
Libby Crow Scott Oldford – The Daily Shift 365 Create a Million Dollar Mindset


So you can let go of self-limitations, ask for and receive more money, confidently market your offers, and scale your business from a place of powerful leadership.

There’s one key difference between the entrepreneurs who are millionaires and those who aren’t…and it’s not found inside a funnel, it’s found inside their minds.

it’s found inside their minds.

It’s no secret that personal development unlocks potential and possibility for all people–but for entrepreneurs it’s a critical element of success.

We find there are two types of entrepreneurs who “get it” when it comes to prioritizing mindset work and internal growth:

1. The entrepreneur who got lucky with the right business, at the right time, with the right strategy, has made a lot of money and is now finally realizing that their inner world needs to catch up with their outer world so they can actually enjoy the success they’ve created.


2. The entrepreneur who understands from the very start that to create an empire, build a legacy, and find true fulfillment in their biggest goals, they first need to prioritize personal development and do “the work” necessary to evolve and grow as a person.

The truth is, no matter which of these “types” you fall into, the ceiling is only limited by your mind—

and we’re here to make sure there’s no cap. 😉

What’s really going on behind the sexy website and perfected Instagram account is that you’re…

Going through your days blind, without slowing down, grounding into a fresh perspective, or setting yourself up to be productive and efficient.

Waking up and immediately checking your Gmail, Facebook, Instagram, texts, and Slack to see what fires you need to put out.

Focusing on the next funnel, the next launch, or the next FB ad, vs. focusing on your leadership, personal evolution, and long-term growth.

It’s hard to admit but…

Each day in reactionary mode leads to another layer of stress.

You might have dabbled in meditation or even made mindfulness a regular thing,

Read all the money books and even attended a seminar or two,

Journaled positive affirmations or written down your 90-day goals.

Or maybe all this “mindset stuff” is totally new for you.

Whatever your experience up to this point, we know you’re here now because…

You want to wake up and SHOW UP to the day with a clear mind, warrior confidence, unwavering belief in yourself, gangsta grit, and a full cup of “I’ve got this!”.

You want more days where you…

Feel PROUD and accomplished with your work instead of “behind” or “failing”.

Polish off your entire to-do list, instead of delaying tasks until tomorrow (and the day after), yet again.

Have energy at the end to be with family and friends vs. wanting to numb out with Netflix and two glasses of Cabernet.

You want to give of your abundance, not of your sustenance.

You want more days where you feel 100% good-to-go, all day long.

And, right now, it might seem like you only feel that amazing about once a year.

But what about the other 364 days?

That’s where we come in.

365 Days of Mindset Upgrades with Libby Crow & Scott Oldford

How SHIFT 365 Works

As soon as you enroll in Shift 365, you’ll be signed up for an entire year (yes, 365 days!) of daily mindset mini-trainings (we like to call ‘em upgrades) delivered to you via email.

You’ll take a small chunk of time (we know you’re busy, so we keep things concise) each day to:

Each Daily SHIFT exercise builds on the ones before, so at the end of one year (or really even after a couple of months) you’ve made massive progress on your mindset.

The kind of progress that leads to…

A new morning practice (that you actually stick to), prioritizing time for yourself above all your to-dos, and deepening in your self-awareness as a leader.

Showing up more powerfully in your marketing, sales conversations, and even the way you talk about your business – so you really OWN your message and magnetize your audience.

Learning to trust yourself to make wise investments in team, mentorship, and opportunities that will grow your business in the long-run and increase your cash flow as you reach the next level.

Feeling more excitement, instead of stress when you see your financial statements – because the clients and revenue are increasing month over month.

Rewiring limiting money stories to evolve out of scarcity mentality and into the practice of truly receiving and living in abundance.

Feeling more ease in your schedule so you can focus on the tasks that will move your business forward without living on the brink of burnout.

BEing more present in your relationships, experiencing more satisfaction throughout your days, and actually having the time and income to enjoy your life.

Your SHIFT 365 Mentorship Program is delivered to you in 6 Key Phases that align intentionally with the Six Pillars of Business.

You’ll learn how to make internal changes to your patterns and beliefs around each of these essential elements so you can fully enjoy the external rewards of your work

(like sippin’ champagne in first-class, spending real time raising family, living part-time in Paris, or whatever you’ve got on your vision board or bucket list)

“Why isn’t my bank account reflecting my growth and the work I’ve been doing?”

“Seriously, I’ve been doing this for so long now… I feel exhausted… is it even worth it?”

“Should I fire my team and go back to a simple business model?”

“Is this a smart investment or another waste of money?”

“This is so f*%$ing hard!”

“If I’m really myself, will people actually look up to me and want to work with me?”

“Is everyone really lying about their success online?”

Yeah…you’re not the only one. 😉

SHIFT 365 is a year long mindset program specifically for entrepreneurs who want to experience the power of daily, bite-sized personal development exercises that create waves of internal shifts…

So they can elevate their income by stepping up their inner game.

We’ve taken everything we’ve learned in our 3 decades of combined experience mentoring thousands of entrepreneurs at the 6, 7, and 8-figure revenue levels…

… and created a 365 Day Evolutionary Mentorship Program where you receive daily mindset upgrades, personal development processes, and deep dive training to build your million dollar mindset, while also growing your million dollar (and beyond) business.

You receive the real strategies that have not only helped us personally navigate the highs and lows of the entrepreneurial journey, but have helped all of our clients, too.

This year long mentorship program gets you 1% better on the daily so your potential for growth (in business, wealth, and personal fulfillment) is exponential over the course of the year and beyond.



We’re starting with the foundation – laying the energetic and spiritual layer of your success mindset – so you’re set up to be aligned and activated in every aspect of your business.

You’ll learn to:

Define Your Version of Success so you can feel the satisfaction and pleasure of the money you earn (and not end up miserable in someone else’s daydream).

Map Out Your Vision in detail for the next 1, 3, and 5 years of life and business so you have specific intentions to work toward.

Set Your 90-Day Goals so you know exactly what steps to take to hit the next milestone and move the needle forward on your epic vision.

Recognize Self-Judgements & Practice Forgiveness so you can release the negative self-talk that’s standing between you and true wealth.

Develop Persistence and Resilience so when the next setback arises (because you know they show up pretty much daily), you’ll know how to work through it without stopping in frustration or losing momentum.

Ready to get your SHIFT together ASAP?




We both knew immediately that this was something beyond special.

Shortly after we met, we went nomadic together, traveled the world, ran our businesses from gorgeous Airbnbs in exotic locations, and pushed each other to evolve as both entrepreneurs and human beings.

We’ve since married! And we continue to see how incredible it is to have the support of someone who “gets it” – how much it’s impacted our work as entrepreneurs and leaders.

We also know that not everyone has someone in their life who really “gets it”. We know that there are a lot of lonely people out there, building empires behind their laptops – essentially alone.

So we came together to create a program that would help entrepreneurs experience the same SHIFT in business and life that we have.

It ecompasses all of the passion, joy, wisdom, and personal development that we’ve experienced, both individually, and united.

There’s one key difference between the entrepreneurs who are millionaires and thoe who ren’t…and it’s not found inside a funnel, it’s found inside their minds.


So you can let go of self-limitations, ask for and receive more money, confidently market your offers, and scale your business from a place of powerful leadership.

Your online presence might be completely polished and pro, and from the outside it looks like you’re living the dream…

But we know (as mentors to thousands of entrepreneurs) that behind-the-scenes it’s probably not all rainbows and butterflies over there.

The truth is…

Every single entrepreneur we work with is riding the same emotional rollercoaster as you, having the same wild thoughts, and wondering things like…

And honestly – the money you make, the freedom you gain, the lifestyle you have (yes, even your infinity pool) will never fully satisfy you if you’re not aligned, activated, and attuned to know who you are BEING and BECOMING in the process.


Watch Your Mindset Upgrade Training Video with Libby & Scott

Complete your Daily Shift Exercise (this is like candy for the mind & soul)

Get access to BONUS training and hang with Evolutionary Entrepreneurs in the private Shift 365 Community



SHIFT 365 is like your First Aid Kit meshed with your Superhuman Elixir to not just make it through the next year of business, but to actually thrive, kickass, and make more money, along the way.

Words from SHIFTERS

ake a look inside the year-long journey that’s going to change your life and business forever…



This phase is all about uprooting your deepest limitations around money, catching old patterns that aren’t serving you, and reshaping behaviors that have held you back from a thriving relationship with your finances.

You’ll learn to:

Cultivate Awareness and Rewire Family Lineage Money Stories (childhood money drama – don’t worry, we all have it) so you can develop new beliefs around money that help you add more zeros to your income and always feel good about how it’s coming in and where it’s going.

Create Your Abundance Tribe and Environment
so you’re surrounded by people who support positive money beliefs, stretch you toward your next level, and help you step into your best version of YOU.

Trust Yourself to Invest (in yourself and support) so can confidently spend money where it matters – on your personal development, expanding your team, and scaling your business.

Develop a Bulletproof Money Mindset so when cash flow is short, emergencies pop up, or SHIFT otherwise hits the fan 😉 – you know how to keep it positive, focus on problem-solving, and be the level-headed leader of your biz.



In this phase you’ll learn to build unwavering belief in your offers, refine how you genuinely speak about them, and confidently deliver incredible value to your ideal clients.

You’ll learn to:

Embody New Leadership Identities so you can show up as a true authority, lead with integrity, and put aside ego for the good of your cause.

Access Your Innate Magnetism
so the right people are attracted to your message, you build a loyal following of clients and customers, and meaningful opportunities come your way, consistently.

Master Polarization so you can express your ideas and stay true to your values without completely alienating or turning off your audience.

Be a Scientist in Your Business so you can objectively observe how different strategies work for your business, rather than getting emotionally tied up in specific results.



This phase is all about mastering the inner game of selling so you can make offers with confidence and get to yes more frequently, without basing your self-worth on the outcome.

You’ll learn to:

Create Clear Offers that get your clients real results and get you known for the value of your methods and expertise.

Express Your True Value so you can bring more ease into sales conversations and guide more prospects to saying YES, without feeling forceful or pushy.

Enhance Emotional and Social Intelligence
so you can access empathy, put yourself in the shoes of your prospects (or anyone you’re communicating with), and create connection that automatically leads to more sales.

Access Grit and Activate Your Self-Worth
so that even when you’re faced with “rejection”, you stay in your power, understand your value, and move forward with your confidence intact.

Practice the Energetics and Art of Receiving so you’re open to accepting the revenue and opportunities that are available for you, instead of sabotaging or repelling prosperity.



In this phase you’ll develop new habits, beliefs, and behaviors to fully embody your expertise, set (and keep) boundaries, and step fully into leadership with your clients.

You’ll learn to:

Move Past Perfectionism so you can show up and facilitate the transformation your clients need, without worrying about flawless video production or the fonts on your PDF worksheets.

Trust in Your Enoughness
so you can confidently share your knowledge and skills through your offers, instead of delaying out of fear that you’re not “good enough”.

Stop “Proving”
or trying to convince your clients that you’re the expert, so you can focus on getting them to their next breakthrough.

Let Go of Micro-Managing and Rescuing so you and your clients can feel a sense of trust, and they can develop self-reliance and confidence to continue on the path once your work together is complete.



You don’t build a 7-figure business by doing everything on your own. This phase is all about adopting the mindset necessary to release control when needed and allow others to step in to support your greater vision.

You’ll learn to:

Friend and Release Elements of Ego so you can bring on a team and successfully scale your business without feeling threatened or apprehensive.

Demystify the Power of Your Significance
so you can relinquish some control, delegate to people who do things as (or more) efficiently than you, and focus on being the CEO or creator of your empire.

Uncover and Rewire Fear of Trusting Others so you can welcome new team members, feel ease and relief with the help you receive, and create an atmosphere that makes people excited to work for you.

Develop the Superpower of Clear Communication so the team is never blindsided or kept in the dark, you’re seen as a thoughtful leader, and operations run smoothly and without confusion.




Every element we teach through our processes, methods, training, and workshops in SHIFT 365 moves you closer to self-belief and self-trust…

… so you can BE who you need to be to:

show up as a leader who is constantly expanding and reaching your big money goals.

recognize how you might be holding back your business growth so you can confidently hire and delegate to your next rockstar team member(s).

wake up to the sound of crashing waves each morning from the master bedroom of your dream beach house.

have the funds and time to fly business class to Bali on a random Tuesday afternoon (because the freedom to travel wherever, whenever sounds like such a luxury).

… AND finally feel like the years of your life you’ve spent hunched over a computer, saying no to friends and family, and focusing on the the next offer, client, or sale…

… have led you to something meaningful.

A place where you get to provide for the ones you love, do work that helps the world, AND feel soul-shaking pleasure in between all the calls, meetings, and creating that go into running your empire.

PS: If you don’t know us… we’re Scott and Libby! 🙂

SHIFT 365 co-founders, soulmate husband/wifie, and your mentors for this year of mega mindset mojo.


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Original price was: $997.00.Current price is: $149.00.

Digital Download: You will receive a download link via your order email 365 DAYS OF MINDSET UPGRADES So you can let go of self-limitations, ask for and receive more money, confidently market your offers, and scale your business from a place of powerful leadership.