
OMG Project – No Holds Barred 2017


OMG Project – No Holds Barred 2017

OMG Project – No Holds Barred 2017

Price : $9000
Just pay : $192
Sale Page :

Special Bonuses:

  1. OMG Special Ops 2016 – All NEW 4 Months Training $1497

  2. OMG No Holds Barred 2016: Project A $7999

  3. OMG Directors Cut 2016 – 2017 $7999

This is for actual direct membership access to the OMG member’s area through Fire Fox Portable.
You will also be able to register attend all of live webinars as they are being held (5 new webinars a week).

Our Group Buy will be running until at least 2018 and includes ALL training dating back to 2012/2013.

Once your payment has been received you’ll be sent instructions on how to get direct access ASAP.

As our massively praised No-Holds-Barred (NHB) training, coaching, and mastermind program enters its 5th year, with fully updated cutting-edge training based on real results now, in 2017…

Whether you are new to online business or have been making a go at it for years, NHB members are shouting from the rooftops that this is the place to be in 2017!

From the desk of Mike Long, Miami, FL

Mike Long here on behalf of myself, Kotton Grammer, Greg Morrison, David Mills, Liz Herrera, Joshua Fletcher, Joe Marfoglio, and Stephen Floyd.

March 21st Breaking News: Registration for Project No Holds Barred: NHB 2017 is now OPEN again until March 30th, as we begin our free Getting Started and Taking Control multi-webinar workshop, helping you get control of your personal name and, if you have one, your business brand, online with the search engines and social sites. The program is on FIRE this year with all-new cutting edge over-the-shoulder training, masterminding, and navigation straight from hugely successful entrepreneurs who are doing what they show and showing what they are doing right now!

Be sure to check out our shocking #PoweredByOMG Instagram channel by clicking here!

Then there is the OMG Reports Facebook Group – click here!

Plus there is this incredible earnings reports page! Click here!

Then make sure to also check out our incredible testimonials page!

I don’t want to put any pressure on you, but I suggest you read this immediately, because you’ve never seen a place like OMG before, and our year-long program for 2017 is open for a limited time!

Here’s why – the OMG (One Man Gang) NHB (No Holds Barred) formula:

You get an immediate advantage: all of our training, up front, straight from people who are currently having massive success and showing you just how they are doing it. You’ll learn from the best of the best how to harness search engines to get free traffic, which will serve as your foundation. Then you’ll learn how to monetize your free traffic ability. You can do one or all of: client consulting, Amazon, eCommerce, your own products, and/or affiliate marketing. CPA, call-tracking.

Our training includes step-by-step, and also demonstration of actual websites and product listings, and also discussion. Be warned: we have a LOT of training, at this point, but you don’t need to master all or even most of it in order to create or increase your income. Our training is all by people who are currently doing exactly what they are training about and having massive success.

You get an ongoing advantage: ongoing updates, additional training, incredible and exclusive resources, additional demonstration, and consistent live Q&A and Discussion “Office Hours” webinars with our coaches who are at or well above the $50,000/month level with their own, outside-of-OMG duplicatable online businesses. Our coaches are also in-sync with each other doing their own versions of the same basic formula (free traffic monetization). You will have options, but it all forms a coherent and integrated whole. This ongoing advantage will continue through all of 2017!

You get a permanent advantage: you have permanent access to your training and membership area, and you are a permanent member of our exclusive, vibrant, positive, and professional Facebook group and subgroups.

As an OMG’er, you are on the permanent inside track to success online, and are permanently surrounded, encouraged, and helped by hundreds of other people having similar success.

Here’s how it all happened:

When I was starting out with trying to build wealth on the internet, about 12 years ago, I just wanted one thing, but it was incredibly hard to find, at any price. What I wanted was to see it working for real, to see somebody who had a working business, and to see that business over their shoulder, and be able to ask them questions. I wanted to see how they were really getting their traffic (visitors to their web pages) and how they were converting those visitors into customers, and how much money they were really making.

You hear all sorts of claims, but I so desperately wanted the reality behind the claims. And I didn’t just want little pieces of reality, which could give me a very distorted picture of what was really going on and cause me to run off in all sorts of wrong and unproductive directions. Could even one person who was making money just show me what was really going on and answer some questions I might have about it?

Essentially, no.

I couldn’t buy that anywhere. They were selling packaged courses showing a sanitized version of things, like a collection of lessons that they thought would sound good. People selling these courses were, in many cases, really making some money, and they really knew some valuable things, but everything you could buy ended up being piecemeal and incomplete and so much of it contradicted other sources, much like trying to figure out from gurus what health food is really best to eat.

I ended up falling back on skills that helped me become popular in High School. I wasn’t like one of those bullies shown in high school movies, but I was good at bringing people together and having a wide circle of friends. For whatever reason, that ability comes naturally to me. Using it, I was able to get invited to really come to the actual homes and offices of successful internet money-getters, and see what they were really depositing each day into their bank accounts and see how the money was being made.

I saw how they got their web traffic, how they made their sales, and also they explained to me how they made or found products to sell or promote. I’ll forever be grateful to the handful of people who helped me in that way. I’m certain that those generous people shaved ten or twenty years off of how long, if ever, it would have otherwise taken me to succeed.

With their help, my success was nearly instantaneous. When you absolutely know that it is for real, and when you have seen how it all really works, it is like a switch flips inside of you, and everything is just so much easier and certain.

OMGMachines training and coaching and community, our No Holds Barred Project, is purely based on giving you what I just described above that made all of the difference for me.

It started with just us, just myself and Greg Morrison and David Mills, opening up our businesses and methods and training to you, and over the last two years, we’ve accumulated several more folks, from inside of our membership and our culture, not “gurus” from outside, who likewise have generously opened their businesses and methods to our community in what we call extra “modules” that have been added to our training.

We’ve accumulated hundreds of successful folks, despite the fact that we are underground guys with just hundreds of total members, not several thousands, because we prefer to remain moderate in size. Therefore, out of such a small group, having hundreds of success stories is beyond eye-popping. I’d hesitate to even let you know it was that many, given how unbelievable it can feel to people who are just hearing of us, but we have so many of them on video and audio, and they are all right inside of our wonderfully active private Facebook group community.

Here are a couple of images from Facebook group threads that we are extremely proud of and grateful for. The first image, below, is when we spontaneously asked our members, on a Q&A webinar one day, to post if they felt the program was worth $100,000 (the actual price is much less than that, of course). Here was the response:


We provide:

  • Coaching straight from multi-millionaires! Weekly Coaching Office Hours Webinar with Greg Morrison, the guy I call the One Man Gang. While others are getting “coached” by $20/hour “coaches” hired off craigslist, or by clueless interns, Greg has often historically pulled in over $6-figures per month doing hard core SEO in every market from health, to precious metals to relationship advice. He’s the guy personally answering your SEO questions on coaching Webinars. Office Hours webinar coaching for this season will extend through all of 2017!
  • More superstar millionaire and deca-millionaire coaching & training modules and webinars and OFFICE HOURS! In addition to Greg, you’ll be getting lots of live Office Hours and Webinar appearances OMG superstar Kotton Grammar, plus Joe Marfoglio, plus Joshua Fletcher, plus Stephen Floyd, all of whom are mega-successful, with current online businesses that are DUPLICATABLE. Each has different specialties, but all of the training fits together around making money based on search engine free traffic. (Live webinars for this season will extend through all of 2017!)
  • DOMINATE and CONTROL your online destiny with Search Engine Marketing Greg, Kotton, Stephen, Joe, and Fletch take you carefully through their process search engine supremacy of Google and YouTube. Internet search engines provide the lifeblood (traffic, visitors, leads, prospects, potential customers) to businesses and websites worldwide. The world changed about a dozen years ago, and the reason we have hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of successful OMG’ers is because we harness this new reality of search engine marketing.
  • The best AMAZON advantage money can buy! If Amazon and eCommerce appeal to you, then OMG is definitely the place you MUST be! In addition to careful training, critical insider without-which-you-will-likely-fail techniques, over-the-shoulder demonstration of real listings by mega-successful earners, conversion training and demonstration, we also have additional must-have advantages that we don’t even disclose outside of our private membership. Learn from $500/000 month (someties Liz grosses over a $million a month with her ventures) Liz Herrera and several other $6-figure/month Amazon underground mega-stars!
  • MONEY-GETTING! Watch over-our-shoulder as we lead you through proven money-getting websites, currently working strategies, and Amazon listings. Experience the difference of being surrounded by so many coaches and members who are currently succeeding online with the exact techniques they are teaching you and navigating you through. If hundreds and hundreds can do it, and if you have consistent help from coaches who are doing it, you just may have found the best opportunity of your life.
  • DAY JOB KILLER! DJK Local client consulting: This is what I call one of the two most powerful forms of Monetization that we’ve found for beginners, because you can start making big paychecks on day 1 even before you start ranking websites. We call it Day Job Killer because SO MAY OMG’ers have given their boss the middle-finger award because of it. And we’ve got tools, templates, training, role-playing videos and resources that nobody in the world has. Note: that even some of our most “shy” coaching community members are our most successful at this!
  • AFFILIATE/CPA! The boxer shorts on-your-couch dream made real because of the power of free traffic. This is very real and doable and happening right now for many of the folks in our coaching community. Each of these can be a GOLD MINE, if you know what you’re doing. Our rich templates and top-secret tricks will put you miles ahead of the competition.
  • Updates! When you join OMG NHB 2017, you receive access to all of our training. We don’t hold back and “drip out” our training, because our priority is your success, and we don’t want to hold back something for 3 months that you may need today. However, we are adding training all of the time as we discover new things, have new successes, or as Google, YouTube, and Amazon implement gradual changes to their Search Engine algorithm. Each change gets YOU farther ahead, as an OMG’er. Plus, our successful members love to give back and contribute to the community, so we often have additional strategies revealed in videos they make showing what they are doing now that is innovative and working to put cash in their wallets. Giving back and paying it forward is a powerful belief inside of the OMG community. As you succeed, we hope that you will help others, as our current successful members will be helping you.
  • COMMUNITY! Our OMG NHB Team Membership Group is a lifetime access over-the-top opportunity to share test results, networking, and triumphs with dozens of $5-figure per month earners, several $6-figure per month earners and a number of up-and-comers all with access to the same elite level training, software and support. Members rave that this alone is worth more than the price of admission.

As you can see, it’s an unstoppable advantage!

Is there a catch?

Starting about 5 years ago, this No Holds Barred program was designed around $100,000/month search engine marketer Greg Morrison. Greg was willing to share every detail of his highly duplicatable search engine marketing strategy, “no holds barred” style. Greg just has a personality where he wasn’t (and still isn’t) afraid that to show what he is really doing to rank on Google, and then to monetize those web properties. He wanted to help others, and he knew that had to be the best way. He didn’t think it would hurt his business to reveal just how he did things without holding back, and it sure hasn’t.

We now have several more coaches, all of whom, like Greg, are ultra-successful doing the same duplicatable search engine driven online business, plus they have a heart for coaching and sharing what they are really doing, and those boundaries have proven to be just right for creating the optimal positive environment for members and coaches.

Therefore, we acknowledge a few reality-based limitations the good of all.

Reality-based limitation 1: OMG doesn’t include telephone coaching. We have to operate within the bounds of reality. We have extensive recorded training, by the coaches, kept fresh and updated, that should serve as your foundation, and then multiple weekly webinars where topics are discussed and all questions are answered. If for some reason it just isn’t possible to get to all questions on a webinar, we’ll add more, but normally everything has worked out great in the past. Our coaches do typically respond to Facebook messages or email, but we cannot promise that fully.

Reality-based limitation 2: Although we have a ton of step-by-step training, you should be aware that we do not believe it is possible, or even helpful, to try to give a one-size-fits-all A-Z push-button blueprint that everybody can exactly follow to become rich. Instead, our ultra-successful coaches show what they do, and then help navigate you through your individual path. We believe that OMG is the shortcut, but if you expect to cut corners even past that, it will probably backfire on you. OMG is for the serious-minded person who wants a massive advantage, not for the person who wants it all done for them. You’ll need to think and act like an entrepreneur, not an employee.

Reality-based limitation 3: We do not offer refunds. This is our simple way of starting off on the right foot, where only the serious-minded join our program. We’ve had the same policy for over 4 years now. Our payment plan is expected to be paid in full. If you run into a financial disaster, we understand if you need to cancel it. However, it should not be treated as a subscription to be canceled, any more than you would eat at a restaurant and leave without paying. You will get your full-years’ tuition’s worth within your first month. You’ve seen the Facebook threads showing that our program is worth $100,000 or more, even though it doesn’t cost nearly that much.

That’s it! Get ready to go BIG in 2017 and join the winning team!

A full year of training and coaching and masterminding with just Greg Morrison, or just Kotton Grammer, or Liz Herrera, or Stephen Floyd, or Joe Marfoglio, or Joshua Fletcher, would be a steal at $20,000.

The price of NHB 2017 is 12 payments of $699/month. Note that this is a payment plan and not a subscription. NHB 2017 is a full-year program, but we also give far more than your money’s worth of training immediately and in the first couple of months, because we want you to have what you need to succeed now. For that reason, we ask you to commit to finishing the payment plan unless you hit a major unforeseen financial disaster. That said, if you must cancel, you may write to us and do so.

For those who like to make just one payment, you may instead do one payment of $7999 (that option appears below, underneath the link for the payment plan.)[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Delivery Method

– After your purchase, you’ll see a View your orders link which goes to the Downloads page. Here, you can download all the files associated with your order.
– Downloads are available once your payment is confirmed, we’ll also send you a download notification email separate from any transaction notification emails you receive from
– Since it is a digital copy, our suggestion is to download and save it to your hard drive. In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us and we will resend the new download link.
– If you cannot find the download link, please don’t worry about that. We will update and notify you as soon as possible at 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM (UTC 8).

Thank You For Shopping With Us!

Original price was: $9,000.00.Current price is: $120.00.

Price : $9000 Just pay : $192 Sale Page : Proof Content