
Monica Main – No Cash No Credit 2015 and Mobile Home Park 2015


No-Cash-No-Credit 2015 And Mobile Home Park 2015

By: Monica Main


How You Can Get TRUE No-Cash-No-Credit Real Estate Deals Under Your Belt By Using 4 Little-Known Cutting-Edge Secret Money Strategies That NO ONE Else Will Ever Reveal to You!

Yes. You CAN Get TRUE No-Cash-No-Credit Real Estate Deals to Have the ULTIMATE LEVERAGE in Acquiring Cash Flowing Real Estate!

Dear Real Estate Entrepreneur,
It wasn’t until a couple of months ago that I was finally able to fill in a missing puzzle piece to help my students in getting true no-cash-no-credit real estate deals white drastically minimizing the risk. This can give you a very distinct advantage of cashing in on cash flowing properties while putting in NO MONEY of your own!
As many of you know, I got involved in real estate investing 20 years ago as most investor start off: flipping SFRs (single-family residences). Back then there wasn’t an option of “transactionar or “wet” funding to use to flip houses like there is today. So, begrudging, I had to fork over a very small investment (less than $5,000) to acquire a townhouse that I ended up making a small fortune on when I did flip it But, smart real estate investors will finally figure out that flipping houses really isn’t the way to go, especially when they get tired of paying high capital gains taxes on their property flip profits.
In 2001 I got involved in commercial real estate investing when a real live “mentor told me about investing in apartment buildings. I haven’t looked back since, as I finally understood that REAL wealth in real estate investing is in the passive income cash flow and NOT in flipping or banking on appreciation (especially when the economy starts to give out)

Why Traditional Lease Options Are Considered HIGH RISK and Why You Shouldn’t Do Them!

My first couple of deals were with one owner. He owned 2 apartment buildings and he agreed to allow me to “take them over with something called a lease-option deal. He was an older man, was ill, and couldn’t wait to get out of the business of self-managing these 2 buildings. Little did he know that he was to become the single person that would completely change my life for many years to come.
Back then when I started in this passive income real estate business, doing lease-option deals was insecure at best because the entire deal relied on a single document/contract that could be “pierced” at any time, mostly by the party (property owner) who had the most to lose and the most to gain in the deal.
After only a handful of deals doing lease-options in the very beginning of my passive income real estate investing career, I decided that I didnl want to take the risk anymore; this would be after I lost a deal to a greedy apartment building owner who “took back” his property after I cured his vacancy problem during the lease-option term.
How did he take it back with an “iron-ST lease-option contract in place? Simple_ After I cured his vacancy problem from just over 60% to way over 80% within the first 90 days, he decided that he didn’t want to give up his property anymore. (Why would he?) So, he hired an attorney who scoured through the agreement and he found a small loophole that suggested I “breached” the contract. The property was legally turned back over to him within less than a week after that
And that’s how the ball bounces when you’re dealing with unscrupulous people in this business. Unfortunately, there are A LOT of those running around in the world of commercial real estate.

How I Unlocked the Secret Behind Lease-Option Deals to Protect Both YOU (the Buyer) and the Property Owner (the Seller)!

Last year I came across another lease-option deal. The property wasn’t performing anywhere near what it needed to be at in order to qualify for a conventional mortgage. After the contract “breach” scam with that apartment building owner many years before, I was gun shy about doing another lease option deal without some Insurance” that I wouldn’t get burned again.
I went to my attorney who referred me to someone else who unlocked the key to how I could do these lease-option deals while being fully protected. It’s called a land trust (In some states it’s referred to as a land contract.”) This is what makes the deal “iron clad” without having to go through the escrow process.
But first off, why do a lease-option deal to begin with? Why not just buy the property? Buying the property requires a cash down payment of 20% in most cases. (Some smaller banks will allow for a 15% down payment and will carry an 85% LTV) Also, you’ll need to have some pretty solid personal credit to get a commercial loan in this day and age.
But even if you do have the cash and credit to pull off the deal, you won’t get a really good (below market) price on a property in this hot real estate market UNLESS you are buying a property that is considered “under-performing.” An under-performing property is a property that has a less-than-85% occupancy level which is the base requirement of most commercial lenders to get the best possible interest rates and loan terms. A lower occupancy level puts you into the clutches of a hard money or bridge lender which means high interest rates, high points, and basically getting screwed over in a dark alley by a guy named “Uncle Guido ” Getting a land trust in place isn’t complicated but many attorneys (a) don’t know about it, and therefore (b) won’t do it. Instead they’ll offer you some other legal service in an effort to take your money (usually creating a lease-option contract) which isn’t what you want or need to be able to protect your investment in this. I was very lucky to find the attorney I did to help me create this seamless and effortless land trust strategy that anyone can do to legally take over any property (house, condo, townhouse, apartment building, MHP..ANY PROPERTY!) legally.
This attorney I worked with on getting this land trust together made the process super easy for ANYONE to do this as long as you know what type of paperwork has to be filed and HOW to file itl

Regular Lease-Options = NO Legal Ownership vs. Land Trusts = COMPLETE Legal Ownership

The different between a lease-option and a land trust is that the lease-option method DOES NOT allow for the change of ownership on the property. This creates a high risk situation (as explained above) where you could lose the property back to the legal owner since it doesn’t go through escrow and there’s no new grant deed showing new ownership information filed with the county. Yes, there’s a contract in place but that doesn’t mean they won’t fight you in court over some nonsense legalese if they really want their property back.
And…if you take a property that is under-performing and make it into a cash cow cash flowing property, they WILL want their property back. And when an owner of a property wants their property back and they are still legally on title, they WILL find a way to get it back even if they have to drag you to court until you cry “uncle- because you don’t want to pay the huge legal bill by going through court for 2 to 3 years! With a land trust, even though you don’t go through the legal process of escrow and having a new grant deed filed with the county to show new ownership, there is still a legal document (the land trust) filed with the county showing a “change” of ownership. The seller of the property is basically putting their own property into a trust but naming you the director (who makes ALL the decisions surrounding the property deal) and they are merely the beneficiary of the property (as to stay compliant with their mortgage terms and conditions)
This makes it IMPOSSIBLE for the seller to go back on the deal if he/she later decides that he/she would like the property back due to your luck-ass work on bringing their under-performing property back to a cash flowing cash cow of awesomeness. For the first time, I’m bringing real estate investors of ALL KINDS the full thrust of everything you’ll need to make this type of land trust lease-option deal work from finding the properties to creating the proposal so that the seller will readily agree to the legal paperwork needed (with full instructions) for deal execution to how to financially structure the deal so that you CAN close escrow within a 36-month time frame as to legally possess the property out from under the land trust’
But, that’s not all

The Newest TRUE 100% LTV Method: The 100% LTV Bond Funding Program

Many of you already know that I have a broker who handles the 100% LTV Bond Funding Program. Truth is, it’s not enough to have his name and phone number. You have to know how to financially balance these deals (because a 100% LTV carries A LOT of weight on the cash flow) including how to get the 1% to 2% cash (of the asking price) that the Bond Funders will be REQUIRED to
Yes, they will want to see that you have 1% to 2% of the purchase price of the property that, by the way, MUST exceed $1,000,000 in order to do a deal like this.
This is the most cutting edge method to use when getting a property deal in this super hot real estate market. However, the most challenging part of using this strategy is making the numbers work. You’ll have to get a property that’s below market value in most cases to make the numbers work. And, to do this, it means you’ll be focusing on properties that are under-performing. Yes, the Bond Funders WILL fund a property that is under-performing but it has to be reasonably “stable” and not a total mess of a deal. They don’t want abandoned/vacant properties that need tons of rehab. But they WILL fund something that has a mass upside potential because ..they want their investors to make money)
Unlike what some may think, bond funding is NOT a free grant program. It’s like any other loan that has to be repaid back. What “bond funding” denotes is that there is an organization that pools money together from a variety of accredited investors who are essentially throwing their money in something like a mutual fund. This organization acts as a liason between the investors and the investments that will make these investors their money So, they look for cash flowing assets and people who will actively manage these assets; this is where you come in since you will be helping these investors make money on their investment into the “pool” of funds.
The loan” will be on an interest-only basis and will be between an 8% and 10% interest rate. So, on top of making a 100% LTV work, you also have to balance the higher interest rate. The good news is that you’ll use this as a “bridge” between acquiring the property, bringing it up to speed (if it’s under-performing and/or needs minor rehab), and then cashing this loan/fund out with a conventional loan once the property appreciates after a short time.
And then there’s the old-fashioned way.

Get Cash, Buy Real Estate and Then GET RICH!

I have a brand new streamlined method in building fast business credit to use to get cash for real estate down payments, due diligence, and even minor rehab.
The process is very simple. You repair/rebuild your personal credit within 6 months using my very simple strategies. Push that personal mid-FICO up over the 700 mark then the sky’s the limit. You can start a new S corporation (business entity) with an EIN and start getting business credit cards and lines of credit.
In turn, you use this cash to acquire real estate.
Simple, right?
Well, there’s one thing you have to know first and that’s a SPECIFIC TYPE of real estate that I recommend you invest in to make this work. After all, you’ll be able to gain access to about $50,000 to $100,000 in cash within just a few months and that’s not going to be enough money to leverage a piece of real estate that’s $3,000,000 (unless you’re acquiring it with the 100% LTV Bond Funding Program). There is a SECRET STRATEGY in exactly how to use this business credit cash to get hand-over-fist rich by not only targeting a specific property SIZE but a specific property TYPE that I’ve never revealed before! This, of course, will be fully covered in the No-Cash-No-Credit 100% UV Real Estate Cash Flow System! And finally…

Raising UNLIMITED CASH from Private Investors Using My Most POWERFUL Ad & Proposal Secret

I’ve been using this method for years but I don’t think that my students fully understand it. Either they don’t believe that something so simple and easy to do is something they also can do or they gloss over how powerful and effective it really is. There is a “trick’ to this, though. It’s a trick that many of my students miss because they’re sloppy or lazy. First off, it’s not enough to just have a kick-ass cash flowing deal that you’re trying to raise down payment funds for. It’s not even enough to be able to write out a simple ad to put online to start attracting investors. Arid it definitely isn’t enough to offer a potential investor a piece of the action (which you don’t have to do, by the way) in exchange for the cash.
In fact, almost ALL of my students FAIL MISERABLY at this one little “trick” or secret in attracting funds from private investors which I have been able to successfully do for many years now.
And no, I no longer offer my investors a piece of the action anymore. I don’t have to. I ‘borrow” the money and keep 100% of ALL my equity in even/ deal. Yes, YOU can also do this. And yes, its easier than you think but ONLY IF you know how to pull it off. Plus…you have to know WHERE to find these investors (especially to keep legally compliant with the SEC). And it does go beyond just using the Loopnet Big Board. You have to go a step further which I’ll show you in this mind-blowing all-inclusive No-Cash-No-Credit 100% LTV Real Estate Cash Flow System

My Cornerstone No-Cash-No-Credit 100% LW Real Estate Cash Flow System is NOW HERE!

This is the course that I only wish I had enough knowledge to put together only a few short years ago. Except that I didn’t have the knowledge. I was mainly missing the components to getting lease-option deals together in a low-risk legally compliant way. I didn’t discover all of the elements to this part until only a couple of months ago. Since then, I’ve been putting it all together straight from my attorney to ensure that my students have all of the elements needed to pull off these types of deals. But I didnY want to stop there. I wanted to include all of the most powerful strategies on doing TRUE no-cash-no-credit deals which included the 100% LTV Bond Funding Program, raising business credit cash for deals and raising private funds from investors.
This is when I realized that I also have little-known cutting-edge components to add to all of those elements too that I’ve never revealed to my students before now!
For those of you who have gotten ANY of my other real estate courses including the Apartment Building Cash Flow System, Commercial Cash Flow System, Mobile Home Park (MHP) Cash Flow System or ANY of the others I have, this course is the NEXT STEP if you want to do no-cash-no-credit deals. If you’re just starting out with me and want to take that first step, THIS is the course you want to start with! It’s one that’s been in the making since 2001 and it’s finally herel!
The No Cash No Cash 100% LTV Real Estate Cash Flow System

Here’s what you’ll get in this incredible course:
No Cash No Credit 100% LTV Real Estate MANUAL: This power-packed heavy-duty manual will thorougly go over all of the elements in TRUE real estate investing as it pertains to passive income cash flowing real estate assets. This includes full details about all the legalities when it comes to doing an iron-clad lease-option deal using a land trust or land contract It will also include never-before-revealed details about the 100% UV Bond Funding Program and how to make it work. You’ll also discover how to gain quick access to business credit cash in a little-known unique way of doing it without going through a bunch of bank red tape.
BONUS REPORT: The ONE Real Estate Mind-Blowing SECRET That Can Make You VERY RICH! This is a VERY unique report because it shows you my latest never-before-revealed real estate investing strategy that’s DIFFERENT than anything you’ve ever known. And it can make you FILTHY RICH in only a few months if you execute this correctly. And yes, you use my 100% LW strategies to pull this off, making money using OPM (other people’s money). This strategy will BLOW YOUR MIND and worth the entire cost of this course by itself!!
Million-Dollar Resource DIRECTORY: This directory is different than other directories rve done because it includes only the elements you need for TRUE no-cash-no-credit deals. This includes resources for equity partnerships, cash, start-up business credit (BLOCs), wet funds, and even sources of where to find private investors. Again, this directory is WAY DIFFERENT than all of my other directories put togetherl

Quick Start ACTION PLAN: There’s nothing worse than going through an entire course and then getting to the end to realize that you have no idea where to start. This is a checklist of exactly what you’ll need to do. But be warned. DO NOT use this instead of going through the course materials. Go through the course in its entirety and THEN use this checklist to get started with your no-cash-no-credit teal estate investing business. This way you’ll stay on track and know exactly what to do to get up and running as quickly as possible.
DVD Series: This set of videos will show you strategies of how to use the No-Cash-No-Credit 100% LTV Strategies presented so that you’ll fully understand how to quickly, seamlessly, and effectively execute each strategy depending on what types of real estate you will be acquiring. Its best to first understand how each strategy works and then you’ll know which to apply to any real estate acquisition situation. These videos will help you understand how this entire process works in its multi-faceted potential it offers.
Audio Seminar: For 2 full hours you’ll be schooled on exactly how the 4 strategies work and exactly how to use them. You’ll be taken from the very beginning on exactly which types of cash flowing assets to acquire, where to find these properties, how to financially structure each type, and how the basics of profitable cash flowing real estate works. Once you understand these basics, you’ll then be taught more “advanced” acquisition methods that surround the 100% LTV strategies so that you’ll know how to acquire these properties with TRUE no-cash-no-credit 100% UV methods.
Forms & Legal Documents CD-ROM: This CD-ROM is worth $895 alone (MINIMUM) because of the amount of time and money I’ve spent with my attorney in getting these documents (which was MUCH MORE than just $895). Additionally, you’ll understand the laws of each state when it comes to land trusts/contracts so that you’ll know how you’ll have to alter your strategy for lease-option deals when it comes to each state. You’ll also have every form, proposal, offer, contract, CFE (Cash Flow Evaluator), secret letters for property owners, templates (including for a mini business plan) and anything else you’ll need to do a real estate deal using the methods outlined in these course materials.

Mobile Home Park

How to Make a Massive Fortune in the Hottest, Most Profitable, Extremely Cutting-Edge Real Estate Investing Strategy to Date:

How You Can CASH IN…Making $20,000 Per Month OR MORE…With This Little-Known Highly Profitable Mobile Home Park Investing SECRET! BRAND NEW COURSE FOR 2015

This information Fm about to reveal to you can completely change your life within just a few short months. However, this is NOT a get-rich-quick scam. This is a solid business built on integrity and honesty. If you’re looking for some kind of scam/scheme then this is not the opportunity for you and I suggest you continue looking elsewhere. This is also not an opportunity for people who want to do nothing and make a monthly stream of income. In order to make money, you have to do at least a little bit of work otherwise you’ll never make money doing anything!

Mobile Home Park Investing is the HOTTEST Real Estate Opportunity Right Now…And It’s Still a Little-Known Secret! But, Once the Secret is Out Among Other Investors, You Will MISS OUT on this Extraordinary Cash Flow Profit Opportunity. Discover ALL of the Details on How YOU Can Begin Profiting from this Amazing Investment Opportunity!
FINALLY, the Mobile Home Park Cash Flow System Everyone’s Been Waiting For!
Discover How to:
• Double and Triple Your Profit Potential Over ALL Other Types of Real Estate Investing

• Get Average CAP Rates of 15% vs. 8% or Below for Other Commercial Properties

• Get Financing Through Special Mobile Home Park Lenders Using Creative Financing

• Get Started with NO CASH and NO CREDIT Using Never-Before-Revealed Strategies

• Get Partial Owner Financing from 25% to 90% of the Purchase Price Every Time

• Determine the Best Parts of the Country to Invest…and Which Areas to Avoid

• Invest in California, Even While Other Commercial Property Deals are No Good

• Do Due Diligence to Make Sure You Are Avoiding Costly Pitfalls and Mistakes

• Take Advantage of Unlimited Opportunities Because There is NO COMPETITION

• Never Deal with Difficult Tenants or Unit Repairs Because You Only Rent the Lot

• And Much, Much MORE!
From the Desk of Monica Main Wednesday, 4:47 PM Pacify: Time
Dear Real Estate Investor,

I’ve been holding out on you…but not on purpose, You see, any of you who know my real estate investing methods know that I’ve never been a big fan of MHP (mobile home park) investing for one reason only NO FINANCING AVAILABLE!
But all that changed early last year!
MHP lenders and brokers are now abundant in supply when as little as a year ago, they hardly existed at all. As you know, making big cash flows in real estate investments solely depends on you using other people’s money (OPM) When it doesn’t exist, you cant work a real estate deal unless you are going in with 100% cash. And that’s never a smart way to leverage your money. The reason MHP funding was so hard to come by was because a commercial property is appraised using these elements: (1) land value, (2) building value, and (3) cash flow. Since MHPs don’t have any permanent structures, there is no building value to appraise and this would dramatically lower the value of a property despite the cash flow. So, when a MHP owner decided to sell, he or she would sell based on cash flow but the property wouldn’t appraise at the asking price (in many cases) because the property was treated as “raw land,” or essentially worthless.
Now lenders have come to understand that MHPs are a viable investment with solid cash flows and aren’t just a chunk of raw land with a bunch of slabs of cement (or “pads” as they are called).
And now the sky is the limit for these types of passive income properties!

Much Higher Cash Flow Potential…As Much as TRIPLE of an Apartment Building!

Your average apartment building will offer a CAP rate of anywhere from 6% to 9%, depending on where the property is located. If you are trying to pull of a no-cash-no-credit deal, you need to be over 9.5% or 10% in order to make the deal work financially otherwise you will barely be breaking even (it you’re lucky)I This makes the pickings far and few between when looking for deals and starting with no moneyl It means you have to scour through listing after listing trying to find a deal that meets the CAP rate criteria or slash the property asking price down as much as 50% (in some cases) in order to see a cash flow
And that just isn’t realistic!
With MHPs, it’s the “norm” to see your average CAP rate anywhere from 12% to 16%, and even then that can be considered kind of low depending on where you are in the country. If you were to find an apartment building boasting a CAP rate of 12% to 16%, chances are the numbers are based on proforma (future projections) or they are greatly exaggerated (and cannot be backed up).
With MHPs. you are looking at a LOW CAP RATE of 12% in most areas of the country and an AVERAGE CAP RATE of about 16%. I’ve seen CAP rates as high as 25% in some areas of the country.
And this Is simply UNHEARD OF with ALL other commercial property deals!
As you know, the higher your CAP rate, the higher your cash flow income. And if you can barely find commercial property deals that ever exceed 8% (on average) then you will find yourself spinning your wheels for nothing)

Quick Comparison: See the Power of Mobile Home Park Investing Firsthand!

While typing this up, I went over to and checked out a very small city in northern Florida for an example of how powerful MHP investing is.
I saw a MHP listed for $99,000. It has only 7 “pads’ or lot spaces. The CAP rate is listed at a whopping 21% and the occupancy is 100% Expenses on gross income is about 20% vs. your average apartment building where it is 40% to 60%. The monthly cash flow (after all expenses paid) on this deal is an amazing $2,000 a month or $24,000 a year!!
Absolutely mind-blowing!!
Meanwhile, there is an 8-unit apartment building listed right down the street for $499,000 having a CAP rate of 7%, an occupancy level of only 75%. and even at 100% occupancy, this deal wouldn1 make you but about $500 per month after all expenses and debt service (mortgage). And that’s ONLY if you are able to put 20% cash down on the deal. If you went in with no cash down, you would LOSE MONEY every month!
And this lotus! ONE example of the thousands of MHP deals I’ve come across in the past few months!

More Cash Flow. Fewer Expenses. Cheaper Investments…AndNo-Tenants’

Wait a minute! HOw can ti»s be? When there are people living in the park, aren’t those tenants? Yes and no. All you are doing is leasing them a “space” or “pad’ which is. essentially, a slab of cement with utility hookups. Your tenant brings in his or her own mobile home, secures it to the slab, and they pay you a monthly fee to park their home there. This means…
If their toilet breaks, they fix it. If their air conditioning goes out, they pay for it. If a neighbor kid breaks out a window, they are responsible for replacing it.
AND YOU FIX NOTHING! All you are responsible for is landscaping, common area utilities (including electricity), and maintaining the operations of the park And that’s it! Your tenants on the property are responsible for their own homes You aren’t, This is why it’s so cheap to run a park and make huge monthly incomes…because there aren’t many expenses.
Your average apartment building costs about 45% to 65% of the GOI (gross operating income) in expenses to run This means that if you get annual rental receipts from your tenants of $ioopoo per year, you are giving back $450,000 to $650,000 per year just in property expenses.
And that sucks!
What many of my students don’t understand is that the larger the apartment building (or complex). the LARGER THE EXPENSES. I’ve seen 500 unit buildings (especially those in the north where it’s cold) eat up 85% in expenses on the GOI. And who can afford to operate a building like that?? (This is why I tell my students that its better to get a bunch of very small apartment buildings to keep the expenses down to 25% to 35% rather than jumping at the large buildings.) With a MHP, your average expenses are between 15% to 20% of the GO!. I have seen a few deals where the expenses have been 25%, but that’s not the “non.” As you know, fewer expenses means more money in your pocket.


One of the biggest problems with apartment building investing, especially in lower-middle class areas, is the tenant quality. Many of your tenants simply don’t care about your building or the unit you are renting to them.
They don’t care about abusing your property including grinding up an entire Thanksgiving turkey in the garbage disposal (knowing you’ll fix it) or flushing a crack pipe down the toilet (knowing your plumber will fish it out). They don’t care about breaking out screens or ruining the carpet. It’s not their problem because the property isn’t theirs. It’s your problem. And they know it!
With MHP tenants, they are renting the slab of cement that their home sits on. But its Mei/home; They not only take care of their home (because they are responsible for their own repairs) but the quality of tenant is different because they are “homeowners” and not wreckless, careless tenants.
So, even going into your lower-middle class areas that can be challenging as an apartment building owner, its a different story with MHP tenants because there is that sense of ”pride of ownership.” This means that you don’t have to worry much about graffiti sprayed on the fences outside or someone ripping the landscaping apart with motorcycles. Since the park is made up of “homeowners” they mostly take pride in their homes and where their mobile home is ”parked.” You’ll have less riff-raff and problems with tenants which ultimately lowers your operating costs and puts more cash in your pocket.

Lots of Financing Available! Plus, Sellers Will Finance 25% to 50% AUTOMATICALLY!

Most of the MHP owners out there are old-timers who have owned their properly for decades. They also don’t know that there is a lot of MHP financing available now. Every MHP owner knows that getting financing is next to impossible.. or so they still think!
Most MHP listings will clearly state that the owner is willing to carry back or finance part of the deal. Many times they will carry back 50% of the purchase price. I’ve seen sellers carry back 90%! This is NORMAL in MHPs.
Now that there is financing available, you can get a seller to help out with the financing on a seller carry back (private mortgage contract) while having a lender come in and take a first-position loan. Since most of these MHP sellers have owned their properties forever. there is boatloads of equity to allow them the option of offering a private mortgage contract.
Most MHP sellers AUTOMATICALLY offer seller carry-back because they think they still have to! AND they have tons of equity to support holding paper on your deal!
The property does NOT have to be owned free and clear. Many times these parks are owned outright but they don’t have to be for a seller to offer a seller carry on the deal.
And some of my lenders allow for partial seller carry-back…which is RARE and norsomething you can get for other commercial property loans!

The Secret Isn’t Out..Yet! This Means There’s Virtually NO COMPETITION for the New Investor!

For awhile many real estate investors were playing it safe and not investing in anything in their “watch and wait” mode. They wanted to see which direction the economy was going to take.
They’ve stopped waiting and started picking up properties left and right…by the MASSES…because just about every investor I know thinks the real estate market has already hit rock bottom.
This makes it very difficult now for a new investor to get a foot in the door when large investment groups are swooping down on all the deals out there
Here’s the good news…
They aren’t focused on MHP deals…not yet anyway They haven’t seen the potential in the large cash flows because they are too busy picking up bank-owned foreclosur

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Original price was: $694.00.Current price is: $99.00.

Digital Download: You will receive a download link via your order email How You Can Get TRUE No-Cash-No-Credit Real Estate Deals Under Your Belt By Using 4 Little-Known Cutting-Edge Secret Money Strategies That NO ONE Else Will Ever Reveal to You! And How to Make a Massive Fortune in the Hottest, Most Profitable, Extremely Cutting-Edge Real Estate Investing Strategy to Date