Groundbreaking report by Mike Whitfield shows 4 strategies to TRIPLE your results with no cardio…
Creator, Workout Finishers System
Contributor to the Men’s Health Big Book of Getting Abs
First, I want to tell you I know exactly how you feel right now. It happens. You graduate high school. You get married. Maybe you have kids. The weight comes on.
First, it’s five pounds. Then it’s ten pounds. Then your clothes get uncomfortable and the excuses come… “Well, I’m older now. It was bound to happen”
But something inside of you is set off because you’ve had enough, so you head to the gym to start your workout routine.
But four months later, you’re feeling and looking the same. Your clothes are still tight. You’re still frustrated.
What you want to look like and what you DO look like are frustrating you
And to make things worse, you’re bored with your workouts and you find yourself working out too much, especially when you don’t see a difference in the mirror. You’re on the verge of burnout.
You’re giving your BEST effort, five to six days a week and you’ve even increased your workout time and spending about an hour every single time. Yet, you’re not seeing a single change.
Yet, you see someone YOUR age come into the gym, spend LESS time working out, and they look leaner and more athletic than you.
They didn’t even come close to ANY of the cardio equipment. They aren’t even performing one of the most popular methods in the world – interval training.
How are they leaner, showing more definition and looking more athletic than you? And how are they doing it spending a fraction of the time you’re spending in the gym, and even refusing to perform any kind of cardio (yes, even intervals)?
“This is too hard and I don’t have the genes” you think to yourself.
I’m here to tell you nothing is further from the truth.
Today, you’re going to discover their secret – and it’s called, “Metabolic Stacking”. No, it’s not a gadget, nor do you have to give up your favorite workouts. Let me repeat that for you…
You Do NOT Have to Give
Up Your Favorite Workouts
Not only will you discover how to use metabolic stacking with virtually any workout, but you’ll also discover my embarrassing story of how I was once 300 pounds and my frustrations.
It’s really important to you that you read my story. Without reading exactly how I lost 105 pounds of ugly fat and lost 14 inches from the waist, you’re simply going to fail.
I’m sorry to be so harsh with you, but it’s the truth. Because once you see what’s possible through my story, you’ll have no choice but to succeed. It’s one thing to discover what “metabolic stacking” is. But it’s another thing to discover this secret and put it on the shelf.
The real secret to ultimate success is the combination of the inspiration you’ll get from my story and actually applying metabolic stacking.
Quite frankly, metabolic stacking is HARD. That’s why not everyone uses it. It’s not “sexy”. It doesn’t sell. Fitness experts are afraid of admitting to you in black and white that losing fat and becoming a better version of yourself takes hard, focused work.
I should know. Until I discovered metabolic stacking, I struggled with the desire to change and the desire to work out.
So, if you’re still here and you’re “bummed out” about this hard work that comes with metabolic stacking, then I recommend you stop reading now. This scientific breakthrough is NOT for you. Metabolic stacking doesn’t work for lazy people.
But with the inspiration you get from reading my story and applying metabolic stacking, you’ll finally bust through your plateau and lose fat. But that’s NOT what metabolic stacking is about.
Fitting in new, smaller clothes, turning heads and having a leaner, more athletic body is simply a by-product.
Metabolic stacking is about reinventing yourself… a renewed and rejuvenated version of you with a sense of confidence you’ve never experienced before…
… which is my story in which you’ll read right now.
How I Lost 105 Pounds of Fat and
What it Means to You
Like you, I was embarrassed of how I looked, but more importantly, I was disgusted with how I felt. I was 300 pounds and wearing 46 inch pants and wearing XXXL shirts.
Not only was I tired, but like you, I was also emotionally drained and burned out. I was tired of hiding from the camera at family functions. I always made sure I wore big and baggy clothes to hide my ugly fat.
On a cold December day in 2002, I was playing a football video game and I threw an interception. Out of frustration, I threw the controller down. Once I bent down to pick it up, I had an “A-ha” moment.
I realized I was not the person I was meant to be. As athletic as I was throughout my life, I had led myself to this… a grouchy, overweight guy in his twenties letting life go by. I struggled as I reached down to pick the controller up. It was ridiculous as I huffed and puffed.
I sat there on my couch, in shock, wondering what had happened to me. I was so athletic through my entire life, yet here I was, sweating from picking up a dang controller.
I even struggled just to get up and down the stairs or carrying more than two bags of groceries… in my twenties.
I’m sure you can relate as one bad habit led to another. A desk job led to more snacking and boredom. And that boredom trickled down into my workouts.
You’re probably there right now. Your workouts bore you. Your struggles are even boring you. It’s frustrating, isn’t it? You’re ready to do something about it and that’s exactly how I felt.
In fact, that “epiphany” moment of the controller on the ground was a BIG SWITCH for me.
Just like you, I had enough, and it was time to do something about it.
But You’ve Tried “Popular”
Workouts to Do Something
About It and Failed Miserably
Sure, I can understand that. In fact, before I finally succeeded and found a way to not only lose the 105 pounds but keep it off, I tried other things and failed, too.
But this was different…
On my first day, I poured sweat, breathed heavily and was exhausted after just minutes. This was going to be harder than I thought. Finally, after minutes of struggling, I had put on my shoes.
Ha, hilarious. But seriously…
I drove to my old high school with a strong sense of urgency and anticipation. I walked towards the track with an agenda against my own belly fat, got out of the car and made my way towards the track.
But after just one lap, I was overwhelmingly exhausted. Tears welled up in my eyes and I thought to myself, “Is it too late? Can I really do this? Am I doomed to be overweight for the rest of my life?”
Memories of trying to lose weight before started to enter my head, giving me MORE doubt. I had already tried pouring myself into doing cardio for days on end.
Now, obviously, you may not have gone to my high school track, but you’ve tried to increase your cardio or even add workout days to finally see a difference in the mirror… yet NOTHING.
I know exactly what that is like. It’s as if you have a great start – you see one pound, two pounds and even ten pounds start to fall off.
With the BRAND NEW Workout Finishers 2.0 System, You Get:
Plus TWO FREE Specialization Finisher Programs
Not to mention, you’ll discover EXACTLY how you can modify ANY finisher to YOUR unique fitness level. The secret is behind 3 simple, but very customizable tweaks. You can even use these secrets with any program you’ve ever owned if you find it too challenging OR not challenging enough.
The best part? You’ll do every single finisher “Follow-Along” style with HIGH-QUALITY videos you can even download to your computer, tablet or phone as Brian Kalakay and I coach you with every finisher every rep of the way.
Plus, you’ll discover the secrets on how to pick the PERFECT finisher based on your unique goals. (It’s much simpler than you can even imagine).
Yes, you guessed right. These workouts also come with follow-along videos. Every single fat-burning rep is done follow-along style while Brian Kalakay and I coach you through every single fat-burning rep.
How Much Are You Willing to Invest in a Trainer or Program that You Certainly Couldn’t Use for Life?
Alright, you’ve seen the possibilities of getting the best results ever and the secret to keeping those results… FOREVER. Plus, as you suspected, you figured out exactly what has been holding you back. You knew it was something and you needed answers.
But what you probably DIDN’T expect was that it could be something so easy to use. No complex long-drawn marathon workouts or anything like that. You simply use the plug-and-play Workout Finishers System to get the best results of your life (and have fun doing it!).
Now after trying to explain metabolic stacking to other fitness gurus in the industry, they never did grasp it. You also know they live and breathe fitness and still don’t quite understand how it works. So you can imagine what kind of results you’ll get from a mediocre trainer that got a certification over the weekend that hasn’t even heard of finishers, let alone finishers that use metabolic stacking as the foundation.
These rookie trainers charge you anywhere between $60 to $100 per hour. And if you were to invest in 51 sessions with them, you’re looking at an investment between $3,000 to $5,000.
Then again, trainers might not be your thing, so you get a program you saw on TV that claims to use “interval training” to get you results. The truth is that you’ll get burned out, and in the process, you WASTE $120 PLUS around $25 in shipping with NO difference in the mirror.
And you can guarantee that they don’t last 10 minutes or less.
But when you use the simple Workout Finishers 2.0 System that uses BASIC equipment you can use at home just like the same workouts you see on TV, you won’t invest anything like that. In fact, you won’t even invest half of that…. actually, not even a third.
For less than ONE single session with a mediocre trainer that certainly doesn’t understand the concept of finishers, let alone metabolic stacking, you’ll get the ENTIRE Workout Finishers 2.0 system including all the follow-along videos with 51 plug-and-play finishers, the 4-week done-for-you full workout program, “Metabolic Chaos”, the 7-day “Finishers Aggression” Workout System as well as the Finishers Lifestyle and Nutrition Plan AND the Done-for-You Meal Plans for:
Regular Price $80 Today $47
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