
Robert Skrob – Associate Marketing



Robert Skrob – Associate Marketing

I’m REVEALING the closely guarded SECRETS I use to give info-marketers INSTANT CREDIBILITY, NEW
CUSTOMER acquisition programs and create
On Tuesday, September 18th , at 11:35 a.m. I decided to hold my rst during the Glazer-Kennedy Insider’s Circle
Peak Performers meeting, three of my friends locked me in the elevator. Yes, it’s hard to call anyone who
kidnaps you a friend, but there I was.
They asked me to host a seminar to reveal all of my closest held secrets. I had been asked many times before
and had wanted to do it, but with everything I have to do in a month, I had never found the time to put it all
together. Now everything was dierent, mostly because this time I was a prisoner.

They refused to let me o the elevator until I agreed to quickly schedule a seminar. This seminar was the
ransom. They’d heard about the results I generate and wanted to learn from my success. Finally, so I could leave
the elevator, I said yes.
ASSOCIATIONS Are Info-Marketing
Hi, I’m Robert Skrob, president of the Information Marketing ASSOCIATION. I’ve been in the ASSOCIATION
industry my entire career. Many ASSOCIATIONS are facing declining membership, but it’s mostly because they
are poor marketers.
When I discovered Dan Kennedy, direct marketing and the info-marketing industry, I applied the marketing
techniques I learned to my ASSOCIATION clients with tremendous results. When those results rivaled the best
info-marketers, Dan suggested I show them to the info-marketing world. While most ASSOCIATIONS are seen
as slow and out-of-date, I have proved that consumers are willing to pay premium dues prices for
ASSOCIATIONS that provide valuable benets.
For two years I’ve been personally building ASSOCIATIONS for info-marketers. Now I reveal all of the secrets I’ve
uncovered to help info-marketers achieve the same remarkable results by creating their own ASSOCIATIONS.
Up until today, this information has been available only by hiring me through my $38,000.00 consulting
arrangement. Meanwhile, several people have told me they want to implement my secrets themselves, but they
have questions about getting member benets or how to structure their ASSOCIATION to make sure they get
the most benet from their own eorts.
Introduction to the SeminarI created this special report to share the secrets of how ASSOCIATION marketing
works and to give you a special invitation. Please note, this report talks about a very specic type of information
marketing that may not apply to you. Even if it doesn’t apply, you should nd it interesting to read about what
some info-marketers are doing. Within the Info-Marketing Insiders’ Journal I focus on more typical infomarketing approaches used by a lot of info-marketers; in this report you’ll get to see some of the strategies a
small handful of successful marketers are using to build successful businesses.
This isn’t a strategy I invented. Associations date back to 1782 in England. During my career I’ve seen hundreds
of private businesspeople create new associations. However, no one has done more than I have to perfect this
process, expand the income opportunities and help info-marketers make money.
Make Information Marketing Easier
Success with AssociationsYour customers are familiar with ASSOCIATIONS.
Although your products are much better, the customer perceives a high level of quality from an ASSOCIATION.
ASSOCIATIONS have an impeccable reputation with consumers. (You run your business with the highest level of
ethical standards, and you should reap the benets of doing so.)
New entrants to business frequently look for the industry ASSOCIATION for information on how to succeed.
Industry members and vendors seek out industry ASSOCIATIONS for sponsorship programs; they don’t usually
know to ask info-marketers.
Members are reluctant to give up their ASSOCIATION memberships and only drop out if the ASSOCIATION is
completely inept.
Let me quickly explain these 6 reasons …
No. 1 – Customers are familiar with ASSOCIATIONS. They may not be familiar with whatever product or service
you’re trying to sell. When customers receive an invitation to join an ASSOCIATION, it’s easy for them to join

because it’s something they already do. They’ve never heard about individual info-marketers, but people
understand that ASSOCIATIONS are a source of industry information.
No. 2 – Although your products may be far superior to anything an ASSOCIATION produces, that’s not
necessarily the public’s perception. With an ASSOCIATION’s oer, customers trust that the products and
services have been reviewed and approved by a board of directors.
Dr. Barry Lycka launched an association and an area-specic coaching program that allows cosmetic surgeons
to dierentiate themselves. Only one surgeon from each community can be listed as a provider on the Ethical
Cosmetic Surgery Association’s consumer education website.
No. 3 – ASSOCIATIONS don’t have consumer problems. They are not haunted by the Better Business Bureau.
ASSOCIATION members assume products will be shipped. They don’t worry that an ASSOCIATION’s sta person
will steal their credit card number. With an info-marketer, customers don’t have that predisposed trust.
No. 4 – ASSOCIATIONS enjoy a huge bias: When you’re in business, you join your trade ASSOCIATION. This bias
is actually waning, so it’s becoming less of a factor; however, three quarters of the members of an
ASSOCIATION join because “it’s what you do.” Unfortunately, the info-marketing industry doesn’t yet enjoy this
No. 5 – Industry members and vendors seek out the ASSOCIATION. When people go into a business, they try to
nd the ASSOCIATION that represents them, and vendors look to ASSOCIATIONS to promote their products to
the market’s niche. They don’t seek out info-marketers.
No. 6 – Members are reluctant to give up their ASSOCIATION membership. They want that long-term
relationship; ASSOCIATION membership makes them feel like they are an active member of the industry. Even if
they feel superior to the rest of the membership, they want to remain a member.
4 Reasons Why the Smart Info-Marketer
Incorporates ASSOCIATIONS Into the Info-Business
Inside Association MarketingInstantaneously achieves the ultimate credibility for your info-business
Generates a steady stream of new customers for your info-business–eortlessly and at no acquisition cost
Puts an “iron cage” around your members so they stay longer and pay more money
Creates higher priced products and services that you can oer to your customers even if you didn’t think it was
possible before
The Best Independent Restaurants Association endorses Rory Fatt of Restaurant Marketing Systems.
First, let’s talk about the increased credibility through endorsement. The Edelman Trust Barometer reports that
ASSOCIATIONS are trusted above all other organizations, institutions and governments. When customers see
an oer from an ASSOCIATION, they are going to believe the benet claims more than they would from an
individual or from a company.
It’s clear that having the ASSOCIATION’s endorsement gives you a competitive advantage within a niche; the
trouble is it’s a total pain to get. ASSOCIATION sta members tend to think if they endorse one, they must
endorse all, so they throw up roadblocks. That leaves you having to train sta that endorsing you is the right
thing to do so they will go to their board of directors to make your case. Of course, the board meets only every
three months, and when you nally get to the decision point, one of the board members has a brother-in-law in

the same business, so he gets the endorsement instead of you. It’s a hard process, and I wouldn’t wish it on
I work with info-marketers to create their own ASSOCIATIONS to give themselves an endorsement. We create
an entire entity and presence and then provided an endorsement for the info-marketer.
Here is a lead generation ad appealing to members’ desire to be part of an exclusive club. Scott Tucker runs this
successful lead generation ad in trade journals; it gives him a dierent persona to complement his “rebel”
One of the rst things to do when you create your ASSOCIATION is to choose a name that gives you the
ultimate advantage. You want a name that will magnetically attract members to your organization. You want
potential members to look at your ASSOCIATION’s name and say, ”You know what? That’s the group I want to
be a part of. That’s the team I want to be on.“
Here are some examples of ASSOCIATION name models that get results:
National ASSOCIATION of Responsible (Name of Industry). Any industry that has regulatory oversight or
concerns is perfect for this name model. For example, ASSOCIATION of Responsible Real Estate Agents or
Responsible Business Opportunities or Responsible Internet Marketers. If you can provide a vehicle that allows
your members to dierentiate themselves from their competitors, you’re going to attract members to your
(Name of Industry) Bureau. For example, the Consumer Real Estate Investment Bureau is an ASSOCIATION that
reviews real estate investment opportunities and provides analysis and information for potential investors. You
can use this model for many dierent industries. For example, the Consumer Automotive Bureau. Really, the
Better Business Bureau is just a chamber of commerce with a great PR program. You can create the same thing
within your own industry–niche by niche.
Here is a lead generation ad appealing to members’ desire to be part of an exclusive club. Scott Tucker runs this
successful lead generation ad in trade journals; it gives him a dierent persona to complement his “rebel”
International ASSOCIATION of (Name of Industry). For a business opportunity info-marketer I created the
International ASSOCIATION of Moms Working at Home and the Opportunity of the Year Award that we sold to
other business opportunities. All participants receive the International ASSOCIATION of Moms Working at
Home Opportunity of the Year honorable mention seal on their marketing materials and websites. The entry
fees pay for a celebrity to endorse the ASSOCIATION and the winner of the contest. This is a creative way to
bring attention to the ASSOCIATION and build credibility for the business opportunity. This contest 1) provides
more credibility to all of the participants within the contest; and 2) it provides a customer acquisition
opportunity for these business opportunities through the celebrity endorsement, directory and the publicity
this ASSOCIATION creates.
The ASSOCIATION of Forward Thinking (Name of Industry). You could use this model for any number of
industries: ASSOCIATION of Forward Thinking Real Estate Agents, ASSOCIATION of Forward Thinking Jewelry
Stores, ASSOCIATION of Forward Thinking Tax Accountants, etc. The same is true of the following:
Excellent Marketing ExampleWhenever you can create a way for your members to distinguish themselves from
all of their competitors, you have not only created an ASSOCIATION worth participating in, but you’re helping
your members get more money and dierentiate themselves from the marketplace. Not only are you creating a
way for you as an info-marketer to dierentiate yourself within your market to your customers, but you’re

providing your customers an opportunity to set themselves apart from everyone else within their marketplace.
How ASSOCIATIONS Can Create a New
Funnel of Customers for Your Business
This funnel shows you the typical information marketing funnel that we’ve grown accustomed to working
through. At the top, there’s a huge pool of prospective customers. All of those prospective customers get into
the top of the funnel as leads.
These leads may come from website visits, calls to toll-free numbers or telemarketing calls. However they are
found, they go from this massive population of all of your prospective customers and lter down into leads.
With an association, you have another way for members of your industry to nd you and participate in your
continuity programs. I’ll show you how to structure your association so you don’t have to do any additional
fulllment to service those members. Instead, some members join through your existing marketing and another
stream of new customers joins through your association without any additional monthly fulllment.
If you don’t have a continuity program at all, you will want to create an ASSOCIATION just so you can create a
continuity program for your business–even if you never thought you could in the past.
ASSOCIATIONS Generate Dues Revenue
You have your info-marketing funnel, and now we’re going to add the ASSOCIATION funnel next to it. Your
current sales materials stay the same, generating leads and customers for your info-marketing business. In
addition, we will create an entirely new ASSOCIATION funnel to generate customer leads, but they will go
through a membership sales process. When members join your ASSOCIATION, they become a part of your
monthly continuity program as a membership benet. This is a terric way to go back and get those customers
that have not yet converted, and it’s also a great way to get a lot of quick cash because this is an oer they
haven’t seen before from an entity that they’re predisposed to join.
Puts an Iron Cage Around Your Members,
So You Keep Them Longer and They Pay More
Creating Lifetime CustomersSeveral info-marketers created ASSOCIATIONS to endorse and generate leads for
their coaching members. In these cases there are national directories of providers, so the coaching members
want to retain their membership so they can keep getting the leads from participating in the membership
directory. Plus, they know if they give up their coaching program, a competitor from their area will take their
place in that directory.
Many other info-marketers have created marketing materials for their coaching members using the
ASSOCIATION’s identity. By participating in the ASSOCIATION and coaching program, members are able to use
the direct mail pieces; these are extremely successful with prospects because of the trust factor.
Creates New Businesses
For Info-Marketers to Sell at Higher Prices
The International Association of Close Combat Instructors allowed Chris Pizzo to upgrade customers of low
priced products by oering a certication program and a business opportunity.
Create industry accreditation programs. All of the current programs–from the ASE certied mechanic to the
health programs to the police accreditation programs–all of the industry accreditation programs are created by
an ASSOCIATION or a private entity that’s doing the certication. There’s no reason why you can’t create your
own industry certication. You can create the standards, the curriculum necessary for participants to learn for
the certication as well as the maintenance requirements and programs for certied members to retain their
For Chris Pizzo, the International ASSOCIATION of Close-Combat Instructors was his opportunity to create a
high priced, area exclusive coaching program for the martial arts industry. While most info-marketers in the
niche are competing based on price for instructional videos, Chris created a coaching program that turns
enthusiasts into business owners. As a benet of the ASSOCIATION, Chris provides a certication process with
an established curriculum that coaching members must follow to become a certied instructor.
By forming an ASSOCIATION, Chris created a high priced coaching program in an industry dominated by
inexpensive DVDs, locked in customers for a long period of time with an established curriculum and completely
changed the economics of his info-marketing business. Because of this high priced product, Chris can aord to
run more marketing than his competitors and sell more of everything he has to oer.
Using these strategies, your ASSOCIATION will:
Give you the ULTIMATE CREDIBILITY for your info-business;
Generate a steady stream of new customers for your info-business–eortlessly;
Produce increased revenue for your business through sponsorships and other steady streams of passive
Lock your members into your continuity program forever; and
Create new businesses opportunities with accreditation programs and member marketing materials, giving
your members tools to use, resulting in additional value for them, increased credibility for you and, ultimately,
new customers for everyone.
1. Building Protable Associations Quickly Home Study Course. In November I held a small group, high-results
workshop for 10 people. This environment allowed me to work with real implementers, business owners who
were already successful, but were looking for this specic details of how I create successful info-marketing
businesses through associations.
For a limited time, I’m making the complete DVDs, audio MP3 les on CD, manuals and handouts available.
Seminar attendees paid $5,000.00 for this information, plus airfare. You get the complete seminar experience
delivered to you via Fed Ex 2nd Day shipping for only $3,495.00 or two easy $1,797.50 payments.
2. Revised and Expanded Building Protable Association Quickly, limited to 12 registrants. I planned and held
the November seminar within 6 weeks. There wasn’t a lot of time for individuals to change plans and there
were 3 dozen that told me they wanted to come but couldn’t schedule it on such short notice. Also, after I
delivered the seminar I found several les I’d been looking for before the seminar. Just last week I found an old
computer back-up tape I thought I’d lost so I was able to restore a bunch of examples, templates and content
that were previously lost. So, even if you attended the rst seminar, or especially if you watch the seminar on
DVDs, there is a lot of additional content I have for you in the May 14-15, 2008 seminar.
I’m accepting only the info-marketers for this seminar I deem as having the best opportunity for success. Don’t
be disappointed if you cannot attend; more will be turned away than I can accommodate.

So, let me summarize your choices:
Option #1 – Everything you need to create a successful association, templates, sales messages, and samples –
Associations for Info-Marketers Home Study DVD, audio MP3 les and Manual of Entire Training Program. Get
the home study course in one convenient package delivered to you via Fed Ex 2nd Day shipping for only
$3,495.00 or two easy $1,797.50 payments.
Option #2 – In-Person Training and Personal Help, plus the training to get started now. Apply to be one of the
12 individuals at the newly revised and expanded high-results workshop on May 14-15, 2008 in Tallahassee,
Florida. Plus, you’ll immediately receive the home study course from the November work-shop to begin your
association training immediately. You get the seminar and the DVD’s from the home study course for only
$6,997.00 or four easy $1,797.50 payments.
The Essential Information You Need to
Create a Protable ASSOCIATION Quickly
Add “stick” to a coaching program by generating business for coaching members–I’ll show you how infomarketers make their ASSOCIATIONS into lead generation resources for their members. This keeps coaching
members longer.
Give members a way to break through gatekeepers–I’ll show you what info-marketers license to their members
as part of their coaching programs. These tools help you keep members in your coaching programs.
Make your coaching members the trusted source–Members get more customers; you win.
I can save you a lot of
false starts and unforeseen mistakes.I’ll give you the tools info-marketers use to generate publicity for their
members through their ASSOCIATIONS.
Get your members to refer more–Finally, members want to refer you to others, and I’ll show you an example of
member-get-a-member programs.
Quick course on operation details–As quick as is possible to give you the details of setting up procedures so you
don’t make a mistake, but we’ll need to move on to other issues ASAP.
Robert’s ASSOCIATION template to get started immediately–I’ll give you the process I developed to get these
ASSOCIATIONS started quickly, the entire training manual. It’s like an Owner’s Manual for your ASSOCIATION.
Where to get all of the member benet programs, including Robert’s rolodex–I had an employee work for 18
months to create this list of benet programs; it’s yours as part of this workshop.
Easy member benet guide–Let me give you my template so you can get this done, have it printed and move on
to other things.
Creating more additional value than is possible with standard info-marketing programs–Make your members
the obvious expert with their customers.
Certication programs–How ASSOCIATIONS create certication processes and how you can do this within your
industry. Imagine handing out initials that people place behind their names!
Get attention when you are launching an info-marketing business/ASSOCIATION.
How ASSOCIATIONS help info-marketers present their sales message to prospects instead of getting ignored.
Techniques to get other industry vendors to promote your ASSOCIATION. It’s amazing how vendors and media
will give away to ASSOCIATIONS what they would charge info-marketers to do, even if they agreed to do it.
Membership sites–I’ve been hosting membership sites since 2001. I’ll show you what I do to keep members
engaged and coming back.
The 5 business structures of ASSOCIATIONS with the benets of each, so you can decide.
A budget of what to expect when you create your ASSOCIATION–most of it is marketing–the rest is

My website templates so you can create your ASSOCIATION website quickly.
The major mistakes I’ve seen info-marketers make when creating ASSOCIATIONS over the last 10 years and
how to avoid this yourself.
Certication ProgramsMaking your ASSOCIATION look like it’s been around for 10 years on the day you launch it;
this gives you more credibility.
How to make money–the models of dues income.
The essential tools to give members that help them generate new business, plus three optional tools some
info-marketers created that I hadn’t even thought of before.
The coaching model that ASSOCIATIONS use that has never been discussed within the info-marketing
community before.
You Walk Away With a Detailed Plan
Created for You by Robert Skrob
While there is a lot of information for me to teach, as a special bonus for seminar attendees I’ll dedicate up to
three hours on the last day to a workshop discussion. I’ll personally work through your ASSOCIATION game plan
and give you a detailed template you can follow. You won’t leave with just information–you’ll leave with a stepby-step action plan for creating a protable ASSOCIATION quickly, custom created for you.
Plus, you’ll understand the information I’m teaching better because you’ll get to see it applied to the other
attendees’ ASSOCIATIONS. A lot of opportunities are uncovered when you analyze someone else’s business
from the outside. Too many times we are so focused on the details of our market that it’s dicult to see the big
picture. In this unique workshop environment, the principles for ASSOCIATION success will be reinforced with
real-life case studies from the other attendees.
Act Before You Are Shut Out
I’m severely limiting attendance. While you’d expect me to take the maximum number of 12 people, I am
seriously considering accepting only four to six attendees. Each person needs to get their personalized business
plan, so I’ll only accept the attendees I know I can help within the limited time we’ll have over the two days. The
only way to ensure you are considered for this workshop is to get your application to me today.
Best wishes,
Robert Skrob
President and Founder
Information Marketing ASSOCIATION
P.S. I’m surprised I forgot to mention this, but you’ll walk away with a complete reference manual with
everything I’ll teach, plus my actual templates. I’ll give you the exact les I give to my web master to create the
ASSOCIATION websites. You can do the same search/replace I do to create brand new ASSOCIATIONS from
scratch or simply enhance what you are already doing. But only if you register now.
P.P.S. I’m making up the rules for this Quick Prots ASSOCIATION Workshop as I go along. When I receive the
attendees that I’m excited to work with, I’ll shut the door and won’t allow anyone else in. Your only guarantee
that your application will be considered is to get it to me immediately. Once I receive it, I’ll make responding my
top priority–you can expect an answer within 48 hours.
P.P.P.S. When I rst came across Dan Kennedy, I decided to guarantee everything I do, and this workshop is no
exception. If after the rst day you aren’t totally thrilled with everything I’ve taught or you aren’t satised for

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Original price was: $749.00.Current price is: $58.00.

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