
Richard Parker – How to Buy a Good Business for a Great Price


How to Buy a Good Business for a Great Pric


In this section we’ll review all of the considerations to be made: the upsides, the downsides, and all of the personal, professional and family considerations that must be factored into your decision.

There is only one reason “why” you should buy a business: because you want something better than whatever it is that you are presently doing. Most people spend their whole life “making a living” and completely forget to make any money!

There is absolutely no better investment vehicle than owning a good business. Not stocks, not bonds, not even owning your own home. Whatever it is that you can possibly want in life from a financial and lifestyle perspective can be gained from owning your own business.

In this section, you will learn:

* Understanding and outlining your reasons for buying.
* Why business ownership is the quickest route to riches.
* How to form the right attitude to buy that will immediately set your head straight for this project.
* Why looking to “buy a job” is the wrong approach.
* Learn to buy benefits and the future lifestyle business ownership will bring.
* Discussion of the potential financial rewards.
* Controlling your own destiny and the challenges to consider.
* How to creatively attack any potential business purchase.
* Financial considerations you must make.
* Learn the 12 things you must do today to get your finances in order to make a purchase.
* Why you must realize that there is no such thing as a secure job unless you own the company!
* How your past professional career has already prepared you for the risks you may face.
* What are the downside possibilities?
* How to overcome all obstacles if you’ve never been in business before.
* A three-step system that will overcome any lack of experience you may have.
* Understanding the objections and situations you will face with family members and how to include, not exclude, them.
* The attitude you need if this process is new to you.
* Deciding if you are window-shopping or committed to buying.
* Why 90% never buy and how their “looking” paralyzes them to make any decisions.
* The reasons why your best chances of success are in buying an existing business.
* The tax benefits of business ownership.
* The pros and cons of looking for something specific and why you must keep an open mind.
* How long will it take to buy the “perfect” business? (By the way, there’s no such thing. We’ll explain why.)
* Ready! Aim, Aim, Aim! Learn why others can’t make that final leap and how you will avoid their dismal fate.
* Preparation and completion of your Personal Financial Statement (interactive worksheet).


Fundamental to your purchase is determining the most basic of factors: is this a good business? This section outlines the ten rules that cannot be bent, avoided or broken. Any business that you buy must subscribe to all ten.

For example: Commandment # 2- Buy A Good Business and Make It Great! Don’t look to buy a cheap business; it’s like a bad used car. You’ll spend all of your time trying to patch ‘leaks” and you’ll have little or no time left for building the business. Buy a good business, a solid one, that through your talents, can grow and flourish. Start off with a strong foundation and build from there!

In this section you will learn:

Commandment # 1 – Pay For The Past, Consider The Present, But Buy It For The Future!

* The past financials will help determine the purchase price, but they do NOT guarantee what the business will look like in the future.
* You must evaluate the business for what it can expect to provide you with after you buy it.

Commandment # 2 – Buy A Good Business and Make It Great!

* All good businesses possess certain common features; you’ll learn how to determine whether the one you’re considering already has these in place.

Commandment # 3 – Ingredients Are NOTHING Without A Recipe.

* After the purchase, can you put all parts of the business together into one cohesive unit poised for growth, and at what cost?

Commandment # 4 – Fall In Love With the Profit, NOT the Product!

* You’ll learn how this traps so many others when they get emotional about the business before they buy it and their judgment is forever clouded. You must remain objective!

Commandment # 5 – Do What You Do Best and You’ll Manage The Rest

* Making certain that you already possess what the business really needs.

Commandment # 6 – Autopilot – (can the business be put on “cruise control”?)

* In order to grow any business, you must take advantage of technology – can this business improve it’s systems and run on its own so you can focus your attention on driving the profits?
* Where can you access the technology and what are the costs?

Commandment # 7 – Determining What Holds “The Gold”

* Nearly all businesses possess certain components that the current seller has not exploited.
* You’ll learn how to identify these sometimes “hidden” values.

Commandment # 8 – The Three Personal Things That Every Business Must Possess

* You MUST be able to explain it in simple terms to others.
* You MUST be able to explain it with great enthusiasm.
* It MUST be a business that makes you very proud.

Commandment # 9 – Evaluating and Identifying What’s Not Perfect Yet

* No business is perfect and every business needs attention. Sometimes the smallest improvements yield the greatest results. You’ll learn how to pinpoint all of them.

Commandment # 10 – What’s It Worth To YOU?

* Only you can truly evaluate the benefits of any venture. You’ll understand how to take a realistic approach to this crucial exercise.


It is far too difficult too explain in one paragraph specifically what it is that will direct you to the right business. Clearly, it is a combination of all of the areas that are covered in this lesson. However, if we were forced to reduce our entire course down to one sentence, it would be this:

“Whatever it is that you do best must be the single most important factor that drives the revenue and profit of any business that you may consider purchasing.” End of story!

Many buyers fail to recognize what business is right for them. Only you know what it is; nobody can tell you what’s right. You know your talents, your strengths, and weaknesses. Be honest with yourself. Don’t be delusional. Don’t pretend you’re something that you’re not. The really successful people are those who realize that they don’t know it all. Focus your search on businesses that will grow from your strengths and not suffer from your weaknesses.

As long as you match your greatest strengths to the right business, you can’t help but be successful.

In this section you will learn:

* A complete review and evaluation of the knowledge you already own.
* Identifying potential businesses that can benefit from your strengths and not suffer from your weaknesses.
* Discussion of your areas of familiarity.
* Identifying the industry you know best .
* Exploiting a niche within your job or industry.
* Targeting businesses that you’ve always liked.
* Establishing expectations that are realistic and achievable.
* The sacrifices you must be willing to make.
* Clearly identifying what “drives” you (money, the need to build something, control of your own destiny, independence?).
* Understanding, dealing and overcoming restrictions you may have.
* Identifying the job functions that you like to do (we tend to be better at the things we enjoy)
* Recognizing specific tasks that you don’t enjoy.
* Discussion of your individual strengths.
* Honestly identifying weaknesses, how to deal with them and understanding their role.
* Income expectations.
* Turning a hobby into a business (NOT A GOOD IDEA)
* Your fears or comfort level in a sales role.
* We will discuss how anyone regardless of experience, can perform in a sales role. All great salespeople possess seven distinct characteristics which can be easily learned by anyone-we’ll show you how.


This lesson will set your schedule for buying a business in a fraction of the time it takes others. You will learn what time you must devote to each stage of the buying process and how to avoid wasting time like so many others. Your search will be focused; your attention will be on businesses that make sense for you.

The average “buyer” spends over a year looking for a business and then there’s a ninety-percent chance that they will drop out. The longer you look, the greater the chances you’ll never buy!

Instead of looking at business after business and then trying to decide if any are right, you’ll know what businesses may be right for you, and then you’ll find them.

Life is short; opportunity comes in a second and disappears in an instant. There is far too much potential upside to not complete this project in the shortest time possible and move on to earn the benefits that you so richly deserve!

In this section you will learn:

* The theory behind time management, its importance, and learning how to control your time.
* Buying process timeline and schedules to be met from beginning (course study completion) to the end (your purchase of a business).
* Learn what traps most people into becoming chronic lookers.
* The rationale and strategy you need to follow to get this done quickly and right!
* The specific steps to take to cut the average buying time by 70%.
* How to get all of the information you need quickly and easily on any business without spending a dime.
* Use interactive worksheets that will prepare you for any possible situation that you will encounter.
* How to get the seller and broker to work on your timelines
* Why all other parties will procrastinate at every chance and what you must do to keep things moving.
* Learn the key areas that cause most to waste their time.
* Outlining your buying schedule and the tasks to be completed for each stage.
* Seven things to do at once so you won’t get delayed later on.


If you don’t know what to look for precisely, it’s difficult, if not impossible, to find the real good businesses. The longer you look, the greater the chances you’ll never buy. Remember, this is a buying process, not a looking process!

By the end of this section, you’ll know precisely how to identify good potential businesses.

This is a full examination of all the resources available to you. You’ll learn how to properly review every media where businesses are listed for sale. You’ll understand what to look for specifically in the local newspaper and online and in the individual broker listings.

Recently, we conducted an interesting project: we spent 90 minutes on the Internet, bought three local Sunday papers and reviewed four popular magazines. We wanted to get a real feel for what the average buyer would face if they decided to look for a business that particular week. We found over 150,000 businesses available for sale.

If you do not know where to look, what to look for, and how to tear apart listings, well good luck – because you’ll spend the rest of your days looking!

In this section you will learn:

* Examination of all the resources available to you.
* The best places for you to find what you are looking for.
* What to look for in the classified section.
* How to interpret the broker listings in the paper.
* Which ones to keep, what to toss aside.
* How to get more information than is published.
* How to identify key “for sale by owner” listings.
* Understand that “attitude” of every “for sale by owner” seller.
* Learn why you must wait before calling the seller.
* Tear apart buyer-listing sheets and focus solely on what’s right for you.
* Identifying and avoiding “Get Rich Quick” schemes.
* Publications to use and ones to avoid.
* Who to contact at the various publications and get them to give you great industry information and potential available businesses.
* The Internet – a complete review .
* Listing of the best websites for business for sale listings.
* How to avoid hours of useless searching.
* Utilizing the networks of Lawyers and Accountants.
* Getting them to solicit businesses for you at no cost.
* Networking Banks and other lenders.
* Using The Chamber of Commerce as a tool and how to get in even if you don’t qualify for membership.
* Friends, family and business contacts


Buying a business is a project combining several individual tasks. No single part is more important than another, somewhat like the spokes on a wheel. Do a great job with everything but neglect the Due Diligence for example, and you won’t make the right decision. Put all the pieces together but overlook financing preparation again, you will fall short.

START RIGHT: Begin right and set the proper foundation. To do so, you must be organized. If you do not properly sort, record, review and file Multiple Listings for example, you won’t have the luxury of reviewing comparative listings as you narrow the search. Get off to the right start. Organize yourself from the very beginning so that each stage can build upon the last one. This lesson will show you how to get set up, the files you need, how to log the mountains of information, and how to successfully retrieve what you need in a moment’s notice.

In this section you will learn:

* Making organization a priority.
* A complete list of all of the items that you will need to begin the search.
* Specific file folders to set up.
* The system to use to manage all of the paper.
* Keeping the paper under control and at your fingertips.
* Organizing the Multiple Listing Sheets.
* What to highlight and identify on Individual Business Listings.
* Discussion of Non Disclosure Forms and what you should and should not sign.
* Dissecting the financial information.
* How to catalog individual businesses.
* Gathering the banking information you’ll need.
* Individual files that need to be set up once you decide to check out a specific business.
* Creating “Post Purchase” files.
* A system to organize all of the thoughts that will come into your head.
* Review of the money required for the search.


Most inexperienced buyers make the terrible assumption that all they must do is hire a business broker and presto; the right business will come to them. Nothing is further from the truth! A good broker can help you but the wrong one will prove to be a monumental waste of your time!

A good broker can help you but they cannot and will not do your work!

Remember, a business broker represents the seller – ALWAYS! The seller pays their commission even if it’s not their listing and so they’re immediately in a conflict of interest. Their goal is to sell you ANY business, not necessarily the right one!

We recommend that you “use” a business broker to help you in two specific areas:

* providing access to available businesses for sale through their database of multiple listings.
* delivering bad news to the seller.

In this section you will learn:

* Should you use one? (Yes you should, but you must hire the right one.)
* Understanding why you must show them you’re a serious buyer (because they probably won’t even return your emails/phone calls until then).
* How can brokers help you.
* What’s in it for them?
* Who pays their commission and why this is important?
* Is their commission negotiable and how to get them to reduce it to help you pay for a business?
* The obligations you have to the broker.
* How to find a good broker.
* Websites to use to locate local brokers.
* Your strategy on your first call to the broker.
* Setting up a meeting with a potential broker
* Learn one great technique that will immediately identify how effective they will be.
* 18 Questions to ask each broker when you interview them.
* Checking out their references with former buyers and sellers.
* The 17 Questions to ask their current clients.
* Calling former business sellers for references and The 10 Questions to ask each.
* Getting the broker to show you ALL of the listings and the ones that may be “reserved ” for someone else.
* Understand how the brokers negotiate with the seller.
* Should you use the broker’s contacts (professionals, banks, etc.).
* How to handle businesses that you may find on your own (getting your broker to acquire additional information for you).
* Sample letters to send out to potential businesses.
* Review and case study of the Broker Listings, Non Disclosure Forms and Multiple Listing Sheets.
* Exhibits and forms they will want you to sign (understand why you can’t agree to some of them).


Every single business is for sale, even those that aren’t currently listed. Under the right conditions every owner would sell. Wouldn’t you? You will quickly learn what types of businesses are right for you and it may in fact be a company that is not currently on the market. Once you determine the specific type, which you will, why limit yourself to what is listed?

You’ll learn how to creatively approach every business, even those they may not be “on the market” currently. You’ll know how to present yourself properly to the seller without being overly eager and you’ll be equipped with the skills you need to convince someone to sell you their business even though they may say that it’s not for sale.

In this section you will learn:

* Understanding why every business owner will sell.
* The six conditions by which sellers choose to sell.
* Identifying under-valued and potential candidates.
* Learn how to tune in to every business you come across and see their strengths and weaknesses.
* Proven strategies to approach and solicit a business that is not currently for sale.
* Pursuing a business that has always intrigued you – the ideal business may be staring you in the face.


Under the right conditions and for certain buyers, a franchise provides a wonderful option that is well worth investigating. However, you are far better off buying an existing location, one that’s already operating successfully, rather than trying to find, buy and build a new one.

When you approach a Master Franchiser regarding a new location they will bombard you with market studies. They will tell you that if their study proves correct and if the passing traffic trends continue and if the area continues to grow at the same pace and if the industry continues to thrive and if you follow their steps exactly and if you buy all of their promotions then you should do well.

And if you were born into the royal family, you wouldn’t have to work for a living!

Franchises can be great business models for some people, but BUY A RESALE! There are plenty available and we’ll show you where and how to find the right one.

Franchises require a different set of investigative strategies and we’ll outline them all for you in a step-by-step approach. You’ll also learn how to approach the Master Franchisers so that that they will divulge available resales as opposed to trying to sell you a new, unproven location.

In this section you will learn:

* How to make money in franchising.
* Learn the three big advantages that a franchise can offer.
* Understand why franchises are not for everyone.
* The exact steps to find available resales.
* Why franchisers cannot guarantee your success.
* Getting the Master Franchiser to cooperate.
* Find resales that aren’t “officially” for sale.
* Evaluation of new versus existing franchises.
* Why some Franchisers won’t tell you about resales.
* When to get in to a franchised concept.
* Contracts: their importance, the details, and what you must be on guard for.
* The 25 things you absolutely must know about the franchise contract.
* How to avoid doing a deal and having it vetoed by the Franchiser.
* How your partner (The Master Franchiser) may be your competitor.
* Getting the owner to pay the transfer fee.
* Conducting the Due Diligence and why it’s so different from a non-franchised business.
* 17 critical areas to be investigated.
* How you can “test drive” a franchise.
* Key questions to ask other franchisees.
* 15 crucial questions to ask the franchiser to ensure that they are the right group to be with.
* Resources to find available franchises.


Regardless of what size business that you are looking to purchase, you’ll need to use the services of both an accountant and lawyer. The smaller the business, the less you’ll need them, but you’ll need them. They will be a defense mechanism for you to be certain that anything that you agree to is legal and binding, and to ensure that you are well aware of any risk or exposure.

Fairness, reason and balance should be sought. Don’t let lawyers screw up your deal – they are very capable of doing it. Remember, the lawyer’s role is simply to write in “legalese” what you and the seller have agreed upon.

You’ll learn how to hire them and which questions to ask that will assure you of engaging the right professionals who can assist you in your purchase and not simply take your money for drawing up contracts.

In this section you will learn:

* Complete discussion on accountants and lawyers and the way they operate.
* Understand why they can ruin every deal.
* What role can they play in getting you a better deal.
* The protections they can offer.
* Do you need them?
* How they can help you.
* Leveraging their contacts.
* How to avoid the traps that many fall into and pay a fortune for services you can easily do on your own.
* How to choose them.
* 9 key questions to ask them to be sure that they’re right for you.
* Checking their references.
* Getting free information from them.
* When will you need a specialist?
* Setting the parameters of the relationship.
* 20 key points to cover in your first meeting.
* What are their costs?
* Negotiating their fees (everything is negotiable!).
* Why you must ask certain questions first.
* How to keep them focused on your work.
* Why big fees don’t necessarily mean that they’re any good.
* Making sure that they are interested in your business.
* Eleven Surefire Ways to save money on their fees (this is bulletproof!).


A fear or lack of knowledge in accounting must not, will not and cannot prevent you from buying a business.The beauty of accounting is that it’s based on numbers and numbers don’t lie. Sellers may lie, but not numbers.

All Financial Statements follow a similar pattern from one business to the next so the format will become familiar to you quickly and our approach will have you feeling confident and comfortable within an hour. It’s really is very easy to gain a grasp on this area quickly and effectively.

Don’t get nuts about the financials. You want to view them to get an idea of what to expect but they reflect the past, not the future. You don’t buy a business for the past unless you’re planning on going backwards.

In this section you will learn:

* A complete overview of accounting in simple terms.
* Defining “accounting” for the most inexperienced buyer.
* Understand why a lack of accounting cannot prevent you from purchasing.
* Why accounting is overrated.
* Learn what aspects of accounting can give you a glimpse of the future.
* A case study that will clearly define the accounting basics.
* If you can add, subtract multiply and divide, you’ve got most of it covered.
* Matching debits and credits.
* Understanding time and its relationship within accounting.
* The basis for accounting.
* Understanding Cash and Accrual Accounting.
* You will learn how to properly interpret Financial Statements in one hour!
* What to look for on financial statements.
* What many people fail to overlook.
* How to determine if they are true and accurate.
* Learn all the buzz words so sellers will know you’re an expert.
* Real-life examples, worksheets and case studies.
* The different periods in the life of a business.
* The Balance Sheet (interactive worksheet).
* Defining Net Worth.
* Valuing Assets.
* Understanding Liabilities.
* Determining Owner’s Equity.
* The Income Statement (interactive worksheet).
* Understanding Revenues, Expenses and their meaning and impact.
* Learn how to uncover the hidden meanings.
* Learning all of the ways that a seller can manipulate the financials to make them look better than they are.
* Perform an interactive exercise that can save you thousands of dollars, not to mention a lot of aggravation.


The seller is the second-most important part of the equation; you, of course, are first. The seller must “pull the trigger” from the other side in order to complete the deal. You will come to discover that the seller can be a wealth of information for you throughout the process. After all, who better than the owner to know the business?

WARNING! WARNING! No matter how decent, kind, reasonable and helpful a particular seller may be, never forget that they want to sell you something! Will they lie to you? Maybe. Will they “stretch” the truth? Always! Be aware that they see you as their way out and they will say and do what they must to sell you. They want to close the deal, so while they can be a wealth of information, you must qualify it or face the consequences of its inaccuracy later on.

In this section you will learn:

* The Mental Aspect.
* Seven things you must do immediately with each Seller.
* How they can help you.
* How they can hurt you.
* How to qualify the information they will give you.
* How to establish a direct negotiating link with them.
* How to deal with uncooperative sellers.
* Investigating the information they give you.
* Why you must get them to become a fan of yours.
* Getting them to agree to finance the purchase.
* The approach to use when they “stretch the truth”.
* Being sensitive to their concerns and fears.
* Helping the situation.
* Recognizing and dealing with “Seller’s Remorse”.
* Gaining their trust.
* Avoid wasting their time.
* How to play it cautiously with them and limit your exposure.
* Understanding that you are each trying to “sell” each other.
* The training that you need them to provide (get them to stay twice as long as they’ve offered).
* How to work with the owner after closing.
* Determining whether or not they should stay.
* How you can make the situation easier.
* How long should they stay?
* What to do after the training period.
* What role should the former owner play?
* How involved should they be?
* Preparing for the obstacles you will face.
* How to terminate early.
* Where should they work?
* Why you should listen to what they have to say.
* Keeping them available for future questions.
* Review of all of the possible agreements to set up if you need them for longer.


This is the first stage where the buying process claims its victims. It’s where “lookers” remain lookers or they are converted into buyers. Focus, focus, focus on the right target is crucial, but it’s no use looking until you know what to look for specifically.

This section incorporates worksheets, real-life examples and case studies so that you will easily tear apart business for sale listings in all formats and focus 100% of your attention and search on businesses that make sense for you.

In this section you will learn:

* How to tear apart the business listings and identify good potential businesses to purchase.There are more than 70 individual items to review and we’ll provide you with the specific things to look for with each of them!
* Recognizing an entire group of available businesses that have to be eliminated immediately.
* Examination of all the resources available to you.
* The best places for you to find what you are looking for.
* What to look for in the classified section.
* Slashing the choices to ones that make sense for you.
* How to interpret the Broker listings. Review of “For Sale By Owner” businesses and learn the exact approach you must use for these (if you don’t, you’ll mess it up and then you can forget about the listing).
* Sample letters and specific techniques to approach private sellers.
* Useful publications to reference.
* Leveraging your network of family, friends, business associates and Lawyers and Accountants (they have incredible networks).
* A realistic review of your income expectations.
* Multiple Listing Sheets – a line-by-line analysis/case study and detailed examination of everything that you will find on the listing sheets that brokers/sellers will send to you.
* Business Listing Sheets.
* How to decide which to keep, which to toss?
* A complete description of every line item, its meaning, things to look for, inconsistencies to identify and potential candidates.
* Case study on how to read these listings and discover more than what seems to be there.
* Complete financial review.
* Interactive worksheets, real-life examples.

VISITING THE BUSINESS – The key questions to ask every seller

In this section you’ll learn how and what to prepare, the specific questions you must ask, the answers to look for, point-counter-point strategies, and techniques for every possible situation. You’ll know what the seller will ask you, what answers to give, how to uncover the real answers, the true reason why they are selling and tons of other tips.

YOUR MISSION: When you begin visiting businesses it will be a very exciting, scary, anxious and exhilarating experience. Don’t worry, the seller is feeling the exact same thing. Your mission is very simple: first of all, you want to learn enough to determine if you even want to pursue it further; and second, you need to obtain enough detailed information so that you will be able to begin gathering information on the industry and the competition to see if

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Original price was: $99.00.Current price is: $32.00.

Digital Download: You will receive a download link via your order email after successful paymentWHY BUY A BUSINESS AND WHAT TO CONSIDER. In this section we’ll review all of the considerations to be made: the upsides, the downsides, and all of the personal, professional and family considerations that must be factored into your decision…