
Mike & Troy – Building Authority Sites


Mike & Troy – Building Authority Sites

Authority, Authority…

We’ve talked a lot about AUTHORITY in this webinar and over the past three years, there’s a reason for that – it’s probably the single most important key to our online success. That’s exactly why we’ve just launched the best training course we’ve ever created. Introducing

We get a lot of questions when it comes to authority. In fact, one of the biggest questions is “why bother, isn’t it a lot of work?” – well, we’ve got a very good reason for why we bother – it works!

We built a 7 figure business in just our first 22 months online – and we did it all with authority sites and 100% pure organic traffic.

We’ve built 4 figure a month Adsense sites , multiple 5 figure a month affiliate sites and we’ve done it in several niches – not just Internet Marketing related sites. But they all had ONE THING in common. Yes, you’ve probably guessed it – they were all high quality, large authority sites .

Best of all, we’ve done it on low traffic traffic sites that generate big income . Big enough to warrant paychecks like this wire transfer from for the sale of one of our affiliate sites last year – just in time for Christmas!

$100,000 Site Sales Like This Don’t Happen By Accident

You may ask us, why the heck we would sell a site that was making nearly 5 figures a month? Well, we did it because we practice what we preach in this course and already had another site in the same niche taking off. In fact, we were able to start a brand new site and get it to $4500 a month income in this same niche within 45 days! So we decided to “cash in” on the other site…

What Can This Course Do For Me?

We’re not gonna dodge the tough questions here. You say, great, you flipped a site for $1ook – but that’s not what I want to do. Well, guess what. It’s not really what we do either. While we’ve received other offers on other sites, that is the only one we took – we really focus on building an inventory of income producing sites, not site flipping.

But we included that to show you the value of what we teach. Anyone can create some site and flip it on Flippa for $500. Even $5k sites aren’t that hard to flip. But $100k sites? How many sales like that do you see?

We want you to see that what we teach works – bottom line.

Ever Heard of the TV Show Extreme Makeover?

Well, that is exactly what this course is for your site. An extreme makeover!

We’re going to show you how to take your site and transform it well beyond what it does now – both in terms of traffic and sales. So, are you and your site ready for an Extreme Makeover?

Today, Authority has become the new PageRank . It used to be that PageRank had a lot to do with your rankings and the overall strength of your site. Today, not so much. In fact, PageRank is not nearly as important as it used to be and is largely hidden from us by the big G anyway. They may update it every once in a while, but clearly they have an “internal metric” that they’re not sharing.

But if you want to create successful sites online – whether traditional eCommerce sites, affiliate sites, products and services sites, blogs or any other – then you have to understand just how important building authority is.

A Little Insight Into Our Approach

We’ve built our brand and reputation online with a very small but tight group because we adhere to our own rules – rules that often have conflicted with traditional marketing tactics. But then, those that know us, know we kind of make a habit of swimming upstream .

Furthermore, we only teach what we practice ourselves – period. We didn’t create a product about making your first $100k online until we’d made it into the 7 figure level. That course,, has been hugely successful because it had real world credibility.

Likewise, we didn’t create this authority course until we had all of the experience, the history and the expertise in this area to do so. You see, we’re Internet Marketers yes, but we’re fed up with the crap that most marketers put out and all of the Warrior Forum crap where someone makes their first $10k online and suddenly they’re and expert trying to teach you to make a $100k – huh?

Bottom line is that we don’t play those games. So here’s a little insight about some of our rules…

We dont … promote anything we don’t personally use

We dont … do reciprocal JV arrangements

We dont … evaluate a product by its EPC but rather it’s value

And we’ve made it our mission online to DO the following:

Tell it like it is with 100% candor and full disclosure

Say what needs to be said, even if it’s not what you want to hear

Tell you about our screw-ups as well as our successes

Now I can assure you that following the above rules have cost us many short term earnings – but that’s ok. You see, my Dad always taught me that:

“Trust can take a lifetime to build and can be destroyed in a split second of stupidity”

So we prefer on building and earning your trust day in and day out. That’s why we do high quality training events like the webinar replay above for FREE rather than try to nickel and dime you for everything we ever create.

But Wait…

Aren’t Authority Sites a Lot of Work?

One of the problems with building an online business is that many people just don’t have the right mindset for it. You see they are looking for the big fat easy button – that magic bullet that will solve all of their income problems. Well, if you’re one of them, then please, do NOT purchase our course. That’s right, we’re telling you NOT to spend with us (we told you we do things a bit differently).

But do not be confused, while it’s certainly not magic, it does not have to be hard either . That’s what this course is all about – pulling back the curtain and showing you what actionable steps you need to take to build a solid online authority site (and the income and freedom that goes with it).

The process is not hard – it takes effort, of course, but it is not difficult. And the real question that you should be asking yourself is how much more money do you want to throw away on the false promise of “easy”? See, we’re just telling you like it is.

Most people will spend far more time, money and effort building dozens of sites that never produce results than would be spent building one authority site – that’s the simple truth.

So the real question is…

Can You Follow Instructions?

We cannot do the work for you and we cannot guarantee your success, but we can show you the blueprint to follow. You see, success leaves footprints. Studying others success and the success of their sites, you can develop a blueprint to duplicate.

Will it guarantee your success? Of course not. Anyone guaranteeing you that they can make you a success has either been drinking the kool aid or hoping that you have .

What we can do is put the blueprint in front of you and show you exactly what you need to do to build strong authority within your niche.

So the question, again, is…

Can You Follow Instructions?

If you can, then scroll down the page and click the “Add To Cart” button so we can show you the blueprint to Building Authority Sites and pulling in the traffic and income that come with them.

Building Authority Sites – Here’s What You Get

Thud! Here it is…

You’ve likely heard of the thud factor – right? Dan Kennedy is famous for using this sales tactic. The intent is to overwhelm your client with a huge “thud” as the sheer volume of what they get hits the desktop. Look, that’s not the point or our intention here.

But the truth is this course would just be a sham if it were some 3 part video series . As we’ve said, building an authority site is not difficult, but you need the full blueprint. In order to do that we have to cover a lot of areas and topics. And we need to cover them with enough “meat” so that you’ve got solid guidance on exactly what to do.

Now, after you go through your own personal Authority Self-Assessment Checklist (included) you may find that many of the modules are not critical for your particular site – that’s ok. In fact, that’s great! It means you’re already off to a good start.

However, there will be many, many other modules that do apply and that you can improve from. I am 100% confident in that statement because we don’t have a single site ourselves that adheres to all of these principals. That’s right. Now, we’ve used every tactic in this course, just not all of them on a single site. Even so we have been able to create 7 figure income off of only partially adhering to this full blueprint. What will you do?

It’s always a work in progress . But by having the full, exhaustive course, you will have the full blueprint of what you need to accomplish over time to achieve that highly desired site authority and the results it brings!

So, that being said, here’s what you get…

Authority Self-Assessment Checklist – This is simple and yet very, very powerful. You see this course is different than many because you don’t have to go through it one module at a time. You can jump around and go directly to individual modules that address the specific needs your site has. This self-assessment checklist will show you the areas of your site that you most need to focus on and then we even prioritize those as well.

No Dripped Content – We hate dripped out training programs. When we buy something we want to get to the meat and potatoes right away on our time schedule . Well, we respect you and your time too and that’s why this course is full access from day one.

20 Modules of Content – Each module varies from about 25 to 50 minutes of video plus audio, slides, transcripts and, most importantly, resource guides. Yeah, it’s a lot. But here’s the thing, you don’t have to go through all of it and may not even need certain parts of it. That’s the beauty of the design of this course. You use the Self-Assessment Checklist to pinpoint the areas you most need to focus on and go straight for the jugular – no mess, no fuss. You could say that this course is also an “authority course” in the sense that it is broad and in-depth coverage of the subject matter – not just fluff.

Modules 1 4 – These first four modules are the only ones that you should really do in order. After you’ve gone through them and performed the Self-Assessment Checklist, then you can jump directly to the areas that your site needs the most attention on. But these first four modules really set the tone for the entire course and we recommend that you go through them completely before going forward.

Modules 5 20 – This is the meat of the course and each module provides exhaustive coverage of a single topic.

Module 5 Proper Site Design – We show you what you need to be doing both for your users as well as to keep the Panda at bay.

Module 6 Site Structure Part 1 Keeping it Simple – Onsite SEO is important – very important – so we show you how to setup your site structure properly. But don’t worry, this is not an SEO course and we keep the tech speak under lock and key.

Module 7 Site Structure Part 2 Transparency – There are certain key aspects of transparency for your site that are very critical in this post Panda era and we lay them all out for you with examples and even some breakout videos as well.

Module 8 The 4 Roles of Content – Content serves different purposes and takes on different roles. To use it properly and effectively you need to understand those roles – we cover this in-depth in this module.

Module 9 The 6 Types of Content – There are also multiple types of content as well and we jump into all of them here and really give you a ton of guidance on how to use them effectively.

Module 10 Building Authority with Content Curation – This is one of the fastest and most effective ways to build up the authority of your site and so we decided to break out this strategy into its own module.

Module 11 Get Social – Social Marketing is becoming more and more important nowadays so we have to give it the proper attention it deserves. You’ll learn a very pragmatic approach to social marketing in this section.

Module 12 Linkbuilding Keeping it Simple (& Google Safe) – The SEO and link building world has been turned upside down this year, but what we teach you will always work and will always be safe because it is based on long-term strategic and core principals that do not change over time. Best of all, we focus on just keeping it simple.

Module 13 Stimulating Natural Link Building – This is one of our favorite modules because it is all about leveraged effort. Taking a one-time effort and getting results from it on auto-pilot and getting others to do your link building for you!

Module 14 The Critical Role of List Building – This module exposes the most overlooked role of list building and why it is so critical to your business as well as giving you tons of advice on how to implement it.

Module 15 The Great Traffic Myth – We debunk many fallacies about traffic and give it to you straight.

Module 16 Strategies for New Sites – If you’ve got a new site (less than 1 year old) then this module is just for you!

Module 17 Tips for Established Sites – If you’ve got an established site (> 1 year old) then we’ve got some very specific and actionable steps you can take to step up your traffic and earnings.

Module 18 The Science of Conversion – This is all about getting more from what you’ve got – great stuff, you don’t want to miss it.

Module 19 Ramping Up Your Profits – This is about taking a site that is making some sales and doubling or tripling those sales by an intelligent and structured approach to several core principals of profit multipliers.

Module 20 Advanced Methods for More Traffic – In this module we go into some more advanced strategies for getting more traffic that apply for those that have already ticked off everything else on their checklist (yeah right).

~~ BONUS ~~

This product is so exhaustive and so affordable that there really is not a need for a bonus. In fact, we’re not including a long laundry list of bonuses like you find in so many Internet Marketing product launches. We think that is rather silly.

However, we did want to provide you with the motivation and the inspiration to build your own Authority site and we figured what better way to do that than to expose you to a few of our friends and share with you some of their personal insights. These are some of the most highly sought after marketers on the planet and we know you’ll absolutely love these interviews.

Interviews from our Fellow Marketing Friends

Ryan Lee ( – Ryan and I have been working together for some time now and I can tell you – wow – there’s a lot to learn from Mr. Lee. He’s an incredible 8 figure marketer and can teach you a lot about authority. If you think you can’t learn form an 8 figure marketer, well, then you need some other “help”…

Youll get our full interview with him as well as the transcript too.

Leanne Ely ( – Leanne is a New York Times Best Selling Author as well as TV celebrity in a variety of shows over the past few years. She has a syndicated column in over 250 of the nations top newspapers and has created more digital products than you can count.

Youll get our full interview with her as well as the transcript too.

David Siteman Garland ( – David, much like us, has been going at it just since 2008 but has created a mega site with huge authority and quickly risen to the top himself (no pun intended). He’s worked with some of the top marketers in the industry, become a published author and created a huge authority site.

Youll get our full interview with him as well as the transcript too.

Gauher Chaudry ( – Gauher is widely known as the Godfather of PPV traffic. In fact, he actually invented that name as his legendary Pay Per View Formula course set the bar for paid traffic training and introduced a whole new way of thinking about driving traffic to your site.

Youll get the full interview with him as well as the transcript too.

And others (coming soon)

Yep, that’s right. We’ve got a lot more coming that will be added to the product as well and you’ll get full access to their interviews also. Each expert has been hand-selected to provide you with a different perspective on how you can build your own site’s authority.

Dean Hunt (

Mystery Guest #1…

Mystery Guest #2…

This was – by far – the most fun I had creating this course. Creating these interviews was not only fun but it just got me excited to share all of this incredible wealth of knowledge with you as well. I know you’ll love them too!

So, What’s Left?

Seriously, what else can we say?

The bottom line is that Mike and I hope that you’ll partner with us and take the next step by purchasing this product because it is the best content we’ve ever created and we know that it can provide you the blueprint you need to take your business to the next level.

We look forward to you joining us and we look forward to partnering with you along your journey to success as well.

Original price was: $500.00.Current price is: $63.00.

Mike & Troy – Building Authority Sites PRODUCT DELIVERY: You will receive a download link via your order email.