
MFA Live 2018 Recordings Now




Order The MFA LIVE 2018 Recordings Now! Only $697!
Attendees Walked-In As Average Marketers but Walked-Out With Pro-Level Chops After Just 3 Days…
Which Of These Profit-Boosters Shared At MFA LIVE 2018
Will Be Most Valuable To You And Your Business?

Rapid Customer-Generating Techniques

Extreme Customer Monetization Tactics

The New Webinar Model Creating Millionaires

Backend Profit-Pulling Systems

Email Sequencing Tricks Producing Sky-High Clicks

The New Funnel Model For Monster Lead Generation

The New Conversion “Mode” Producing Monster Sales

The Loop-Hole Secret For Monster Traffic Generation

Hacks That Boost Average Transaction Size

The Insider’s Method For Slashing Ad Costs

New Copy Techniques Doubling Conversions

… and much, MUCH MORE!

Order The MFA LIVE 2018 Recordings Now! Only $697!
Learn From This World-Class Faculty…
How To Develop Million-Dollar Copywriting Chops Before January, 2019
Having powerful and persuasive copy is at the foundation of all marketing. It powers every other piece, page, and part of your marketing funnels.

Fact is: Without good, solid copy… there’s little chance you’ll ever see the volume of NEW CUSTOMER SALES you could and should.

So you have one of two choices:

Either, you fork-over a hefty chunk of cash to a skilled copywriter to write your copy for you… or… you take your destiny in your own hands and you develop the skill and ability to write copy that PULLS in sales every day!

In this session, Clayton Makepeace — the highest paid active copywriter on the planet — will walk you thru his system for equipping average entrepreneurs and marketers with MILLION-DOLLAR COPYWRITING CHOPS!

What you’ll hear is the same system Clayton uses to develop this monster
sales-generating skill in his “copy cubs”; the same system he’s used to transform many into some of the highest paid copy-writing talents in all of direct marketing.
7 Hacks Working Right Now Which Will Boost Your Average Order Value By As Much As 185%!
Imagine if every sale you’re getting right now got multiplied by 1.5 – 2X.

How radically would that improve your business? Your income? Your life?

Well, get ready…

Because in this session you get Todd’s 7 MONEY-IN-THE-BANK methods for immediately increasing your average transaction size.

You’ll collect more money from every sale, so you’ll have more money for more traffic, better traffic, and even more new customers.

Increasing average order value like this is the single most valuable improvement you can make to your marketing…

Especially if you truly want to GROW BIG & FAST!

How You Can Be The First In Your Marketplace To Deploy The New “$50 Million-Dollar Webinar Model”
— A Behind-The-Scenes Case Study & Breakdown
A new and very different way of using webinars is producing MONSTER PAYDAYS unlike anything we’ve seen in the history of online marketing.

Single webinars raking-in $13 MILLION… $18 MILLION… even $25 MILLION dollars.

It’s true. And it’s happening right now.

Which is why some of the biggest online entrepreneurs are scrambling to find out as much as they can about this NEW and VERY DIFFERENT webinar model — think of it like the opposite of what’s commonly taught and done online by most.

For the first time ever in front of an audience, Fernando Cruz — the pioneer behind this new webinar model — will hand you his entire PLAYBOOK for executing your own campaign with this new webinar model.

Get ready for a SALES EXPLOSION as you learn the details behind this incredible cash-producing method; what many are calling “the millionaire maker”.

How To Create A New Customer Buying Frenzy Over The Next 25 Days By Deploying These Secret “Social Psychology Triggers”
Whether you realize it or not… or choose to accept or believe it or not… there are DEEP psychological triggers which are used to move people to act in certain ways.

In fact, there’s an entire science, today — Social Psychology — which researches these triggers, proves the validity of these triggers, and documents these triggers for societal awareness.

In this session, you’ll learn the MOST POWERFUL BUYING TRIGGERS proven to work over and over.

Armed with these triggers, you’ll immediately be able to get more clicks on your ads, more opens for your emails, more leads into your funnels, and more buyers of your products.

And you’ll see them in action and master their use as you experience a live social experiment conducted by Joe Schriefer — the head honcho of the $200 MILLION-DOLLAR Agora Financial.

WARNING: These advanced social triggers are INSANELY POWERFUL at moving people to act.

So we fully expect you to use these for good and not evil.

No joke. This is serious stuff you’re going to learn.

How To More Than Double Your Traffic Volume By Halloween, With Your Own Media Buying Blueprint
The fastest way to EXPLODE your business with new leads, customers, and sales is with the right type of traffic for your product, price, and marketplace.

There’s no one-size fits all model for traffic generation.

Which is why many business owners have wasted their hard-earned money and time attempting to drive traffic with someone else’s traffic advice or media buying blueprint.

In this session, you’ll hear Molly Pittman — former VP of Digital Marketer — as she walks you thru the steps of laying-out your own Media Buying Blueprint.

And you’ll walk out with an easy-to-follow game-plan… specific for your market, your product, and your business… to immediately begin getting more new customer sales every day, at a profit.

Finally, have the perfect “ACTION GUIDE” for how to drive more and more and more visitors, leads, and buyers thru your marketing every week.

How To Be The One In Your Market To Capture The Lionshare Of “Low-Hanging Fruit Sales” Marketing A.I. Is About To Put Up For Grabs!
Imagine the value of getting access to the exact location where thousands of READY-TO-BUY PROSPECTS, for your product, are hanging out.

Imagine the value of getting notified at the exact time different customers are ready to buy again from you or a competitor.

Imagine the value of knowing the exact HOT BUTTONS, WORDS, and PHRASES, and topics your best prospects are responding to.

Well, that doesn’t even begin to describe the value of what you’re going to learn in this session from Rich Schefren — “Guru to the Gurus” and the recognized authority on marketing AI.

By the end of this session, you’ll never have to guess at, or make another assumption about, how to drive MORE SALES and get MORE CUSTOMERS.

Your business and marketing will be generating new sales like clockwork.

My Gun-To-The-Head Playbook: What I’d Do, If Forced, To Add At Least An Extra Million-Dollars To Any Business In 2019!
Listen carefully as Todd lays-out his go-to set of moves and maneuvers to drive at least a MILLION DOLLARS IN ADDED SALES, for almost any business, in 2019.

NO theory here and no hypotheticals.

You’ll hear exactly what Todd would tell you to do first, second, third, and so on.

Like PAINT-BY-NUMBERS to bring-in an extra million-bucks…

** What to FOCUS on and what to put aside.

** Where to allocate your TIME and RESOURCES and which to skip.

** What METRICS to monitor and which to ignore.

** And, of course, what type of MARKETING CAMPAIGNS to launch, when, where, and how.

If you truly want to add at least an additional MILLION DOLLARS to your business in 2019, you don’t want to miss a second of this session.

How To Host One Live Event In January 2019 Which Brings You More Revenue Than Most Of Your Competitors Will See All Year!
This is such a POWERFUL and effective sales-generating method, many successful marketers have forked-over big bucks to fly-in and witness firsthand how Francis’s system works to create these MONSTER PAYDAYS.

If the idea of hosting small to medium-sized live events which produce THOUSANDS IN SALES PER PERSON sounds appealing to you, then you will want to pay close attention to everything Francis shares during this session.

How To Rise Above Average To Achieve And Live Your Dream
Plain and simple, if you’re ready to stop struggling… stop settling… and stop fighting to grow your business…

…this session is going to be a GAME-CHANGER for you.

Not the rah-rah, motivational stuff or goal setting stuff or time management advice, but the HARDCORE truth and guidance you need to finally breakout from the average.

NO more accepting so-so results or mediocrity or anything below your fullest potential.

By the end of this session, you’ll have the mindset shift, the understanding, and the marching orders necessary to experience YOUR OWN SUCCESS REVOLUTION!
The 10 Experiences To Bundle With Any Information Product Which Creates A Viral Phenomena And Multiplies Your Sales!
NOT one in fifty information marketers know anything about this right now.

So you’ll have a VALUABLE leg-up on your competitors by running with this first.

See, what you’ll discover in this session is a simple way to passively transform your product buyers into RAVING FANS who talk about, post about, and rave about you, your company, and your program all over social media.

Bringing you a new and consistently EXPANDING stream of free, highly-qualified traffic and leads.

Marissa’s method has nothing to do with contests or viral software or having a referral program or anything like that.

Her approach creates FAR MORE TRAFFIC for you than any of those… and creates far more loyal customers and raving fans for you singing your praises all over the web.
Monetization Multiplication: The Fast Way To Transform Average New Customers Into Rabid Hyper-Buyers Who Spend, Spend, Spend!
How did Carl go from starting a brand new business with no list, no connections, and no experience in any area of online marketing… to having a multi-million-dollar company in under 24 months?

Answer: He used a simple monetization method to turn new customers into PROFIT POWERHOUSES which kick-off insane amounts of cash for him.

In this session you’ll learn how to use Carl’s method to turn new customers into second, third, and fourth transactions very quickly.

And, how to use it to drive greater and greater PROFITS and bottom-line CASH to your business.

If this does even half for your business that it’s done and doing for Carl, this one session alone could drive hundreds of thousands of dollars of BANKABLE CASH into your business.

How To Take Advantage Of The Wide Open Opportunity Right Now To Get Easy Sales From DJ’s “Conversational Marketing Method”
No matter what your business looks like right now — big or small, new or old — this method will bring you MORE SALES IMMEDIATELY. Day one.

It makes prospects feel good, creates a bond between them and your business, and DRIVES SKY-HIGH SALES CONVERSION RATES previously only seen when having a live, in-person sales team.

It has nothing to do with bots or messenger apps or automated chat campaigns.

Nope. Not even close.

And DJ’s Conversational Marketing Method works even better for you if your product or service is priced higher (even much higher) than your competitors.

Best part of all, it requires ZERO technical skills to use… can be LAUNCHED IN MINUTES, not hours… and will prove it’s value for you — in the form of new sales — immediately.
Never Shared Before! A Behind-The-Scenes Peek Into What The Traffic Team At Agora Financial Does To Generate Up To 4,000 New Customers A Day!
Agora Financial Media Buying Team
Want a clear plan for how to go from a trickle of sales to an OVERWHELMING FLOW OF NEW BUYERS flooding into your business every single day?

For the first time ever, you’ll get a glimpse into how the traffic team at Agora Financial grew their acquisition of new customers up to 4,000 BUYERS A DAY!

And if you think it’s all about having a fat budget for traffic, you’re wrong.

You’ll learn their unique approach to find pools of YOUR PERFECT PROSPECTS, identifying UNDER-TAPPED traffic platforms, buying ads, nailing the creative, and so much more.

While you likely won’t scale to 4,000 new customers right away, how much more money would you make if your daily new customer sales got multiplied by 5X, 10X, or even 20X.

The Real “Size & Speed Secret”: How A Pro Would Grow Your Business BIG and FAST!
How are a handful of entrepreneurs able to GROW REVENUES BY 200%, 350%, EVEN 600% in just one year?

The answer is NOT luck or good timing or connections or a fat wallet.

No. The entrepreneurs behind the biggest, fastest growing companies know and use ONE STRATEGY which average entrepreneurs are clueless about.

And this one strategy gives you and your market MASSIVE SCALE… can 10X YOUR PROSPECT UNIVERSE… and opens-up a MEGA-SIZED POOL OF UNTAPPED PROSPECTS.

And, in this session you’ll learn this one strategy… and how to use it to MULTIPLY your rate of revenue growth.

Use this one strategy and you can GROW your email list, sales, and take-home profits bigger and faster than you’ve ever imagined possible with your business.
Triumph From The Trenches: Raw & Real Stories From Online Entrepreneurs Like You Who Went From Striving To Thriving… And Their Secret To Rising Above!
In this no holds barred panel, Damian Lanfranchi, Todd Brown’s business partner and C.O.O of MFA, will dive deep into the journeys of ordinary online entrepreneurs and marketers who’ve gone from struggling… to achieving their dreams of having a WILDLY SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS and the IDEAL LIFESTYLE that comes with it.

Hear firsthand the biggest struggles they faced and the blood, sweat and tears it took to get their MASSIVE BREAKTHROUGHS.

Get THE KEYS they discovered along the way that will allow you to exponentially accelerate your own personal rate of success and see the type of DRAMATIC GROWTH you feel in your life, your family and your bank account.

Get the specific details of the shifts they made in their marketing strategies, business models, pricing, market messaging and so much more… to GROW SALES AND PROFITS 2X, 3X, 4X and even more!

For every internet marketer who is struggling or has struggled and wonders “Can I really do this?” and “Why does it seem everyone else is making a ton of money but me!”, this is a DO NOT MISS EXPERIENCE.

Because while these entrepreneurs today have 7 and 8 figure businesses, they are not gurus or internet hotshots. And they certainly didn’t start off that way.

They’re regular online entrepreneurs and marketers like you who discovered the secret to rising above!
Pro-Level Strategies And Tactics
You Won’t Hear About Anywhere Else:
Some More Of What You’ll Be Learning…
(These IMMEDIATELY ACTIONABLE tactics and strategies
could be packaged and sold for over $5,000 or more!)
Get more customers with…

The new “Inverted Campaign Model” which RAKES IN NEW CUSTOMERS faster than any other marketing model in 2018!
Exactly which marketing funnel models are working best at which price points! And how to identify the perfect one for your product/service.
Clayton Makpeace’s “Master’s Closing Trick” which makes your offer absolutely irrefusable!
3 simple things to always include in a video sales letter to quickly DOUBLE or even TRIPLE YOUR RESULTS!
5 COOL ways to justify a high product price… no matter how much higher it is than competitor’s.
How the hottest copywriters are now using “weird facts” to add MASSIVE CREDIBILITY to promotions… even when there’s no track record!
REVEALED! What Dr. Robert Cialdini calls “the MOST POWERFUL PERSUASION TRIGGER on the planet.” And how to use it to make your marketing message absolutely magnetic to prospects!
3 little-known offer types that almost always bring-in at least 200% more sales than any other offer!
How to identify your product’s exact “PRICING SWEET SPOT” so you get maximum new customers without sacrificing profits!
How to sell high-ticket products to cold traffic without using the telephone, webinars, or any sales people!
How to turn almost any losing marketing campaign into a winner with a simple “mathematical rubric”.
…and much, MUCH MORE!

Bring-in more leads with…

The new “Hotlist Technique” which can give you a MONSTER-SIZED list of ready-to-buy prospects quicker than anything we’ve seen in years!
When you must use an opt-in page in your marketing campaign and when you absolutely must NOT! (The answer will surprise you.)
Why the savviest marketers DON’T use lead magnets anymore! And what they’re doing instead to generate more leads than ever.
How to get paid every time you get a new lead… as you’re growing a larger and larger email list!
The easiest way to add 10,000 qualified leads to your email list in just four months!
…and much, MUCH MORE!

Spike your sales conversions with…

HOT HACK! The “Audio Trick” for getting your marketing videos played… now that most browsers don’t auto-play videos with sound.
Two words to add to any subject line which almost guarantee to get any email opened!
The “Reassurance Button” that slashes order form abandonment rate in half! (You can see almost a 40% BUMP IN SALES immediately.)
4 tricks for making ANY part of your marketing message more fascinating and enjoyable to consume!
The “secret structure” virtually every successful VSL now follows!
The one line of text to add to any marketing video which KEEPS PROSPECTS GLUED til the end!
6 “Email Openers” which SPIKE readership and produce more clicks to your offers!
One image to add to your email broadcasts that GENERATES MORE CLICKS than anything we’ve tested!
How to enjoy 85 % webinar attendance rates with the “What Would You Do” post-registration webinar technique!
How to BANK money from your webinar before you even host the event using the simple “contrarian confirmation page”!
The one technique which eliminates “VSL Drop-off” so you BANK MORE MONEY every time your video is played.
Mark Ford’s “Proof Triad” which guarantees prospects believe every one of your marketing claims!
How to collect daily payments from PayPal while giving away your product at no cost to new customers! (It’s possibly the easiest way to generate sales for non-marketers.)
The Secret Video Thumbnail which makes it almost impossible for your prospects not to start watching your VSL!
The easy way to instantly create MASSIVE CREDIBILITY in any market if you don’t have any customer testimonials or endorsements!
The Call-To-Action secret of pro-level conversion experts!
…and much, MUCH MORE!

Get more money from every transaction with…

The new “Anti-Upsell Method” customers love to say yes to and buy!
One thing to include in every marketing campaign which can SLASH your refund rate down to almost nothing! (While making you more money from every new buyer.)
The one technique which almost never fails to add an additional 15% or more to every new customer transaction! (We’ll never launch another marketing campaign without it.)
How to create YES momentum after customers enter their credit card info… so they’re primed to buy whatever you offer them next!
One thing you can digitally send to your new customers, two days after they buy, that’ll bring you an EXTRA 15-20% revenue immediately!
Instantly BOOST your average order size with the new “Triad Order Form” layout!
…and much, MUCH MORE!

Monetize customers for more profit with…

The “Buyer’s Alert Formula”… Like a notification which tells you the exact time your customers are ready to spend more money with you! (You’ll be AMAZED at how accurately this predicts when you can make more money.)
The product delivery method which AUTOMATICALLY brings-in new sales from existing customers almost every day!
The perfect customer follow-up timeline! The simple structure to ensure you MAXIMIZE PROFITS without sacrificing your relationship.
The easiest way to DOUBLE your backend profits in the next 45 days! (Not one in five average entrepreneurs know this. You will!)
WRONG! The one “expert recommended” email you actually NEVER want to send to any customer. Results prove: It kills your likelihood of ever making another sale with them again!
The simple way to confirm you perfectly price your backend offers so your customers continue to buy more and more from you!
CRANK-UP how fast new customers spend more money with you by using “TMS Scoring”!
…and much, MUCH MORE!

Enjoy more profitable traffic with…

A simple technique so you can gauge, with mathematical precision, how your marketing campaign is going to perform… BEFORE you spend a single penny on traffic!
PROVEN! 3 “NEVER FAIL” Facebook ad formulas!
How to drive $10,000 worth of website traffic with a $25 budget!
When you should — and shouldn’t — use a picture or image in your ads (and which kinds are the best)!
The 4 most POWERFUL words you can use in any Facebook ad!
NEW! The secret of “sideways scaling” to get more traffic WITHOUT ever seeing your customer acquisition costs rise!
Learn your “Readiness to Scale” Quotient so you know with confidence when and how you can see a SURGE OF PROFITABLE TRAFFIC!
How to getaway with aggressive copy in your ads without having to worry about having your ads rejected or disapproved!
3 FREE TOOLS to uncover exactly where your competitors are getting their customers and traffic!
How to use Warren Buffett’s “investing algorithm” to never lose another dime on paid traffic which doesn’t produce a profit!
BANNED! 6 words NEVER to use in any Facebook Ad if you don’t want to get your advertising account shut-off! (Use these and you risk never being able to run ads on Facebook again.)
…and much, MUCH MORE!

Order The MFA LIVE 2018 Recordings Now! Only $697!
How To Make Sure 2019 Is Your Best Year Yet!
“WOW! It’s been AMAZING!”
“Absolutely AMAZING!”
“The most COMPREHENSIVE thing I’ve done…”
“Worth every penny. This is AWESOME!”
“Very, very HAPPY…”
“I’ve been BLOWN AWAY!”
“The TOP 1% marketers training us…”
“If you’re not here you’re MISSING-OUT!”
“It’s been GREAT! Amazing speakers…”
“One of the most AMAZING experiences…”
Feel You Too Are Worthy Of Much More?
With The MFA Live 2018 Recordings,
You’ll FAST-TRACK Your Business, As You…
“I’m absolutely BLOWN-AWAY!”
“Paid for itself 5X OVER!”
“My mind is EXPLODING ideas!”

Get access to the NEW SALES-PRODUCING SECRETS being used by pro marketers producing over $40 million dollars every month!

Discover the NEW TRAFFIC-PRODUCING METHODS for mass customer generation… so you can scale your traffic like the pros (no matter what your business or budget looks like now)!

Learn how to implement the NEWEST BACKEND CONVERSION MODELS so you can enjoy more repeat sales… more profits from those sales… and more bankable income!

Have all of your business-related QUESTIONS ANSWERED by real, in-the-trenches six and seven-figure entrepreneurs and experts during the MFA Live Roundtable Session. (Finally have clarity and confidence.)

GAIN FIRST-MOVER ADVANTAGE with access to the latest direct marketing automation and technology! Plus: Everything you need to know for your business, your product, and your budget.

… and much, MUCH MORE!

Your Only Risk Is Not Pre-Ordering Your Copy Before The Price Increases…
Just $697
Order The MFA LIVE 2018 Recordings Now!

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