
Shaune Clarke – Intimate Interviews


Intimate Interviews

“Interviewing Experts Is The Number One Skill
Any Internet Marketer Can Possess
And I’LL PROVE IT — Right Here! — Right Now!”

Dramatically Increase Your Targeted Traffic… For FREE!!
Create Low-Cost Products With HIGH Perceived Value
Quickly Befriend The “Big Guns” In Your Industry
Create Lucrative Joint Ventures In Less Than An Hour And…

Produce Riveting 45 Minute Webinars,
Teleseminars And Podcasts

My Name Is Shaune Clarke. May I Ask…
What Would A Brand New, High-Calibre
Business Relationship Be Worth To You?

What if you could generate new business relationships any time – any day you wanted?
It’s an incredible feeling. I know — Imagine creating a lucrative Joint Venture or otherwise profitable business contact… in less than an hour! I want to show you exactly how!

Here’s how it happened for me and how it can quickly happen for you…

For years I had my own TV talk show. Initially things went well, but I soon realized that “something was missing.” I’d watch my own interviews and see lots of missed opportunities – It was painful to watch – opportunities for “pivotal moments”…missed!

There was so many times that I could have asked a great question but didn’t. Moments when, if I would have “let it go,” the interviewee would have been far more revealing.

I’d also see great moments but they were rare.

I’d ask myself…

How can I create those moments more often?

How can I make those moments even more dynamic?

I Looked And Looked But There Wasn’t Anything Available
To Teach Me How To Conduct A Truly Dynamic Interview…

I began studying the “masters”… Barbara Walters, Oprah Winfrey and Larry King.

What I discovered was…

Even for these Superstars, revealing interviews were rare – so I collected what I considered “the best of the best” interviews… and I “reverse engineered” them to find out what it was that created “the magic”. By studying the sequence of events that led up to each pivotal moment, I uncovered elements that appeared in each dynamic interview.

No question about it — one of the critical elements was the quality of the questions. Recognizing the power of the right questions I created what I now call…

“The Secret Six”…

6 Different Types of Questions, each type geared to elicit maximum response from any interviewee…

1) Rapport Building Questions – To Get Comfortable.

2) Likeability and Trust – Set The Stage For Openness.

3) Emotional Questions – Get Their Guard To Come Waaaay Down!

4) Persona Questions – Reveal Their Dynamic Side.

5) Revealing Questions – To Bring Out “The Real Secrets.”

6) Digging Questions – To Evoke The Unexpected.

In each category there are 5 or 6 proven questions but experience taught me…

Just knowing these questions isn’t enough. What’s even more important is understanding…

• WHEN to ask them.
• When NOT to ask them.
And especially…
• HOW to ask them!

Once I had the Secret Six figured out I began working on other factors – vital elements that help create dynamic, revealing, even… provocative interviews. Over a period of months I refined the process down to a science.

The result was a specific strategy for interviewing — using my own set of unique techniques.
I soon found I could create a phenomenal interview at will – with anyone.

As I Did, My Business Accelerated…
From Nearly Six-Figures to Big Six-Figures, In Just Two Months.

You see, I’m a copywriter.

Originally I used interviewing to find the hidden desires of my target audience. I’d also uncover what their real objections were – their deep emotional hot buttons — the deeper reasons they’d be compelled to buy.

As a result I was creating copy with tremendous response rates — as much as a 457% increase.

Finding clients wasn’t a problem but finding Millionaire clients was.

As soon as I began interviewing I made contacts that turned into…

Joint Ventures… promoting my copywriting products.

Speaking engagements… at prestigious events around the world.

And yes, I began to write copy for Millionaires.

I was still copywriting – but suddenly I was “in the company of” and working with…higher-quality clients. People in a better position to profit, allowing me to charge much more. (And, of course the royalty income was waaaayy better!)

I began sharing what I was doing with colleagues. Some confirmed that they too had once used interviewing to accelerate their careers. For many, it was an “Ah-Ha Moment.” Kind of like this tap on the head – Hey, I need to do that again, I’ve gotten distracted from the most powerful marketing tool I’ve ever used…Interviewing Experts.

Others were shocked with the sheer simplicity and leverage that just one good interview offered their business.

So I took them on…

Consulting with them – helping them “get good” — meant detailing the exact process.

– Developing fail-proof approaches for experts.
– Laying out all the techiques in an easy to follow strategy.
– Creating exercises and a learning process to ensure “depth of learning.”

I labored over it for nearly a year but now it’s done!

Imagine the power of saying…

“My name is _________, I’m a professional interviewer. I’d love to interview you about __________.
(It must be something unique – something a normal interviewer wouldn’t say.)

Then say…

“I promise it won’t be a lame question and answer period. It’ll be a dynamic, connected experience that we’ll both have a lot of fun with.”

Trust me – all experts have had bad interviews – it’s one of the reasons they’re hesitant to say yes — When they understand that you know what a great interview is – they are excited! ALL experts love a great interview – it’s just that bad ones are “typical.” They can’t afford to waste their time.

Deliver a dynamic interview and suddenly you’re in the drivers seat to get whatever info. you want and… to ask for whatever “favor” you want.

I say favor, because at the end of this “Intimate Experience,” you have, developed a close business relationship – Instantly you have credibility and stature

With Just One Dynamic Interview You Become
An Esteemed Colleague… With Someone of Great Influence!

Colleagues “Do Deals” Together, Exchange Trade Secrets,
Share Contacts And Give Each Other Endorsements

No question about it, scoring a big Joint Venture is one of the biggest payoffs of interviewing experts but there’s more… MUCH, MUCH More!

In fact…

Here’s something REALLY BIG — It’s not to difficult so please don’t make the mistake of dismissing it as…”To Easy.” Here’s what I’m talking about…

The Idea Of Doing A “Series Of Teleseminars
With Experts” Is Absolutely Huuuge!!!

Anyone can do it — All you need is the confidence that you can effectively approach quality experts, (not difficult at all) and then deliver a “Must Hear” interview for 45 – 60 minutes. No question about it…

THAT’S How You Produce
Top-Notch, Money-Making
Teleseminars, Webinars and Podcasts…

You’ll Dramatically Reduce Your No-Shows’ And You
Will Not Suffer The Standard 70% Drop-Out Rate!!

Did you know that – Only 1/3 of the people who register for a teleseminar actually show up and 70% generally drop off in the first 15 minutes?

Why – It’s too boring – too slow – people’s attention span is very short.

You need an engaged and dynamic call right from the start.

Get this down and…

People will line up for YOUR teleseminars.

You’ll become known as “The One Who Delivers Actionable Content.”


Get this right and you can write your own 5-Figure checks – As many as you want – as often as you want!

I promise, you can become an expert at conducting “Intimate Interviews” in less than a week.

And how about this…

NO QUESTION ABOUT IT: Article Marketing Is One Of The Most
Powerful Ways To Leverage Your Marketing Efforts.

Check it out…

– Article directories like are highly ranked by Google.

– When you post an article to a directory your website gets mentioned in the “author bio.”

– As A Result, Your Website Gets BIG Credit …I Mean BIG CREDIT!

Google calls this credit a “One-Way Backlink.”

Are One-Way Backlinks valuable? – Absolutely!!!

Get this…

People actually pay for them!



With these types of backlinks…

You Can Get Excellent Search Engine Rankings
And Getting A Few Good Articles Posted Is All It Takes!!

Posting the articles and getting the one-way backlinks is actually easy. What most people struggle with is writing the articles but it’s no problem when you interview experts.

You just pay $20 to transcribe the interview, (I’ll tell you how) take about an hour to organize the content and just like that, you have two or three “fresh new articles” ready to go.

Now THAT’S Phenomenal Leverage!

Let me go one step further…

People go to article directories looking for fresh content to post to their sites.

They DO NOT Want “Standard Articles” but that’s what most people offer.

In other words…

If You’re Offering Articles
With “Unique Content,” You Can Get…

Even More “Google Credit”
And Exposure In Just A Few Days!

I Have Your Attention…Yes?

I”ll even tell you about a piece of software that quickly converts 2 or 3 articles into hundreds of articles — All high quality and unique. It’ll take a couple hours of your time but…

You’ll End Up With So Many Articles
And Backlinks It’ll Be No Problem To Get

Top Search Engine Rankings
Absolutely, Unequivocally… NO PROBLEM!!

But that’s not all…

You’ll never wonder where to get fresh content for your blog, auto-responder or newsletter.

And you’ll NEVER struggle, wondering how to ADD INCREASED VALUE to whatever you’re selling.

It’s easy! Just…

— Do the interviews.

— Quote the value of the expert’s time.

— Write out a few bullet points.

— Add them to your website.

That’s it!

By doing so you’ve quickly doubled the value of your offer.

Let me say that again…

With Just A Few Hours Work You Can
Make Your Offer Twice As Compelling.
Now That’s A Great Way To Quickly Create…
INSTANT High-Value Bonuses!

Of course, many people have created brand new products simply by interviewing experts. What power! Your Rolodex becomes a who’s who of your niche.

All you have to do is start asking, “Can I interview you?”

Okay there’s a little more to it than that. In my program, I tell you exactly how to approach them – what to say – how to say it and what NOT to say.

And as soon as you do…

You Become A Recognized Expert With Influence!

As you can see nothing compares to the broad-spectrum effect of interviewing. That’s why my Intimate Interviews program is easily worth 1000X what I ask for it. Again I ask…

What Is Just One Elite Contact Worth To Your Business?

Let’s face it, interviewing an expert is not something to take lightly. The last thing you want to do is blow a great opportunity. What you want to do is maximize that opportunity…right?

That’s why I’ve laid it all out in…

An Exclusive Experts Section Which Includes…

– Expert-Specific Questions
– How To Create “The Pivotal Moment”
– How To Maximize The Joint Venture Opportunity
– How To Easily Get An Expert to Agree To The Interview

PLUS all of this…

1) Softeners – Ask the really tough, digging questions and get away with it.
2) “The Set-Up” – They won’t even see the tough questions coming.
3) Directive Questions – You can lead them wherever you want to go.
4) Secondary Questions – So they can’t quickly deflect a great question.
5) Transitional Sentences – For when the interview gets a bit rocky.
6) 7 Point Emotional Bank Account – Have unwavering confidence…no matter what!
7) How To Quickly Create Potent Sales Copy – A real short-cut to compelling copy.
8) Advanced Techniques Not Revealed Anywhere Else! — IE: “The Dump and Pause.”

It’s All Presented In A Way That’s Quick and Easy To Understand
In Other Words, In Just Days You Can Master…
“The Number One Skill Any Entrepreneur Can Acquire”

Also included…

A very difficult, emotionally rocky Interview, transcribed with paragraph-by-paragraph commentary. Step into the mind of a Master Interviewer and “watch” him maneuver through the landmines.
The 9 Steps To An Effective Interview – The exact formula to follow every single time.
The Power of “Bringing It Back” – You’ll NEVER miss a great opportunity.

Ten CDs Including…

1. Three Expert Interviews That Reveal “Never-Before-Released” Content

Trust me, these guys did NOT plan on handing over their REAL secrets. You get to watch me work the process I teach – Follow along as I strategically create revealing interviews with each of these experts.

Imagine knowing that at any time you can make a phone call, book an interview and turn that 60 minutes into a marketing piece, a product and, if you should choose…

Your First BIG Joint Venture!

Here’s the list of expert interviews included in the program…

    1. Brian Keith Voiles – Million-Dollar Copywriter reveals the secret to his Most Profitable Piece Of Copy – It’s still mailing Millions each year – yet it only took him a few hours to write and he tells you exactly how he did it.
    2. Trey Smith – Frank Kern’s Cousin – Reveals the power of “The Dual Voice” and many other secrets to his unique $300,000 Automated email sequence.
    3. Alan Forrest Smith – Top Marketing consultant In the UK – Reveals the strategy he used to help another “Big Name” marketing company sell their $5,000 seminar – this after they had tried and failed miserably on their own.
    4. BONUS: Robert Stover – Former Jay Abraham Protégé – Reveals what’s behind this rarely discussed Jay Abraham mantra…

“Concept Over Copy – Concept Over Copy”

    Many believe it’s the REAL marketing breakthrough behind the unprecedented success of Jay’s famous “Mr. X” campaign.

No Doubt… What’s Revealed In These Interviews Is Gold.
Alone, This Insider Knowledge Is Worth
The Small Price Of My Intimate Interviews Program.

For Optimum Learning, You’ll Also Receive…

B) Interviewing Exercises – To Learn These Techniques On A Deeper Level

In everything we do there’s “depth of understanding.” The more “fluid” we are — the more competent we become. That’s why I’ve created specific exercises to embed the techniques I teach. You won’t just read through the material. By completing these exercises…

You’ll “get it” on a very deep level.

C) Recordings of My $1,000 Interviewing Coaching Sessions (The Best Two)

This falls into what I call “Contrast and Comparison” learning – Again, to deeply embed the techniques you’ll be learning. Your ability to create dynamic interviews will become automatic.

Listen as I review these same exercises with 5 or 6 of my coaching students. This intimate setting lets you follow along as we review each others strengths and weaknesses.

You won’t have to learn by trial and error…

Are you ready to…

– Associate with the Leaders in your industry
– Gain Instant Credibility, saving months (or years) of networking and relationship building
– Create Unique and Timely Newsletter Content – be seen as “in the know”
– Generate Free Traffic and One-Way Back Links – via links in articles
– Eliminate the competition by offering high-perceived value, “free” bonuses
– Charge higher fees as a result of your increased value and improved credibility
And even …
– Create Your Own High-Margin Info Products in 7 Days or Less

Terry Dean is a Minister, Marketing Consultant and author of “Internet Integrity.” He’s one of the Godfathers of Internet Marketing. I’m sincerely honored that he’s a customer of mine. Here’s one of his emails to me…

There’s a lot in what Terry says in that email.
No question, there’s tremendous potential for your business…

Here’s My Special Offer — INTRODUCING…

“The Secret Six and the
Power Of Intimate Interviews”


110 Page Manual – 2 Embedding Exercises – 10 Audio CDs

2 Copy Client Interviews – One Resistant – One Emotional $300.00

1 Coaching Client – Uncovering The USP $200.00

Underground Marketing Secrets – Interviews with…

Brian Keith Voiles – Trey Smith – Robert Stover – Alan Forrest Smith = $295.00

Three Intimate and Interactive Coaching Call Recordings:

The TWO Best Secret Six and Intimate Interviews = $500.00

ONE Best-Of-The-Best – Unique Techniques = $295.00

Transcribed Interview With Commentary = $195.00

Regular Price = $1700.00

Get download Shaune Clarke – Intimate Interviews at right now!


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Original price was: $595.00.Current price is: $85.00.

Digital Download: You will receive a download link via your order email “Interviewing Experts Is The Number One Skill Any Internet Marketer Can Possess And I’LL PROVE IT — Right Here! — Right Now!” Dramatically Increase Your Targeted Traffic… For FREE!! Create Low-Cost Products With HIGH Perceived Value Quickly Befriend The “Big Guns” In Your Industry Create Lucrative Joint Ventures In Less Than An Hour And…