
Perry Mark – How To Start A Hot Dog Cart Business


How To Start A Hot Dog Cart Business

ATTENTION: If You have a hot dog cart business or you are about to start one this may be the most valuable letter you will ever read…

“Discover How You Can Easily Start Your Own Profitable Hot Dog Cart Business – Today

“Hotdogs Really Do Sell Themselves!
– Everybody Loves a Good Hotdog”

“Hot Dog Cart Guru Finally Reveals The Step-by-Step Plan That Tripled His Hot Dog Carts Profits”

“…This Is The Easiest Way I Know To Make Better Than Average Income every Day Without Any Formal Education -or Business Experience Like Me “
Remember My Motto:
Nobody Has EVER Went Broke Selling Hotdogs!”

Creator of

Dear Friend,

You may be amazed hear that know that Americans consume over 18 billion hot dogs every single year? That’s more than 60 hot dogs for every man, woman and child in America.

And 90% of them probably paid CASH!

I know you are thinking, “I didn’t eat 60 hot dogs last year.” And maybe you didn’t. But a lot of people did and a lot of people ate more than that.

And it’s estimated that over 10% of all the hot dogs sold in America are sold on hot dog carts from coast to coast. That’s almost two billion hot dogs sold every year from hot dog carts.

You’d never think the hot dog business could be that big of an industry, could you?

Hi, My name is Perry buy you can just call me “The Hot Dog Guy “. I started my first hot dog cart business over 20 years ago in Orlando, Florida. Over the years I’ve operated, owned, bought and sold several of hot dog cart businesses. I’ve become the “top dog” in the industry, as a matter of fact, in the United States.

For the first time ever I’ve decided to share everything that I’ve learned over the last 20 years in the hot dog cart business with you.

If you’re looking to start a business that is. The Hot Dog Business is….

100% Recession Proof Fast to start (About 2 Weeks) Dirt Cheap Start Up Costs No Special Education or Experience is Needed Hot Dogs Are Always in demand Very, Very high paying

Is the hot dog cart business right for you?

Plus, this business has a lot of added benefits like:

Be Your Own Boss Flexible hours (work when You want) It’s Portability (move when YOU want) Scalability (grow as big as YOU want) Easy to sell when you’re ready to move on

“The Greatest Business in The World”

The hot dog cart business is a great business for a number of reasons. Number one, hot dogs are in big demand. There is real job security. Like I said before, the hot dog business is great.

And it’s stable, with over 18 billion hot dogs sold every year just in the United States you can imagine the stability in this business.

This ain’t no trendy new business Hot dogs have been sold for hundreds of years and will be sold for hundreds more. The hot dog has become an American standard and everybody loves one, especially from a good hot dog cart vendor.

Works even when the economy sucks Because the price points are so low on hot dogs it’s pretty much a recession proof business. And in the kind of economy that we’re in right now you just can’t afford to be in anything else.

The hot dog business has unlimited income potential- You can grow your business as big as you want it. If you want to be a single operator with one cart and no employees you can do that and I’ve personally always earned $300 to $500 a day every time I’ve been in the hot dog business by myself.

You can grow your business as fast as you want- If you want to grow your business even bigger you can do it with employees, partnerships or even subcontractors that operate your carts for you. This is truly a scaleable business. It can be as big as you want it to be.

You can make a lot of money – While your not gonna become a millionaire from a single hot dog cart I know operators that make as much as as much as $250,000 a year in the hot dog business with just a few carts in good steady locations.

You can get started on a shoestring budget- This is one of the best businesses in the world to be in because you can start at the very bottom and work your way all the way to the top just by pure ingenuity, hard work and sweat equity.

The hot dog business is fast to start. You can usually start your own hot dog cart business in less than two weeks.

I promise you, you can make money your very first day. I’ve never opened a hot dog cart anywhere that didn’t make sales the very first day I was opened. And usually you’ll make back, 100% of your investment in less than 30 days. I’ve made it back in as little as a week in some locations.

The hot dog cart business can be started on a shoe string budget. I’ll show you how to get started in the hot dog cart business for less than $1,500.

Now I’m not saying you’re going to have the Cadillac of equipment and everything that you need, but you can certainly get started there. Then you can purchase new equipment and more supplies out of profits, not out of your pocket when you start.

I would really suggest that everyone start with minimal start up costs. It’s so much easier and so much faster. And while you’re learning you’re going to make a few mistakes anyway so it’s better that you make it with small cheap or used equipment.

You can always move up to the Cadillac stuff after you’ve made a few bucks to put in your pocket.

The hot dog business lets you be your own boss. Unlike almost any other business in the world the hot dog business is completely portable.

You can open when you want, close when you want, move when you want, and sell to who you want to sell to. It’s completely up to you. And you can change in a moment’s notice.

Now, just think of another business that has that flexibility. There aren’t many. You get to be your own boss. You call the shots and you’re in control of your own future and your own destiny.

In the hot dog business you can set your own hours. If you want to work mornings, afternoons, lunches, or just weekends, you can. You make the decisions yourself.

“You Don’t Have To Quit Your Current Job”

A lot of hot dog vendors only work weekends, some only work events, start part time and keep their own jobs. It’s really up to you.

There aren’t very many businesses that you can set your own hours in but I’ll tell you, the hot dog cart business is one of them.

One of the most successful hot dog carts I’ve ever seen serves predominantly hot dog breakfasts. That sounds crazy to a lot of people but once people get used to it they love it. There are ways to tweak your cart out for different times of the day depending on when you want to work and I’ll show you exactly how.

“This Business Is So Easy An Dummy Could Do It”

The hot dog vending business is easy work. It’s not technical and it’s not complicated and anybody can learn to do it in just a matter of a few hours.

Plus, it’s really not hard work. Once you’ve got everything ready in the morning it takes about 30 or 40 minutes to set up your cart. After that, until you get really busy, it’s a pretty relaxing job.

People are usually in a really good mood when they get a hot dog, especially if you make them feel good and put a little smile on their face. You can be animated and have a good time in your business.

Not only is that the best way to be, it’s the way that’s going to make you the most money.

People who buy a hot dog from a hot dog cart vendor want to be cheered up. They want to be reminded of old times when things were better. And nothing’s better than buying a good tasting hot dog off a hot dog cart for a lot of people. Sometimes it’s the highest point of their day.

“Talk About A Low Stress Business!”

The hot dog cart business isn’t emotionally or mentally challenging. It’s a low stress business. I’ll tell you, everyday when I would go to work in the hot dog cart business.

I never worried about corporate pressures, politics, who was going to stab me in the back today, if I was going to perform well enough, if I was going to sell enough, if I could make all the demands of my boss. All that was gone.

It’s a low stress job where you can just have fun and show out. You don’t have anybody breathing down your neck or anybody that you have to listen to. There are no expectations you have to meet and it couldn’t be anything that could be lower stress.

“You NEVER Have To Work With A Jerk”

In the hot dog cart business you get to choose who you work with. Boy, this was a big one for me. I worked for awhile in a job just before I started my first hot dog cart business where I worked around people that I really didn’t like. And people that really didn’t like me.

“It’s Great In The Rushes – Friendly Folks
Throwing You Money Hand Over Fist”

But I had no choice. I had to have a job, I had a wife and kids to feed. But not anymore. Now I make my own decisions and you can too.

Today I have a serious NO Assholes rule!

When you start your own hot dog cart business you’ll make more money probably, than you’re making right now and you get to choose who you work with or nobody at all. If you just want to be a solo act that’s okay. If you want to work with other people you can hand pick them.

“Hot Dogs Can Be BIG Business”

Believe me, once people see you making a lot of money in the hot dog cart business they’re going to be more and more people that want to come help you. It’s one of the great things about the business. You can choose who you want to work with. You’re in total and complete control.

Plus, lastly, the hot dog cart business leads to bigger and better things. For me in the hot dog cart business, I’ve had the privilege to work with a lot of people in catering businesses, other ventures. You meet people everyday that you use to network and joint venture with depending on what kind of business they’re in.

“Everybody LOVES a Good Hotdog”

Everybody loves hot dogs and if you think hard enough there’s a way to incorporate hot dogs into almost any type of business. I’ll show you more than a dozen ways to make extra money from your hot dog cart business that you would never think of.

The reason I make my extra money in my hot dog cart business is to pay 100% of my overhead. When I go out and sell hot dogs from my cart, everything that I’m selling is 100% profit. It’s one of the big secrets that you need to learn in this business. Most vendors leave that money on the table.

“I Trade Hot Dogs for FREE Stuff”

There’s one last great benefit of being in the hot dog business. Free stuff. I’ve traded hot dogs for almost everything you could imagine. I’m usually working in areas where there are businesses around me, both industrial or commercial, and they always have stuff.

I noticed that if I gave them free hot dogs they brought me back free stuff and when the hot dogs only cost me a dime or a quarter it really was cool to get back valuable goods and services for free. This is one of the perks of the business and I’ll show you how it works in my bartering section.

“So Why Would I Share My Trade Secrets”

I’ve seen a lot of people out there that are selling products on how to start your own hot dog cart business. So I decided before I put a product out I probably should order some of them and see what they really had to say.

“Because All The Other Courses SUCK”

The First Lame Course was published by a guy who had obviously never, ever owned a hot dog cart business in his life. He was just an information publisher who came along and decided he was going to try to turn a quick buck. As it turns out he actually was a car dealer from some town down in Texas. I actually got a hold of him eventually and tried to talk to him but he hung up on me.

The Second Lame Course that I got at least was written by a guy who had been in the hot dog cart business but didn’t know much about passing on information. Plus, it was very, very basic, just the basics of how to put the hot dogs in water pretty much, and a few other tips. He was selling it for almost 30 bucks. I couldn’t believe he got that much out of just a few sheets of paper.

The Third Lame Course that I got was just a bunch of filler and fluff about businesses and business plans, and start up taxes, and how to name your business, and a bunch of crap like that that I just call filler or fluff. I finally just threw it in the trash can. It didn’t have anything to do with the hot dog cart business at all.

Well, after all that, I decided there was definitely room for a quality product teaching people all the ins and outs of the hot dog cart business and that’s exactly what I’ve put together. Here’s just a little of what’s covered in my course.

“So What Makes My Course So Different”

It’s BIG and complete, 2 Audio CDS, A Manual and My Personal Resource Guide (also on CD), Plus Tons of FREE Bonuses

Here is What You Get…

First I’m going to tell you my entire story, all about my 20 plus years in the hot dog cart business and how I started off with six hot dog carts in Orlando, Florida. I’ll tell you what I do now and how I work with hot dog vendors to get their businesses started and to really expand on once they are started.

“Here is My Baby! The Most Complete Course On The Hot Dog
Cart Business Ever Created – Every Thing I Know Is In Here”

3 Plus Hours of Audio Recordings

Digital Menu Masters

My Best Winning Recipes

Legal Forms and Paperwork

76 Page Quick Start Binder

Plus Tons of Extras…

“It’s Everything I’ve learned about operating
hotdog carts over 11 years”

She was more than a little ticked off at first. But the next day, the very next day, I pulled the cart out with the taxi and started selling hot dogs. I didn’t do so well at first but after a couple of weeks I had started to figure out some of the tricks of the trade.

Then she started working with me in the business and that’s when everything began to explode, I started making three, four, five hundred dollars, up to a thousand dollars a day in some of my locations. Now these were odd locations and I had a very specific fee. You’ll learn about that in the course.

But it was pretty incredible. I was making A thousand bucks a day from hot dogs! And the hot dogs only cost a couple hundred dollars at the most to produce.

You can imagine how quickly I got out of the taxi cab driving business once I was making seven or eight hundred dollars a day from a single cart. And you can imagine how quickly I bought my second one.

I’ll explain to you in depth why I like the hot dog business so much. First, it’s easy to understand, anybody knows how to cook and sell a hot dog. We’ve all been on the consumer side of buying a hot dog at a hot dog cart at one time or another.

“If The Stock Market Were Like Hot Dogs”

This is a high ROI business, in other words, your return on investment is just crazy. Normally, I can pay for a complete hot dog cart business in less than 30 days. That’s worst case scenario. I’ve paid for them in as little as a week and in a few cases in as little as a few days.

I’ll even show you ways to make money from your hot dog cart on the days that you don’t want to go to work it. One of the other big reasons I love this business is because hot dog carts are so sellable.

Once you’ve built your business and established a location you can sell the hot dog cart for usually 10 to 20 times what you have invested in it.

But don’t be so quick, sometimes you wouldn’t want to. If your business is making three, four, five or six hundred dollars a day, even if you get ten, twenty or thirty thousand dollars for it might not be the smartest thing to do if that carts making you ten thousand dollars a month.

I’ll tell you exactly how much money you can make in this business. That’s another big point. I’ll tell you how much money you can make in the hot dog business. My average sale exceeds $500 a day per cart and I don’t think that I’m that exceptional as a hot dog cart vendor from the ground.

PROFIT TRICK #1 I’ll teach you how I do it step by step, and how I’ve done it in different states, different cities, and different types of locations. I’ll teach you how to keep your cost of goods sold down to below 25% of your total sales.

In other words, to sell $500 worth of hot dogs, chips, and sodas a day, I usually spend less than $125.

PROFIT TRICK #2 I’ll teach you how to get free rent, free locations. Yep, that’s right, free. Actually it’s easier to get a free location for your hot dog cart than it is to get a paid location, once you know how.

I’ll teach you all about employees and when to use them if you do, and all the pitfalls that come with them. I can also teach you how to get subcontractors that will work for you without any base pay.

This is the way that I build most of my hot dog cart businesses now. It’s a low risk proposition where you only have upside.

PROFIT TRICK #3 I’ll teach you about selling hot dogs at events and how much money there is there. You can make a lot more profit at a big event if you negotiate well on the front end.

There are a lot of secrets to this because this is where thousands and thousands if not millions of hot dogs get sold in your local area every year. You might not think that you can get a contract at one of those big stadiums or facilities but you definitely can.

There is not that much competition for it, believe it or not.

PROFIT TRICK #4 How to make money on bad weather days. I’ll teach you about weather and when to stay in and when to go out. There are some days that you’ll think the weather won’t be suitable for you where you’ll make the most money of all, but you really have to know which ones.

PROFIT TRICK #5 How to cut your overhead cost by up to 60% I’ll teach you about cost versus profit. Exactly what it costs to buy everything that I sell down to the penny. I’ll teach you where I get it, all of my vendors, and all of my secrets for making additional profits.

PROFIT TRICK #6 Psychological Tip Secrets- I’ll even teach you how to get big tips from your customers that will usually pay for all of your expenses during the day. I buy a new car every year from tips from my customers.

Big Secret #1 Location, Location, Location

I’ll teach you the single biggest success factor in this business, location. You’ll learn about:

Industrial locations near factories and parks ( My Favorite) Construction locations where they’re building houses and new buildings Busy downtown areas Schools and universities Events, fairs and festivals Venue contracts like those big stadiums that we were talking about earlier

I’ll teach you how to secure each of these different type locations so that you can expand and decide where you want to put your first business and where to expand your business to once you’ve gotten started.

I’ll teach you how to crush your competitors without spending a single penny in advertising.

You will learn, scripted, exactly what you need to say when people walk by your carts or walk up to your carts to get the maximum sale from them. I’ll teach you my free sampling technique that is the only money that I’ve ever spent that I really classify for advertising.

I’ll teach you about bonuses, the bikini method, and peacocking. And I can’t tell you what that is until you actually get inside the course because that’s some of the real inside information that doubled my income once I started using it.

Big Secret #2 Getting a Commercial Kitchen for Free

“The Big Ugly Commissary Mistake”

In most states you’re going to be required to have a commissary partner, somebody that you work with to clean up your dishes at night or clean up your pots and pans at night and your equipment, and to store some of your foods. I’ll teach you how, in almost every situation,

I’ve been able to find a partner like this for free. There are locations that you’d never think to look for this sort of thing.

And if you’re thinking you’ll get a restaurant to share their space with you, good luck. It’s probably not going to happen. I tried it time after time. I even offered to pay big money. It just doesn’t work.

Then I found the secret to getting a commissary anywhere you want to be that will work with you, let you store your stuff, and let you come in and out as you please, usually absolutely free.

Big Secret #3 Amazing Hotdog Recipes

Hot Dog and Treats So Good They’ll
Make Your Tongue Slap You’re Brains Out

An old customer of mine use to say that about what I call “My Perfecto Dog” The perfect hotdog.

I’m going to teach you exactly what it takes to make the perfect hot dog that will have customers coming back every day.

It’s Our Winning Menu and Proven
Recipes Like My “Killer Kraut Dog”
That Keep Them Coming Back –
Oh, You Get That Too…

Number one. I’m going to teach you about the hot dog experience. What you need to say and do to make sure that your person has the best time getting their hot dog, ever.

We’re going to talk about the size of the hot dogs, whether you should sell six inch, eight inch, ten inch, big, medium or small. I’ll give you a hint. One outsells the other two, eight to one. I’ll teach you what kind of hot dogs to buy, what ingredients should be in them and even the brands that I have sold over time that have tested the very best.

I’ll tell you what temperature to keep them at, how to precook your hot dogs so that you can move faster when you really get busy. I’ll teach you what buns people like the best.

I’ll teach you about condiments and the exact brands that you need to carry, what you should give away and what you should sell for extra money. This is one of the areas that is really overlooked by most hot dog cart vendors and on an average cart of mine I can make 50 or 100 extra dollars a day just in add-ons.

Big Secret #4 Winning Add-Ons & Upsells

“Super Size Me Baby, This Ain’t Mickey Dees!

I’m going to teach you what drinks to sell, not just the canned sodas that you’ll bring to the table and there are three or four that do extremely well, I’m also going to teach you about two homemade drinks that I’ve been selling for years that outsell the bottles and the cans two to one, and the profit margins are enormous.

To give you an idea, my costs on one are as little as five cents as cup.

“I Kick Butt With Add-Ons That
NOBODY Else Offers – They Make
Up 40% of My Total Profits

Next we’re going to talk about chips and snacks that add on. You’ll want to know the two brands of chips that I sell and I promise you they’re not the ones that you think.

They’re not the big national brands, the Lay’s or the Frito’s in the world. I sell two brands of chips that have, over time, performed better for me than any of the national brands and I’ll explain exactly why.

I’ll talk about exactly how to handle your cash, what to do with your money, how to price your products and how to make change. Believe me, when you’ve got 20 people standing in line waiting for a hot dog you don’t have time to make change slowly.

People will usually only stay at your stand for five or ten minutes and then they’ll just turn around and leave. If you don’t learn how to make hot dogs quickly and make change quickly you’re going to lose and I’m going to teach you both. You’ll be able to make hot dogs and make change like a pro by the time you finish this course.

I’m going to teach you all about equipment, exactly what kind of cart you’re going to need and where to get it, and the one big feature that is absolutely necessary to have on your cart or you’ll regret it forever. As a matter of fact, if you don’t get this feature on your cart when you first buy it, I promise you, you’ll want to sell that cart and trade up within 30 days.

Big Secret #5 Finding Cheap Equipment & Supplies

“Friends Don’t Let Friends Pay Retail”

Seriously, I’ll attach a list of suppliers that I’ve been working with forever. I’ll list for you all the suppliers of hot dog carts in the country and outside the US. I’ve actually bought several hot dog carts from South America and I’ll hook you up with my connection down there.

I’ll Show You Where To Get
Street Legal Hot Dog Carts Like This
One For As Little As $750

Next, I’ll show you how to buy hot dog carts for 25 cents on the dollar in the used market. There are tons of them out there for sale from people that just don’t know hot to run them, and I’ll show you where they’re at, how to find them, and what the maximum is to pay for them.

The last few carts that I’ve bought I’ve paid less than $1,000 each.

I’ll go through a laundry list of every other start up supply that you should need. They should add up to no more than $300 to $500 to get started, for everything.

Big Secret #6 Making The Regulators Love You

“Johnny Law and The Food Police”

Next we’ll talk about the nitty, gritty stuff: fire laws, licenses, and permits. You should expect to spend a couple of hundred dollars on these but I’ll tell you exactly which ones you need, which ones you don’t and how to please all the officials that you have to deal with during the day.

We’ll talk about things like liability insurance that is really only necessary if you’re doing big venues or contracts somewhere.

Lastly we’ll talk about employees, salary versus commission, whether you should pay your people bonuses for what they sell or not, and if you’re paying them salary, exactly how much to pay.

Big Secret #7 Finding Great Employees & Partners

“88 Employees That Sucked & Three That Didn’t”

Next I’ll tell you about where I find great employees. I’ve got a secret little honey hole that I found that’s worked out just extremely well for me and after years and years of bad employees and big mistakes that have cost me tons and tons of money it really was a God send and about time.

Then we’ll talk about leases and subcontracts. This is the way that I handle most of my hot dog cart business right now. Actually I’ve not made a hot dog at a hot dog cart for any more than a few minutes at a time in the last 15 years or so.

Now I strictly work with lease and subcontract partners and it’s a great way to be in this business. Most days I never leave my house. I just sit by the pool and wait for people to call me and tell me how much money I made today.

“Please Don’t Be One Of These I’ll
Do It My Self Schmucks”

I know you might be thinking, “Boy, if this business is so simple why do I need a big long course about it?” Why? Because this business is competitive and there are a lot of mistakes that you can make in it.

Your biggest competitor is you. Making big mistakes. That’s the only way you can really get in trouble in this business is just by doing things that are incredibly stupid.

Some you’re going to think of on your own, granted, and the information that I give you you’re going to go, “Duh?”

I love the hot dog business! It’s allowed me to have a profitable, exciting career in business. I meet tons of terrific people and there is a sense of pride in knowing that I’ve actually built a business on my own.

And I promise you, if you don’t have it right now, the security of owning your own business, being able to go out and make your own money without somebody standing over your shoulder is one of the greatest things in the world.

“So Why Do I Care About You Anyway?”

Because I wouldn’t dare let a friend, a neighbor or a family member try to start their own hot dog cart business without the information inside this course. At one point I had three hot dog carts operating, making me over $1,500 a day, yet I hadn’t paid a dime for any of them.

I hadn’t paid a dime for them, none of the equipment, none of the supplies, or anything else.

The hot dog cart business has been an absolute blessing in my life and to be honest with you I don’t know what I would be doing right now if I hadn’t gotten started in the hot dog cart business.

I didn’t have a formal education. I never went to college. I didn’t even finish high school. And to think that I can make up to a quarter of a million dollars a year selling hot dogs is remarkable.

I’ve got lawyer friends of mine that make a $100,000 to $150,000 a year and some of them are a lot less than that. We go to these big fancy parties, and I go to parties with black ties and I take my wife out in fancy dresses and I drive a Cadillac when I’m not working. I live in a nice neighborhood and everybody wonders really what I do.

Because when I tell them that I’m a hot dog vendor I know they think I’m lying to them. They probably think I’m some sort of crazed drug dealer or a money launderer that does something else, but it’s just not true.

Hot dogs are just that good a business but no matter how much you tell people, they

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Digital Download: You will receive a download link via your order email after successful payment“Discover How You Can Easily Start Your Own Profitable Hot Dog Cart Business – Today”. “Hot Dog Cart Guru Finally Reveals The Step-by-Step Plan That Tripled His Hot Dog Carts Profits”