
Michael Jones – The Cash Code


The Cash Code

Finally – a simple, easy, system that makes you money almost immediately without special knowledge or expensive techniques…

“Marketing Guerrilla Banks
$106235 11129 Dais
From “Top-Secret” Blueprint That Takes Less Than
2 Hours To Set Up
And Costs Almost Nothing…”


If you’ve ever wanted to make more money, own an online business, or simply enjoy a better lifestyle, this is the quickest, easiest business you could hope for.

To be blunt, The Cash Code is what you’ve been looking for this whole time.

This is a complete package, showing you EVERYTHING I do to make a very easy $106k every single month…

… and not only do I reveal it all, you also get complete access to everything I use.

Here’s some more undeniable proof of the cash that floods my accounts every month:

“Here’s my $90,635.01 in 5 weeks account…”

Income like that sounds great I know… but there’s something you need to know.

Truth is, plenty of people are ALREADY making money from my techniques.

… and they’re actually making money.

And these guys aren’t big name expert gurus either. They’re just regular people, who struggled to find success online before.

But now they’re making real cash… some of them for the very first time.

This really is the solution you’ve been looking for.

You see, not only is it ridiculously easy to follow, but it also works amazingly fast – you really can get it set up inside 2 hours…

… in fact, I’ll go beyond that.

Remember earlier when I said you may already have an advantage? Well, if you’ve spent your time trying to work with all the junky, reshashed systems out there, you really will have an advantage.

You see, this system works so quickly and so effectively that it will be a real cakewalk after trying all the other

Let me put it this way – I’d be surprised if it took you longer than 2 hours to get one of these businesses set up…

You could literally be in business less than 2 hours from now – imagine that.

You Could Easily Be Making Money From This super

Simple System By Today! 2 Hours From Now.

And that’s no exaggeration, no hype, none of the usual marketing BS.

It’s fact. It’s fact because plenty of people are already doing it… and I know because I set up new revenue streams using this method ALL THE TIME.

In fact, when you get it down, it will take you WAY less than 2 hours before you get rolling…

… more on that later, for now though, I want to give you a sneak at EXACTLY what’s inside:

  • Make mountains of cash online, starting almost immediately, with very little effort and by following the simplest, idiot proof directions you’ve ever seen
  • How to use the quickest, most proven methods possible to get everything online and making money inside 2 hours… and how to make it cost almost nothing to get started
  • Why you’re about to start getting paid over and over for just a tiny amount of “work” that you do today… and these payments can last for years, and get larger and larger over time
  • The easiest, fastest way to get a long-term, high profit online business set up… don’t worry, you don’t need to know any programming, any special internet knowledge or anything like that… you just need to copy what you see in the videos…
  • The super-smart, automatic process that lets you make money on autopilot, 24/7/365, while you sleep, while you’re on vacation, while you’re doing anything at all… this will open your eyes to the real possibilities of life
  • How one of the most basic fundamentals of marketing is ready and waiting to double your business, once you get it set up… so simple, yet most businesses are doing it completely and utterly wrong…
  • The top secret strategies you can use to make a fortune from just one product… once you get this stuff nailed down, you’ll never be more than 2 hours away from starting a completely new income stream ever again…
  • How to put together a hot “money-bait” site that just about forces your prospects to whip out their wallet and stuff handfuls of cash into your bank account, day after day and week after week…
  • Learn the hard-won shortcuts I use to get any new business making money as quickly as humanly possible… I don’t like to wait around for the profits… I want it to happen almost instantly, and I’ll show you how to do the same

You might be wondering how the heck it’s even possible to get a profitable business online in less than 2 hours…

… and to be honest, you’re right to wonder. Usually claims like that mean you should run away, and fast.

But this is very, very different.


Because I’m going to give you everything you need.

Seriously, I’m not exaggerating.

Earlier we talked about how profitable it is to sell your own products…

… alongside everything you need to sell them.

So not only do you get my hardcore video series that will show you EXACTLY how to set things up to sell your products, you also get EVERY single thing you need to sell them…

… and I really do mean everything – salespages, squeeze pages, banner ads to drive traffic… I’ve even got pre-written autoresponder emails for you to make money with long after the visitors have left your site.

That’s what makes this thing so turn-key.

The Cash Code contains every single piece of knowledge I use to rip down an income of more than $100,000 every single month – and I guarantee that right now you work more hours than me – even though my few hours work gets me a six figure monthly income

You see, that’s the real magic here. I do make money from other techniques and ideas too, but the beauty of this stuff is that I can just leave it running. Once it’s set up, it’s done… all you need to do is sit back and watch the money come in.

And believe me, when those floods of income start to hit, it’s going to be a moment you never ever forget.

But do you know the best part?

Well, my favorite bit about the whole thing is that it costs next to nothing to get started – especially now that I’m giving you everything you need.

So it’s something that really can be set up inside 2 hours – and when you see the videos, you’ll see exactly how.

Seriously, imagine the lifestyle you can have once you’ve got a few of these automatic income machines set up.

No more working crazy hours just to get the bills paid. No more answering to a boss who honestly doesn’t give a crap about you…

… no more sitting in traffic, no more spending your valuable time making somebody else rich.

And aside from all that, think about what you can do… travel the world, treat yourself and your family to luxury items whenever you want. Expensive vacations, sports cars, anything at all.

Once you’ve got autopilot income like this, the world becomes your playground.

And that’s great, but it’s about to get even better…

You see, because you own the products, you’ll be in FULL control.

You don’t need to worry that an affiliate program is going to close (this is WAY more common than people think)

You don’t need to worry that the vendor won’t pay you on time, or at all…

And maybe best of all, owning the product opens you up to all kinds of business opportunities… JVs, partnership deals, all kinds of stuff.

Once you start selling something successfully, you’ll be surprised at the people contacting you and hoping to work with you….

But Listen, I’ve Got Some Bad News
(and you really need to know this)

Seriously, this is bad news and it costs most businesses a ton of money, and sometimes even closes them down altogether…

Putting out your own products is great… it can make you a fortune, pretty easily, but the fact is, unless you’ve got a solid marketing plan in place, your products will most likely sink without a trace.

And they’ll be gone forever.

Can you imagine that? Imagine working for weeks or months on your product, only for it to fail miserably and for you to not make a cent.

Sounds terrifying doesn’t it?

Well, it happens every single day. That’s not BS, and I’m not trying to scare you, it’s just the truth. Look at Clickbank for example – products disappear from the Marketplace all the time, and it’s because Clickbank won’t display them if they don’t make sales.

And without a solid marketing plan, that’s exactly what happens – zero sales.

But that’s okay.

You see, The Cash Code has you completely covered there.

Not only do you get smoking hot ready-to-go products, everything you need to sell them and my video guide to setting the whole thing up quickly and painlessly, but in Module 2, I’ll reveal my exact marketing systems…

…so you’ll never struggle for traffic, or to actually make sales.

Believe me, the marketing secrets in this module alone are worth a fortune, and I’m laying it all out for you, nothing taken away, nothing censored, just the raw, hardcore secrets that make me millions of dollars…

… and they can do the same for you, all you need to do is watch and copy.

Here’s a snatch of what’s inside:

  • How to quickly and easily build a list of hungry subscribers that are LOOKING to buy what you’re selling… believe me, nothing’s easier than selling people what they’re already looking for…
  • How to use Twitter to get a ton of visitors that are ready to buy your stuff every single day – and I’ll even show you how to make sure the whole thing is automated once you’ve spent a few minutes setting it up…
  • The big secret you can use with your domain name to snatch some of the best free, targeted traffic you’ve ever seen… almost everybody drops the ball with this one (you’re probably ALREADY missing out on some money)
  • Why the only way to get the real, serious profits is to automate… and I’ll show you exactly how to do it – you’ll have a completely hands-off empire, churning out fat profits day after day with NO input needed from you
  • How to know when your follow up emails are having the EXACT effect you want… and this is WAY before you make a sale, like an early warning system… the perfect way to find out if a niche is worth bothering with…
  • Where to get hardcore buying traffic, people that you can sell to over and over again… in this business, once you’ve got unlimited interested visitors, you’ve basically got an unlimited income, and I’ll show you exactly how it’s done…
  • The secrets behind quickly setting up an online business that makes you fat chunks of cash even while you sleep… it’ll be running and making you rich, 24/7, while you spend the time doing whatever you want to do
  • How to easily track the results of your business and use zero in and magnify your profits, whenever you want to… this is the secret behind taking a $50/day business and turning it into a $500 a day empire… or even more
  • The stupid simple techniques you can use to build a massive list of focused buyers who are ready and waiting to pull out their wallet and stuff handfuls of cash into your pockets, every single day…

Listen… even if you’ve never made a single cent online, but you’ve still got dreams of living the online lifestyle and being your own boss – you know, working from home, all the luxuries you’ve ever wanted, the Cash Code is exactly what you need.

There’s more than 8 hours of video here, and you get to see EXACTLY what I do each time I set up a new stream of income for myself.

This is the complete cutting edge system that brings me more than $100,000 each and every month.

That’s something like $3400 a day pouring into my bank account…

… and you get to be a fly on the wall, watching EVERYTHING that happens.

So I’ve gotta ask you…

Of course it would…

Think about it for a second… imagine how different your day would have already been today if you had this kind of passive income coming in like clockwork.

You’d wake up whenever you want in the morning… or even the afternoon.

Hey, it’s your call.

No more alarm clocks, and no more having to drag yourself out of bed because of some pointless job.

And the best part is that the day belongs to you. Once you’ve set these systems up, the income just floods in while you spend your time doing whatever you want.

So you can take vacations, spend time with your friends… heck, you could spend the whole time playing video games – it really is up to you.

It’s all about freedom isn’t it really? Having the freedom to do what you want, when you want, with whoever you want to do it with.

And to get that kind of freedom, you need money.

As much money as possible, coming in as passively as possible… because let’s face it, if you need to work for it, you’re not going to be free are you?

That’s what makes this system so powerful…

… it gives you the best of both worlds. You get all the freedom you want, plus the money to really enjoy that freedom.

I Know That Seems Great, But Before We Go Any
Further There’s Something You Absolutely Must Know About This Thing…

This is very, very important, so listen carefully…

Here’s the bottom line – if you’re looking for some crazy get rich quick scheme, this ISN’T it.

This isn’t some half-baked idea that makes money from search engine “loopholes” and stops working altogether after a week or two.

No sir, it’s nothing like that.

Sure, you’re going to learn how to make money amazingly fast. So fast in fact that it’s probably going to make the very idea of “working” for a living seem ridiculous from this point on…

… but aside from that, you’ll also be building an actual business.

A genuine, legitimate business.

The kind of business that provides you with a solid, reliable autopilot income, 24/7, and gives you the freedom to make money without relying on other influences.

With a business like that, the world becomes your oyster, because you don’t have to worry about outside influences…

… so no Google slaps, no affiliate programs being closed, nothing like that.

…even if you’re relying on a JOB for your income, you’re taking a huge risk.

The fact is, almost 10% of Americans are now out of work*… and with the economy the way it’s been, more people are losing their jobs all the time. *Source: Bureau Of Labor Statistics Survey, March 5th 2010

The bottom line is, you could lose your job tomorrow.

But with a system like mine, things like that simply don’t matter.

Forget worrying about your place in the food chain… with a business like this, you ARE the food chain.

Here’s a little more of what you’re going to discover:

  • How to build an actual business that will be providing you with a serious income for years on end… you can put just a tiny amount of effort in right now, and still be making money from this for years to come…
  • The only way to be in complete control of your business and make sure you’re NEVER relying on other people or other businesses to make money… only then can you be at the top of the food chain…
  • How to multiply your income at will, whenever you want to – simply perform this little 2 hour “multiplier” and you can double your income almost immediately – you can literally write your own paycheck…
  • Get the exact email templates that I use to generate tidal waves of income, writing copy like this would take years to learn, but you’ll have an instant shortcut by copying and using the very emails that make me MILLIONS of dollars…
  • How you could spend a few hours today… and then be set up with a complete autopilot income that will last for years… and let’s be honest, when was the last time a few hours effort got you paid for years?
  • How to take your profits and multiply them by as many times as you like… you can write your own paycheck and decide how much money you want… $500 a day? $1500 a day? Even $15000 a day? It’s all there for the taking, and I’ll show you exactly how it’s done…
  • How to build up mass authority in your niche and make people think you’re REALLY the go-to person in your niche – this will really help you to bring home the buyers and make easier money than you ever imagined …
  • The smart way to automate the social networks so that they provide you with traffic 24/7, while you spend your time doing anything you want… and this really is automated, genuine “set & forget” stuff…

The techniques and secrets you’re about to see revealed in these hard-hitting videos have the power to change your life, right now, today.


Because right now, you’re less than 2 hours from getting your business started and making money…

… but again, don’t take my word for it – check out more rock solid evidence…

I spent just 2 hours setting this up, and it brings me around $40K a month, on autopilot

Listen, if you’re even remotely serious about making real money as quickly as possible, you need The Cash Code… it really is as simple as that.

Plus much much more… in fact, if I were to list it all for you, this page would go on forever.

Good question… the short answer is nowhere near as much as you’re probably thinking…

… but before we get into that, you need to know exactly what you’re getting.

It All Starts With:

MODULE 1: The Quick Setup

You want to make money right away don’t you? Of course you do, so I’m giving you the meat of the system first…

… the exact steps you need to follow to set up a super high profit business in just 2 hours…

You’ll discover:

  • How to get started just minutes from now and have a business running in less than 2 hours
  • How to set things up to make money 24/7/365 with NO further effort from you at all
  • … and how to multiply the whole system on demand, so you can make as much money as you want to

MODULE 2: Pump Up The Profits

Right here I’m going to reveal my biggest traffic driving and affiliate marketing secrets… affiliate marketing can be one of the easiest ways to make money online…

… and when you use these techniques to promote your own products, the sky is literally the limit on your income…

You’ll discover:

  • How to quickly and easily harness affiliate marketing techniques make fat profits every day from your own products
  • The smart way to build a list… and it’s probably a lot faster than the other ways you’ve been told
  • How to follow up and squeeze every ounce of profit from each visitor that you have, long after they leave the site…

MODULE 3: Easy Twitter Money

Right now, Twitter is one of the fastest, simplest places to make money online. You can set up a completely autopilot stream of Twitter income inside an hour…

… and can you imagine what happens when you use this with your own products?

You’ll discover:

  • How to set the whole thing up so you don’t EVER have to write a single tweet…
  • How to instantly gain unlimited numbers of very targeted followers
  • … and how to milk them for every cent and create torrents of cash on demand…

Get download Michael Jones – The Cash Code at today!


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