
Peter Sun – Millennium Mail Order Seminar


Millennium Mail Order Seminar

Everything you may have already heard about the Australian Millennium Mail Order And Better Business Institute’s Entrepreneur Day seminar is true.

Even the stories about how Graham Sharp (the legendary direct mail entrepreneur) ran the same tiny ad for over 11 years in newspapers all over Australia are true. (Yes, he made hundreds of thousands of dollars a year, making this one of the most successful mail order projects ever done anywhere in the world.) Or how one lady doubled her small business turnover in ONE evening with just one simple idea she got from the seminar are all true.

But the biggest story of all is what happened to those who participated in these seminars. They learned the ultimate skill …

How To Make a Good Income Anywhere, Any Time with Your Ideas And By Developing and Following Through On Business and Mail Order Projects ! ! !

It’s true. No matter who you are, what business you own or where you live in Australia, you can learn how to make a good income doing nothing but rolling out direct mail and information projects and selling your knowledge and ideas. It’s an easy business to get into. You don’t need an office or store-front. You don’t need retail clerks or salespeople. You don’t even need a heavy investment in stock or inventory. In fact, all you need to get into this type of business, is to … Find Some Great Products Or Ideas And Start Marketing Them To Hungry Markets!!

Of course, just because you get into this business, doesn’t automatically mean you’re going to make money. That’s because success in the information business and direct mail is kind of like baking a cake. To bake a cake, you use a recipe, put all the ingredients in the right order, pop it in the oven, and you end up with a cake. But try to make that same cake without a recipe, and chances are you’re not going to end up with a cake at all. In fact, you’re probably going to end up with one heck of a mess!

And it’s the same way with mail order, business and information projects.

If you try to make money in this business, and don’t know or use the ‘Recipe for Success’ (the recipe revealed by the experts at the Australian Millennium Mail Order Seminar), you’re probably going to have the same kind of success rate you’d have if you tried to bake a cake without a recipe. Just about zero. (And you’d still end up with a big mess on your hands.)

But if you know, and use, the amazingly simple, straightforward ‘Recipe for Success in Direct Mail’ (as revealed at the Australian Millennium Mail Order and the E-day seminars), you’re going to discover it can be easy to make money with mail order ventures and sell your knowledge and ideas to others. And it’s easy to pursue a lifestyle where all you do is come up with, and follow through on ideas direct mail projects. It’s a real adventure. An adventure that can make you rich, if you know the ‘Recipe for Success’! And that was the purpose of the Australian Millennium Mail Order Seminar – to bring together the best minds and top performers in the direct mail business and information marketing for three solid days, so they could teach the ‘Recipe for Success in Direct Mail’ to others. And that’s exactly what they did.

Some of the experts who participated in this seminar were …


Mal Emery: How To Go From Zero To Earning $13,000 A Week In Mail Order. The Nine Steps To Speed Wealth.

Mal had been successfully buying and selling businesses for over 20 years. (He once took a $30,000 business and sold it for $230,000 in five months.) His decision to get into mail-order came as the result of wanting a better quality of life. The home-based lifestyle of an information mail-order business appealed to him. He was sick and tired of the long hours and evenings away from his family. Nowadays his home-based mail-order projects can generate in excess of $13,000 a week. He’ll be sharing some of his experiences with you, including “How to create winning sales copy, The 9 Steps to Speed Wealth, What’s Hot and What’s Not” – How to look out for new opportunities, and lots more. His practical experience is something you can’t pick up from a text-book.


Jason Van Hooft: How To Make Money On The Internet And How To Market A Newsletter To Create A List Of Hungry Information Buyers.

Jason’s story is fascinating. After growing a commercial building and development company to over $12 million in turnover, he got sick of unreliable (and very skinny) profit margins, having to baby-sit 103 employees, and working his butt off 6 days a week. So, when a client went broke on him, leaving his company with a grand total of $12,000 net profit on his 12 million dollar turnover, he decided to sell out and head for greener pastures. Nowadays, he works from home and makes as much as $10,000 a week from the kitchen table – selling information by mail-order. (Very much like what we do.) You’ll often find him on the beach, with a mobile phone, taking orders. He’s going to share what he learned about working smart, rather than hard. And how you can systemise your mail order business so it runs on auto-pilot.


Graham Sharp: How To Use Cheap Classifieds And Small Display Ads To Build Your Mail-Order Empire.

Graham’s ads have appeared in almost every publication in Australia. You’ll recognise his ad headlines – “$5 Makes $100” and “1022 Easy Ways You Can Make Money From Home” which ran in dozens of newspapers all over Australia. The second ad has already created over 5,000 potential customers and 1,000 sales for Graham. He’ll be showing you how he comes up with ideas, what you can do to maximise profits and how to minimise your risks with low-cost ads. Plus, you’ll learn how to follow up with `Customer Farming Letters’ to maximise your sales. (These are multiple follow-up letters to people who enquire, which often double, and even triple, your response.)


Ross Horne: How To Sell 310,000 Books And Live To Enjoy It.

Ross is an amazing man. He’s a retired airline pilot who became interested in health and well-being after two of his friends (both Captains of Boeing 707’s in QANTAS) had heart attacks at 42 years of age (the same age as Ross was then). His ex-wife followed a few years later with a massive heart attack that left her hovering close to death for several weeks. Ross designed a health regime and a diet (including convincing her not to touch the hospital food and to drink lots of fresh juices instead) that helped her to be up and about in less than a week. And she has stayed out of the hospital ever since. (This all happened in 1976.) In 1977 Ross wrote a book called “The New Health Revolution” which has now sold over 160,000 copies. Several other bestsellers followed, selling around 40,000 and 100,000 copies. Ross will share how you can keep out of the doctor’s office and stay fit and healthy, no matter what your age or present condition.


Michael Katsis: How I Made A Fortune In Mail-Order.

Michael is an ex-insurance salesman who used tiny little classified ads to make over $600,000 a year in sales. And because he has an aversion to new technology, he did this amazing amount of business without ever owning a computer. If you visit his home, you’ll still see all the orders sitting in boxes. Which proves that being a computer brain is definitely not essential to being a success in the mail order business. Michael will reveal how he ran his business, where he placed his ads, what he used to say on the phone to double his sales, and lots more.


Kris Fitzsimmons: How To Write Ads And Sales Letters That Sell.

Kris is a real Australian success story. Apart from earning top fees as a direct mail consultant, she’s an amazing master of writing hard-selling copy. The results Kris gets for her clients are almost legendary. Like the start-up company Kris took from zero to being a leader in its field and generating millions of dollars in sales in less than 18 months. Or the 1,400 responses from a seminar ad. She also got $125,000 in sales from one ad selling a cleaning franchise. Kris has written so many successful ads and sales letters that it’d be hard to list them all. But one thing’s for sure, Kris will take you through her step-by step strategy for creating these winners for your products. And show you lots of examples of her own work.


Peter Sun: Peter is one of the pioneers of selling information by mail-order in Australia.

You’ll see Peter sharing the ads and strategies that took him from broke 7 years ago, to generating over $1.7 million a year in sales this year. How you can grow your mail-order business with minimal staff and low overheads. (Until this year, he worked from home with just two permanent staff.) And how you can create the `perfect lifestyle’ that having a highly profitable mail order business allows you to do. Plus, you’ll be seeing his best systems for getting new customers, building your client list, increasing profit margins and creating on-going streams of income from your existing clients using the mail and your phone.

This amazingly talented group of people, all of whom make a living in some aspect of the direct mail business, came together for the first time ever for a single purpose …

To teach the Australian Millennium Mail Order Seminar participants everything they knew about creating and selling successful direct mail projects !

And instead of giving speeches, they spent three days demonstrating how to create successful projects in a logical, step-by-step process. Starting at the beginning with the very basics, and sequentially working through each step in the entire process. Everything was covered, but just to be sure everybody got it, the experts actually …

Came Up With The Actual Ads, Letters, scripts And Systems They Used In Their Most Successful Projects Right There In The Seminar!

Actual projects. From start to finish. From coming up with the idea, to defining the market, to creating the product, to developing the offer, to getting it all down on paper, even to the mailing and taking orders. They did it all!

And in the process, they revealed the ‘recipe’, the ‘template’ for success in direct mail. And until you see it for yourself, you’ll never believe how easy it can be for you to make good money in this type of business. All you have to do is follow their proven formula. Of course, doing it right means putting all the little pieces together just the right way. And that’s what you’re going to learn from the experts who spoke at the “Australian Millennium Mail Order Seminar”. That, plus a whole lot more. Here’s a quick summary of what you may love to learn …

1. How to create an “Instant Product” selling for $19 to $39 and a have a system for selling it in less than 3 hours. You’ll be amazed how simple it is to come up with products that are “hot sellers” following current trends using this technique. Plus, you’ll see how to develop larger products in less than 4 days that sell for $199 to $399 and up.

2. How to set up your business so that it runs on auto-pilot. Once set up, all you’ll have to do is place a few phone calls and then sit back or go to the beach, or spend time with your family. (At the end of each week you’ll get a report of how many orders you sold and how much money was banked into your account.) You could actually start a number of totally separate (and even world-wide) information marketing businesses using this technique working only part-time.

3. How to legally test market your project before you create it. And how to raise all the money you’ll need for your projects before you’ve spent any time or money to create the product itself. Peter Sun will demonstrate the technique used to raise $3,000 to $35,000 without borrowing a cent or paying any interest – before you have written a single word or produced any products. Plus, you’ll learn how to produce your new products `on demand’, saving you thousands of dollars in inventory costs as well as stock and storage space hassles.

4. How to find hot markets and come up with products that these people desperately want and need. And how to come up with ideas for creating your information products – even if you are not the `creative’ type. Peter has recently come up with an idea using this system that took in over 312 sales in the first 6 weeks at $94 an order.

5. That’s over $28,700 in sales in six weeks and a valuable list of new customers that’ll bring in many thousands of dollars in extra orders over the next 24 months.

6. A whole stack of easy-to-use, inexpensive and deadly-accurate ways to sell your information products. Peter has sold around $4.7 million worth of information products in the past 6 years using these techniques. You’ll get samples of actual newspaper and magazine ads, sales letters, fax promotions, postcard mailings, order coupons, brochures, telephone scripts, winning offers and headlines you’ll be able to model to make your mail order business a super-fast success.How to package and present your products for maximum profits. As far as I know this has never before been revealed in Australia. You’ll discover how to take a simple product like a book or a video selling for less than $100, and turn it into a full-blown program that sells for many thousands of dollars more. You’ll also learn how to take products that are already successful and produce even greater profits by re-packaging and presenting them to different markets. (The best part is that if you do it right, it costs very little to do this.)

7. Plus you’ll learn much, much more from all the other experts on how to make your fortune creating and selling information products all over the world. (Without ever having to leave your lounge-room.)

8. Other valuable bonuses, hand-outs and tools to help you get the mail order business off the ground and running flat-out in no-time-at-all.

But that’s not all. We covered at least a dozen ways for you to sell information products.
Such as …


Classified and display ads: We looked at what works and what doesn’t. Which publications are best to advertise in. What to say in your ads for maximising response. How to get your advertising at up to 50% (or more) off published rates. And even how to turn a successful small ad into a display ad, postcard, sales letter, or even a full-blown brochure.

Sales letters: This is the heart of any mail-order business. Peter and the other copywriters at this seminar have written dozens of sales letters that brought in millions of dollars in sales. You’ll be shown the exact step-by-step process for creating a winning letter. Plus you’ll discover a fool-proof strategy for adapting a winning sales letter formula selling one information product such as a book, video or a seminar, to another and often completely different product.

Fax Marketing: This is an area where we have had a lot of success. The advantage of faxing is that the response is instant and you can test several offers and headlines at once for very low outlay. (We often find that one headline will out-sell another by 600% and more!!) Peter Sun showed samples of some of his successful promotions and explains how you can create your own profitable fax campaigns. Plus he reveals his `secret’ source of fax numbers and companies that can automate the whole process for you. (We fax up to 30,000 faxes a week once we have a proven winner.)

Mailing Lists: A `hot’ list of prospects is essential for success in this business. The speakers shared over 35 years of combined experience and tens of thousands of dollars spent in testing them. (Including some costly mistakes and how to avoid them.) Plus, they will be showing you how you can create your own high response mailing list starting from scratch.

Joint Venture Deals: One of the first things many mail order marketers do when selling marketing manuals and information products is to approach other businesses to promote their books to their customers. Peter’s first result was over 120 sales in less than 4 weeks at $129 each. It cost him nothing apart from a few phone calls.

Telephone Sales: Using the phone correctly is one of the biggest `sleeping giants’ in mail-order marketing. With the right strategy you can turn a simple enquiry into a hundred or even a thousand dollar sale in less than 15 minutes. We use a simple phone script that adds an average of $39 to every sale we make. (You’ll get a copy of it.) Plus I’ll be giving you the exact words and phrases that have made us tens of thousands of dollars and turned many casual phone calls into very profitable sales.

Several Other Jealously Guarded Marketing Strategies Of Mail Order Millionaires: You’ll also be learning some of the methods the other speakers used to generate sales and create their mail-order empires. Including the geometric profits possible by using simple, turn-key marketing systems you can use over and over again with predictable results. (Including some new information that’s made one of our new licensees $64,000 in his first 10 days)

And that’s just the start of it. We reveal a lot more of our proven marketing and selling techniques in this program. Peter Sun conducted the first three sessions himself and directed the seminar. I promise you nothing was held back.

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Digital Download: You will receive a download link via your order email How To Make a Good Income Anywhere, Any Time with Your Ideas And By Developing and Following Through On Business and Mail Order Projects ! ! !