
Mind Tools – Collection: Management, Leadership, Career Training


Collection: Management, Leadership, Career Training…

Below is a themed index of what’s inside


Leadership Skills, Introduction
Leadership Motivation Assessment – Know your motivation to lead
Leadership Motivation Tools – Increase your leadership motivation
Optimism: The hidden asset
Information Gathering – Information is inspiration
Winning Expert Power – Leading from the front
Leadership styles – Use the right one for the situation
Blake Mouton Managerial Grid – Balancing task- and people-oriented leadership
What’s Empathy Got to Do With It?
Humility – The most beautiful word in the English language
“I Swear by Apollo” (P) – Being accountable to yourself in leadership
A Leader’s Mood – The dimmer switch of performance
A Bit of Perfume – Giving praise
Mission Statements and Vision Statements – Unleashing purpose
Win-Win Negotiation – Finding a fair compromise
Crisis Planning (P) – Preparing your best response to the unexpected
Cross Cultural Leadership (P)
Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions – Understanding workplace values around the World
Working in Virtual Teams (P) – Team working that overcomes time and space
Leading Equals (P) – Motivating people effectively, without authority
Now You’re the Boss… (P) – Learning How to Manage Former Peers
Building Tomorrow’s Leaders (P) – Identifying and developing leaders in your organization
The 100-Mile Walk, by Sander and Jonathan Flaum (P) – Book Insight
What Happy Companies Know, by Dan Baker, Cathy Greenberg, and Collins Hemmingway (P) – Book Insight
Revved! and Monday Morning Mentoring (P) – Book Insight
The Uncertainty Factor
The Green-Eyed Monster – Keeping envy at out of the workplace
Delegation – Bite-Sized Training™
What’s your point of view – Coaching Clinic
Improving Productivity – Bite-Sized Training™
12: The Elements of Great Managing, by Rodd Wagner and James K Harter (P) – Book Insight
Building Expert Power – Bite-Sized Training™
Know-How, by Ram Charan (P) – Book Insight
Resiliency, with Cal Crow (P) – Expert Interview
The Effective Executive, by Peter Drucker (P) – Book Insight
If Harry Potter Ran General Electric, by Tom Morris (P) – Book Insight
Mindset for Success (P) – Learning Stream
Think Big, Act Small, by Jason Jennings (P) – Book Insight
Leading People Through Disasters, with Kathy McKee (P) – Expert Interview
Lead Now! (P) – Learning Stream
Influencer, by Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, David Maxfield, Ron McMillan, and Al Switzler (P) – Book Insight
Training for Non-Trainers – Bite-Sized Training™
High Impact Non-Profit Organizations, with Heather McLeod Grant (P) – Expert Interview
How to Win Friends and Influence People, by Dale Carnegie (P) – Book Insight
The Future of Management, by Gary Hamel (P) – Book Insight
What Men Don’t Tell Women About Business, with Chris Flett (P) – Expert Interview
Results That Last, by Quint Studer (P) – Book Insight
Myself and Other More Important Matters, by Charles Handy (P) – Book Insight
Recruiting Skills – Bite-Sized Training™
Head and Heart Management, by Adrian Furnham (P) – Book Insight

Team Tools

Team Effectiveness Assessment – How well do you and your team work together?
Team Management Skills (P) – The core skills needed to manage your team
Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing (P) – Helping new teams perform effectively
Cog’s Ladder (P) – Understanding and accelerating group formation
Belbin’s Team Roles – Understanding team roles can improve team performance
Benne and Sheats’ Group Roles – Identifying both positive and negative group behavior roles
Team Charters (P) – Getting your teams off to a great start
Hiring People: Questions to Ask (P) – Know what to ask to find the right person
Inbox/In-Tray Assessment (P) – Uncovering how an employee will perform on the job
Successful Induction (P) – Getting new team members off to a great start
Understanding Developmental Needs (P) – Help your team reach peak performance
Training Needs Assessment (P) – Making sure your team is properly trained
GROW Model, The – Coaching team members to improve performance
Heron’s Six Categories of Intervention (P) – Understanding how to help effectively
Succession Planning (P) – Seamlessly transferring key knowledge, skills and abilities
The Peter Principle (P) – Avoiding Promoting People to a Level of Incompetence
Performance Management and KPIs (P) – Linking activities to vision and strategy
How Good are Your Motivation Skills? – Discover key factors for building a motivated team
Management by objectives (MBO) (P) – Motivating people by aligning their objectives with the goals of the organization
Management By Wandering Around (MBWA) (P) – Staying in touch with your team
Task Allocation – Pick the right team
Why the Rules are There – Helping people understand and enforce rules
DILO (Day In the Life Of) (P) – Improving team effectiveness by analyzing daily activity
Successful Delegation – How, when, why
Avoiding Micromanagement – Helping team members excel – on their own
The Delegation Dilemma
Motivating your Team: Bite-Sized Training™
Herzberg’s Motivators and Hygiene Factors – Learn how to motivate your team
Expectancy Theory – Motivate your team by linking effort with outcome
Ice Breakers (P) – Easing group contribution
Maslow’s Hierarchy, Using (P) – Building a happier, more satisfied team
Theory X and Theory Y (P) – Understanding team member motivation
Alderfer’s ERG Theory (P) – Understanding the priorities in people’s needs
Job Enrichment – Increasing job satisfaction
Building the Trust of Your New Team (P) – Getting real and living the “We” in team
Resolving Team Conflict (P) – Building stronger teams by facing your differences
Re-Engaging Team Members (P) – Turning negative back to positive
Dealing with Poor Performance – Is it lack of ability or low motivation?
Performance Agreements – Increasing personal accountability
Adams’ Equity Theory – Balancing employee inputs and outputs
Pygmalion Motivation (P) – Managing high performance with high expectations
The Power of Nice, with Robin Koval (P) – Expert Interview
Workplace Bullying, with Dr Gary Namie (P) – Expert Interview
Creating We, with Judith Glaser (P) – Expert Interview
The Speed of Trust, by Stephen M R Covey (P) – Book Insight
Delegation – Bite-Sized Training™
Secrets of Coaching for Exceptional Performance, with Gregg Thompson (P) – Expert Interview
Giving Feedback – Bite-Sized Training™
Overcoming Cultural Barriers to Change (P) – Moving to a high performance culture
12: The Elements of Great Managing, by Rodd Wagner and James K Harter (P) – Book Insight
Are You Getting Along? – Coaching Clinic
Rewire or rust, with Robert Critchley (P) – Expert Interview
Who Do I Blame? – Coaching Clinic
Toyota Talent, by Jeffrey K Liker and David P Meier (P) – Book Insight
Team Building – Bite-Sized Training™
Dealing with Conflict – Bite-Sized Training™
Manage Your Team (P) – Learning Stream
Telling Ain’t Training, by Harold D Stolovitch and Erica J Keeps (P) – Book Insight
X-Teams, by Deborah Ancona and Henrik Bresman (P) – Book Insight
Working with You is Killing Me, with Katherine Crowley and Kathi Elster (P) – Expert Interview
Don’t Just Do Something, Stand There!, by Marvin Weisbord and Sandra Janoff (P) – Book Insight
Manage Change (P) – Learning Stream
Using Recognition to Drive Performance, with Chester Elton (P) – Expert
Handling “Politics” (P) – Learning Stream
Training for Non-Trainers – Bite-Sized Training™
How to Win Friends and Influence People, by Dale Carnegie (P) – Book Insight
On the Defensive – Coaching Clinic
Do I Kiss, Bow or Shake Hands?, with Terri Morrison (P) – Expert Interview
Don’t Take It Personally – Coaching Clinic
Developing People (P) – Learning Stream
What Is… Human Resource Management? – Bite-Sized Training™
Building Effective Teams – Bite-Sized Training™
Recruiting Skills – Bite-Sized Training™
RQBQ!: The Question Behind the Question, by John G Miller (P) – Book Insight
Making Work Fun, with Leslie Yerkes (P) – Expert Interview

Strategy Tools

PEST Analysis – Understanding the big picture
Porter’s Diamond – Shaping your strategy to reflect national strengths and weaknesses
SWOT Analysis – Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats
Using the TOWS Matrix – Developing strategic options from an external-internal analysis
Porter’s Generic Strategies – Choosing your route to competitive advantage
Porter’s Five Forces – Understanding power in a situation
USP Analysis – Finding your competitive position
Core Competence Analysis – Building sustainable competitive advantage
Bowman’s Strategy Clock (P) – Making sense of eight competitive positions
Scenario Analysis – Exploring different futures
Value Chain Analysis – Achieve excellence in the things that matter
Customer Experience Mapping (P) – Seeing your business through the eyes of your customers
The McKinsey 7S framework– Ensuring that all parts of your organization work in harmony
ADL Matrix (P) – How industry position influences your strategy
Congruence Model (P) – Aligning the drivers of high performance
Deal and Kennedy’s Cultural Model (P) – Understanding rites and rituals in corporate culture
The Cultural Web – Aligning your organization’s culture with strategy
Using the Ansoff Matrix – Understanding the different risks of different options
Using the Boston Matrix – Focusing effort to get the greatest return
Critical Success Factors – Identifying the things that really matter for success
Business Process Reengineering (P) – Using radical change to improve organizational performance
Using the Greiner Curve – Surviving the crises that come with growth
The Sales Funnel (P) – Keeping control of your sales pipeline
The Marketing Mix and 4 Ps – Understanding how to position your market offering
Market Segmentation (P) – Understanding different customer needs
Product Life Cycle – Managing your product to maximize success
The Product Diffusion Curve – Keeping your marketing message fresh
Winning, by Jack Welch (P) – Book Insight
Zero Defects – Getting it right first time
Kaizen (P) – Gaining the full benefits of continuous improvement
Kanban (P) – Creating efficiency in the workplace
Just In Time (JIT) – Reducing inventory, minimizing waste, and responding to your customers
Total Quality Management (TQM) (P) – Delivering quality at every level
Deming’s 14-Point Philosophy (P) – A recipe for total quality
Pyramid of Purpose – Concisely communicating strategy
Hoshin Planning System (P) – Steering everyone in the right direction
The Balanced Scorecard – Motivating employees to deliver your strategy
The Triple Bottom Line (P) – Measuring your organization’s wider impact
Leverage – Achieve much more with the same effort
Practical Business Planning – Understanding the components of future success
Murphy’s Law – Expecting the unexpected
Made to Stick, by Chip and Dan Heath (P) – Book Insight
One Billion Customers, by James McGregor (P) – Book Insight
Managing Change – Bite-Sized Training™
Negotiation Skills – Bite-Sized Training™
Sell Your Idea! – Bite-Sized Training™
Leading People Through Disasters, with Kathy McKee (P) – Expert Interview
Think Strategically (P) – Learning Stream
Fooled by Randomness, by Nassim Nicholas Taleb (P) – Book Insight
Executing Your Strategy, by Mark Morgan, Raymond E Levitt and William Malek (P) – Book Insight
Six Sigma, with Thomas Pyzdek (P) – Expert Interview
What Is… Finance Management? – Bite-Sized Training™

Problem Solving

Problem Solving Skills, Introduction
CATWOE – Understanding the different elements that contribute to a problem
5 Whys – Getting quickly to the root of a problem
Appreciation – Extracting maximum information from facts
Using Aides Memoire (P) – Feeding experience back into problem solving
Drill Down – Breaking problems down into manageable parts
The Concept Fan – Widening the search for solutions
Affinity Diagrams – Organizing ideas into common themes
Cause & Effect Analysis – Understanding the root cause of problems
Root Cause Analysis – Tracing a problem to its origins
Systems Diagrams – Understanding the way factors interact
Flow Charts – Understanding and communicating process flows
Writing a Procedure – Making sure things are done without mistakes and omissions
Swim Lane Diagrams – Mapping and improving processes in your organization
Storyboarding – Planning and checking a process as a team
Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) – Spotting problems before a solution is implemented
Inductive Reasoning (P) – Drawing good, generalized conclusions
Avoiding Logical Fallacies (P) – What they are, and how to avoid them
Heuristic Methods – Using rules of thumb
Appreciative Inquiry – Solving problems by looking at what’s going right
The Straw Man Concept – Build it up, knock it down, and create a solid final solution
Problem Solving: Searching for Solutions – Bite-Sized Training™
Simplex – An integrated problem solving process
Why Not?, by Barry Nalebuff and Ian Ayres – Book Insight
Solve and Decide (P) – Learning Stream
Simplex – An integrated problem solving process

Decision Making

Decision Making Skills, Introduction
How to Avoid Decision Making Paralysis – Bite-Sized Training™
Pareto Analysis – Choosing which changes to make
Plus, Minus, Interesting – Weighing the pros and cons of a decision
Grid Analysis – Making a choice balancing many factors
Paired Comparison Analysis – Working out relative importances
Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) – Choosing by weighing up many subjective factors
Force Field Analysis – Analyzing pressures for and against change
Decision Trees – Choosing by projecting “expected outcomes”
Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM) (P) – Choosing the best strategic way forward
The Vroom-Yetton-Jago Decision Model (P) – Deciding how to decide
Risk Analysis – Evaluating the risks that you face
Are You a “Cautious” or “Courageous” Decision Maker? – Understand your risk profile and make better decisions
Cash Flow Forecasting – Testing the viability of a project
Monte Carlo Analysis (P) – Bringing uncertainty and risk into forecasting
Cost/Benefit Analysis – Simple financial decision making
Critical Thinking (P) – Develop the skills for successful thinking
Impact Analysis (P) – Identifying the unexpected consequences of a decision
The Ladder of Inference (P) – Avoiding “jumping to conclusions”
Blindspot Analysis (P) – Avoiding common “fatal flaws” in decision making
Six Thinking Hats – Looking at a decision from all points of view
The Kepner-Tregoe Matrix (P) – Making unbiased, risk assessed decisions
Multi-Voting – Choosing fairly between many options
Nominal Group Technique (P) – Prioritizing issues and projects to achieve consensus
Stepladder Technique – Making better group decisions
The Delphi Technique(P) – Achieving well thought-through consensus among experts
Avoiding Groupthink (P) – Avoiding fatal flaws in group decision making
The Go Point by Michael Useem (P) – Book Insight
Am I Making the Right Choice? – Coaching Clinic
Made to Stick, by Chip and Dan Heath (P) – Book Insight
Using Decision Trees – Bite-Sized Training™
Project Evaluation and Financial Forecasting – Bite-Sized Training™
Reactive Decision Making (P) – Making good decisions under pressure
Spiral Dynamics (P) – Understanding how people’s values may affect their decision making
Choose! – Coaching Clinic

Project Planning

Project Management Skills, Introduction
Estimating Time Accurately – A key to project success
Logframes, and the Logical framework Approach – Planning robust, coherent, successful projects
Work Breakdown Structures – Mapping out the work within a project
Action Plans – Small scale planning
Scheduling Simple Projects
Gantt Charts – Planning and Scheduling more complex projects
Critical Path Analysis – Planning more complex projects
Request for Proposal Documents – Getting better terms with a competitive bidding process
Project Initiation Documents – Getting your project off to a great start
Project Milestone Reporting (P) – Keeping projects on track by monitoring significant check points
Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) – Implementing new ideas in a controlled way
Risk Impact/Probability Chart – Learning to prioritize risks
The Planning Cycle – A planning process for middle-sized projects
Planning Large Projects and Programs
Change Management (P) – Making organization change happen effectively
Lewin’s Change Management Model – Understanding the three stages of change
Project Dashboards – Quickly communicating project progress
Stakeholder Analysis – Winning support for your projects (1)
Stakeholder Management – Winning support for your projects (2)
The RACI Matrix (P) – Structuring accountabilities for maximum efficiency and results
Influence Maps – Uncovering where the power lies in your projects
Using the Change Curve (P) – Accelerating and improving change
Leavitt’s Diamond (P) – An integrated approach to change
Burke-Litwin Change Model (P) – Unraveling the dynamics of organizational change
Kotter’s 8-Step Change Model – Implementing change powerfully and successfully
Why Change Can Fail (P) – Knowing what not to do
Organizational Design – Aligning organizational structure with business goals
Words used in… Project and Program Management
Stakeholder Management – Bite-Sized Training™
Winning Support for Your Project – Bite-Sized Training™
Planning Small Projects – Bite-Sized Training™

Manage Time

Time Management, Introduction
Activity Logs – Seeing how you really spend your time
To Do Lists – The key to efficiency
Effective Scheduling – Planning the best use of time
Job Analysis – A tool for managing work overload
Personal Goal Setting – How to achieve your dreams
Locke’s Goal Setting Theory – Understanding SMART Goal Setting
Golden Rules of Goal Setting – Five rules to set yourself up
Backward Goal-Setting – Using backward planning to set goals
Repacking Your Bags, by Richard J Leider and David A Shapiro (P) – Book Insight
Costing Your Time (P) – Understanding the real value of your time
Beating Procrastination – Manage your time. Get it all done.
Why can’t I just DO it? How to stop procrastinating Coaching Clinic
Managing Interruptions (P) – Maintain focus. Keep control of your time.
In Flow – Maximizing productivity through improved focus
The Urgent/Important Matrix – Using time effectively, not just efficiently
Action Programs – Becoming exceptionally well organized
Action Priority Matrix, The (P) – Making the most of your opportunities
Prioritization (P) – Making best use of your time and resources
How to Prioritize – Bite-Sized Training™
Why can I never say NO? – Coaching Clinic
Treasure Mapping (P) – Visualising your goal for greater achievement
Pickle Jar Theory (P) – Make your schedule work. Leave time for fun!
The Art of Filing – Managing your documents… and your time
New Year’s Resolutions – Planning for a year of achievement
Beating the Time Bandits – Bite-Sized Training™
How Good is Your Time Management? – Discover time management tools that can help you
Managing Your Email Before It Manages You, with Mike Song (P) – Expert Interview
Declutter! – Coaching Clinic
Overcoming Procrastination – Bite-Sized Training™
The Art of Being – Coaching Clinic
Get Productive! (P) – Learning Stream
Mindset for Success (P) – Learning Stream
Essential Time Management – Bite-Sized Training™
Time for Me – Coaching Clinic
A Generous Gift – Coaching Clinic
Out with the Old…In with The New – Coaching Clinic
Time Management Audit – Bite-Sized Training™
Using Your Extra Day – Coaching Clinic

Stress Tools

Stress Management, Introduction to
Stress Site, Mind Tools
Stress Diaries – Identifying short term stress
Performance Planning – Planning ahead to reduce stress
Performing Under Pressure, with Dr Don Greene (P) – Expert Interview
Physical Relaxation Techniques – Deep breathing, PMR, relaxation response
Imagery – Mental stress management
Anger Management – Channelling anger effectively
How Good Is Your Anger Management? – Controlling your anger before it controls you
Managing Your Boundaries (P) – Ensuring that others respect your needs
Beating Self-Sabotage (P) – Recognizing and overcoming it
Are You a Positive or Negative Thinker? – Learn about – and change – How you think
Thought Awareness, Rational Thinking and Positive Thinking
Why can I never say NO? – Coaching Clinic
Building Self-Confidence – Preparing for success!
Will I be any good at this? – Coaching Clinic
Job Analysis – A tool for managing work overload
Shape Your Self, by Martina Navratilova (P) – Book Insight
How to Relax After a Hard Day (P) – Leaving Work at Work
Rest, Relaxation and Sleep (P)
Sleep, Getting a Good Night’s Sleep – Starting each day fresh, and full of energy
Toffler’s Stability Zones (P) – Finding peace amid chaos
Ready for a Real Vacation? (P) – Preparing to make the most of your precious time
Burnout Self-Test – Checking yourself for burnout
The Breaking Point
Stressed? Me!!… How to survive the holiday season – Coaching Clinic
Let go a little – Coaching Clinic
The Stories That Run Our Lives – Coaching Clinic
Declutter! – Coaching Clinic
Stress Busters – Bite-Sized Training™
Where’s My Enthusiasm? – Coaching Clinic
Mindset for Success (P) – Learning Stream
Get Over It! – Coaching Clinic
The Benefit of the Doubt – Coaching Clinic
A Pick-Me-Up – Coaching Clinic
Enjoy the Journey! – Coaching Clinic
Time for Me – Coaching Clinic
A Generous Gift – Coaching Clinic
Beating the Seasonal Blues – Coaching Clinic
Don’t Take It Personally – Coaching Clinic
Do Something Different – Coaching Clinic
Please Yourself – Coaching Clinic
All Work and No Play – Coaching Clinic
Live Your Passion – Coaching Clinic


Communication Skills, Introduction to
Communications Planning (P) – Getting the right message over, in the right way
Monroe’s Motivated Sequence (P) – Perfecting the call to act
The Rhetorical Triangle – Making your writing credible, appealing and logical
Body Language – Understanding non-verbal communication
Making a Great First Impression
Assertiveness – Getting what you want or need by working WITH people, not against them
Effective Email
Writing Skills – Before you write it down, know this
Giving and Receiving Feedback – Keeping team member performance high, and well-integrated
360° Feedback (P) – Encouraging teamwork and improving performance (sometimes!)
Charts and Graphs – Choosing the right format
AIDA: Attention-Interest-Desire-Action – Inspiring action with your writing
Active Listening – Hear what people are really saying
Empathic Listening (P) – Going beyond active listening
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (P) – Achieving excellence in communication
Jargon Busting (P) – Communicating without creating barriers
Questioning Techniques – Asking questions effectively
Keep It Simple (P) – Avoiding confusion and complexity
Powers of Persuasion (P) – Understanding the dos and don’ts of persuading
Better Public Speaking and Presentations
Delivering Great Presentations – Communicating effectively with the right delivery, content and slides
Speaking to an Audience – Communicate complex ideas successfully
Managing Presentation Nerves – Coping with the fear within
The Presentation Planning Checklist
Role Playing (P) – Preparing for difficult conversations and situations
Thinking On Your Feet – Staying cool and confident under pressure
Dealing With Unfair Criticism (P) – Responding calmly and rationally to unwarranted criticism
Chunking (P) – Grouping information so it’s more easily understood
Ice Breakers (P) – Easing group contribution
Running Effective Meetings
The Role of a Facilitator – Guiding an event through to a successful conclusion
The Johari Window– Helping people understand one-another
Concept Attainment (P) – Reaching a shared understanding of important ideas
Value Proposition, Creating a (P) – Communicate your benefits simply
Business Story-Telling – Using stories to inspire
Communicating Internationally (P)
Communicating in a crisis (P) – Don’t shut down communication
Delivering Bad News (P) – Terminating employment honestly, respectfully and with dignity
Conflict Resolution – Resolving conflict rationally and effectively
Cross-Culture Communication (P)
Cross-Cultural Business Etiquette – Learning the ins and outs of global business
Written Communication – Bite-Sized Training™
Who Cares What Other People Think? – Coaching Clinic
Giving Better Presentations – Bite-Sized Training™
Assertiveness – Bite-Sized Training™
Whoever Tells the Best Story Wins, with Annette Simmons – Expert Interview
Communicate! (P) – Learning Stream
Crucial Conversations, by Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, Ron McMillan, and Al Switzler (P) – Book Insight
Listen! – Coaching Clinic
Networking Skills – Bite-Sized Training™
The Power of Body Language, by Tonya Reiman (P) – Book Insight


Creativity Skills, Introduction to
Brainstorming – Generating many radical ideas
Reverse Brainstorming – A different approach to brainstorming
Starbursting – Understanding new ideas by brainstorming questions
Charette Procedure – Brainstorming multiple ideas with multiple stakeholders
Crawford’s Slip Writing Method (P) – Gathering ideas from many contributors
Random Input – Making creative leaps
metaphorical Thinking (P) – Using comparisons to express ideas and solve problems
Provocation – Carrying out thought experiments
Reversal – Improving products and services
SCAMPER – Generating new products and services
Attribute Listing – Creating new products and services
Synectics (P) – A backstop creativity process
Kano Model Analysis (P) – Developing products that delight
Reframing Matrix, The – Generating different perspectives
DO IT – A simple process for creativity
TRIZ – A powerful methodology for creative problem-solving
Practical Innovation (P) – Managing ideas effectively
Generating New Ideas – Think differently and spark creativity
Developing Mental Toughness, by Graham Jones and Adrian Moorehouse (P) – Book Insight
You, Inc, by Harry Beckwith and Christine Clifford Beckwith (P) – Book Insight
Think Big, Act Small, by Jason Jennings (P) – Book Insight
Get Creative! – Bite-Sized Training™
A Generous Gift – Coaching Clinic
Fooled by Randomness, by Nassim Nicholas Taleb (P) – Book Insight
How to Have Better Ideas, with Andrew Razeghi (P) – Expert Interview
Myself and Other More Important Matters, by Charles Handy (P) – Book Insight

Learning Skills

Information Skills, Introduction to
Mind Maps – Taking notes effectively
Cornell Note Taking (P) – Another good note-taking approach
Speed Reading
Reading Strategies – Reading quickly by reading intelligently
SQ3R – Fully absorbing written information
Review Techniques – Keeping information fresh in your mind
Learning styles – Learn in the way that suits you
4MAT (P) – Delivering instruction everyone understands
The Conscious Competence Ladder – Making learning a more satisfying process
The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Knowledge Management, by Melissie Clemens Rumizen (P) – Book Insight
Read Smarter: Consuming Information More Efficiently – Bite-Sized Training™
Learning Strategies – Bite-Sized Training™
Introduction to Memory Techniques
The Link and Story Methods – Remembering a simple list
The Number/Rhyme Mnemonic – Remembering simple ordered lists

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Original price was: $270.00.Current price is: $75.00.

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