
Mark Vurnums – Lead Generation Videos


Mark Vurnums – Lead Generation Videos

HARD TO BELIEVE? Perhaps. But I’m not asking you to believe anything just yet, until you see the evidence for yourself. All I ask is that you refrain from disbelieving while I show you my proof. It will take just a few minutes, yet the benefits to your wealth could be enormous…

FROM: Mark Vurnum
Friday December 7th, 2006
Paphos, Cyprus

Good Morning,

“You must be crazy!”

That’s what my wife Fiona said when I told her I was shutting down my Google AdSense operation. Even though I’d made nearly half a million dollars from it in the previous 18 months.

Why did I do this? Simple. I’ve spent the last two years developing a simple yet highly-successful online system that produces consistent monthly income. Not only does this high-paying system produce amazing results, it’s also simple to use and works in any niche you care to choose. And it makes you money quickly, WITHOUT the usual ‘issues’ of ‘normal’ online business models.

My name is Mark Vurnum. I’m an “under the radar” Internet Entrepreneur, and was a speaker at the recent UK Underground Event, hosted by Internet Legend Yanik Silver (and including Jeff Walker, Ed Dale and Sydney Johnson).

You may not have heard of me, but that’s not important (and that’s the way I like it). But right
now, I’m offering you the opportunity to build your own online cash-cow business in just a short time.

Believe it or not, I’ve discovered a way to make money by creating valuable assets online AND which can also be monetized offline. A proven method of making money that’s safer than your bank and offers you a lifetime “future-proof” business model. A model, moreover, which can make you as much money as you want for years to come.

That’s right. You have in your hands what I believe is the opportunity of a lifetime. The chance to earn good money from the Internet. For real. And earn money regardless of what happens to email, search engines, or almost anything else.

Here are a few other things you should know about me…

I won’t give you the usual ‘sob-story life history’ you may have read elsewhere. You see, before I went online I was doing OK in life. Nothing special, but OK. I had 5 jobs, any of which could have been a job for life. But I wanted more. So I quit my job in the corporate world, set out to make a business work on the internet, and have been online since 2003.

But it hasn’t always been easy…

You see, up until recently I was over $378,000.00 in debt. And as for Internet ‘BizOpps’, well, I’ve been there and bought the T-Shirt. Yes. Lots of ‘hypey’ products and no enchilada. In the last 4 years alone, I’ve spent over $100,000 of my own money on the latest ‘can’t lose tricks’, ‘hot Internet deal’ and ‘really cool’ pieces of online software.

Bottom line? None of them worked. And I lost money. A LOT of it. Money I couldn’t afford to lose.

Which gave me more than a few sleepless nights worrying where the next month’s rent was coming from. I was scared…

That’s until I discovered AdSense, and worked hard at developing over 2,000 paying sites. And
thanks to these sites, I earned over $422,000 in the last 18 months.

HARD TO BELIEVE? Perhaps. But I’m not asking you to believe anything just yet, until you see the evidence for yourself. All I ask is that you refrain from disbelieving while I show you my proof. It will take just a few minutes, yet the benefits to your wealth could be enormous…

FROM: Mark Vurnum
Friday December 7th, 2006
Paphos, Cyprus

Good Morning,

“You must be crazy!”

That’s what my wife Fiona said when I told her I was shutting down my Google AdSense operation. Even though I’d made nearly half a million dollars from it in the previous 18 months.

Why did I do this? Simple. I’ve spent the last two years developing a simple yet highly-successful online system that produces consistent monthly income. Not only does this high-paying system produce amazing results, it’s also simple to use and works in any niche you care to choose. And it makes you money quickly, WITHOUT the usual ‘issues’ of ‘normal’ online business models.

My name is Mark Vurnum. I’m an “under the radar” Internet Entrepreneur, and was a speaker at the recent UK Underground Event, hosted by Internet Legend Yanik Silver (and including Jeff Walker, Ed Dale and Sydney Johnson).

You may not have heard of me, but that’s not important (and that’s the way I like it). But right
now, I’m offering you the opportunity to build your own online cash-cow business in just a short time.

Believe it or not, I’ve discovered a way to make money by creating valuable assets online AND which can also be monetized offline. A proven method of making money that’s safer than your bank and offers you a lifetime “future-proof” business model. A model, moreover, which can make you as much money as you want for years to come.

That’s right. You have in your hands what I believe is the opportunity of a lifetime. The chance to earn good money from the Internet. For real. And earn money regardless of what happens to email, search engines, or almost anything else.

Here are a few other things you should know about me…

I won’t give you the usual ‘sob-story life history’ you may have read elsewhere. You see, before I went online I was doing OK in life. Nothing special, but OK. I had 5 jobs, any of which could have been a job for life. But I wanted more. So I quit my job in the corporate world, set out to make a business work on the internet, and have been online since 2003.

But it hasn’t always been easy…

You see, up until recently I was over $378,000.00 in debt. And as for Internet ‘BizOpps’, well, I’ve been there and bought the T-Shirt. Yes. Lots of ‘hypey’ products and no enchilada. In the last 4 years alone, I’ve spent over $100,000 of my own money on the latest ‘can’t lose tricks’, ‘hot Internet deal’ and ‘really cool’ pieces of online software.

Bottom line? None of them worked. And I lost money. A LOT of it. Money I couldn’t afford to lose.

Which gave me more than a few sleepless nights worrying where the next month’s rent was coming from. I was scared…

That’s until I discovered AdSense, and worked hard at developing over 2,000 paying sites. And
thanks to these sites, I earned over $422,000 in the last 18 months.

Thanks to AdSense I’ve now paid off my debts, enjoy life a lot more and been on lots of fun vacations.

But even though I made over $422,000.00 in just over 18 months I decided to walk away from my AdSense Business

Why? Simple.

I made good money from AdSense for a while, but then I noticed my income dropping steadily because I wasn’t my own boss or in control of the process. GOOGLE was. Bad news…

The good news was this forced me to look at other online business models. Which is why I started using online Lead Generation (or LeadGen for short) as another way to earn income.

And when I saw the moneymaking potential of
LeadGen, my eyes were opened VERY wide

As an Internet Marketer, you probably know that owning and renting out business leads (the names and addresses of prospects and customers) to businesses for direct mail campaigns, is a proven, solid long-term business model.

But did you know there’s a little-known but surprisingly easy way to make a lot MORE money from business leads by using online techniques? A way which may seem complicated to outsiders, but in fact is a simple way to enjoy the benefits of proven offline lead generation, with almost none of the downsides.

I’m talking, of course, about the online LeadGen model.

During my research, I found conclusive proof that operating your own LeadGen business can be very lucrative and rewarding. Get it right and you can become financially independent for the rest of your life. A whole world of fun, excitement and adventure will open up to you in ways you never thought possible. Imagine. The chance to enjoy the kind of lifestyle you’ve always
dreamed of.

What does all this mean for you?
Simple really – the opportunity of a lifetime

Yes, the opportunities for earning good money from Lead Generation are only limited by your own ambition. But like anything worthwhile in life, you’ve got to know what you’re doing, or you could lose a lot of money (no point in brushing it under the carpet is there?)

You need to know where these Lead Generation opportunities are, behind them, how much money you plan to make, and how to take advantage of these opportunities to make maximum profits in minimum time.

And that’s where my ‘look over your shoulder’ video series
“How To Start Your Own Lead Generation Business
In 24 Hours Or Less” can help you…

Lead Generation Videos Contain Everything You Need To Get Started Making Money From Lead Generation

“How To Start Your Own Lead Generation Business In 24 Hours Or Less” is a step-by-step online video series, which helps you to become a successful LeadGen expert financially free, with multiple streams of residual income flowing into your bank account each and every month.

“How To Start Your Own Lead Generation Business In 24 Hours Or Less”will give you a completely new perspective on how to make money online, and how you can make profits quickly and easily, in comparison to the traditional methods.

“How To Start Your Own Lead Generation Business In 24 Hours Or Less” contains Over 2 hours of direct ‘look over my shoulder’ one to one training videos. The seven Each of the seven steps is covered in detail, plus you’ll also receive an additional bonus lesson and a full collection of resources to get you started making an income in 24 hours or less.

The aim of this video series is simple: to make you money and save you a lot of time and effort time researching by putting all the information you need in one easy to understand manual.

No fluff, no filler and no hype – just the facts.

Right Then…Here’s What You’ll Get When You Receive
“How To Start Your Own Lead Generation Business In 24 Hours Or Less

Section #1: LeadGen BASIC

Video #1 What is LeadGen?

Running Time: 3 minutes 20 seconds

    • The principles behind LeadGen(and the most profitable types of deals)

  • Why LeadGen offers better and more stable returns than any other Internet based investment
  • How to become financially independent within three years AND receive income for the rest of your life. (Forget the Lottery. THIS is the real way to make your fortune in the shortest possible time…oh yes, and the odds are much more in your favour…)
  • The different types of Lead Generation (which one is best for you?)
  • How to get your Lead Generation career off to a flying start…
  • Discover the true power of lead generation websites
  • Why a site’s ‘Dive Level’ is critical in working out whether or not to approach target companies
  • The only three things you REALLY need to get started in your LeadGen business TODAY (and they each cost less than $150)
  • Why the current economic climate will offer savvy LeadGen investors a goldmine of opportunities (and how you can cash in on them before the current window of opportunity closes…)
  • The beginner’s guide to EVERYTHING you’ll need to know to run a successful LeadGen business

Video #2 Why LeadGen?

Running Time: 5 minutes 46 seconds

  • Why Lead generation is the key to making an income online.
  • The two types of Lead you can sell (which one to use, and which to avoid, and 4 reasons why you should ALWAYS go with type #2 leads… CLUE: with type #1 leads you often don’t get paid!)
  • How to generate a large residual income in just 5 or 10 hours a week
  • How to set your goals for LeadGen success (do this right, and you’re almost guaranteed success…)
  • Where your main profit opportunities lie…and how to take full advantage of them.
  • How to build a maximum-yield LeadGen portfolio…with minimum investment…in minimum time…and with minimum stress (you’ll be laughing all the way to the bank with this one…)
  • The number one LeadGen investment strategy you can use to become seriously wealthy VERY quickly. (The best part? You don’t need to be a billionaire, or even a millionaire, to reap the rewards from this amazing technique…)

Video #3 How to Identify hot markets

Running Time: 31 minutes 45 seconds

  • The FIVE key factors for finding hot markets FAST
  • Six vital things to look for when doing market research online…
  • Why some markets are HOT (and others are NOT) – and how to find this out for yourself…
  • The one type of corporate site you should avoid like the plague
  • How to identify ‘starving markets’ to sell leads to in just 25 minutes or less
  • The quick and easy ways to do ONLINE and OFFLINE market research…
  • The Number 1 OFFLINE ‘LeadGen Secret Research Center’ right under your nose (the best part? It’s FREE…and has everything you need to skyrocket your LeadGen business profits)
  • A simple LeadGen tip that could put thousands of extra dollars in your pocket
  • 5 questions you should always ask yourself before going into a LeadGen market niche
  • Your ‘instant assessment’ checklist of any niche market’s profit potential.

Video #4 How to set up and build a Lead Generation Website

Running Time: 12 minutes 14 seconds

  • How to set up your LeadGen website (INCLUDES: The different types of LeadGen sites – which one is best for you?)
  • How to build high-converting lead generation websites for fun and profit
  • The 7 key elements your LeadGen Website must have to make money (all of these are real easy to do!)
  • What NOT to say on an Event Page which will double or even triple your response rate!
  • The crafty little technique you can use to PRE-SELL your LeadGen prospects (before they even speak to the target company…)
  • What you must have on your Event Page to make it work…
  • The ONE thing to include your site which increases response by over 5% (this can make you thousands of $$$$ in extra income, so listen up!)
  • How to maximise your profits with LCPAs and ‘Thank You’ Pages
  • What an ‘Event Page’ is (and how you can use it to make money from your LeadGen website…)
  • How to attract Leads with little or no money. (I’ll show you how to find these special deals…)
  • What an ‘I-Frame’ is, and how to use it on your website…

Section #2 – LeadGen ADVANCED

Video #5 How to sell and profit from leads

Running Time: 16 minutes 56 seconds

  • How to find paying offline customers in under 10 minutes…
  • The quick and easy ways to find markets that WANT to buy your leads…
  • How to make at least 100% profit (and usually much more) on every lead you sell.
  • Who should you call to sell the most leads? (The answer will shock you!)
  • How to tell whether a company is a high-profit business (and worth your while ‘pitching’ to)
  • What you MUST find out before you call any companies (do this and your success is almost guaranteed)
  • How to approach companies ready to buy your leads and ‘close the deal’
  • Ready to sell your leads? How much should you sell them for? (Find out from these actual examples and my LeadGen pricing module…)
  • How to close your first order (and exactly what you must say on these calls…INCLUDES: four ways to highlight the benefits of buying YOUR leads before anything else)
  • Don’t want to call the companies yourself? No problem! Here’s the quick and easy ways to OUTSOURCE all your phone calling work…
  • How to make sure companies come back to you begging for more leads (meaning more cash in your pocket)
  • What NEVER to say to a prospect company when you call them (this could save you thousands of dollars in lost revenue)
  • How to close your first LeadGen deal (INCLUDES: overview of the entire purchase process from start to finish, and how to make money from it…)
  • Why everything in a deal can be negotiated (and how to work this in your favour and make more money on every deal.)
  • The ‘Ten Commandments’ of locating top-quality Leads (as used by ‘yours truly’ each and every time I’m looking for something new.)
  • The simple, quick and easy ways to attract dream LeadGen clients (works every time…)
  • The ONE question to ask companies guaranteed to make you money (and what you should NEVER do…)
  • The huge mistake most online businesses are making (and how you can easily help them…for a fee… and create a income system for you in the process.)
  • The secrets to finding “goldmine” markets, just by looking at FIVE things in less than 30 minutes (and avoid wasting hours chasing markets that aren’t profitable.)

Video #6 Traffic and Metrics

Running Time: 13 minutes 47 seconds

  • How to tell if a company is already paying for traffic (and what to do if they are)
  • What to look for in Google to help you monetise your leads
  • How to generate traffic to your lead generation site (and convert it quickly and easily for maximum profit in minimum time)
  • PPC or SEO? Which works best for driving traffic? (Find out here…)
  • Mark’s “60:40 Golden Rule” of traffic generation for maximum profit (this would take you YEARS to find out on your own – you’ll get in here in seconds…)
  • The little-known way to generate more traffic to your website for just 78 cents a day
  • Three simple online traffic-generating methods you can use to attract more leads now (PLUS the barely-used place – visited by millions of people each year – you can visit to find your best contacts face-to-face for under $25)
  • The Mark Vurnum LeadGen PAS Sheet (essential for your success: INCLUDES – full description of what it is, how it works, and how it will help you increase your LeadGen profits]
  • A dirty little secret the ISPs hope you never find out (don’t let them fool you with this…)

Video #7 Advanced Lead Generation Techniques

Running Time: 16 minutes 19 seconds

  • The secrets of advanced monetisation, and how to apply them to your LeadGen business
  • Why affiliate programmes aren’t the best way to make money (and what you should use instead)
  • The ‘hot off the press’ idea which could make you a fortune from LeadGen [INCLUDES: FIVE target markets to profit from plus full details of what to do and when to make more money]
  • Over SIX special ‘Advanced Money Producing’ tactics to dramatically increase your profits (INCLUDES: how to set them up NOW…)
  • How to build a relationship with your customers (get this RIGHT and you’ve got it made – but get this WRONG and you’re dead in the water…)
  • Which comes first: your website or contacting the client company (the answer may surprise you!)
  • How to get your client companies to pay you more quickly (and ENJOY doing it!)
  • The best ways to protect yourself from risk in your LeadGen business (this could save you THOUSANDS of dollars…
  • Why your list size is irrelevant in LeadGen (and what you should be looking at instead that IS important…)

BONUS Video #8 How to develop a $212,000 a year Lead Generation business in the next 12 months…

Running Time: 4 minutes 32 seconds

1. Full Step-by-Step guide (includes detailed and simple “do this, do that” instructions)

  • Facts, figures and years of advice on what to do – and what NOT to do – I learned this the hard way – but you’ll get it all here…)

2. Online access to additional videos and resources (INCLUDING):

  • How to start your LeadGen business on a shoestring budget (That’s right…you don’t need millions to get going. I’ll show you everything you need to know……)
  • How I made $4,637.65 in just 42 days on my first LeadGen deal (and how you can do it too.)
  • Mark’s unique ‘1 in 5’ method of converting leads to more sales and profits
  • How the internet is changing and where the REAL money is (and how you can profit from it applying simple techniques anyone can use…)
  • How to leverage this simple system to have a constant demand for you product (WITHOUT spending a penny on advertising) using two simple tactics (dead easy!)
  • And much much more…

One thing’s for sure. “How To Start Your Own Lead Generation Business In 24 Hours Or Less” will help you master the key steps you’ll need to succeed and generate quick profits from LeadGen.

Get download Mark Vurnums – Lead Generation Videos at right now!


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