
Marlon Sanders – The Writers Secret


The Writers Secret

On December 3, 1998, I Discovered A
“Money Getting” Secret That I’ve
Repeated 122 Times — And You Can
Use This Same Secret Starting
2 Hours and 58 Minutes From Right Now!

The 6 Types Of Money You Make
In The Writer’s Secret

What’s kinda cool about The Writer’s Secret is you can make 6 kinds of money that you use for DIFFERENT purposes:

1. Gravy Train Money

This is writing and selling ebooks.

It’s simple and fun for me. If it isn’t for you, you can choose an alternative. I personally like finding new, interesting ideas that solve problems or help people get results and then writing about them.

But I enjoy researching.

2. Debt Liquidation Money

This is the money you get when you sell upsells that are a bundle of your prior products at a discount. This is money you apply toward debt liquidation.

3. Cover all your bills each month money

You do this with a membership site.

You don’t HAVE to have a membership site. But it’s really useful because you get the recurring billing money coming in every month. And since you have bills coming in every month, it’s comforting to know you have income coming in to match the bills you have.

4. Fun money

Fun money is whatever else you do during the month that generates money. Fun money can pay for toys, vacations, fancy cars or whatever you want. Your own imagination is the only limit. You can create and sell webinars, promote affiliate products, promote other recurring billing membership sites, or create and sell more in-depth training programs.>

There are two that I like:

4a. 4-6 week webinars on my new ebooks

This is great because you’re still excited about the topic and the people buying from you are also excited about the topic.

I charge $297 to $697 for these. But $199 isn’t bad. It’s easy money. You hop on a webinar and talk for an hour with a few power point slides. Then answer some questions. It’s really a no-brainer. And you can record it and sell the recordings later.

4b. 90 minute – 2 hour one-time webinars

You can sell these for $50 to $100, or more if you have a really hot topic

5. Future Savings Money

You can pump out a promotion for your webinars to your resellers and get a nice bump in income. You toss this money right into your retirement or savings account.

6. Gusher Money To Buy Cars or Toys With

I’ll explain in a minute how you can get lucky and hit a “gusher.” If you do, then that is money over and above all other money. You can’t count on hitting a gusher. It’s a hit and miss thing. And most of the time you’ll miss. But if and when it happens, and it has happened for me more than once, it’s a GREAT thing!

I used one “Gusher” in the amount of $25,000 cash windfall to pay off some IRS debt, credit card debt and had money left over for other stuff.

Why “The Writer’s Secret” Differs
From How Most Others Do Internet Marketing

The way I do this business is very different from what many others do or teach.

See, there are lots of ways to make money in this business. Let me go through some of them by way of contrast:

1. There’s the tycoon way where you get an office, employees and become a professional business manager, empire runner. I had 8 employees and lost more hair over it. And I don’t have many hair strands to spare.

2. The product launch way.

You assemble a huge, massive product, work all year to get people to owe you reciprocal mailings, manage complex social relationships and pray to anyone who will listen that your letter converts during the massive launch.

Because if it doesn’t, you’ll be calling Ray Edwards or another superstar writer in the middle of your launch begging for a quick fix.

Your merchant company will hold back 10% to 30% of funds, maybe more for up to 6 months. Your refunds will run as high as 30%. You have to pay commissions out of pocket and risk negative cash flow in addition to paying upfront for the fulfillment of your product.

Six months later, after paying out 50% or more in commissions, getting your merchant account holds released, issuing all your refunds, paying for all your product fulfillment – you might end up with a really hefty net figure in your bank account – or not.

I tip my hat to the guys and gals with enough social savvy, networking expertise, pure moxie and entrepreneurial instincts to pull this feat off.

It’s just not my cup of tea. I like steady, consistent, predictable, and LOW STRESS. That’s my style. That’s my method.

3. The CPA network thing — You promote pure cost per action offers, so you have no product of your own. The Google ppc to cpa offer is dicey to say the least. There are some guys smart enough and persistent enough to pull this off At least for awhile.

I give them props and admire their superb intellect for figuring it all out and adapting to the endless changes.

4. Pure affiliate models — You only promote affiliate programs. Most beginners start this way. But I’ve always said the best way to build your list as an affiliate is to create your own products.

The other issue on the affiliate model is you STILL need traffic. Which leads you back to organic seo, ppc or buying ads. All of those methods are valid and work. I just find what I do to be simpler and easier.

Contrast those to my way of doing business:

1. You go to Starbucks, your back porch, the bookstore, a bed-and-breakfast, a cafe, a beach or any other place you want to write.

2. You take your laptop with you.

3. You write or talk.

If you just can’t write, you research, make notes and create outlines for screen capture video products. But for me in my world, I like to write. So that is what I do.

Now, what to write, how often to write it, what to do with it once you’ve written it, how to make money from it – these are all parts of “my model.”

There are a few benefits of my model vs. what I see others doing:

1. You don’t have to do large, complex product launches

I do small launches, mostly to my in-house list.

2. Instead of betting the farm on a massive launch, create much smaller predictable income streams

Each stream I create brings in $1,000 to $2500 per month AFTER the initial blast to the list is over.

It’s nice to make that $10,000, $30,000, $50,000 blast to your list in 30 days. But I care a lot more how much comes in predictably month-after-month.

Of course, these are my numbers and I have a large list and affiliate network. They aren’t what you can or should expect to do as a beginner.

The point of the model is, you do the work once and get money in month-after-month.

3. Relatively low stress

Compared to doing seminars or product launches, this is a low-stress model. I’m not saying it’s all a bed of roses. It isn’t. Any business has it’s less-than-perfect moments. But in comparison to highly complex models, I find the simplicity utterly refreshing.

Really, it’s a very simple model. Each month my game plan is pretty much just like the month before. That makes it a cookie cutter.

4. No rocket science needed

I’ve found that a lot models require you to practically out-think and outwit Google. More power to anyone who wants to do battle with a billion dollar corporation. I prefer shooting fish in a barrel, to pull out an old Bill Myers analogy.

5. Trades products for dollars instead of time

Here is a BIG feature of what I do. A LOT of models in this business make a lot of money. But they STILL primarily trade dollars for time. You know, if you have a high-end coaching program and spend all day on the phone doing conference calls and consultations one after the other, this isn’t freedom to me.

It’s just an extremely high paying job. Nothing wrong with it. I just prefer my reading time, my chill time, my do whatever I want when I want time, my bookstore time, my coffee shop time – and so forth.

It’s not that I don’t occasionally trade a small part of my time for dollars. But it isn’t the bulk of my income nor the way I spend the vast majority of my time.

They way some guys do Internet marketing, they have their eyes glued to their computer 10 or 12 hours a day running spreadsheets or doing whatever. Which would be OK if they could outsource the work.

But in a lot of models the actual work is fluid and complex enough that it’s difficult to outsource. I don’t know about you but I REALLY don’t want to be glued to a computer 8 or more hours a day.

With the Writer’s Secret, you spend a good 3 hours a day poking around a writing, defending on how fast a writer you are. If you don’t like to write, you can talk and record screen capture videos as an alternative.

But you can do it anywhere you want, no Internet connection required.

For example, right now I’m sitting outside Starbucks and just finished off a cappuccino. A nice song about Marvin Gaye plays in the background. I’m looking at beautiful palm trees, a blue sky and soft white clouds.

6. Evergreen

This one is huge.

I’ve been doing this same basic model since 1998. Really, some things have changed but most of it remains the same.

There are tweaks here and there, of course.

New, cool technology makes certain parts of the business much more lucrative and easier. Some of those gains are offset by increased competition. But what you’ll find is the competition is probably minimal.


Because everyone has become enamored with all the other bright and shiny objects. Which is just fine with me.

The way I do my business has its limits. It’s not perfect. It’s hard to do over a million a year on my model without adding in a heavy duty coaching program, big product launches or a phone room.

I don’t like the legal risk of a phone, the complexity and social reliances required for a massive product launch nor the rigors of a high-end coaching program which probably would take more of my energy and time than I care to spend.

Usually, to sell a big ticket coaching program, you have to do a seminar with a dog and pony show of your “platinum students.” Doing a big seminar like that is going to suck up at least 3 months of your life if not more.

It’s not fun. It’s not easy. And it’s a big commitment. I’m not saying I’ll never do one. But I sure don’t like the idea of having to do 2 a year to keep the seats filled in a high-end coaching program.

I admire my friends who have the energy, drive, and work ethic to pull that kind of thing off. Props to them!

I like simple, legal, clean, low risk.

I kinda do my thing and ignore a lot of the other fads of the day. If that sounds good to you, then maybe you and I are on the same page and think a bit alike.

Here’s How The Writer’s Secret
Works On A Month-To-Month Basis

Like I said, I’ve sold millions of dollars online.

But you don’t have to sell millions to be a very good business. In fact, trying to do so is almost a hindrance and incumbrance if you like the writer’s lifestyle. I like enough money to be comfortable — $100,00 to $200,000 a year and I’m pretty happy. If I lived in New York or California, I’d raise that figure.

But I’m in Texas and things are cheap here.

I’m not looking for a million dollars a year or something. What I like is this: I wake up. I go to Starbucks. I can sit there and peck away on an info product, a little salesletter for it, and ideas for an affiliate promotion. I can do that a leisurely pace on weekend trips. I can go to hotel, a bed and breakfast, wherever there’s an inspiring environment — and just write.

This is what I like to do and this is what I enjoy. It’s a lifestyle.

That’s how really how the business works, and I really like it. I can take vacations. If I wanted to have an RV vehicle, hang out at campsites and write, I can do that. I’ve done some cool things.

There’s a quaint German city close to San Antonio called Fredericksburg. I’ve pecked away at my keyboard there and made some coin.

There’s another area with a small river and a giant canyon wall. Really beautiful. I’ve tickled my keyboard there on a warm, relaxing afternoon. You can go anywhere. You can write or talk and record anywhere. That’s the great thing about this business.

You need your laptop, and it’s all you need to make money in the business. The rest of it I like to keep simple and not get too complex. I’ve ran my business with virtual assistants and I’ve ran it with an office and employees. I highly prefer the simple approach.

Simple is good. Thing is, to pay for an office and employees, you have to hustle something really hard. A lot of guys in this business have phone rooms, sales people, complex coaching programs, seminars and all kinds of jazz to feed the monthly overhead beast.

It’s not what you gross. It’s what you net. If you can’t keep it, it doesn’t count.

Anyway, I realized that there were other writers out there and other info product creators that didn’t wanted to just trade time for dollars. Others who wanted to write something once and sell it over and over and over again.

Over the years, I’ve discovered over the years, the secrets of what to do and how to do it.

For example, you’ll need to write a letter and get people to buy what you write . There’s a formula for doing that. But you gotta know the formula. You gotta know how to put the letter together, get it up on the web and hook up ordering and automated product delivery.

I also do things that are called upsells. In other words, when someone buys a product and has a credit card out, you might as well ask for more money but you got to know how to do that.

Then you gotta get traffic to your website. I use affiliates and resellers and order to do that. There’s a little bit to know more on how to set that up. It isn’t something terribly complicated, but you got to know how to do it.

You’ll need to know how to get resellers and get ’em to promote your products for you. You may want to do a membership site but not know what software to use or what kind of content to put in your membership site.

I ran one of the first membership sites and print newsletters about Internet marketing and found out things you need to do and a few things to NOT do….common mistakes to avoid.

In fact, let me give you some bullets points about the things I’ve decided to put in a product to assist others who are in the position that I used to be. Because when I was a struggling writer, I didn’t have anyone to show me the way. I had a car smoked like a bomb. I loved on minute and thirty second microwave corn dogs.

I traded my time for dollars and didn’t know how else to do it. I’ve written the product I WISH I had when I got started in this business. One that puts a light to your path and shows you the way.

It’s simply called: Secrets of Making Money Anyplace Anytime Anywhere just by writing on your laptop and selling your words over and over and over again.

There are 155 pages in the ebook. I wrote these ALL myself. You aren’t getting some crappy ebook written by a $1 an hour writer. I also wrote the words you’re reading right now. I hate it when you WISH the person who wrote the letter wrote the product.

I’m one of the only, if not the only, “name brand” people in Internet marketing still willing to write very high quality content myself and sell it for under $100. How many other name brand marketers will give you high quality content (without huge gaping holes left out to force you to buy their upsells) and sell it to you for $55?

You can read 155 pages in 2 hours and 58 minutes the way I calculate it. That means you’re only that far away from taking your FIRST super exciting step.

I’ve done the things I teach you in this product 122X, so I KNOW they work. And they STILL work. This isn’t some outdated strategy as the detractors would have you believe.

Plus, I give you CRITICAL software implementation details hardly anyone else does. Most people just glaze over the implementation details so they can keep you all excited with the sexy stuff.

I am grassroots, nuts and bolts, down-to-earth and practical.

Here Are Just A Few
Other Little Things You’ll Learn

  • The brand new plugin (dirt cheap compared to other options) that makes OTO’s and upsells a piece of cake. This saves a MINIMUM of 45 minutes every time you use it.
  • The nitty gritty implementation details almost NO one gives you. Without these details, you’re building castles in the sky, chasing rainbows and are sure to be dissapointed. With the right details, you’re empowered and ready to go.
  • How to spend time hanging around at Starbucks, bed and breakfasts, vacation spots, relaxing environments – and making money.
  • Super useful links to real world examples of what I’m talking about so you’re not left scratching your head.
  • How the “rental” strategy works for an info product business.
  • Instead of writing words once and selling them once, write them once and get paid over and over and over again for them? Doesn’t that sound like a 100X better way to make a living.
  • How to write words anywhere and get paid for them: I’ve written words in Hawaii and sold them. Written them at bed and breakfasts. Written them about anyplace you CAN write them. The only real tool I need is a laptop and an Internet connection.
  • Where to get new product ideas.
  • How to have a pretty good idea that your product will sell before you write it.
  • How to create letters using a specific formula proven to get people to buy your products.
  • How to assemble your web pages with the least effort for maximum sales.
  • How I get thousands of visitors to my web pages.
  • How to set up your ordering system, so people can pay you with credit cards, without paying exorbitant fees that aren’t necessary.
  • How to automatically deliver ebooks without lifting a finger.
  • How to protect your intellectual property so it doesn’t get stolen.
  • How to automatically get your buyers on an email list so you can give them the opportunity to buy all your new products.
  • How to create upsells so people who buy have an opportunity to spend more money on the spot, thus boosting your average order size and putting more money in your bank account.
  • The one software program you must have to automate your system that will save you hundreds of dollars and keep you from hemorraging money every month you do NOT need to spend .
  • The brand new plugin (dirt cheap compared to other options) that makes OTO’s and upsells a piece of cake. This saves a MINIMUM of 45 minutes every time you use it.
  • The Torrent Buster: Where to get “secret codes” that put your products on hard core “lock down” and keep them off the torrents.
  • The best day of the week to send your emails.
  • The secret of keeping dollars flowing in monthly in abundance — without stress, hype, or whoring out your list).
  • The 11-minute method to find smoking hot topics to write about.
  • Hands down the #1 best source of visitors and traffic to your web page.
  • The “hush-hush” secret of selling newsletters and continuity a lot of people don’t know about or do.The easiest money you’ll ever make (it’s surprising how few people take advantage of it)
  • The Evergreen System: How to sell your words over and over again for years to come.
  • How to easily add upsells and downsells.

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Original price was: $55.00.Current price is: $21.00.

Digital Download: You will receive a download link via your order email after successful payment. On December 3, 1998, I Discovered A “Money Getting” Secret That I’ve Repeated 122 Times — And You Can Use This Same Secret Starting 2 Hours and 58 Minutes From Right Now!