
Marketing Junkies Club – Make This Your Best Year Ever 4 Week Teleseminar Series


Make This Your Best Year Ever 4 Week Teleseminar Series

These fast-acting marketing breakthrus
work like crazy!

Put these amazing business-building methods into action
and grow your business fast (just like the pros do)

Let’s face it… it’s harder and harder to grow your business these days. Tons of businesses are competing with you… customers are less and less loyal… and the economy is going nowhere fast.

Even worse, you WANT to take action and stir the pot, but everything you’ve been told by the “gurus” and “experts” never works. You try this and that… spend gobs of money on the newest schemes – only to find your bank account spilling cash.

But the good news is it doesn’t have to be this way! In fact most of my clients are having their best year ever. And get this… they’re actually working way less (and enjoying life way more).

So what’s their secret? It’s simple. They take many “micro actions” to help turn their business from good to great — adding zeros to their bank account at the same time.

“Doberman” Dan and I shared our best low-hanging-fruit ideas to help you get more customers (and get them to buy your stuff more often). Every idea is actionable in mere moments (just about every strategy takes less than 100 seconds to put into action).

Take a look of what Mike Marin had to say about this course
(adjust your speakers and click the play button to watch it):

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Here’s exactly what you get when you order:

Lead Generation

Backdoor way to show up first in Google
Let’s be honest… showing up tops in Google is hard. Each search shows hundreds of thousands (or even millions) of competing blogs and websites. But Google has a new feature called “blended results”… offering the little guy a backdoor way to show up first in Google. When you understand the algorithm to display blended results, it’s a cinch to get ranked as the first result for just about any Google search.

Time to action: 11 minutes

The fast way to build an AMAZING list
Sure, writing articles and blogging (or even pay click advertising) is a surefire way to attract visits to your site. And ultimately, a percentage of those who visit will subscribe to your email list.

But there’s a better, faster, easier and FREE way to literally EXPLODE the number of subscribers to join your mailing list.

I got this idea from copywriter John Angelache (who actually wrote copy for legendary copywriter Gary Halbert)… I tested it and it paid off big for me… so big I’m going it again in two weeks.

Put this big secret into action and watch your mailing list grow very quickly.

Time to action: as little as 3 hours (faster if you’re well organized)

Keywords as domains
Every internet marketing junkie I know uses this seldom talked-about technique to literally steal visitors from their competition. For 85 cents a month, you’re literally redirecting web traffic from your competitor to your own website or blog. And the best part is it’s under the radar, so your competition doesn’t have a clue.

Time to action: 4 minutes

Tap into 34 million prospects with this software
Millions and millions of people are switching from personal computers to smart phones.

But here’s the problem… most can’t see your blog or webpages – words wouldn’t resize, the borders wouldn’t adjust, and scrolling left to right and squinting to read the super-small font isn’t the best way to impress these prospects.

As you know, if your site is hard to read, those prospects flee to your competition.

But here’s the good news… there’s open source software that fixes this in a snap. Just install and this software “sniffs” smart phone users and displays a stripped-down version of your webpage for them. Problem solved!

Time to action: 25 seconds

Make Apple happy… in return get more visits to your site
As more and more people switch to Apple’s iPhone and iPad, more and more people can’t watch your videos or hear your audios…

… That’s because the top brass at Apple hate Adobe Flash and refuses to play these files. And when that happens, these users get a big ol’ blank box on their screen.

The good news is there’s a super quick and easy fix — and the best part is it’s totally free to use. This solution sniffs for Apple devices and uses HTML5 to play your videos and audios. It’s is super slick. And it couldn’t be easier to install.

Time to action: 120 for open source software installation plus 45 seconds to configure

Higher Profits

Turn your competition into a partner
Google a search phrase that describes your business and you’re likely to find hundreds of thousands (or millions) or direct competitors.

But you might be surprised to know partnering with the competition is one of my favorite hand’s down favorite ways to grow my business.

Some call this creating a Mafia-style syndicate… I just call it a great way to steal customers from the competition.

And get this… there’s brand new software I helped develop (and it’s free to try ) that creates these joint ventures in a click of your computer mouse. Just press a button and minutes later watch your email inbox lightup with your direct competitors BEGGING to send their customers to your website.

Time to action: 14 minutes

Convert “dead ends” into instant cash
Most website owners make it hard for their visitors to buy their stuff.

They install “road blocks” throughout their website… making it all but impossible to make money. And when buyers hit these “dead ends”, they almost always flee to the competition.

The fix is drop-dead simple. Eliminate these road blocks and watch your sales jump instantly.

Time to action: 45 seconds per “dead end”

Make money on mistakes
On average, 1 out of every 13 visitors to your website gets a “Page Not Found” error. The vast majority of these visitors leave your site and instead visit your competition. This simple code keeps your visitor on your site AND puts cash into your bank account at the same time.

Time to action: 47 seconds

Turn white space on your site into cash (starting now)
Most say making money with AdSense is dead. It’s easy to understand why as payouts continue to plummet. But some blog and website owners are having their best year ever with Google’s partnership program… these 7 breakthroughs show you how to turn white space into greenbacks.

Time to action: 45 minutes

Secret Penny Sale
If you’re a retailer and not using this Secret Penny Sale system, you’re literally stepping over dollars to pickup pennies. This idea was tested with an Amish health food store owner and in less than 30 days, he was attracting a steadily growing parade of new customers to his store. Six months later, he was having record sales. Today, the buzz of this super simple idea is attracting new customers from 5 states away! One even travels from Tornoto Canada to buy stuff for a penny. After a year, this super simple method spiked sales over 50% (and that’s when other health food stores are closing their doors because of the recession)…

… But the best part is the entire promotion costs this retailer zero… zilch… absolutely nothing.Even the items he gives away for a penny (which retail between $5.00 and $250.00) are given to this retailer for free. It gets even better… it doesn’t cost him a single penny to snail mail his penny sale flyers, either.

Time to action: about 4 hours (or less if you’re a good writer)

Sell more stuff with this jealously-guarded pricing formula
A small retailer was given this precision-pricing formula and did a test simple test. He had two rows of honey stacked side by side on a shelf. The row on the left was kept at his normal selling price. But the row of honey on the right was increased by three cents. By the afternoon, the winning price was clear…. the entire row of honey at the higher price was sold out while the normally priced honey hardly sold. He was so blown away he applied this precision-pricing formula on his entire stock of goods that same day!

Time to action: 10 seconds (or longer if you manually adjust your store’s prices)

Get people to buy more (and more often)
Give out this special, standard-sized business card and bulletproof them from buying from your competitors (instantly). This 2.5 cent piece of paper is a must-use tactic for any brick and mortar business, but it’s hardly ever used.

Time to action: 90 minutes

A better way to promote affiliate programs
There’s a dirty little secret about affiliate marketing… it doesn’t pay.

Literally, most affiliate programs are fast to take your referrals cash, but never pay us on time (or it at all). But did you know there are thousands of under-the-radar companies that offer “instant commissions”… cash sent directly to your PayPal account the instant your referral buys from your recommendation?

This is amazing… if you need emergency cash RIGHT NOW, just do a one-click search to find instant commission products… send a quick email to your list and watch your bank account grow right before your eyes.

Time to action: 22 minutes (even faster if you can write a quick email)

Help confused website visitors buy more of your stuff
A surprisingly large number of your visitors are going to run into that dreaded, “Page Not Found” error.

And most who see this assume your website isn’t working and flee to your competition… most never to return to your site again.

The good news is there’s a fast and easy fix. And the instant your put this method into action, you’re going to see a nifty bump in the size of your bank account.

Time to action: 2 minutes

Competitive Intelligence

Boost your profits with this FREE competitive intelligence software
Install this open source software on your own website and track EVERYTHING about your visitors. Realtime web stats and traffic analysis keeps track of the visitors to your website live… with detailed statistics and deep analysis using an innovative user interface – giving you the intelligence to make fast tweaks to your website or blog for much higher profits.

Time to action: 3 seconds (no joke… the intelligence data is displayed instantly)

Steal secrets from your competition (without getting caught)
It’s STUNNING how careless your competitors are. They don’t password-protect their most sensitive data. Instead they leave it W I D E open for you to review.

When you put my reverse engineering secrets into action, you’re going to instantly tap into their hard work and best-kept secrets. And the best part is it’s impossible to get caught. Shhh! Let’s keep these secrets between us.:>

Time to action: As little as 15 seconds

Higher Response

Append this keyboard symbol for higher response
Believe it or not, adding this one weird keyboard symbol to the second line of your Google AdWords’ ads boosts response at least 50% (usually, it’s more like 100% ). Many ask why this works so well… we’re not exactly sure – but it does.

Time to action: 90 seconds

Automatically “honeypot” the best prospects who visit your site
Most marketers treat all subscribers and optins the same. They’re not.

The vast majority will NEVER buy anything offered to them. Yet a small percentage are VERY likely to buy almost anything offered for sale.

It’s a cinch to filter your list and identify likely buyers using a single line of HTML. And when you add this code to your optin form, these amazing prospects are led to buy more of your stuff.

When you use this clever technique, you get these hyper buyers to virtually raise their hand… literally begging to buy your stuff.

Time to action: 35 seconds

“Flip the switch” and get up to 3 precisely-targeted email signups for every 4 visitors
Most online marketers struggle to beg 5%, 10% or MAYBE 15% of their visitors to subscribe to their optin.

But when you give yourself this fast (and effective) optin-box makeover, you’re going to generate up to 75% conversions.

Time to action: 3 minutes

Introducing the optin “sweet spot”… the PERFECT place to ask your visitor to subscribe
I stumbled upon this odd place… and now it’s my hand’s down, ultimate strategy to cordially convert a large percentage of visitors into subscribers.

If you’re not asking your visitors to subscribe to your mailing list in this weird spot, you’re totally missing out on lots of optins.

Time to action: 4 minutes

Attract more comments to your blog post
It’s fun to see our blog visitors leave comments just after we hit the [Publish blog] button. And search engines reward with us with higher SEO rank when lots of people leave behind their opinions. There’s an almost hypnotic way to inspire a rush of blog comments… just ask them a boring question.

Time to action: 15 seconds

The absolute best time and day to email
Sending an email promotion at the wrong time is a surefire way to get your email deleted. Instead, you want to send your email about 15 minutes before the “peak activity” time of the day. Use this open source software to find the “sweet spot” to send your email promotions and watch your response rates rise dramatically.

Time to action: 45 seconds

Get 10 times more visitors to each blog post
Most bloggers struggle to get the best prospects to read their new posts.

This fast and easy technique typically attracts at least 10 times more readers to your blog posts. Even better, it automatically turns your website into a mini-viral-marketing machine.

Time to action: 3 minutes


Fast way to create categories for your blog
Are you confused on how to create the best categories for your blog? This nifty method shows you a backdoor way to force Google to reveal the best categories to post on your site… perfectly tweaked for SEO.

Time to action: 4 minutes

Turn ordinary market research surveys into instant testimonials
Most marketers rely on surveys to better understand the wants and desires of their prospects.

And that’s a good strategy.

But it’s even BETTER when you use surveys to gather instant testimonials at the same time.

I give you my 3-paragraph template to turn ordinary survey takers into passionate endorsement makers.

Time to action: 3 minutes

Hypnotize rude customers to show up on time (every time)
If you’re in the service business, you know it’s tougher and tougher to get your clients to keep their appointments with you.

And when they show up late, it puts you behind and stresses your out big time.

But, when you put this nifty tactic into action, you subconsciously trick people to show up on time (some even early).

Everyone in the appointment business needs to master this technique.

Time to action: instant

Here’s what they’re saying about our recorded teleseminar…

Adjust your speakers and click the play buttons below and take a listen:

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John Charles Steinmuller
Cottage Grove, Wisconsin

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Jeffrey-Dobkin, B2B Author
The Danielle Adams Publishing Company
Merion Station, Pennsylvania
(610) 642-1000

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Andy Hussong
Publisher of the “Affiliate Management Insider”
(and John Reese’s ex-affiliate manager)
Indianapolis, Indiana

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Richard Cole
Belleville, Ontario Canada
(866) 825-4216

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Chuck Huckaby
chuck [at]

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Alan Jordan
Las Vegas, Nevada

Make 2011 your best year ever!

If you’re looking to have Dan and I hold you by the hand and take your business and income to the next level as quickly as possible, you might be interested in our Make 2011 Your Best Year Ever weekly training course in January.

This 4-week teleseminar gives you access to our very BEST marketing secrets to help you get more customers… more visits to your blog or website… and increase your sales (without spending money on expensive advertising).

Here’s exactly what you’re going to get the instant you place your order below:

    • 4 weekly teleseminars (recorded) revealing our very best and super-easy-to-implement moneymaking secrets. This covers everything from lead generation to SEO to generating higher response. Dan is going to help you with direct marketing tactics and I’m going to help you with Internet Marketing methods…
    • Companion notes to help guide you along… unlike most seminars that inundate you with lots of complicated ideas that you’re never going to be able to implement, this is different – you get our proven “action blueprint” so you’re never paralyzed by confusion and overwhelm… and you’re going to be able to get these secret and put them into action making you money right away…
    • See results in mere minutes or hours… not months and months down the road. Many of these proven sales-boosting techniques and methods are easily accomplished in a matter of MINUTES (some in just seconds)…
    • FREE use of my personal blogging theme… tweaked and ready to attract referrrals from Google to your website…
    • FREE use of my high-conversion landing page template… it’s the same optin form that gets me a whopping 73% conversion rate…
  • And much, much more… so much more it won’t fit here.

Get download Marketing Junkies Club – Make This Your Best Year Ever 4 Week Teleseminar Series at right now!


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– Since it is a digital copy, our suggestion is to download and save it to your hard drive. In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us and we will resend the new download link.
– If you cannot find the download link, please don’t worry about that. We will update and notify you as soon as possible at 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM (UTC 8).

Thank You For Shopping With Us!

Original price was: $97.00.Current price is: $30.00.

Digital Download: You will receive a download link via your order email These fast-acting marketing breakthrus work like crazy! Put these amazing business-building methods into action and grow your business fast (just like the pros do).