
Milton Erickson, MD – Conquering Phobias through Ericksonian Therapy


Topic Areas:
Not Available
Erickson Streaming Video Collection | Erickson Materials | Milton H. Erickson Collections
Jeffrey Zeig, PhD | Milton H. Erickson MD, MD
Course Levels:
Master Degree or Higher in Health-Related Field
1 Hour 12 Minutes
Audio and Video
Original Program Date :
Aug 13, 2020


This video contains the best illustration of how Milton Erickson’s handles cases presented to him. Using both hypnotherapy and strategic directives, Erickson works with a woman who has a phobia of a flying in a plane. This significant case exemplifies the fundamental principles and practices of an Ericksonian approach. These can be applied to other presenting problems and used by clinicians who subscribe to other treatment methodologies for a particular problem.

In this case, Erickson demonstrates his mastery in hypnosis, symptom prescription, anecdotes, indirect suggestion, and symbolic directives. When applying these methods to your own practice, you will need to assess and understand the patient’s perspectives on his or her problem and situation, instead of relying on a common professional understanding.

Dr. Jeffrey Zeig provides a comprehensive commentary on the techniques presented in this video.

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