
Patric Chan – You Chan Do It


You Chan Do It

“How A 26-Year Old Guy Living In A Small Island Of Penang In Malaysia, Who Had NEVER Been To A College Or University IN HIS LIFE Makes A Killing On The Internet — And Breaks The Bank!

“Discover How To Easily Set-Up A Money-Churning Online Niche Business By Using The ‘Chan Do’ Internet Success System To Generate A Consistent Monthly Income For YOU”

Component #1 Of The “Chan” Do Internet Success System:

8 PDF Training Modules

(Value $597)

Here are the 8 PDF Modules:

Module #1: How to research for a niche market on the internet before you start

I’ll go through with you what online businesses you can start that are proven to be profitable and choosing the topic you love! Imagine working in a business that you love.

Example, if we choose the ‘dog training’ niche, I’ll show you how to find the niche for it on the internet so that you’ll be excited about ‘working’ on your internet business every day. I’m sure we don’t want to drag ourselves to work, right?

Not only that, but I’ll teach you the fundamental of building an internet business. If you miss this simple BUT IMPORTANT part, you might never be successful online.

The biggest mistake that most people do was getting it all wrong right from the beginning — Assuming how profitable a niche can be WITHOUT knowing how to research to ensure that it can be as full proof as possible for success. You’ll learn the secrets of finding what people want to buy.

Module #2: How to create a profitable webpage and write a killer salesletter for your online niche business

– There are secrets of how to create webpages that make people want to buy. Only the elite internet marketers who are making money each month know about this. And obviously, they are keeping it to themselves. No smart marketers will tell these in their ebooks. But, I’m going to reveal the secrets to you in this online home course study. You are not reading it from a book, you are hearing it straight from the horse’s mouth.

YOU DON’T EVEN NEED TO KNOW HOW TO DESIGN A WEBPAGE! I’ll show to you in a video tutorial how to do this. Just follow it.

“Don’t know how to write words that will persuade your visitor to buy when they read them?”

I’ll give you a guideline on how to write a sales letter that will hypnotize the visitors to take action. You’ll get over the hump of writing-salesletter-problems with my simple-to-follow copywriting techniques. No more writer’s block for you.

Just from this course alone, you’ll walk home with a big smile. (Side note: I am paid very handsome fees to write webcopies for many successful people from all around the world.)

Set up the webpage and write the salesletter the way I’m going to show in this

home course study and you’ll make money whenever you get visitors to your website.

Module #3: How to make money online without creating your own info-product

Funny thing is, most people tell me that their major problem stopping them from making money online is that they don’t have or don’t know what product to sell.

In this module, I’ll show you how to make money without creating your own info-product. In fact, I’ll show you how you can make money from your website visitors — Even if they don’t a buy a thing from you! You’ll discover the world of affiliate marketing, one of the easiest and quickest ways to make money online. I started making my first dollar using this method.

Module #4: How to set up your automatic email marketing campaigns

You’ll learn how to write personal and persuasive emails that are automated for your subscribers and customers to read. Once you have done this successfully, I won’t be surprised if you start making money online — Each time you send an email!

I’ve even gone the extra mile to prepare email templates that you can just plug-and-play’ into your email system. This is as easy as A-B-C.

You’ll discover what type of emails get a high conversion of sales. If you apply this specific strategy that I’ll share with you in the coaching program, I’ll not be surprised if you double your conversion rates easily.

Picture this … take 10 minutes of your time and write an email. Send it out and people will start buying your products like crazy! You can achieve that if you KNOW the system. Learning how to write emails is the #1 top priority because email marketing is one of your most powerful marketing tools.

Surprised? You’ll be excited when you know how email marketing can shoot your profit through the rooftop.

Module #5: How to advertise and promote your webpage effectively online.

After you get your entire webpage and salesletter ready, what’s next?

You need to advertise and promote so that the internet will know about your webpage and come to see you. What I have up my sleeve are cutting edge internet marketing strategies on how to get traffic to your webpage for FREE or cheaply. Obviously, this is my expertise or else I wouldn’t be making money each month! You’ll learn both free and paid methods that generate results.

Without traffic, you won’t make a cent online. Traffic is what will make your online business come ‘alive’.

Module #6: How to generate free traffic to your webpage – Part II (Continue from Module #5)

Have you seen some people claiming that they’ll send 10,000 visitors to your website if you buy their ad package or read their ebook?

Honestly, I don’t care what they do. There are so many myths about getting free traffic. And if you keep on reading more ebooks about getting traffic, you’ll start to pull all of your hair out! Yeah, some methods can generate free traffic for you but this is most likely USELESS traffic! WHY? Because it’s NOT TARGETED free traffic.

Find out 3 ways how I get free targeted traffic each month. The best part is, once you set this strategy up, you’ll still be getting free targeted traffic for a long time even if you don’t touch your computer again!

One of it is how to get traffic from the Search Engines — the dream of all website owners and internet marketers.

I know, I know … it sounds almost unbelievable. But if I can prove it to you, are you willing to use it to get this valuable traffic without paying a cent for it?

Module #7: How to create an info-product to sell online and break the bank!

You don’t need to have an info-product to sell online when you first start because I’ll teach you how you can still be rich on the internet without having it, in Module #3. However, over time, you’ll want to develop your own product(s).

I’ll share with you the techniques and tips on how to create a product, specifically in your niche market. By creating a product, you have a new income stream for the rest of your life! I know this because I’ve authored ebooks and am still selling them successfully each month — taking passive income home to pay my bills.

You’ll discover the 4 types of product creation that you can do to set up your online business for MAXIMUM PROFIT. One of them is so powerful that you can double your product’s price if you choose to create this type of product. You’ll also find out how you can “kill two birds with one stone” when creating an info-product.

Module #8: The “Chan Do” Internet Success System Blueprint

First, congratulations. You have reached it.

The first 7 Modules will prepare you with all the essential knowledge that you need to make money online by selling info-products. So, in Module #8, I’ll give to you a checklist and the “Chan Do” 30-day success plan. With this, I will be very surprised if you don’t start making money online, or increase your online income if you’re already earning online.

Everything will be incorporated here. All concepts will seem very easy to understand by now. You will be ready to start a successful online business and quit your job (If you have a job now).

Basically in a nutshell, I’ll show you from A-Z how to start a profitable online niche business in this digital home course study by “holding your hand”.

Special Bonus:

48 Training Video Tutorials Included In The

8-PDF Training Modules! (Value $197)

You’ll gain access to 48 additional training video tutorials that will accelerate your learning curves of the 8 PDF Training Modules. With these videos, you’ll be able to understand the modules easier. This will include video tutorials to design webpage, setup email autoresponder, how to set up a blog account, etc.

Component #2 Of The “Chan” Do Internet Success System:

8 Recorded Q&A Consultation Calls

(Value $1,500)

Originally, the “Chan” Do Internet Success System is a live coaching program. The previous students get to attend a 8 coaching Q&A live tele-coaching calls to ask me any questions about that specific topic’s module and also, get my PERSONAL REVIEW of their work.

There are many things that have happened in thesevaluable coaching tele-conference calls. I have reviewed their online business and with a simple tweak, the sales conversion rate might increase dramatically.

Or maybe one tiny item of feedback from me about their current email marketing strategy will help them to boost their relationship with the subscribers many fold. So many undisclosed information and tips are shared in these coaching calls.

The good news is, all of these 8 calls are recorded!

You’ll get to access to EIGHT recorded real-life Q&A Consultation Calls that I’ve done with the 1st, 2nd and 3rd intake students!

The total time of these calls are over 8 hours — You’ll get the uncensored, unedited and content-packed tips that are only originally shared to my coaching students … don’t expect to get these kind of information from reading an ebook!

My normal 1-hour consultation minimum fee is US $500 but because you’re ordering the home course study, you’ll get to access these exclusive calls. That’s the total value of $1,500.

Think about it —

You’ll be able to absorb these valuable private calls information for just a tiny fraction of what they actually cost! If you were to purchase any audio course regarding marketing online from an established internet marketer, I can’t even guarantee that you’ll get this kind of “behind-the-scene” consultation information.

The reason why this offer is presented to you is because of one reason only — You’re going to be a student of The “Chan” Do Internet Success System and I don’t want you to miss out anything valuable that can speed-up your internet success process today. The questions asked in the 8 recorded Q&A Consultation Call are probably the same questions you have in mind to be answered. On top of that, I’ve shared some extra tips during the calls.

Component #3 Of The “Chan” Do Internet Success System:

43 Module Bonuses

(Value $897)

The 8 Training Modules from Component #1 will include the essential information you need to start a successful internet business and make money online. But these 8 Training Modules alone will not be enough. Therefore, in Component #3 of the “Chan” Do Internet Success System, you’ll get tons of bonuses that will provide supplementary materials and tools…

Module #1 Bonuses:

  1. Getting Your Mindset And Attitude Correct Audio Training

– This audio training will get you on the right mindset and attitude before you start your online business.

  1. Video Tutorial How To Build A Keyword List

The video tutorial will show you step-by-step exactly how to build HUGE niche keyword lists. It’s explained more in the #1 Module why you need a list of keywords for your niche market.

  1. The “Chan” Do Niche Profile Workbook

– My personal proprietor method to identify a potential money-making niche market on the internet.

Module #2 Bonuses:

  1. Webpage Template

– You’ll get an easy template to use for your webpage. This is the exact template that I use for my own webpages.

  1. Opt-In Page Salesletter Template Written Personally By Me

– Just insert your information in the blank spaces in the template that I’ve prepared for you and you’ll have a ready-to-go opt-in page salesletter to start your own online business! This template is personally written by me.

  1. Headlines Exposed: 100 Hypnotic Headline Templates!

– In Module #2 segment, you’ll learn how to write headlines. This bonus eReport will help you to create better headlines that will suck in your visitors to read your salesletter.

  1. Fill-In-The-Blanks Headline Swipe File

– Too lazy to think how to write headlines? How about 342 winning headlines that you can ‘copy’ and ‘steal’ for your own websites?

  1. 5. Video Tutorial How To Increase Webpage Conversion

– These fifteen videos have a total playing time of one-hundred and eight (108) minutes showing you all sorts of strategies that you can apply on your webpage and salesletter to get a better response.

  1. Swipe of Persuasive Niche Marketing Words and Phrases

– Running out of ideas of what words to use in your copy? I’ll provide you a swipe file that includes thousands of result-generating words and phrases that you can use to “copy and paste” in your copy. It’ll solve your problem instantly.

  1. Special Mystery Bonus

– I can’t tell you what it is here. It’s a mystery bonus that will be VERY USEFUL to improve your copywriting skill. Hint: With this bonus, you won’t run out of ideas on how to write a profit-pulling salesletter.

Module #3 Bonuses:

  1. “Questions And Answers Affiliate Marketing Consultation”

– In this 1-hour recorded consultation call, I have answered the burning questions of several of my customers about affiliate marketing and making a profit in this business.

  1. Become A Master Affiliate Marketer eBook

– General information you need to know about affiliate marketing.

  1. Video tutorial showing you how to protect your affiliate link from online thieves. – Don’t let your hard work of earning affiliate commissions be stolen by online thieves. Protect it. I’ll show you how.
  1. Affiliate Marketing Audio Course Training

– In this audio course training, you’ll learn the basic, intermediate and advance strategies how to profit from affiliate marketing. These include how to choose an affiliate program to promote, what are “landing pages”, affiliate marketing tips for newbies, how to create multiple internet income streams from affiliate marketing and a lot more!

  1. 5. Video Tutorial To Show You How To Build An “Opt-In” List Fast

– I’ll explain list-building in the e-course. In this video tutorial, you get eighteen step-by-step videos that show you exactly how to boost the amount of high quality email subscribers you get every day … for free, and starting immediately.

Module #4 Bonuses:

  1. 1. Email Strategies Explained eBook

– You’ll understand more about the concept of email marketing and how to benefit from it, especially from broadcast mailing (Will be explained in the e-course).

  1. “Underground E-mail Copy That Sells Like Crazy!” by internet copywriting guru, Jo Han Mok – In this eReport, not only you’ll get Jo Han’s valuable email copywriting tips, but his swipe file of real-life emails that had made him thousands of dollars! Study the emails closely and you’ll know why his emails can trigger the readers to buy his products. You’ll need to see them yourself to know why and how this is possible.
  1. 3. Robert Collier’s “The Million Dollar Sales Letters”. It details 15 letters selected by Collier with brief explanations preceding each letter. These letter generated hundreds of millions of dollars in business. The only difference between an email and a letter is the medium — electronic and tangle letter.
  1. Video tutorial to write a sales copy that converts on webpage and emails

– A step-by-step video tutorial showing the number ONE ‘sales generating’ secret … The “SALES COPY.” In other words, how and what you say in your sales messages either in emails or on a website that will make your readers want to buy from you!

  1. eMail Formating Software

INSTANTLY formats your emails – Once you have the software you will see that it instantly, and easily formats your ads for you just by click a few buttons. This software counts each and every character on each and every line. This software will save you tons of time by making sure that your emails are formatted with the correct character width when sending emails.

Module #5 Bonuses:

  1. 1. Joint Venture Tactics of the Pros ebook

– One of the fastest, easiest and most profitable ways to generate traffic is from join venture (JV) marketing. JV strategies are applied in ALMOST all of the traffic generation strategies taught in this eCourse #5 and #6 e-Courses. But, it’s still one of the most misunderstood, underestimated, and underused strategies of them all. Not because people don’t know about this strategy. But, because most people have no idea how to go about it the ‘right’ way. And, that’s why, this short, but powerful report that clearly reveals…the core strategy, as well as the optimum mindset, needed to create powerful alliances – and serious profits related to getting traffic for free.

  1. 2. Breakthrough Joint Venture Tactics Vol II Audio Training

-This audio training program is built to give you a clear picture of what joint venture marketing is all about, and how to execute a successful joint venture anytime you want, and as often as you want. You will be completely empowered to create winning joint venture projects for any product or service that you are promoting.

  1. 2 more mystery bonuses that will speed up the process of generating traffic from one of the strategies shared in this Module.

Module #6 Bonuses:

  1. Video Tutorial How To Drive More Traffic To Your Website

– You get powerful traffic-creating tactics in the form of six videos you view directly on your computer. These six powerful videos will show you 5 easy ways to BOOST your website traffic for free.

  1. Video Tutorial How To Create Search Engine Friendly Websites

– This video tutorial will reveal the 10 Steps you must take to make sure your pages are fully optimized for Google (also for Yahoo and MSN) so you can easily get a ton more search engine traffic for free. (You’ll learn about search engine traffic in eCourse #6). In this in depth product you get sixteen videos that show you exactly how to boost the search engine rankings of your pages quickly, easily and for free.

  1. Video Tutorial How To Increase Link Popularity

– I’ll explain in e-course #6 what link popularity is and the importance of getting a lot of ‘back-links’ for search engine optimization. This video will give you more ideas on how to increase the result.

  1. Google Page Rank eBook

– This guidebook provides non-scientific explanation how Google ranks websites and what you can do about it. You’ll discover what matters, what not and why so that you’ll know how to build your site according to what Google wants.

  1. How To Increase Google Page Rank eBook

This ebook will show you a way how to take a brand new website from Google PR0 to PR4 in 90 days or less by using 100% free software, resources and tactics. (Google PR technology will be explained in Module #6)

  1. A mystery bonus that will speed up the process of generating traffic from one of the strategies shared in this Module.

Module #7 Bonuses:

  1. How To Create An Info-Product Instantly ebook

This short 20-page eReport will show you how to create ebooks and other info-products fast. These include various ways that are sure to impress you.

  1. 2. How To Profit From Other People’s Information Audio Training

– This course will teach you the secret of creating audio products by using other people’s credibility, knowledge, talent and skill. An extremely powerful strategy to create an info-product at a very low cost.

  1. 3. Video Tutorial on How To Create PDF Document Files For Free

– One of the best formats in which to distribute your ebook is PDF format because it can be utilized by both Windows and Mac users. But, PDF software is not cheap to buy when you are just starting out.* This video tutorial will show you how to turn any existing documents you have (in almost any format) into PDF’s quickly and easily. I’ll also show you what to bear in mind when creating new documents that you intend to convert into PDF. These four powerful pieces of software are fully detailed in thirty coaching videos coming to a total of 161 minutes of quality instruction.

  1. Video tutorial on how to use free audio software

– In this video tutorial, I’ll show to you where to get 100% full-features audio recording and editing software for free. Then, these video tutorials will also show you how to use this software in simple steps that you can start immediately.

  1. Membership script

I’ll include the script that can setup a membership site on your own hosting so that you do not have to pay any third party company for this type of service! Now you can sell membership-products without any production cost.

  1. Law Document Letters

– When you’re selling product online, it’s very important that you’re protected. This cool software will help you to instantly create essential legal documents for all your websites such Privacy Policy, Terms of Use & Disclaimer, Affiliate Agreement, No-Spam Agreement, Copyright Notice and Earnings Disclaimer. All you it takes is a few seconds to generate all of these! Without these legal forms, your entire business could be shut down by the FTC. Its never been so easy to protect your business.

  1. 7. A mystery bonus report revealing the secret how to get prospects to buy your product.

Module #8 Bonuses:

  1. Chan Do Internet Success System 30-Day Workbook

– This will be the most important material to guide you to success in 30 days. Follow it step-by-step to create a profitable online business.

  1. Instant Info Riches eBook

– Little known ways how you can make money on the internet.

  1. 5 Mystery Bonuses!

– You’ll get 5 additional courses related to niche marketing. These will be revealed in the final PDF Training Module.

Component #4 Of The “Chan” Do Internet Success System:

Chan Do Internet Marketing Toolkit

(Value $500)

Starting an online business can be rather expensive if you don’t know where to buy the tools or software at the right place. Worst still, if you don’t even know what tools and software that you’ll need to start and manage a successful online business! Hey, I’m NOT BEING SARCASTIC. When I first start off with my online business, I don’t know even what tools to use or buy.

“Why You’re Giving Away These Valuable Bonuses — for FREE?”

Let me tell you the reason why…

I can still remember the day when I first started. How much money I’ve wasted down the drain buying useless tools. Not only that — I was left all by myself to figure out what tools I need. I don’t want to leave you alone.

And I don’t want YOU to spend money buying these essential internet marketing tools. I’ll GIVE to you all of the essential internet marketing tools and software for FREE in the Chan Do Internet Marketing Toolkit!

For instance, you’ll need an autoresonder software to automate your email marketing strategies. Without that, you won’t be able to be successful online. Similar features and tools of this software will probably cost you $19.97-$49.97 per month … But I’ll give to you this autoresponder software for free.

This is professional autoresponder software that will automate your email marketing campaign. The software will be installed on your hosting account so that all emails will have your domain name on it for more publicity and credibility.

I’ll also provide a special toolkit that can do wonders for your website. I LOVE this software. It has many features to increase the conversion of your webpage easily – Even a 5-year old can do it!

Here are some more things that this tool can do for you:

  • Generate dropdown menus with up to five different options for your visitors.

Each option can be hyperlinked to point wherever you like. You can link

each of the choices to affiliate products of yours. Let your visitors decide

what they are interested in and then earn commissions on their purchase!

  • PopUp Alert: This wizard will create an alert pop up button that asks your

users if they wish to subscribe to your newsletter. People are lazy. If they can

give you their name and email with just a couple of clicks, they will likely take

that option! Great for building your list quickly and easily…

  • Cloak your affiliate links from Internet predators with a few clicks. Stop

losing commissions that are rightfully yours!

  • Stop the email spam robots from getting your email address from your web

site. Stop spending your valuable time deleting spam.

  • Create a special “mailto” tag that allows your visitors to send an email to

you and also a carbon copy of the email to an additional email you chose. The

body of the email can also be already filled in by you.

  • Protect your images by hiding them behind a “transparent image”. Many

people online will be more than willing to steal your images and use them on

their site. This little trick will make it really hard for them to rip you off…

  • Give your page some dynamic content by creating up to 10 “Random Text”

messages for your page. Each time the page is loaded a random text message


  • Create coloured Scrollbars: The colored scrollbars can only be seen in IE5

browsers. All other browsers will just present their normal scrollbar. Great for

“spicing up” your site. (If you are using IE5 , you are seeing this effect as we

speak on the right side of this page…)

  • Add background sound to your site quickly, easily and with no need for

monthly fees!

  • Do you have a lot of thumbnail graphics linked to larger graphics? You can

create pages on the fly opening the graphic in a popup window with its own

close button.

  • Time of Day Greetings: Your site can greet your visitors with a different

message depending on what time of day it is!

  • Add a translation button on your site so that your visitors can translate

your site from English to German, French, Spanish, Portuguese or Italian…

  • How to encrypt your code quickly and easily so that people can’t get a hold

of all the cool tricks you will be using on your page…

  • And much more than I can think of right now!

Unblockable PopUp Software!

You’ll get a free popup generator software to create a popup on your webpage. The reason why you need to use the ‘popup strategy’ is because it works. Did you notice the popup that appeared when you came to this webpage? It’s unblockable!

You can add the popup code anywhere you like from the top to the bottom of your page, the choice is yours.

You have control over size, border colours, background colours, text size and face, table layout design, popup timing, and more. You can create your own table layout and designs, or simply copy/paste ones we have created for you.

Through the use of cookies, you control if your popup is seen every time your web page is loaded, once a day, once a week, or even once a month. You can also have your popups exit your page without any input from your website visitors at all.

We provide you with a very simple to read and understand users manual that can have you up and running in a matter of minutes.

Have you visited a webpage that can play audio?

In the Chan Do Internet Marketing Toolkit, I’m including an audio software that you can use immediately.

Why Audio Works Better Than Text…

To understand why audio works so well in making sales, think back to the last time you bought a product or a service. In many cases, you connected personally to the person making the sale, especially for items that cost a bit more. This sense of relating is key to making a sale, and this software allows you to provide this personal touch on your web site.

Another strategy is to let customers hear personal testimonials. Nothing can create instant credibility the way hearing real people share how your product or service has helped them can

Delivery Method

– After your purchase, you’ll see a View your orders link which goes to the Downloads page. Here, you can download all the files associated with your order.
– Downloads are available once your payment is confirmed, we’ll also send you a download notification email separate from any transaction notification emails you receive from
– Since it is a digital copy, our suggestion is to download and save it to your hard drive. In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us and we will resend the new download link.
– If you cannot find the download link, please don’t worry about that. We will update and notify you as soon as possible at 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM (UTC 8).

Thank You For Shopping With Us!

Original price was: $297.00.Current price is: $55.00.

Digital Download: You will receive a download link via your order email after successful payment“Discover How To Easily Set-Up A Money-Churning Online Niche Business By Using The ‘Chan Do’ Internet Success System To Generate A Consistent Monthly Income For YOU”