
Paul Ransom – Website Conversion Course


Website Conversion Course

Get More Sales. More Leads. More Opt–Ins. More Cash!

The Ultimate Website Conversion Course™ provides you with a roadmap to higher conversions. It lays out the strategies used by both large and small companies to increase their conversions by 100% or more.

Let me warn you up front, however. This course is NOT for everybody.

  1. If you’re expecting someone to wave a magic wand and“poof” your conversions go through the roof, you should stop reading.
  2. If you’re unwilling to invest a little time and effort into busting the lid off your current conversion rates you should stop reading.
  3. And if you’re not looking to generate potentially life-changing income from your existing online business by improving your conversions, you should stop reading.

But you are serious about making more money online, right?

That’s what I thought.

Let’s take a look at a short list of who stands to benefit enormously from what is contained in The Ultimate Website Conversion Course™.

(Note: If you see yourself on the following list, you might want to skip to the bottom of the page now and secure your copy so you can get started immediately… 100% risk free of course.)

  • Adwords and other PPC advertisers who want more bang for every buck they’re spending AND who want to dominate their market by having the lowest cost per action among their competitors
  • Email marketers looking for higher conversions from their email marketing campaigns and follow-up messages
  • List builders who want more opt-in subscribers and higher rates of conversion on their Squeeze pages and Landing pages
  • Affiliate Marketers who want to generate more commissions with their pre-sell pages, niche sites and autoresponder campaigns
  • Businesses who want to generate targeted sales leads at the least possible cost per lead
  • eCommerce sites looking to sell more of their products without spending more money on advertising or traffic
  • Professional service providers who want to sell more of their services online at a minimal cost
  • Info Marketers who want to increase their conversions from every free or paid source of traffic they are currently using to drive sales
  • Actually, anyone who wants to increase the desired visitor actions on their web sites at no additional cost for advertising or traffic will benefit from The Ultimate Website Conversion Course™.

    For example, Adsense sites who want to increase their clickthrough rates and earnings per click, membership sites who want to increase their trials, political and charitable sites who want to boost their donations, etc.

Get Ready to Dog-Ear the Pages

Ultimate Website conversion Course

The Ultimate Website Conversion Course™ consists of 5 core modules, each of which represents an important piece of the Conversion improvement puzzle.

Everything from basic marketing concepts to advanced multivariate split testing is covered in detail.

Each of the 6 profit-boosting components is worth it’s weight in gold. You won’t find this in-depth, conversion improvement information anywhere else.

If you act fast, I have also arranged for you to receive 4 additional bonuses that skyrockets the value of this huge, 994 page “must-have” package.

And remember…

Every single minute you fail to optimize your landing pages for better conversion is a lost profit opportunity you can never recover.

So with that out of the way, let’s take a peek inside the course…

Module #1
Conversion Triggers – The Ultimate“What to Test” Guide to Higher Conversions

The Conversion Triggers reference manual gives you everything you need to increase your conversion rates to eye-popping levels. Each of the 183 pages is jam packed with actionable information you can begin using today to increase your conversions.

This first manual is much more than a simple book of “conversion tips”. Conversion Triggers is a hands-on guide that goes into deep, enlightening detail about which factors to focus on to achieve superior results fast…with a minimal investment of time and money.

You’ll learn how to make the often subtle changes to your web pages that can collectively increase your conversion rates 100% or more.

5 Types of Web Pages Get Full Coverage

For each of the sections you’ll find templates and examples of what to do and how to do it best. It is written in plain English, by the way, and not in some techno-gibberish that leaves you more confused than when you started.
Page Layout

For example, in the section on“Subscription Opt-in Pages” you’ll get an overview of page design complete with an easy-to-understand mock-up. You’ll learn which elements to put in which spots to maximize your conversion rate.

Remember – what you offer is more important than what your page looks like. So when it comes to your pages, you’ll learn exactly how to present words that compel action now – the Holy Grail of online marketing.

You’ll get a detailed discussion of what to say and how to say it.

Even more important, you’ll learn“what to test” and what to focus your efforts on to achieve profit-bursting numbers described in the example above.

I’m talking about substantially increasing your conversion rate 100% or more and the profit windfall that could mean for you.

Here’s just a small taste of what’s inside:

* It starts with the“conversion equation.” Memorize this equation and learn it well – it is critically important for your conversion success.
* The key metrics you’ll want to measure. Learn to focus only on the ones that’ll get you the most return on your investment and effort.
* The 5 types of pages you’ll need to test. Test the wrong one first and you can waste countless hours and miss out on countless dollars. Here’s why and what you should test first.
* 3 ways to introduce scarcity into your offer. With proper testing you’ll have an offer your visitors can’t possibly resist.
* The Big 5 principles for writing a headline. Want your visitor’s eyeballs glued to your page and compelled to take your desired action? Incorporate these principles into all your headlines.
* 5 rules of thumb for using Pop-ups and Pop-unders. Make sure you know if they are helping or hindering your conversions.
* Web 2.0 is more than a buzzword. Learn how to use Web 2.0 strategies correctly on your site to improve conversion rates by 50% or more.
* Are your bullets pushing your visitor’s emotional hot buttons? You’ll discover how to make sure they do.
* 14 Keys to creating sign up forms that get filled out. You’ll learn how to create forms that “get the click”. I’ll even walk you through some typical forms step-by-step, with specific examples of what to do and say.
* Winning the Affiliate Marketing game. These strategies will give you a definite edge on the competition and more money in your pocket.
* Structuring your eCommerce site for maximum conversion. Learn from a detailed case study of a major online retailer that illustrates exactly what to do and what not to do.
* 3 areas to focus on in your emails. Improve conversions in each area and watch your sales explode.
* And a whole lot more…

Module #2
Listen to What They Ask – The Ultimate Guide to Knowing What Your Market Wants

It goes without saying that knowing your target market – their needs, their lifestyle preferences, their emotional hot buttons, etc. – is key to delivering products and services that will sell.

Increasing conversion rates depends to a large extent on your ability to gather this knowledge and act on it in an intelligent way.

For example, knowing exactly why your current visitors are not buying gives you a good idea what factors to test for maximum conversion improvement in the future.

Similarly, if you knew exactly what your market wants to buy you’d be able to create product offers with vastly improved odds of selling like hotcakes.

Best of all, imagine if you knew the emotional buying triggers that would make your offers irresistible to your visitors and to your existing customers. Your website will create a buying frenzy where all the right buying buttons get pushed.

Can I hear you say,“Ka-Ching!”

That’s what Listen To What They Ask gives you. You will learn a combination of strategies and techniques that will tell you exactly what your market wants to buy.

Once you know that, improving your conversion rate is like shooting fish in a barrel.

* You’ll be introduced to a set of tools enabling you to gather all the info you need to fine tune your offers and send conversion rates skyward
* Gather real-time marketing intelligence information from your visitors… both those who do buy and, more importantly, those that don’t
* Learn how to overcome common objections before the next set of visitors arrive
* Follow your visitor’s click path through your site in real time and make page corrections on the fly
* Learn from your customer’s feedback and subtle actions so you can make your pages even more irresistible

This single component of your course will give you an obscene advantage over your clueless competitors.

But don’t feel too sorry for your competition. They will gladly try to crush you if they get their hands on this course first.

But you’re going to beat them to the punch, right?

Module #3
Split Testing Guide – The Ultimate Guide to Landing Page Optimization

Knowing what to test is important, but unless you know how to test it, you’re toast.

In the Split Testing Guide, you’ll learn all you need to know to be able to test like a conversion expert…without spending a ton of money on software or having to hire additional staff or a high-priced consultant.

After all, this course is about MAKING MORE MONEY, not spending it.

You’ll learn things like…

* The correct order of optimization for your online business. Hint: Your web site is not first on the list or last.
* The primary types of split testing to consider. Don’t worry, it’s all explained in layman’s terms so that even a beginner can easily understand.
* Testing limitations and pitfalls. You’ll learn exactly how to easily avoid these roadblocks to get rock–solid results as fast as possible.
* Options for testing tools and services. Including some that won’t cost you a single dime.

Speaking of testing tools that won’t cost you dime, I’ve included comprehensive step-by-step instructions on how to set up simple A/B split tests and advanced multivariate tests in Google’s new (and free) Website Optimizer tool. This amazing service is an absolute must for your conversion improvement toolbox.

Website Optimizer

You’ll also learn how to interpret the results from this tool and how to troubleshoot your test experiments to stay on the right track.

In the end, it’s all about increasing your conversion rates. Large companies pay huge fees to consultants and thousands of dollars per month for software services to make their web sites more profitable.

How can you compete with these big dogs?

Don’t worry. You’ll achieve your own stellar results but you won’t have to pay big bucks to anyone. That’s a promise.

Module #4
The List P.R.O.F.I.T System -The Ultimate Guide to Email List Building

(Not inside this product. Download from

A sales conversion rarely happens on the first visit to your site. In fact, it’s a sales axiom that 80% of the time, a prospect’s decision to buy happens somewhere between the 5th-12th contact.

This is the primary reason why conversion rates are so poor. Unless your web site visitors are given a compelling reason to return, most end up in the “one and done” status. Just like that, they’re gone forever… and so are your advertising dollars!

Mark this next point well –

Absolutely nothing is more important to your conversion improvement success than capturing your website visitor’s email addresses and building a long term relationship with them.

It should be your absolute top priority and with the Ultimate Website Conversion Course™ you’ll learn from the very best.

I scoured the web for the best advice out there, and at one point considered creating my own “how-to” guide. Then I found something for you that simply can’t be topped.
List Building Advice From
One Of The World’s Top Experts

I’ve secured the rights to a List Building course from one of the world’s foremost experts on the subject, Jimmy D. Brown.

You’ll get two full hours of MP3 audios and 139 PDF pages crammed full of the best list building advice on the planet. Jimmy reveals the same system he’s been using successfully since 1999 to build massive, spam-free lists, including:

* The 6-Step List-Building system every successful marketer uses. Master these six steps and you’ll join the very elite.
* 5 Simple ways to build a relationship with your list.
Learn these and you’ll have more buyers and fewer people who unsubscribe.
* The #1 Technique for getting subscribers to respond to your offers. Use this in your next mailing and watch your conversions skyrocket.
* Two ways to add 5-10 new subscribers to your list every single day. These “drip-drip” strategies really add up over time and won’t cost you a dime.
* A 7-Step system for creating high-converting opt-in pages.
How would you like a 75% conversion rate on your squeeze pages?
* Opt-in “triggers” which almost compel people to join your list.
Learn to make your list “irresistible” by adding these triggers.
* 9 Ways to increase urgency so you get the sign-up now.
These simple tactics will send your conversion rates through the roof.
* And a whole lot more…

The 9 downloadable MP3 files make it easy to absorb all this instruction wherever you want to—in the car, while you’re exercising, on your PC. You can learn everything you need to build profitable lists quickly and conveniently.

Module #5
List Management Guide -The Ultimate Guide to Follow-Up Marketing

The list building advice you’ll receive from Jimmy Brown is fantastic, but to boost your conversion rates and profits to the max you also need to know how to manage your lists and email messages effectively.

That’s where the List Management Guide comes in.

This guide will show you how to get the most response out of your Autoresponders, which are the workhorse of online marketing. You must have them in your toolbox to be successful.

Everything you need to know is in here…absolutely no stone has been left unturned.

Here’s a look at some of what’s inside:

* Autoresponder A-Z – All the nuts and bolts details about setting up and using sequential autoresponders.
* The Pro’s and Con’s of using Free Gifts as Opt-in Bait. Choose wisely as managing your list profitably depends on it.
* 4 Keys to the Perfect email offer. Make sure you implement these keys for maximum results.
* 3 Guidelines to follow when creating your messages. These nuggets will save you valuable time and strengthen the relationship you have with your list.
* Rules of thumb for sign-up forms. Follow these guidelines for vastly improved response.
* How to set up your lists and your sub-lists. Know the pro’s and con’s of having multiple, targeted lists for effective marketing.

With the List Management Guide, you have everything you need to go along with the other 4 modules to increase conversions and grow your business fast.

But I’m not done yet. There one more piece to this conversion puzzle and it may be the most valuable one yet.

It’s Time For You to Seize the Reins
And Take Positive Action Today

The fact that you’re still reading tells me you are serious about finding ways to grow your business without wasting time or money in the process.

What’s more, if you’re as smart as I think you are, then you know that the most intelligent, logical and efficient way to increase sales and profits right now is through improving your conversion rates.

* As an Adwords or PPC advertiser, it’s absolutely vital you improve conversions. Otherwise your ROI won’t justify the cost you’re paying per click and you’re just throwing good money after bad.
* As an Infoproduct or Affiliate marketer, there’s no faster way to higher profits than by improving conversions.
* If you are spending money to generate leads, you can’t afford to waste your time or money. Every increase in conversion lowers your cost per lead and helps your close more sales for less.
* If you’re an eCommerce site owner, you have no choice but to focus on improving conversions in order to compete and maximize your profitability.

It’s really quite simple. Improve conversions and reap a harvest of more opt-ins, more sales, higher profits and higher profit margins.

So, How Much Is An Extra
$139,065 Per Year Worth To You?

You remember what happened in the examples you read at the beginning of this letter? A single percentage point increase in conversions yielded an additional $100K in annual profits.

Now whether you improve your bottom line by that much this year depends on your current sales, profit margins and effort you apply to boosting your conversions.
Small Difference Big Profits

Your sales and profit increases could actually be a lot more. They could also be less. The one thing that remains certain is that just a tiny one percentage point bump in your conversion rate will have a very positive effect on your business and on your life.

And I have a feeling you’re eager to find out what a one percentage point increase (or more) looks like for yourself, right?

Free Bonus #1 – Value $97
Hypnotic Headlines
The Complete Guide to Writing Killer Headlines

Free Bonus #2 – Value $147
How to Write Sales Letters that Compel Action
The Complete Guide to Writing Copy that Sells

Free Bonus #3 – Value $27
Free Bonus #3 is a handy Quick Start reference guide to help you get the most out of the Ultimate Website Conversion Course.

Get download Paul Ransom – Website Conversion Course at right now!


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Original price was: $97.00.Current price is: $30.00.

Digital Download: You will receive a download link via your order email after successful paymentThe Ultimate Website Conversion Course™ provides you with a roadmap to higher conversions. It lays out the strategies used by both large and small companies to increase their conversions by 100% or more.