m not alone in this journey—the sense of camaraderie is enlightening and encourages me to push my boundaries.”

These testimonials underscore the practical benefits of the academy. It’s not simply about learning dry facts; it’s the practical application and real-world experience. Students don’t just watch the markets—they become actively engaged, applying techniques in live sessions that mirror the choppy waters of real trading scenarios.

From beginners to those who’ve tentatively dabbled in options before, the feedback resonates with a common theme: Options Academy Elevate is a game-changer. Each student’s story is a testament to the careful curation of content that Simon Ree and the academy have put together to guide traders on their journey to mastering the subtleties of the options trading world.

Is Options Academy Elevate Worth it?

When assessing the value of any educational program, I always consider whether the benefits justify the investment. At Options Academy Elevate, the emphasis on strategic options trading does more than merely impart knowledge — it instills a trading ethos. The return on investment isn’t just measured in financial gains but also in the confidence and skills that students carry forward.

My time with Simon Ree and the intricate curriculum he’s crafted shed light on options trading in a manner that’s both accessible and profound. We dove deep into risk management strategies, learned to navigate market volatility, and even explored advanced options techniques — all essential attributes of a valuable trading education.

In the realm of testimonials I’ve witnessed, Options Academy Elevate consistently receives high praise. Many of Ree’s mentees are now adept traders who once started as novices. Student success stories are compelling indicators of the program’s worth. Enrollees rave about the practical insights they’ve gained, directly attributable to their time spent under Simon Ree’s mentorship.

Here are some highlighted benefits:

  • Comprehensive knowledge of market trends
  • Hands-on experience with trade executions
  • A supportive community for idea exchange

These aspects are difficult to quantify but have undeniably contributed to many students’ success. The live trading simulations and peer interactions offer a robust educational experience that textbooks alone can’t provide. With the innovative instruction style at Options Academy Elevate, the true worth is realized through practical application and mastery of the trade.

As a participant in the program, I’ve transformed from a tentative investor to a decisive trader. I’ve had the privilege of interacting with a diverse group of individuals, all striving toward a common goal under Simon Ree’s guidance. This network of ambitious traders is invaluable, providing support and fostering a culture of continuous improvement.

In my analysis, the potency of Options Academy Elevate lies in its tailored approach to education. By considering the trader’s journey, Simon Ree has orchestrated a program that’s as rigorous as it is rewarding. The real-world relevance of the skills I’ve developed is a testament to the program’s efficacy. The strategies, tools, and mental frameworks I’ve acquired are now integral components of my daily trading routine.


I’ve seen firsthand the transformative power of Options Academy Elevate. With Simon Ree’s expert guidance, traders can truly elevate their skills and confidence in the options market. The program’s blend of foundational knowledge and advanced strategies, paired with a supportive community, offers a unique and effective path to trading success. Whether you’re starting out or looking to refine your approach, this program stands out as a premier choice for anyone serious about mastering options trading. Trust me, the practical benefits are as real as the successes of its graduates.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Options Academy Elevate?

Options Academy Elevate is a comprehensive training program designed to teach traders strategic options trading. Created by Simon Ree, it assists traders in gaining the knowledge necessary to operate with confidence in the options market.

Who created the Options Academy Elevate program?

Simon Ree, an expert in options trading, is the creator of the Options Academy Elevate program. He developed the curriculum to help traders enhance their investment skills.

What skills does the Options Academy Elevate program teach?

The program teaches traders foundational principles, essential tools, and techniques for strategic options trading. It is designed to develop adaptive and thoughtful investment skills.

Is there a community aspect to the program?

Yes, Options Academy Elevate includes a community dimension where traders can engage in interactive sessions with mentors and peers. This provides a supportive learning environment.

What do students of the program say about it?

Students of the program have provided positive testimonials, praising the comprehensive curriculum and the practical benefits that the program offers in real-world trading scenarios.

How does the program transform a trader’s approach?

Options Academy Elevate transforms a trader’s approach by offering tailored education that focuses on strategic and adaptive trading skills, taking them from foundational to advanced understanding.

What educational approach does the Options Academy Elevate use?

The program uses a tailored educational approach, starting with foundational principles and gradually introducing more complex tools and techniques to help traders navigate the options market.

Original price was: $2,037.00.Current price is: $140.00.

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