
Perry Belcher – Get Money From Google


Get Money From Google

ATTENTION MY ENTREPRENEURIAL FRIEND: If your are even half way considering starting a your own internet business you need to play close attention right now to discover…

How To “Funnel-Off” Your Share of the
GOOGLE Gives-Up To People Just
Like YOU Every Single Month

You’ll See How a High School Drop-Out From Paducah, Kentucky Rakes In $1.2Million In Just 9 Months
By Partnering With Google – All While He Built His
Own List of 40,234 Loyal Customers That Produce
Him Income For Years & Years To Come…
Here’s PROOF!
My Orders From Just 9 Month After I Decided To Partner With Google

But I Don’t Get All That…Google Takes Their Part

I have to be 100% up-front and honest about this,
I did pay Google over $500,000 as their share for bringing me all these customers, but do the math…

I was left with exactly…

In CASH in Under 9 Months

…the best part is, You don’t have to do hardly any work
once your “funnels” are set up! This is truly a
“Set it and Forget it” Business

From: Perry Belcher
Wednesday, 9:35 am
Austin, TX (by the pool)

Do you realize the internet has been growing like a weed for 10 straight years now…

Fact is, In this slowing economy, the internet seems to be the only area practically un-effected…

By now, I’ll bet you know somebody (or have at least heard of somebody) that started an online business and is no living the “Internet Lifestyle”. Vacationing in the Caribbean, driving fast cars, and living in their dream house…right?

They only work when they want…where they want…and spending most of their time doing what they love , right?

Here is the big question. So if they can do it, why are you still stuck?

First of all, It’s not your fault!

Let’s face it…The days of simply slapping up a website and getting tons of visitors making you an overnight bazoodlaire are gone for ever…

Here are the cold, hard facts…

Without a powerful partner, a proven plan…and without products to sell…a you’re screwed. You can’t even consider starting an internet business, Right?


What if I told you that by this weekend you could have everything you need to make money online :

1) A partnership with the biggest company on the internet…GOOGLE

2) My Direct Source To Tons of products you don’t have to create (but that are yours and yours alone to keep and sell forever)…

3) An unlimited supply of reliable web traffic (customers to buy your products)

PLUS: A simple, auto-pilot system that makes you money by “partnering” YOU with he biggest name on the internet..

Would you give me the next 7 minutes and read every word of this letter?

Congratulations, you made the smart choice…

First, let me tell you exactly what this business is NOT: It’s…
NOT Google AdSense
NOT Affiliate Marketing (or selling other people’s products)
NOT Ebay
NOT Posting Ads
NOT Typing
NOT Selling Services
NOT Mailing Lists
NOT Stuffing Envelopes
NO Direct Selling
NO Referring NOT A Pyramid Schemes
NOT Surveys
NOT Investing or Investments
NOT Paid to Read Programs
NOT Casino or Gambling
NOT Recruiting
NOT Currency Trading
NOT Chain Letters
NO Uplines or Downlines
NO “Ra-Ra” Meetings

I’ve Helped Sell At Least $52,773,093 Worth
of Products & Services Online

Why should you listen to me anyway?

My name is Perry Belcher and for the last 11 years I have been making money online.

As a matter of fact I started my first online business just after Jeff Bezo started I have made money with everything from craft supplies to e-books, rubber stamps to audio recordings, all sold over the world wide web.

What’s more I did it all without ever raising as single dime in venture capital or even taking a loan and I darn sure wasn’t born rich…

As a matter of fact I started with less that $50 in a dim lit corner my one bedroom apartment.

Almost 1,000,000 Customers Later….
Here is The Biggest Lesson I’ve Learned

Fast forward 11 years and to date I have been responsible for more that $50,000,000 in internet sales.

My biggest breakthrough came just a couple of years ago when I began a wonderful partnerership with an amazing company in California called Google.

My Best Business Partner Is Google

If you don’t know who they are you’ve been sleeping under a rock…

Part of Something Is a Lot Better
that 100% of Nothing

So why would I take in a partner and share split my money with Google? Three big reasons

Google Made Me An Offer I Couldn’t Refuse

First, of all, I needed an unfair advantage and they had it.

I didn’t to wait years to build an online business. I wanted it now! The only way to skyrocket up the ladder in this business is to partner with an 800lb. gorilla.

Second, I figured out how to get a much bigger piece of the pie from our partnership than Google…especially now, I have perfected my system to where I get to keep more than 2/3 of all the money I take in and better still…

Third, and it’s a biggy! I own the customer list! I get to keep all the customers that come from our partnership for LIFE! These names and addresses will make me money for years, money that I don’t have to share with Google.

Face It! There Ain’t No FREE Lunch..I can’t make this point strongly enough. The days of just striking out and making it on the internet without power partners, friends with lists and a proven formula is a pipe dream, nothing more!

I’ll bet your wondering…So why would Google make little ol’ me such a good deal? Simple…

Google Has More Customers than They Have Stuff
To Sell Them…They Need YOU!

Hear are the facts, Google performs over 200 Million searches every day from an estimated 20 million shoppers…every day!

Google desperitly needs you offer your goods and your services to sell those shoppers so they can get a piece of the action…it’s a partnership between YOU and Google…Get It?

They NEED partners! People just like you and me or they go broke, it’s that simple…

Here’s How Being In Business With Goggle Works

First, You need a product to sell, Personally, I love information products. I’ve sold everything from bug killer to chalk boards, but info products are my favorite.

What are info products? Info products are books, e-books, audio & video recordings even short 5-7 page reports (one my favorite)

Why are info products my #1 choice for what to market through Google?


Because information is the most valuable commodity on earth, even a fool knows that

There are no set prices for information, it’s impossible to “price shop”

It’s FREE to deliver electronically over the internet so my cost of sales is ZERO

There are 1000’s of information products already available for you to sell so you don’t have to
lift a finger to make anything

Don’t worry, I’ll turn you on to my private stash of products you can sell…

Second, You’ll need a website. You DON’T need a fancy one, as a matter of fact fancy websites can be the “Kiss of Death” to your web business. I recommend you start with a free blog.

I have a video that will give you showing you how to get you LIVE online in just 12 minutes flat, even if your a total technology cripple

Third, You need customers. That’s where your partner Google goes to work. If you follow my simple instructions Google will send you an endless supply of razor targeted customers delivered direct to your website 24 hours a day 7 days a week from all points of the globe.

Fourth, this is the secret sauce! You need other products to offer your customers after the sale. Here is the good news.

You only share my profits with Google on your very FIRST! Sale. That’s it. After that the profit is ALL mine 100% mine. Get it?

I can sell those customers for life and never have to give a single dime to Google. That’s how I can now write a single email, send it to my list and make enough money in 24 hours to buy a CAR! Really, that is not an exaggeration.

Guess how long I get to keep these customers? For LIFE!

Here is the even better news, once a customer has bought from you once, the are 10X ten times more likely to buy from you again, so based on that the money you share with Google becomes up front becomes tiny down the road…you HAVE to have a partner like Google to pull this off!

It’s really that simple

There Is A Catch!

You HAVE to split the money you make with Google. In the beginning Google could get as much as 50-60% of your profits…but the good news it there will be profits. Google will see to that.

Over just a few weeks following my system you should be able to trim back Google’s take to 20 or 30% of what you take in. That’s when the big bucks come rolling in

You Can Finally Be Free…with
“Get Money From Google” You Can
Quit your job and FINALLY “work” from home…
Bring your spouse home from work…
Buy that new car, boat or vacation home you’ve been eyeing…
Send a kid to college (and not worry about the expenses)…
Take the family on more vacations
Pay off your debt NEXT MONTH and STOP WORRYING ABOUT MONEY once and for all!
Have more time for hobbies and other things you love (but don’t currently have time for)…
Open a savings account and start paying CASH for the things you really want, or just…
Become the bread-winner you know your family needs and deserves.

Here’s What YOU Get Inside “Get Money From Google”

Self Liquidating Offers Report
FORMAT: Instant Access PDF Report

The 16 page report that started it all and built a name for me in this business.

This is the blueprint that the entire “Get Money From Google” system is based on and this written report will serve as a great checklist while listening to the audios

$27 Value – Yours FREE today

Product Splintering Report
FORMAT: Instant Access PDF Report

This report shows you how to take one piece of content and splinter it into many small micro niche products.

The idea here is that 10 small products are easier to sell through Google that one big one. (Google likes it better that way too)

There are at least 6 ways to re-purpose your content that makes it more valuable. You’ll learn them all…

$27 Value – Yours FREE today

Thought Stringing Report
FORMAT: Instant Access PDF Report

This is my super ninja report on how to sneak inside the minds of your customers.

Using this system you can get information from your customers about what they really want and need that the wouldn’t tell their best friends.

This is a VERY advanced strategies and cannot really be explained here. You’ll just have to trust me on this one but you wont be disappointed.

$27 Value – Yours FREE today

Training Module #1

Getting Started

FORMAT: Instant Access Audio

Audio One uncovers the secret plan. The step by step formula I have used to sell millions online!
Here you’ll get all the basics

Here’s what I’ll show you…
How to get on Google’s radar and how to get the most amount of customers available
How to expertly choose the most profitable and easiest markets to compete in and how Google helps you pick
How to determine how much Google’s share will be on a project to project basis (it changes)
The “Triad” secret that nobody gets on how Google really works
Why Google partners will be the only people left standing on the internet in just a few years

Training Module #2

Getting Products

FORMAT: Instant Access Audio

Audio Two reveals how I built a giant library of info products to sell in no time. Truth is, I didn’t create hardly ANY of them but now they are 100% mine.

Here’s what I’ll show you…
How to find products that other people have already mad that they will let you copy and sell for just pennies each
How to MASH products together to create irresistible offers with crazy high values
How to find experts BEGGING (even paying) to make info products for you that you can sell for life
The ONE kind of info products that always outsell all others 10 to one and where to find them
The 3 easy ways to create high dollar information products in 8 hours or less and how to sell them the same day

Training Module #3

Getting Customers

FORMAT: Instant Access Audio

Audio Three explains exactly hoe to get the maximum number of customers from your Google partnership. (There are other partners out there)

Here’s what I’ll show you…
How to discovery the exact words your customers are using when the are looking for what you sell on Google
How to use Google’s crystal ball to determine EXACTLY how many people search Google for what you offer every day.
How to structure your offers so that Google viewers will simply HAVE to click on them or go CRAZY
How a single punctuation mark can ad 30-50% more money in your pocket when it’s in your ad. Even if it doesn’t make sense
How to get your customers to give you their money the very 1st time they see your webpage. – Even if they have never heard of you.

Training Module #4

Getting Leverage

FORMAT: Instant Access Audio

Audio Four: Here I reveal how I leverage Google’s power to build my list, attract joint venture partners and fatten up my company to sell & retire

Here’s what I’ll show you…
How I only share my money with Google on each customers 1st sale and how I keep 100% of the profits from that point on
How I get customers to send me money month after month by giving them a digital gift the first time we do business
How I have an endless list of joint venture partners begging me to let them promote my products
How I use my Google partnership to build an army of internet salespeople or affiliates that sell my products on a commission only basis worldwide
How I use an secret automatic email system to keep cash pouring in my door 24 hours a day even while I’m asleep

Writing Killer Online Ads $97 Value
FORMAT: Instant Access VIDEO

Creative ad writing can really boost your online income.

While Google will send you a TON of traffic your ads will greatly determine how many of your viewers will give you money and how much.

This is the most complete course on online ad writing ever assembled.

Worth it’s weight in gold

$97 Value – Yours FREE today

Get $270 in Valuable Bonuses FREE By
Tacking Action Today

Be one of the first 777 to try “Get Money From Google” and get these amazing bonuses (over $375 worth) as my gift to you. 100% yours to keep even if you return “How To Get Money From Google” for a full refund
Automatic Daily Income $97 Value
FORMAT: Instant Access Audio

Ryan Deiss the “Continuity King” explains memberships programs and triple your online profits passively in just a few months

FACT: Recurring income is the ONLY way to fully stabilize you income online from month to month.

Using Ryan’s exact system I produce more than half of my monthly income and I truly couldn’t stop this money from rolling in every month if I tried

This course is an absolute MUST HAVE!

$97 Value – Yours Free!

Money With Your Microphone $97 Value
FORMAT: Instant Access Audio

My FAVORITE way to actually make information products.

Audio products are considered highly valuable and with computers today they are SUPER easy to produce.

I even include FREE audio editing software so that you’ll have no excuses to get started

This is a complete course on audio product creation sold every day for

$97 Value – Yours FREE today

What’s Working Now 30 Day Trial $27

My private membership site where you’ll here from other people just like you who are starting and running successful online businesses.

Membership here is strictly limited and this part of the offer will be closing very soon.

Try it 30 days for free. If you like it stay in for just $27 per month or bail out at any time

$27 Value – Yours FREE today

Let’s Recap Everything You Get
The Complete “Get Money from Google System”

The Automatic Daily Income Course by Ryan Deiss

Making Money With Your Microphone

How To Write Great Google Ads

30 Free Trial to “What’s Working Now”

Total Value

Yours Today (Over 7 Hours of Training)

Just $27
You Save $440

Why Would I Give You Almost $500
Worth of Products For Only $27

Let’s be frank, you would be just plain stupid to miss this offer. It’s like getting $10 tickets to the Super Bowl.

Remember “Get Money From Google” is
NOT sold in any store

This information is far to rare and valuable to be carried by any retail store. “Get Money From Google” is ONLY available direct from me here on this website. We don’t want this info in the public, that is the entire point. That’s what gives us and our customers such an unfair advantage over our competitors.

I DARE any Competitor to Match My
“TRIPLE” Guarantee

I am so sure of your success with this program I guarantee it 3 times in 3 different ways.

Guarantee #1 If for ANY reason you are not completely satisfied “Get Money From Google” even I you don’t like the color of the cover or the roughness of my voice on the recordings just send me a personal email any time in the next 91 days for a full, prompt refund and I will insist you keep all my bonus gifts for you FREE just for giving “Get Money From Google” an honest evaluation. Fair enough? There’s more…

Guarantee #2 Simply implement just ONE of the money making strategies inside “Get Money From Google” and If you don’t profit at least TEN TIMES your investment in the course I will personally work with you one-on-one until we reach this goal together. If for some reason I fail (and I won’t) I will gladly reach into my own pocket and buy “Get Money From Google” back from you for $50 almost DOUBLE your purchase price.

Guarantee #3 Implement ALL the strategies inside “Get Money From Google” if you don’t at least TRIPLE the current size of your business and work less than you ever have before. First, I will gladly refund your full purchase price, next I will give you $500 cash out of my pocket and to top it off I’ll donate $1000 to charity in your name. I am that sure this will work for you.

Only 777 Copy Of “Get Money From Google”
Will Be Released In This Promotion Period

This is a TRUE Limited Time Offer

I only plan to offer “Get Money From Google” to a small group of beta testers at the insanely low $27 price point . Why, because my real goal here is not to make money, it’s to make connections.

I will to offer “Get Money From Google” for $500 once I have all the testimonials I need and made soem partners

The good news for you as a beta tester is you will get to ask questions and offer feedback that will be used to shape the final version months before it hits the market.

Can You Keep These Secrets
“Just Between Us”

Non-Disclosure Confidentially Agreement

Because of the rarity and value of the information inside “Get Money From Google” and because of the benefits and unfair advantage that it gives to my few clients that have it. I must insist that you agree to full confidentiality and non-disclosure or the information. This is NOT negotiable and you cannot access “Get Money From Google” at any price without agreeing to this one condition.

YES, I agree not to share any of the proprietary information from “Get Money From Google” with anyone other than my employees or immediate family members. I realize that this is sensitive information and a big part of what makes it work is it’s limited availability. I promise to keep your secrets. Please let me in.

Claim Your Copy of “Get Money From Google”
Right Now for Just $27

YES Perry, I want in! Please let me. I want to “Get Money From Google” Please Give me INSTANT access to this wealth building knpwlege right now. I understand I’ll get…


INSTANT ACCESS to: The complete $197 “Get Money From Google System” 6 hours of quality training


INSTANT ACCESS The “Get Money From Google” VIDEO Trainings 2 hours of Google ad writing and landing page training on streaming video


INSTANT ACCESS The Complete $97 Automatic Daily Income Course by Ryan Deiss


INSTANT ACCESS The Complete $79 Make Money With Your Microphone Training by Perry Belcher & Ryan Deiss

INSTANT ACCESS 30 Day Free Trial To My What’s Working Now Audio Newsletter packed with interviews of other successful Google marketers


INSTANT ACCESS The Complete $79 Make Money With Your Microphone Training by Perry Belcher & Ryan Deiss


INSTANT ACCESS Video Tutorials, Reviews, Tips, Tricks and Tactics

Plus Tons More

PLUS: You get my $197 archive pack of past What’s Working Now Interviews just for giving WWN a Free Trial.

Your entire package is waiting for you to claim it. Just $27 gets you instant digital access so you can start making money right away

Have your credit card handy and click the happy orange button below.

Add to Cart

P.S. I Admit This May Not Be For You

Life is a series of choices. I realize that not everyone will completely understand the power of my system. You may not be able to afford it or their might be some reason you truly think that you can’t follow the simple step-by-step instructions inside. That’s OK

Like my daddy use to say “The World Needs Ditch Diggers Too Son”

Truth is only a small percent of people (about 2%) ever have the salt to become financially independent. The others are content to move around like sheep and work for the people on top. God bless them because they have made me a lot of money over the years. Now you have to choose which side you going to be on.

Will you create your own future, be in charge of your destiny and rise to the top or will you pick up a shovel for the next 40 years? It’s 100% up to you.

P.P.S. If you’re a little afraid, don’t worry…that’s a good thing.

Think back on everything you’ve done that was truly worthwhile in your life. I’m talking about things like: asking that special someone on a date … learning to swim ..showing up for the first day of school … getting married … buying your first home … having a child.

What do all these things have in common?

Answer: FEAR.

Now think about your normal daily activities…things like: reading … watching BizLearning … even attending a seminar … I think you’ll agree that none of them are all that scary. In fact, they’re probably downright comfortable!

But I want you to ask yourself, “Where have these activities got me so far?”

My guess is you won’t like the answer.

That’s why my advice is that you follow your fear…

P.P.P.S. I Eat Steak Either Way

Me Racing Formula One in Vegas With My Buds

My Back Yard, Pool Hot Tub, Outdoor Kitchen -The Works!

Me In The Caribbian -Beautiful Sunsets For 2 Weeks

Here is the cold hard truth. I eat steak tonight no matter what choice you make. Let me explain. In the grand scheme of things my financial position will not be effected much by your decision to acquire my system. My kids will still go to college of their choice, my wife will get the fancy shoes from the magazine and I’ll play golf at a really very nice club this Saturday.

However, your choice will have a HUGE impact on your future. This is really all about you and your dreams. Bottom line, it’s guaranteed and you can’t possible lose. Claim your copy today CLICK HERE

This Training Is Real and So Am I

P.P.P.S. Just so you know, I’m a real person and I really do have multiple online businesses. Here is my personal and company information just to prove it to you. I WANT to hear from you. I want to be your friend.

You Can Reach Me Easily


TWITTER ME (fastest response)


CALL MY CELL 512-519-7530

InfoMastery, LLC
5700 S. Mopac Expy.
Suite C315
Austin, TX 78749

HIRE ME TO SPEAK Email Sandy at the address below

If you have any questions about my Get Money From Google Course, call us from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM Central Standard Time, Monday through Thursday, at: 512-892-3022 (my assistant Sandy will answer)… or send us an email.


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Training Customization Step 2 of 3:

Choose ONE Additional Training Program
for 50% off and Get 3 Others FREE!

The #1 question people ask me when I speak at live events is, “Perry what would you learn first if you had to start over today from SCRATCH?” It’s a great question but there is no one thing. You really need a grasp of..


How to get massive amounts of traffic to your website (YES! You Have This One Covered)

How to write an irresistible offers people want to buy

How to build a huge list of buyers that will take you up on those offers

How to tweak your site to get the highest percentage of conversions possiible

How to raise the money to keep you afloat during the process

Fortunately, I have taken defeated all 4 of these challenges for you in four terrific trainings solutions I call the “Fab Four”. These content dense supplemental training sessions normally sell for $197 each, but today if you choose just one for HALF PRICE, I’ll give the other three absolutley FREE!

Why? Because I know that without them you may not be successful and that would be a shame since your so close…

It’s really simple, just pick the one training that you would like to get for HALF PRICE only $97 and I’ll send you INSTANT ACCESS to it and ALL the other trainings listed above as a FREE Bonus. Almost $800 worth of my very best trainings for only $97 that’s 88% off. You SAVE $691

Here are you choices… (Actually, it’s not even a choice because by investing in just one – at 50% off!! – you get the other three for FREE!)

Course Descriptions:

Training #1: 43 Sneaky Little Tricks To Selling Online

Approx 2.5 hours VIDEO Training
Value: $197

My #1 Most Popular Training of ALL Time

Over my years in internet marketing I have tested everything from background colors, to font sizes , over 100 buy buttons etc… Over 1200 actual market tests. Out of all those only 43 yielded a positive result every time and I wrote those in a special journal.

These results cost me personally millions of dollars and over 5 years of my life to compile. Dolor for dollar and minute for minute I believe that this is the most trainingive use of time any internet marketer could ever spend.

I explain all 43 on VIDEO with Ryan Deiss. This training is only available to my $97 per month Total Access Club Members

Training #2: How To Write Mouthwatering Advertisements

Approx 2.0 Video
Value: $197

I love to write copy! Why, because I have a system of doing it that not only gives me the ability to write killer copy on command but that makes the whole process pain free and almost automatic.

Ryan Deiss and I explain the system that we both follow to create mouthwatering copy and how you can do the same by just setting a few rules in place.

This is a step by step 13 point system that will never leave you staring at a blank screen again. Copywriting is one of the most valuable skills you can have in this business. Get it here now!

Training #3: How To Build a Giant Opt-In List Fast

Approx 2.5 hours Audio
Value: $197

The money is in the list! That is a FACT!

Ryan Deiss has been building giant lists in tiny markets for years now and for the first time he reveals in ABC fashion exactly how he does it.

Sandwich pages, squeeze pages, co-reg and other terms of the lead generation business are explained here in great detail but what’s more

Ryan exposes all his little tweaks and trick that skyrocket response virtually overnight.

With the list comes power…learn how to build yours today

Training #4: Raise All The Money You Need For Your Business

Approx 4.0 hours
Value: $197

OK, You can start an internet business on a shoestring and I have, plenty but mainly just because I didn’t know how to raise seed or venture capital for my ventures…that’s all changed.

In the past few years I have learned how to raise money with ease, from friends and acquaintances, angel investors and Venture capital funds.

The big surprise here is all the money you can get to start your business from the government or SBA. I explain that paperwork jungle in great detail.

It is really easy to raise money for your ideas if you just know how to go about it. Get funded fast and you’ll have a huge head start.

YOU Get It All! For Just $97
(Almost $800 Worth of Training)

Again, invest in just one of these additional training sessions at HALF PRICE (only $97) and I’ll send you INSTANT ACCESS to it and ALL the other trainings listed above as a FREE Bonus. That’s almost $800 worth of my very best trainings for only $97. You SAVE $691! (88% off)

43 Marketing Tests

Retail $197 INCLUDED

Mouthwatering Copy

Retail $197 INCLUDED

How To Build a Big List Fast

Retail $197 INCLUDED

Shaking The Money Tree

Retail $197 INCLUDED

Total Value

Our One-Time-Offer Price For ALL four trainings w/INSTANT ACCESS

Just $97

Get download Perry Belcher – Get Money From Google at right now!


Delivery Method

– After your purchase, you’ll see a View your orders link which goes to the Downloads page. Here, you can download all the files associated with your order.
– Downloads are available once your payment is confirmed, we’ll also send you a download notification email separate from any transaction notification emails you receive from
– Since it is a digital copy, our suggestion is to download and save it to your hard drive. In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us and we will resend the new download link.
– If you cannot find the download link, please don’t worry about that. We will update and notify you as soon as possible at 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM (UTC 8).

Thank You For Shopping With Us!

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Original price was: $97.00.Current price is: $32.00.

Digital Download: You will receive a download link via your order email If your are even half way considering starting a your own internet business you need to play close attention right now to discover…How To “Funnel-Off” Your Share of the $1,463,224,111 GOOGLE Gives-Up To People Just Like YOU Every Single Month