
Richard Conero and CopyProtege – Finding the Worlds Best Ideas


Finding the Worlds Best Ideas

How to Think Up BIG IDEAS That Can
Change The World, Shape Opinions, and
Make You Rich

… plus, make you indispensable –even highly sought-after –
during the roughest economy since the Great Depression!

Dear Friend,

When I learned the secret I’m going to reveal to you today, I was floored.

Not only because it can turn anything – any product, service, idea, or concept – into an unprecedented, multimillion dollar, vote-getting, mind-changing, passionate, compelling, raging success …

But because it’s also incredibly simple – and almost no one thinks to use it!

Just by reading this letter right now, you’ll have the edge. Immediately. At your fingertips.

In the next 10 minutes, you could have what it takes to join the ranks of the most successful, wealthiest, most persuasive people in the world …

Karl Marx Used It In Politics …
Albert Einstein Used It In Physics …
Bill Gates Used It To Launch The Computer Age …

I’m talking about the power of a Big Idea to shape opinions, change the world, create culture-changing innovations …

… and yes, make you rich.

If you track just about any trend, fad, and cultural phenomenon to its inception, you’ll find it. The kernel of the Big Idea that sprouted it.

I’m Monica Day, Co-Editor of The Copy Protégé. As a freelance direct response copywriter, I’ve written promotions that have sold millions of dollars of products for my clients. And every single one of them has relied on the power of the Big Idea to turn readers into buyers.

I don’t know about you, but I wasn’t someone who woke up with Big Ideas popping out of my head from morning ‘til night. In fact, I never much considered myself an idea person. I would study the big multimillion dollar promotions that worked in my industry – and shake my head.

How did they do it?

I honestly had no idea – I was winging it the first two years of my career!

Until I landed my first big financial promotion, and I finally stumbled across the easiest, most obvious “secret” that drives the entire $70 billion direct mail industry.

When I turned in what I thought was a final draft – ready to go to print and head into the mail – I started to pack up my family for a two-week vacation at the beach.

The sand buckets hadn’t hit the trunk yet when I got a call from my client’s copy chief …

“It’s good,” he said. “But it could be much, much better … ”

Then, he started firing a bunch of questions at me about my topic. I couldn’t answer any of them. In fact, none of them had even dawned on me. And I had no idea where I would turn to answer them.

I was devastated. I could see that I hadn’t made my case, and the promotion was likely to fail.

That’s when he pulled back the curtain and let me into a secret world where only the top copywriters know to go …

I Finally Understood
The Difference Between What Made An Idea Good
… .And What Could Make It Great

That’s the good news.

The bad news is that it took me hours and hours and hours to make that leap. I’m serious – I can still point to a few sentences in that promotion that took two hours of research each to complete.

I sat at the computer most of the day and late into the evenings during that year’s “vacation” … while my family enjoyed the sand and the sun. Even though I knew the promotion was getting better and better – I have to admit – I was miserable.

I resolved to learn a better way – and I did.

Today, I’m going to share with you the fastest, easiest way to find and develop Big Ideas – but in a fraction of the time it took me that miserable summer. I think you’ll be surprised – and maybe a little disappointed when I tell you what it is …

No Genius-Level Intelligence, Sex Appeal, Or Star Status Required

Sure, making money like Bill Gates … instigating a cultural revolution like Karl Marx … innovating world-changing scientific discoveries like Albert Einstein … sounds pretty sexy.

Conducting effective research? Not so sexy.

That’s why so few people bother.

Most people think, like I did, that you have to be some kind of genius to join the league of great thinkers. The truth is, you don’t have to be more creative, more connected – more anything – than the next guy to turn your ideas into gold.

You just have to know what questions to ask, and where to find the answers. It’s that simple – and in this age of information overload – that hard.

That’s why I went right to the source.

You see, after I struggled through that first promotion, I lucked out. My client introduced me to one of the top researchers in the business – his name is Richard Conero. He is the secret weapon who lives in the back pocket of leading direct marketing companies such as Forbes, Agora Publishing, and 21st Century Investor … just to name a few.

Today’s economic decline? Richard wrote about it four years ago!! He literally predicted exactly how it would happen – and warned a lucky subset of investors’ way in advance so they could protect their money.

In fact, every single investment recommendation he’s ever made has boomed by at least 100% — but he’s never set foot on Wall Street!

This is because Richard doesn’t just find information, he gathers intelligence. He can:

  • Size up the investment potential of a company – or find opportunities in just about any market , in any country, on any subject – in as little as five minutes
  • Find the super stories behind the headlines in mainstream media
  • Take an overdone topic and give it a twist or new angle – allowing his clients to extract millions of dollars in sales as a result

Through a combination of charm, friendship (and copious amounts of Chilean wine), I convinced Richard to reveal some of his most closely-guarded secrets garnered over the course of his decade of experience as an Informationist.

Introducing …
Finding the World’s Best Ideas: How to Access More Than $100,000
Worth of Intelligence for as Little as 55 Cents a Day!

Boy, did he deliver. Big time. He spills it all in the groundbreaking new program: Finding the World’s Best Ideas How to Access More Than $100,000 Worth of Intelligence for as Little as 55 Cents a Day!

In this course, Richard reveals the secrets and tools that transform the noise of internet information into the power of knowledge and intelligence.

He also shows you – step-by-step – how to develop the kinds of unique and disruptive ideas that fuel the world’s most profitable endeavors.

This course reveals how you can:

  • Join the world’s most successful marketers and make millions of dollars every day … on a single idea!
  • Get out from under Google and Yahoo – and find out where the most profitable Big Ideas really live on the internet.
  • Use a simple process to transform the intelligence you gather into unique and disruptive ideas that will grab your audience’s attention and keep it all the way through to the end of your promotion or presentation.
  • Find out what your target audience thinks, feels and eats for breakfast – without spending a dime on surveys, focus groups and other costly data procurement.
  • Assemble a treasure chest of intelligence that you can return to again and again – you’ll never again have to start from scratch on any project!
  • Learn to discern credible sources from hoaxes, personal opinions and outlandish claims hiding on the Web disguised as “experts.”
  • Find the lunatic fringe – and follow their ramblings all the way to the bank.
  • Learn to set aside your own ideals and opinions and look at stories and ideas through many different lenses – greatly increasing the numbers of ideas you can develop on any given topic.

You remember how you had one teacher in school who stood out from the rest? Who took a boring subject and suddenly made it interesting – so you couldn’t wait to get to class everyday?

That’s what Richard does for research. He makes it sexy!

Get download Richard Conero and CopyProtege – Finding the Worlds Best Ideas at right now!


Original price was: $69.00.Current price is: $26.00.

Digital Download: You will receive a download link via your order email after successful paymentHow to Think Up BIG IDEAS That Can Change The World, Shape Opinions, and Make You Rich … plus, make you indispensable –even highly sought-after – during the roughest economy since the Great Depression!