This is a new framework to sell from Facebook mini-groups using a 5-day sequence that creates break-down-the-doors demand for your offer before you even sell anything! In this training, you’ll discover:
I love high-ticket offers because in many cases they’re easier to create and even easier to SELL than lower ticket offers. So whether you’ve never sold anything high ticket in your life, or you have high ticket offers you’d like to sell more of – or raise your prices – I want to show you:
This training is dedicated to helping you understand the hybrid webinar format, flow, and strategy that I use to average nearly $1 million in revenue per month. Whether you have a low- or high-ticket product or even if you don’t have a product to sell, this model just WORKS. This training is for you if:
I’m handing you my secret toolkit of hacks that we use in our own ads to stand out and make sure your ads on Google, YouTube, and Instagram get views and clicks. Plus 12 MORE ways to stop the scroll and get more eyeballs on your posts and ads, and I’ll show you HOW to use them with tons of examples along the way. You’ll also learn how to implement my secret traffic techniques, including:
In this training, you are going to discover the 3 big pivots that helped generate an $8.59 million product launch in less than 55 days and that helped grow NET income by 302%.
We’re going to help you craft an IRRESISTIBLE offer following a step-by-step formula that guarantees people want to buy from you over and over again. During this training, you’ll learn:
In order to get your first $1K sale in less than 30 days, I am going to take you through the step-by-step process to create a pre-order campaign that helps you prove demand right for your offer right from the start. In this training, you’ll discover:
Online courses are a great way to create leverage in your business…but most people tend to get intimidated by the thought of having to CREATE one and then sell it! I want to show you how to GET PAID to create your course, and my exact method to “screw it do it live” when it comes to rapid course creation. I sold $1.14 million of my first course, and that first course formed the foundation for all of our other courses. In this training, you’ll discover:
In this training, we’re going to answer the question: Is LinkedIn Traffic worth it? How to know if it’s right for YOUR business (and even when to use LinkedIn as your PRIMARY traffic channel):
We’re giving you the exact formula you need to follow to create a 4-day email sequence. From figuring out what it is the perfect offer you can make in a limited time FLASH SALE, through to the specific email sequence and language you need to use to make it all a success. Whether your email list is big or small, you can use that list to generate money in your pocket today.