
Patric Chan – LIVE Challenge Sale 2006


Live Challenge Sale 2006

“Grab 21 Powerful Audio Courses,

Video Tutorials And Resale Rights


One Product!”

Hi Friend,

Is this true?

“I’ll be ‘dumping’ 21 products at one ridiculous low price for 72 hours.”

In the beginning, I hesitated to do this.

It’ll be insane.

These are REAL products that I’m currently selling online. They are not of those repackage resale rights or private label rights stuff floating on the internet.

But I’ve made up my mind to do this after …

my casual meeting Brett McFall. That bald headed guy.

See, when I was in Gold Coast, Australia for a business consultation recently in Oct 2006, we caught up for a chat and he asked me,

“Do you think you can proof that you can make money online?”

I was furious. I mean, that’s a CHALLENGE.

And I said,


Of course I’ll say ‘yes’ because that’s what I do – Make money from the internet for a full time living.

So I’ve decided to proof it. The unique twist here is … I’m going to show how it can be done live in front of 255 people for the World Internet Summit’s participants.

This is recorded video that was shown to the world where I’ll need to eat my own words:

Now I’m shaking. Yeah, me and my stupid mouth.

So here’s what I’m going to do:

In order to proof that money can be made online by building a mailing list and promotions through joint venture partnership; I’m going to allow 21 products below to be sold at one ridiculous, never-seen-before, low price for 72 hours only.

So my ‘challenge’ has become your advantage.

And these are all audio and video products.

Product #1

Online Niche Secrets Audio Course Including

The Text Transcript (Value $47)

Instead of teaching you all the theories to make money from an online niche business, Online Niche Secrets Audio Course will to take you behind the scenes of one of my REAL niche webpages that makes money for me.

In this 1:13 hour audio recording of a real life case study, you’ll discover:

· How to turn dull survey questions and answers into a content rich product to sell online.

· A simple method that I use to get testimonials for new products that were created by using other people’s knowledge.

· What are the 5 steps you must follow to have a successful online niche business so that you can start another new internet income stream later.

· How do you choose the online niche market that can be profitable for you with very little competition.

· What is the most important part of your webpage that will determine whether you’re going to be rich or not!

· Discover the one and only marketing strategy that I use to generate traffic to my site in the beginning — I make a sale in less than 24 hours after using this strategy!

· A blueprint for writing a niche salesletter that can ‘talk’ to your visitors. It’s your salesletter that is going to sell for you … so you had better pay careful attention to this part!

· The absolute best credit card payment collection company that you should use when you start selling your own niche product because of this one simple reason

· Why you’re sitting on a gold mine after you had made your first few sales.

· A simple technique to create automatic income from your online niche business when you’re not doing anything — Yup, you could be sipping fruit juice in Hawaii and yet your bank account is getting fatter each day.

· Do this and you won’t worry that your visitor is not buying your niche product today.

· How I build my online niche business to be ‘hands-off’ when I’m ready to start a new profitable one.

· This easy ‘back-door’ strategy that I use to get traffic from – This is responsible for thousands of visitors flooding to my website!

· and much, much more …

Product #2

The Mr. H Interview Audio Course (Value $97)

“Learn how this regular guy from Oregon has

been quietly raking in $32,876 A DAY

with his ugly, outdated web site — WITHOUT

spending a dime on traffic or advertising!”

Mr. H has also developed the most impressive post-sales support and referral system I’ve ever seen. So new customers become fiercely loyal repeat customers, highly responsive to his subsequent offers.

No wonder he has over 150,000 customers in 172 countries. No wonder he’s on track to gross $12 million in a year!

When you grab this exclusive audio recording, you’ll discover:

  • The exact points in your sales copy where visitors lose interest. For example, Mr. H discovered a point in his sales letter where 32% of his readers were clicking off. Once you pinpoint these weak spots, you can fix these sections and see an instant jump in your sales.
  • How you can create bonuses that make people want more of what you’re selling (and increase customer satisfaction at the same time)
  • How to create a “better than risk free” guarantee — so your prospects feel like they’ll come out ahead, no matter what they decide.
  • How to keep more visitors glued to your sales copy — without having to rewrite it. How to look at your copy from the prospect’s point of view.
  • How you can create information products that can sell like crazy… and maximize the “perceived value” of these products, so customers pay you top dollar.
  • How to discover what’s keeping your visitors from buying… then tailor your follow up, so it overcomes that specific objection… and have it all done automatically. And this is just the tip of the iceberg!
  • The “forgotten” technique that Mr. H used to multiply his sales by 400% overnight. No joke. In the online community, most of us are so sophisticated, we’ve forgotten the power of this old fashioned technique.
  • When should you discount your products, and when should you add bonuses? Choosing the wrong approach at the wrong time can devalue your product, and cripple your ability to make back end offers.
  • How many follow up messages Mr. H’s visitors receive, how far apart they are, and how far into the future they are sent.
  • Which type of guarantee produces the least number of returns? You’ve probably seen everything from 30-day to lifetime guarantees, and heard many different opinions. Now get a conclusive answer from an Internet marketing wizard who grossed $8 million per year.
  • How to structure your “final last chance” offer to skeptics who’ve been holding out — and make them painfully aware of the problem they wanted to solve months earlier.

In conclusion, you’ll learn how to increase your online income and pick up many ‘untold’ conversion and copywriting tactics.

Product #3

The Ultimate Internet Entrepreneur Course

(Value $97)

“Be a fly on the wall as the two ‘GREAT LEGENDS’ of Internet

and direct marketing — Corey Rudl and Dan Kennedy discuss how you

can make Millions of Dollars using the Internet teamed up with

direct mail, radio, TV, classified ads, Yellow Page ads,

infomercials, and MORE!

PLUS — Dan and Corey reveal how to start OR expand

your first business… and then GROW with the right

balance of advertising to generate

MAXIMUM WEALTH, with minimal risk!”

In this audio course, the late Corey Rudl and Dan Kennedy revealed how to combine online and offline marketing strategies to make MORE money.

Corey talked about how he grew his businesses from $25 to over $40 MILLION in online sales…

… And he spoke about how he taught 1,000’s of ‘real’ people to make MASSIVE incomes of $100,000 to $2.5 MILLION per year — often working less than 10 hours per week!

Dan spoke about how he’s made hundreds of MILLIONS of dollars for his clients…

… Including companies like Weight Watchers, Amway, Mass Mututal Insurance, and the $200-million-per year Gunthy-Renker Corporation — famous for its celebrity infomercials with Victoria Principal, Vanna White, and Tony Robbins!

They have talked about …

  • The Four-Stage Cycle that occurs every time a new marketing technology is invented — and how you can make MILLIONS at every stage — not just as a lucky “early adopter!”

  • Can YOU afford to advertise on TV? — MAYBE! Calculate what you can afford to spend on advertising — in EVERY medium, including direct mail, radio, classifieds, TV, and infomercials — using Dan’s dollar-cost averaging formula.

  • How RICH marketers think differently than POOR marketers! Get insight into the genius minds of Corey, Dan, and their millionaire clients — and learn exactly how they “think” their way to wealth!
  • Learn how to spot “Market Gaps” — hidden pockets of unfilled need, where you can swoop in and scoop up 1,000’s of eager buyers for instant profits!

  • The NEW generation of “tear sheet” mailings that one of Dan’s clients — an Internet business owner — recently used to make $20 for every $1 spent on his direct mail campaign!
  • How to get permission from first-time buyers to BILL THEM AGAIN, over and over, for more of the same product or service, for years to come!

  • What 99% of Yellow Pages Ads are doing WRONG — and how to fix it! (HINT: You do NOT need to buy a bigger ad, or spend MORE money on color and artwork!)
  • Amazing TRUE story: Two guys sold almost IDENTICAL products, with the SAME offer, to the SAME audience — yet one guy made $2 Million MORE all thanks to just one simple strategy!
  • The 2 blockbuster marketing ideas that Corey got from Dan, which made him over $100,000 in profits (that’s cash in hand!) — in less than 24 months!

Product #4

Back End Mastery Training Program (Value $197)

“How To AT LEAST Double Your Current Internet

Income From Your Existing Product With The Same

Amount of Traffic You’re Getting!”

The Back-End Mastery Training Program — 5 powerful live audio coaching modules that will take your online business to the next level of profit!

Have you ever thought of why your current online income is so stagnant?

Can’t figure out how to make a 4-figure monthly income?

Trying to breakthrough into a 5-figure monthly income level?

Module #1: Setting up multiple

info-products quickly

How to create or set up multiple low-priced info-products in less than 30 days for your niche market. The more products you have in your affiliate program, the more money you’re going to earn. These ‘small’ info-products will be the powerful tool to reach the prospects that you’ll never thought of getting. I called it, the ‘quick-start’ strategy. (Even if you do not have an affiliate program, these new info-products will definitely increase your income). I’ve been using this strategy quietly OUTSIDE the internet marketing niche market and making money on auto-pilot today.

Module #2: How to create

high-ticket info-product

Most people thought that they can’t sell high-ticket priced info-products … They’re WRONG! When I launched my high-ticket priced products, my income shoots through the rooftop! In fact, one of it generated a 6-figure income in less than 26 days. You see, I got a super secret of how to create high-ticket priced product that will definitely sell when it’s proposed to your subscribers/customers. No doubt about that.

Module #3: The ultimate affiliate

cross-selling strategies

This is the simplest way to increase your online income immediately without spending your effort and time thinking how to ‘plug-in’ new income streams. At the same time, I’ll show you how to sell more of your existing products automatically in this module without lifting a finger once it’s all setup!

Module #4: The correct strategies to

“upsell” and “downsell”

I’ll teach you how to position yourself to make your upsell offer to be value-added, instead of trying to sell more products to your customers. Many marketers taught about upselling … But I have doubts that some of them really know what’s an “upsell”. An upsell strategy is one of the components of a complete back-end system. I’ll show you 2 types of Upsell — The ‘free upsell’ and ‘paid upsell’. In this info-packed module, you’ll also discover the proper techniques of “downsell” and when you should use an Upsell or Downsell strategy. You must understand that different situation requires different back-end marketing techniques.

Module #5: How to increase the probability

of your current product’s sale

In this module, I’ll do nothing except for exposing all of the strategies to get your visitors/subscribers to BUY YOUR PRODUCT. That’s it. Get them TO BUY. These will include both types of mediums — Email Marketing and Webpage Marketing. By applying these techniques to your online business, IT’S IMPOSSIBLE that you can’t increase your income. You’ll learn persuasion techniques that will make your offer irresistible to decline.

Product #5

Secret Marketing Lab (Value $97)

“Incredible! Your Chance to SPY On An Internet Madman

and Discover How He Consistently Churns Out Six Figures Incomes

Like An ATM Machine Spits Out Cash”

For 3 1/2 years Andrew Fox been quietly working away in my “Secret Internet Marketing Lab”, along side his business partner Lawrence Pryor.

Recently he was going through his accounts and couldn’t believe how he had generated over $800,000 in Internet Marketing for their company in this short time period.

In truth, he have tried and tested so many aspects of Net marketing, sales letter creation, traffic generation, correct use of follow up emails, time sensitive offers, using audio in your promotions, the software to run an affiliate program… the list goes on.

With this “tried and tested” information, 9 out of 10 projects he rolls out have 98% Success Rate.

Would knowing how to have 98% Success Rate with every

marketing campaign and product launch be useful to you?

If your like the overwhelming majority of Internet Success Seekers your answer would be a firm “Yes!”

The problem is trying to find someone who is willing to divulge this kind of sensitive information is hard. But today could be your lucky chance…

Introducing to you , The “Secret Marketing Lab”

This is where The REAL Profits are being made, month after month, year after year.

He have documented LIVE Demonstrations of these marketing promotions via video and audio, tutorials.

Not “Invented Fabricated Theories” Either – I’m talking about Real life Marketing Results Of Campaigns he have carried out in the past 12 months that have earned him over $120,000.

In Summary, you’ll learn in video and audio format, marketing tactics (which have been proven earn $79,048)

  • How he turned a $1 trial into $2200 residual income. Using a unique “special twist”, learn how to keep turn $1 trials into high paying residual customers and learn how to boost you customer value by 59%.
  • A collection of *EXACT* emails he sent to his subscriber list. You can see the exact ads he used, products he promoted, conversion rates and simply replicate his system. See which products are the PROVEN winners.
  • The “6 Golden Rules” of Licensing your own product – In August 2004, he licensed a product at $697 and sold $11,691 worth in less than 5 days. This is an excellent way to create quick cash BUT must be done right. This video shows you how.
  • How he Won a Rolex and earned $1,000 in income selling a certain affiliate product – The way to *really* motivate people into almost begging for the product
  • Using the “Coupon Code” Technique for a Rapid Cash to create a rapid cash injection. While on vacation on Jan 12th in Orlando, Florida he used this technique to earn a swift $1291 in sale. Watch LIVE as he does it.
  • The Correct Way To use Audio On Your Website to “skyrocket” response rates. He have carried out a lot of testing with audio and discovered what “really works”. He’ll take you step by step through various promotions and show you the software he use.

Product #6

Mark Joyner Interview with Joe Vitale “The 8 Things You

Absolutely Must Test” (Value $97)

Joe is one of the greatest marketers alive and probably the earliest real “Internet Marketer” to ever enter the playing field.

Joe gives his secret formula for testing that identifies the exact 8 things you absolutely must test on your website if you want even the slightest chance for success.

Included in the MP3 download of this unedited phone conversation:

  • Learn the 8 Things You Absolutely Must Test on Your Website
  • Learn which of those two Joe and Mark unanimously call “The Hands-Down Most Important”
  • Learn the real secret to Joe’s success that will only be revealed in his future products!
  • 5 famous split-run tests that will teach you extremely powerful ad copy principles.
  • Which classic ad copy book that is essential for your library.
  • Can you change just one letter in your ad copy and increase your sales response 5 times over?
  • And much more …

Product #7 (Never Release Before):

How To Be #1 Top Affiliate Video Tutorial (Value $97)

Recently, I was the #1 top affiliate for Nitro Marketing’s relaunch of Dr. Joe Vitale’s Hypnotic Selling Secrets Package. This is not a $27 product but a high-ticket priced product of $997!

The unique part is … I was competing against thousands of Nitro Marketing’s affiliates and their powerful joint venture partners with my small list and still is able to be the #1 top affiliate. I’ll reveal to you the step-by-step behind the scenes what I did to achieve this in the video tutorial. This technique is applicable in whatever online niche market you’re in if you are competing to be the super affiliate.

Product #8

Interview with Morgan Westerman (Value $97)

“Do you want to learn the secrets of generating millions of visitors to your website without paying a single cent for advertising? And this is done on AUTO-PILOT!”

Why should you listen to Morgan?

Because he has created “viral” websites that have literally seen tens upon tens of MILLIONS of visitors.

Do you have any idea what it feels like when you realize that forty or fifty-thousand people a DAY are landing on your website? When I saw the stats for his sites, I literally didn’t believe it!

Wanna see one of his most popular websites?

You may have seen it before. More than 50,000,000 people have visited it. It’s the inspirational website, The Interview With God with a powerful viral, pass-along movie. He took a beautiful poem from the public domain and created a viral frenzy that hasn’t stopped or even slowed down in over 3 years!

This one site launched a small publishing business for him that his accountants tell him is worth over $5,000,000.00. He have half a million subscribers, and over 140,000 customers literally from around the globe from 152 different countries.

One of his powerful viral marketing strategy is to give away free e-cards. He generates an average of 50,000 visitors monthly to his website by just giving away free e-cards!

Get this — No matter what online niche business you’re doing like pets, gardening, online business, self-improvement, traveling, health and anything you can think of … giving free e-cards can be applied. It works like charm.

Product #9

Mark Joyner Interview with David Garfinkel

“World’s Greatest Copywriting Coach Tears Apart

One of Mark’s Classic Letters” (Value $97)

Years ago Mark wrote a salesletter for one of the earliest ebook releases on the Internet – for Joe Vitale’s “Hypnotic Writing” in fact.

Mark’s copywriting has grown by leaps and bounds since those days, but even still that salesletter was responsible for more ebook sales than perhaps any other letter ever written at Aesop Marketing Corporation.

David looks at this now classic letter and shows how Mark could have improved on it. I have to tell you – had Mark followed David’s advice it truly would have been better.

The insider secrets you will learn from listening to this exclusive interview are absolutely priceless.

  • Learn the Insider History of eBook Marketing
  • Find out the hidden secret inside of you that will increase the effectiveness of your salesletters ten-fold.
  • Exactly how to zero-in on your “winning formula.”
  • The 3 key principles to sales-churning ad copy that both Mark and David agree will explode your profits instantly.
  • The subtle psychological tactics that made this salesletter a world-class best seller.
  • How to “frame” your offers so that even bad marketing will pull like crazy.
  • The real secret behind the success of the famous “million dollar day” and how you can reverse engineer it in a snap.
  • The extremely subtle and clever tactic used in this sales letter that inspired people to buy instantly.
  • The “6 internal emotional questions” people ask themselves before making a buying decision.
  • And much more …

Product #10

“Underground” Business Model To Sell eBooks

In A Niche Market – Video Tutorial (Value $197)

You’ll get this video tutorial by an experienced internet marketer revealing a case study of a real-live online business in a niche market for free.

He came across what he have found to be the perfect ‘model’ site for selling information products, he believe, on the Internet.

This site was so effective, it came up as #1 in Google for the keywords he entered, and even though he’s only slightly interested in the subject matter, he bought the product without even realizing what he was doing… before he knew it he had downloaded the darn thing and starting reading it!

He had finished the book and thought it was outstanding but began to think for a minute: Why did he bought it??? He had NO intention of buying anything in this market, he was simply researching to see “who was selling what”.

He had NO intentions of buying anything from this market and was only doing ‘research’. The site that sold the book did such a masterful job of selling it that I didn’t even realize HOW effective.

“It completely ‘disarmed’ him… activated some sort of ‘trigger’ and MADE HIM buy. It’s almost as if he was ‘hypnotized’…”

He end up bought the book without giving it a second thought- a very dangerous position to be in as a consumer, but an envious position to be in as the seller 😉

Of course, he immediately went back to the site and started to dissect it from every single selling and marketing angle he knew of and ‘discovered’ a secret so profound, so deep, so incredible he realized that once and for all he had the ‘perfect selling and marketing model’ for selling ANY ebook on the Internet right in front of him.

By the way- the book had nothing to do with “Internet marketing” or selling or business at all. He NEVER buy anything outside of marketing and business related information which makes him even more in awe of this site…

Thus he had created an entire “Case Study” of this site, dissected it, pulled back the curtain to reveal EXACTLY how and why this site is selling so effectively and once you see how effectively this site sells you’ll say “Duh! Why didn’t I think of that”!

Of course, you will never just ‘think of that’… but once you see what they are doing you’ll be in awe of the ‘system’ they have setup to sell the book on ‘autopilot’ and that’s the direction he’s going in – more ‘auto-matic selling systems’ that run 100% on auto-pilot! And this ‘system’ can be used for ANY niche, ANY book, ANY info-product.

Product #11

The Down And Dirty, In-Your-Face Secrets About

Writing Advertising That Sells Truckloads Of Product!

Audio Course (Value $47)

Australia’s bulldog internet marketer, David Cavanagh grills Brett McFall like you’ve never seen before. Literally forcing him to make every single word count from the git-go. You’ll hear Brett McFall reveal secrets that he’s never talked about before. All the while making it SO easy to understand, that a total beginner could apply what he teaches, and instantly make extra money.

  • Discover WHY you should hang offer every single word Brett utters (IF you want to make serious money in your business, that is) before listening to any other copywriter
  • How to create advertising that is SO compelling and persuasive that people literally fall over themselves to buy from you
  • REVEALED: The single piece of marketing advice given by a true legend of copywriting, which Brett’s slams as being totally and utterly ridiculous
  • The simple MISTAKE Brett made which DOUBLED his sales once he corrected it (this one is so simple, you’ll be slapping yourself for not using it in your marketing)
  • The “magic formula” Brett uses to write sales letters which turn on the money like a machine … and which you can too. PLUS so much more.

Product #12

How To Write Long Salesletter That Sells Like Crazy!

Video Tutorial (Value $47)

In this video, I’ll show you behind the curtain how to write a powerful long salesletter that can generate a truckload of sales! This is a real-life case study of one of my most profit generating salesletters that I have ever written — Learn the concept and psychology behind this salesletter and you’ll see your copy conversion increased many times fold! This is another type of “make-over”.

Product #13

How To Create Data CD – Video Tutorial

This video tutorial will show you exactly how to create a data CD from resale right products, master resale rights, private label rights, etc so that you’ll have your own product. By doing this, you’ll have a brand ‘new’ product to sell — In a CD ROM! By selling a physical product, you’ll be able to sell it at a higher price than a digital download product. It’s just a piece of cake how to do this after you watch this video.



Product #14

Win In The Niche Audio Course –

Including Resale Rights (Value $97)

Do You Really Think That You Know About

Making Money In Niche Marketing?

“… Only If You Have Made Millions Of Dollars In Online

Niche Markets Like Stephen Pierce, Then You Can STOP

Reading This Letter Now. Otherwise, Pay Close Attention

To This Over One Hour Private Exclusive Conversation

I Had With Him To Discover The Amazing Profit-

Making Strategies!”

Stephen Pierce has been proven to be one of the most strategic business thinkers in the United States — Even the US Government has evaluated his business ideas and strategies!

You see, recently I had a discussion with Stephen Pierce early of year 2006 to ask him how he makes so much money through online niche marketing like a gangbuster. I recorded my discussion with him in which I asked him some important questions. And oh boy, the answers I got from him were something that you don’t expect to hear everyday. This man’s thinking ability is definitely something you and I should admire greatly. I guess, that’s why he’s the best person to consult among other internet marketers when it comes to marketing online.

Here are the questions I asked him in “How To Win In A Niche” Audio Course:

Q1: What can I do to make sure that the internet niche I choose can be profitable?

  • How most people get it wrong by incorrectly using statistic tools like, keyword software, etc. to determine a profitable niche market online
  • The #1 reason that you can use as a yardstick for ‘winning the game’
  • Why a hot selling product in will not be as profitable if you copied it
  • Delivery Method

    – After your purchase, you’ll see a View your orders link which goes to the Downloads page. Here, you can download all the files associated with your order.
    – Downloads are available once your payment is confirmed, we’ll also send you a download notification email separate from any transaction notification emails you receive from
    – Since it is a digital copy, our suggestion is to download and save it to your hard drive. In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us and we will resend the new download link.
    – If you cannot find the download link, please don’t worry about that. We will update and notify you as soon as possible at 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM (UTC 8).

    Thank You For Shopping With Us!

Original price was: $50.00.Current price is: $20.00.

Digital Download: You will receive a download link via your order email after successful payment“Grab 21 Powerful Audio Courses, Video Tutorials And Resale Rights For The SAME PRICE Of… One Product!”