
Ray Johnson & Robert Black – Copy & Paste Automation Course


Copy & Paste Automation Course

The 4 Hour Work Week A Scam? Hell No! Now You CAN Make It A Reality Without Reading Cover To Cover, By…

“Swiping Our Point, Click ‘Lay Back And Relax’ 6 Figure System That Puts Any Online Business On 100% AutoPilot In Minutes…”

Our Never Before Revealed 6 Figure System Makes It Possible To Unleash An Avalanche Of Cash From Your Websites Or Products… Simply By Lifting 2 Fingers To Copy And Paste!

From: Ray Johnson & Robert Black
RE: The easy way to kick back and count the online cash…

Dear Marketer,

The key to success online is simple… Unless you’ve made it online (to the tune of 6 figures, in our case) yeah, it’s easy to say isn’t it?

Make product after product, build your list with each one, mail to your “ever-growing” list for ever-growing cash! Woo-hoo you’re gonna be rich!

Ok, I’m teasing you here, that’s a little sugar coated… but that IS the only sure-fire way to guaranteed success online, still there’s a bit of a problem with that…

Chains, Meet You
Computer Meet Chains…

Unless you haven’t got a life, this “special online success formula” just ain’t gonna cut the mustard.

It means you’ll need to be chained to your computer to see little or no success. It’s “gun to the head scenario” – because the ONLY way you wouldn’t get bored of all the manual work, the sitebuilding, the product creation, the graphic designing, the marketing, and the launching is to (yep, you’ve guessed it) is have a gun to your head…

But really, making BIG money online isn’t that hard and the rewards can be astonishing…

The only thing that makes it all a pain in the butt is the tedious gut-busting HOURS upon HOURS of hard work, square eyes, hermit lifestyle, weight gain…

You can try to avoid it by hiring people, but it certainly isn’t cheap.

So, what if you could still make a bucketload of cash online, build a successful business and automate nearly all of it, just by simply watching, copying and pasting?

Then you could fire everybody, do everything on your own and annihilate the rest of the internet.

Well, get ready to do just that, because that’s exactly how we do it! Better still, we’ve flat-out given you our entire “Automation System” that banks us 6 figures a year, without breaking so much as a bead of sweat. You can put this whole tedious process behind you… there’s a new way to succeed online…

The Internet Marketing Automating Machine…

Even if we weren’t lazy (which we are), it’s smart business to automate any work that you can.

That’s what CopyPasteAutomation™ is – it’s our complete online business automation plan, all our systems than run our business for us, beautifully packaged and editable for you to replicate our cash in, kick back lifestyle…

And the results of this “smart automation” speak for themselves:

Here’s How YOU Can Go…

From Making This: $1 per month
To Making This: $15,000 a day!

Above Our First CPA $17,000 Day!

Above, Another CPA $14,000 Day!

$64,112 On 100% Complete CPA Autopilot Anyone?

Our Secret Automation Systems Are To Thank

For These Results!

The secret for our success is learning how to make massive money online, then analysing, reverse engineering…Heck we didn’t want to work HARD for our success, we wanted to work smart.

So this is what we came up with…


Yes, Now You CAN Make Money Online Working Less Than 4 Hours A Week By Simply Copying, Pasting And Letting US Automate Your Business From The Ground Up!

This is probably definitely the most essential system online today, it’s a weapon of mass destruction – mass Guru destruction.

This powerful package junks the Guru methods to get YOU rich online. This system is our personal creation, to transform you into people LIKE the Gurus WITHOUT being ripped off, lied to – and kept ‘in their loop’.

No matter what your experience, from complete newbie to million dollar online mogul – CopyPasteAutomation™ will give you the tools to succeed, then automate everything – to allow you to enjoy your success, saving you time and making you a fortune…

OK, so you have a product online right now, I bet my bottom dollar you don’t make good money…

– how can I be so sure? It’s simple. 99% of marketers online fail because they don’t RUN the business, they ARE the business.

They are the:

Product Creator
The Copywriter
The Support Desk Guy/Girl
The Traffic Getter
The Relationship Builder
The Listbuilder
The Social Media Magnate
The Conversion Tester
The Affiliate Manager

…and they are going nowhere fast!

Imagine if you could just focus on the tasks that made you the most money and everything else was “magically” taken care of?

Now it can be…

It uses state-of-the-art business analysis and powerful reverse engineering methods to simply plug in systems, manuals and an infastructure that runs your business FOR YOU.

How long have you got? It would take a while to explain the whole thing – and as if you’d care anyway…

You just want RESULTS, and we know this – that’s why we’ve created this system to plain old ‘deliver the goods’.

In a perfect world, you’d want your business to run itself, orders to be fulfilled, affiliates to promote you like crazy, your list to grow by hundreds a day on 100% autopilot, and the only way for it to stop would be for God to pull the plug on the internet…

That, indeed is a good situation to be in!

  • No more struggling to make sales
  • No more drabs of traffic and no conversions
  • No more gut-busting work – just relax and watch your business run itself!

This Is The ‘Guru-Destroyer’

I call this the Guru-Destroyer because…

Finally you can throw away their rehashed, burnt out systems that don’t deliver…
Take control of your business, and your free time with simple “templated” copy & paste pre-made systems that put money in your pocket…
Automate every aspect of your business. Effectively ‘cloning yourself’ (with limitless potential!)
Transform yourself into the marketer or seller, and never again have to be a sitting-duck for the next “make a million overnight in your pyjamas’ product…

Our system doesn’t just transform your business by giving you the free time to focus on making money! It single-handedly gives you every automation process to allow you to expand, multiply and dominate the internet!

This Is NOT Your Typical Miracle Magic Pill System

Can I be honest for a minute? The majority of products for sale that tell you how to make money, have never made their owners any money… this baby is responsible for over $100,000 in total sales for it’s creators. Top that.

We don’t want to bad-mouth the competition too much, but no matter what product you buy online it will never make you a success…

NEVER. Period.


Because unless you have the foundations of your business built on solid rock, it’s liable to come tumbling down should the inevitable happen.

Let me explain:

There is only ONE of “you” right? This means YOU are responsible for every aspect of your business…

You get a support ticket —> You STOP MAKING MONEY
You get a refund to process —> You STOP MAKING MONEY
You hunt for JV partners —> You STOP MAKING MONEY
You set up adswaps —> You STOP MAKING MONEY
You visit a forum —> You STOP MAKING MONEY
You tweet around on Twitter –> You STOP MAKING MONEY
You chat on Skype/MSN —> You STOP MAKING MONEY!!!

There’s just so many distractions that keep you from making money!

CopyPasteAutomation Makes It Impossible For You Not To Make Money….

It flat out gives you step by step (we like to call “muppet-proof”) instructions, and a point and click video system that puts your ENTIRE business on autopilot!

Just watch, then copy, and have the time to MAKE A LOT MORE MONEY!

Listen, how do ya think the TOP earners online make their cash? Is it by:

  • Being chained to their computer, simply dreaming of success that the gurus *promised* would come?
  • Working all the hours they can at their disposal?
  • Hiring a team of Internet Marketing robots to run their business (then find out they spent more than they made?)
  • Going to pitch fest seminars and getting drunk with a few gurus? (Yes, we know a few!) The chances are heavily stacked AGAINST that happening…

No, of course it’s NONE of the above, but with CopyPasteAutomation, you build your business based on working smart, forget working hard!

And better still, we’ve made it drop dead simple for you to work smart, by simply copying and pasting your way to guaranteed online success.

Here’s How We Roll With C.P.A…

Like we said, you don’t need to understand all the technical details. But it helps to know what CPA does for you. After all, your business will come to depend on it!

It’s actually pretty simple, CPA really allows you to point-blank automate every area of your online business, no matter whether you are a newbie or internet millionaire mogul type…

Just read, watch and apply.

In an instant your business becomes automated, giving you the time to well, work on your business! This is ridiculously easy to follow, you might just laugh. You just copy what we do and do it yourself!

Oh, and if you’re looking for fluff, you won’t find it here. Just powerful, time saving advice, designed to “interlink” with the cogs in your business… (you did see the big picture of the cog at the top of the site right?)

That’s why CopyPasteAutomation is hands down, one of the freshest, unseen products available today… it works for anyone, in any niche, at anytime.

There’s no learning curve either.

In a nutshell…

CopyPasteAutomation Does The Work

No-one Else Wants To Do!

Look, I’ll be frank with you. If you are going to be successful online anyway, then eventually you’ll need automation. Without it? Forget success…

Was that a wake up call? Good – because if you’re still reading, congratulations, as now I’m going to reveal exactly how powerful CopyPasteAutomation really is.

Let’s look at a real world example OK? Look at McDonald’s they are one of the richest global brands on the planet.

So what’s THEIR secret to success? Is is the Big Mac? Maybe the Fries? Nope.

It’s automation…

Simply put, it’s systems laid down, so they are always running on 100% efficiency. Sounds boring though doesn’t it?

That’s because it usually is!

That’s why no-one does it…

…and THAT’s why 99% of marketers are failing online right now!

Does that make sense? If not go up a bit and read over it again, because your business depends on it!

However, if you do set up these mind numbing systems using CopyPasteAutomation, you’ll experience:

  • Boat loads more traffic to your site
  • Tons more sales
  • Endless time to enjoy it!

In the time it takes you to setup CopyPasteAutomation, we could transform your online business so dramatically that you’ll want to shake us by the hand in person… and you’d seriously have the time to!

It doesn’t take a genius to see that this can turn you and your business from ‘in the red’ to ‘in the Med’ 🙂

“This Is Good – Seriously Good…”

Socrates Socratous,
Resale Rights Master

“CopyPasteAutomation does exactly what it says on the tin…

No more slaving away in your business, just read this bad-boy from cover to cover, and watch the step by step videos… you’ll become way more productive, work less and make more money…

Isn’t that the formula we all want to achieve online? Now you don’t need to achieve it – just swipe it…

This is good, seriously good – The only problem is it should be worth double the price…

The core manual explained above, is just the beginning though…

So if you’re already impressed (and you should be), get ready for the second half of the one-two punch to land…

The CPA ‘Top Secret’ AutoModules

22 Revolutionary Videos That Bring Our Entire System ‘Alive’ To Work For You…

Oh yes, these amazing videos will piece together our CopyPasteAutomation blueprint like a charm… Every point and click detail covered, and you can even watch us completely automate everything LIVE on screen!

No more fear of failure, how can you fail when you have:

  • Idiot proof instructions – we want you to make a killing using CopyPasteAutomation so that you can say we helped you make it online!
  • Short, no fluff, to the point videos… and there’s a lot of them!

Here’s the full list you’ll have immediate access to today:

First Things First… Video 1

CPA: Intro To CopyPasteAutomation

4 Minutes 00 Seconds

In this initial video, you’ll get your head around what exactly CopyPasteAutomation is, and how it will transform the success of your online business…

If you don’t know where you’re going, how you gonna get there? Understand? 🙂

Video 2

CPA: WHY Automation?

9 Minutes 46 Seconds

OK don’t get smart just yet! 🙂

In this video, you’ll discover WHY you should be striving to automate your business as early as humanly possible, and why 99% of marketers today simply fail because they don’t understand this simple fact.

You’re done failing right? You will be after this…

Video 3

CPA: What IS Automation?

7 Minutes 53 Seconds

Well we’ll tell you in this video… 🙂

…and we’ll also reveal why the majority of marketers confuse themselves on what automation actually is.

Might not be sexy, but sexy don’t make money…

Video 4

CPA: “Self Success Setup”

7 Minutes 52 Seconds

The foundations of successfully automating your business carefully crafted into this over the shoulder, watch and copy tutorial.

Video 5

CPA: Tools Success Setup

13 Minutes 36 Seconds

Again not sexy… but powerful, to the point tuition.

In this video you’ll discover how to efficiently set up your workspace, organise your computer and remove any distractions – just like we do (how else do you think I wrote this letter so well? 🙂 )

You’ll become a product of your productivity in record time…

Video 6

CPA: Tools Success Setup (Continued)

4 Minutes 12 Seconds

Discover the one tool we can’t live without, and why revealing it will skyrocket your output…

Videos 7-11

CPA: FREE Turbo Charge Tools

22 Minutes 56 Seconds

In this series of essential videos we’ll reveal our most powerful automation weapons that will turn any PC from a 20 year old rusting clapped out Lada to a lean mean Formula One racing machine. Sit back and set these tune ups to run once a week.

Watch LIVE, as we go behind the scenes, and reveal our secret automation weapons…

No… we’re not done yet…

Videos 12-16

Google Automation Tools

29 Minutes 5 Seconds

Get under the hood of 4 great free tools from Google to get your business truly mobile

Video 17

CPA: Online Ammunition

11 Minutes 10 Seconds

6 great online resources you won’t succeed without

Video 18

Plan Your Battles

8 Minutes 13 Seconds

Without organisation you’re wasting WEEKS every year. Discover the hidden tool that TRIPLED our output for LESS effort!

Video 19

The CPA Money Tree

5 Minutes 19 Seconds

Plant your seeds and let them grow – effortlessly

Video 20

CPA: Go Clone Yourself

9 Minutes 11 Seconds

Imagine how fast your business would grow if there was another you. What if there were 4 “copies” of you? 8? That’s how the gurus do it – now it’s your turn

Video 21

How To Spend Your Profits

7 Minutes 39 Seconds

Many online business FAIL – not because they never got started, but because they SUCCEEDED at first, then took the wrong turn. What to do with your first $500…revealed

Video 22

The Missing Piece

6 Minutes 2 Seconds

You can follow the first 21 videos but…unless you know about this I personally GUARANTEE your failure. Learn and put into practise the final link that no-one is telling you about

With all this powerful step by step live video tuition… we can safely say…

This Shames All Other Systems… Hands Down!


Because there are no systems available online today that ‘do’ what CopyPasteAutomation does!

Seriously, marketers usually just want to make money at your expense, they release a junk product, you buy it, get in a spin and quit…

They aren’t really interested in helping you build YOUR business… and this is why our CPA blueprint is simply revolutionary.

If you can copy and paste and click a few buttons, you can use CopyPasteAutomation to grow a profitable business, whilst having the free time to enjoy it!

Bottom line is, it doesn’t matter what I say… let’s hear some thoughts of USERS of CPA…

Get download Ray Johnson & Robert Black – Copy & Paste Automation Course at right now!


Delivery Method

– After your purchase, you’ll see a View your orders link which goes to the Downloads page. Here, you can download all the files associated with your order.
– Downloads are available once your payment is confirmed, we’ll also send you a download notification email separate from any transaction notification emails you receive from
– Since it is a digital copy, our suggestion is to download and save it to your hard drive. In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us and we will resend the new download link.
– If you cannot find the download link, please don’t worry about that. We will update and notify you as soon as possible at 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM (UTC 8).

Thank You For Shopping With Us!

Original price was: $27.00.Current price is: $12.00.

Digital Download: You will receive a download link via your order email after successful paymentThe 4 Hour Work Week A Scam? Hell No! Now You CAN Make It A Reality Without Reading Cover To Cover, By… “Swiping Our Point, Click ‘Lay Back And Relax’ 6 Figure System That Puts Any Online Business On 100% AutoPilot In Minutes…”