
Lee McIntyre – Project New Web


Project New Web

All the Experts Talk About Huge Lists…Forget About It!

“Discover a Powerful System Any Beginner Can Steal to Earn $16,496.42 In 31 Days By Giving Away Their Best Secrets For Free!”

Let Me Show You How Anyone Can Earn a Fortune From Little Tiny Lists Such As $1,180.79 From One Email to a List of Only 603 People…

Introducing Project New Web…

Look, I’m not going to lie to you and I’ve built an online reputation as being someone who always tells it like it is...

Project New Web isn’t going to be for everyone and it might not be for you. If you’re looking for a cookie cutter one size fits all solution that keeps the gurus smiling, then I’m sorry to say Project New Web is probably a touch too brutal for you.

If however you’re prepared to change the way you think about online business forever…this just might be the best home study course you’ll ever get your hands on…

The So Called Experts Have The Answers? Ha, Don’t Make Me Laugh!

I don’t know about you, but I’m sick of the old marketing rules. I’m fed up of the so called experts telling us we should do everything one way only for it to lead us down another blind alley.

It’s time to roll with the changes which is why you’re going to want to hear the five key rules that I profit with online….

PLEASE NOTE: These rules might be different to what the gurus teach but they’re the cornerstone of my success.(Hint: If you too want to quit your day job in record time then you’re gonna want to hear these rules)

Five Rules to Help You Make More Money In The Web 2.0 Universe…

  • Rule #1: Stop Selling and Start Giving – I learned that giving is more effective than selling, and if you spend your time delivering incredible value to your subscribers the rest will almost take care of itself.

    Do you know how most of the guru courses teach you to make more money with increasingly aggressive selling? Yeah well we’re going to ditch all that…(did it ever work for you anyway?)

    I’ve discovered the more value I give away, the more profits I get back… and I’m going to teach you how to do exactly the same.

  • Rule #2: Build Deep Prospect Relationships And Not Shallow Ones – If you listen to any of the supposed big name marketers they’ll tell you that email marketing is slowly dying. That their list is getting more and more unresponsive and unsubscribe rates are at record highs.

    Yeah, well not for me they’re not…

    Sure my list might be smaller than average but there’s nothing ‘average’ about the results of my email marketing….and if you follow this rule you can achieve the same.

    I’m going to teach you how to build powerful relationships with your members that will make them want to buy from you again and again.

  • Rule #3: Look after your Prospects and Your Customers Will Look After You – We’re going to ditch all that talk of squeezing your list ’till it squeaks’ and ‘carpet bombing’ your members and we’re going to replace it with a new marketing style that will help you sleep better…and make more money too.

    I’m going to show you the massive impact that treating your subscribers like gold can have upon your business, and how you can easily create a marching army of fans who sing your praises at every turn.

  • Rule #4: Creating Value is More Important Than Manufacturing Profits – I don’t know about you, but I’m sick and tired of wannabe marketers doing all they can to manufacture profits from thin air. Sure they might make some money in the short term, but in the long term they don’t stand a chance.

    I’m going to teach you why manufacturing profits is often counter productive, and how creating value instead will lead to a vastly increased earning potential.

    HINT: This rule alone has been responsible for increasing my earning power by thousands of dollars and it could do the same for you too.

  • Rule #5: Think Long Term and Participate – One of the reasons why so many people fail is because they spend their time chasing quick and easy opportunities they hope are just around the corner.

    Maybe you do the same, and I know that I did when I started out. Well, don’t worry because I’m going to show you why thinking long term is crucial for long term profits if you want to work once and get paid forever.

    Not many marketers out there are doing this but if you get it right you’ll enjoy a massive income for years to come…

These rules might not be to the gurus tastes but they work for me. And they can work for you too…

It’s time for a reality slap…since when did the old rules work anyway?

Look, if you’ve spent much time online then you’ll know all about the so called tried and trusted methods that the experts try and get you to use.

Yeah, well if they’re so effective how come they didn’t work for me and most likely didn’t work for you either?

Pretend One Time Only Offers (OTOs). Fake time sensitive reductions. Misleading sales copy that dupes you into spending money on products you don’t want or need.

What would you say if I said it were possible to ditch all the hype and still make a six figure income online? What if I told you that you could abandon all the hard selling and start marketing with honesty instead?

Well that’s exactly what I did and I’m going to teach you how to do the same…

Take a look at a small sample of the content inside Project New Web…

  • 7 fatal errors that other marketers are making right now

I’m going to show you the biggest 7 mistakes that other marketers are making now and how to avoid them.

NOTE: If you’ve ever listened to any of the usual guru hype there’s a good chance you’re already making these mistakes in your business right now. (You need to hear this).

  • How to have your subscribers begging you to let them spend money with you

If you’ve ever thought that the old way of trying to pump out the sales was too hard you’re probably right. Chasing sales all day is tough work which is why I’m going to teach you how to make your customers come looking for you.

You’re going to make your business sparkle so brightly that your customers are literally going to be begging you to release more products so they can give you more money.

  • How to zone in on exactly what your target market wants and how to give it to them in record time.

I’m going to show you how to tap into exactly what your target market is looking for and and how to profit from giving it to them…

I learned the hard way in the teaching niche that what you think your market wants is often different to what they’re prepared to pay for. Buckle up as I show you how to spot the tell tale signs giving away what your subscribers are hungry for and how to profit from it.

  • 3 Ways to create enormous value in less time than you thought possible

I’m going to teach you the very best quick fire methods to create enormous value that will practically make it impossible for you not to profit wildly.

This is so easy to do that it leaves me scratching my head wondering why most people aren’t doing it already. (Be aware that once you learn how to create massive value fast your online earning power will increase forever).

  • How to make massive amounts of cash simply by giving away the most value possible

I’m going to show you that the guru advice that you should never give incredible value to your lists is a lie, and how you can profit from their outdated methods.

You’re going to learn the simple truth of how giving away your best content will send your earnings into orbit and help you make more money than you ever dreamed possible.

(NOTE: giving away exceptional content for free has been the primary reason why I’ve been able to go from full time teacher to full time marketer in record time. I’ll teach you how to do the same)

  • How to develop deep and super profitable relationships with the smallest of lists

The money is not in the list. It’s in the relationship you have with your subscribers and the profits generated from my tiny email list is undeniable proof.

I’m going to teach you how to develop a magnetic bond with your subscribers that will allow you to profit wildly from the smallest of lists (this is the exact same method that allowed me to earn $3,095.95 with one email to just 3,034 subscribers).

  • How to keep your prospects reading your emails even when you’re pitching to them

The reason most people fail with email marketing is because their broadcasts read like nothing more than ads….and no one wants to read another ad.

Let me show you how to write your emails so that people are desperate to read them even when you’re trying to sell them something. (If you get this right people will actually look forward to the emails you send. I have people complaining if I don’t send them emails regularly!)

  • How to decide what products to promote so you make as much money as possible now while not killing your lists in the long term

One of the biggest mistakes I see people make online is that they get sidetracked by short term income. I’m going to teach you how to promote products and suck in the most profit from the here and now, while still leaving you free to profit hugely in the future too. (You won’t do too bad in the here and now either!)

  • How to multiply your list size without ever even having to think about the topic of list building

Every day my members sing my praises all around the net and this leads to more and more people opting into my lists.

I’m going to show how to turn your members into raving fans who actually enjoy working hard to send people to your squeeze pages. (This has nothing to do with paying them either. Get this right and your members will want to tell people all about the service that you provide).

This is the whole package showing you how to increase your profits…starting today…

There’s nothing left out, and I’m literally going to walk you through the whole process of how to make more money online….and the best part is you’re going to feel great about doing it as well.

(Trust me when I say that profiting wildly from giving people exactly what they want really does feel incredible)

This isn’t some flash in the pan system that is here today and gone tomorrow. Project New Web is going to teach you how to build a real business that will still be pulling in the cash in years to come.

This stuff works for me. It can work for anyone. Including you.

When you download Project New Web you’re going to gain immediate access to 5 action packed modules that will teach you the profitable rules of the new web.

Look below for a few highlights from this course…

Module #1 28:45 Minutes of Audio
Why the old rules no longer work and how to apply the new ones

  • Why the old guru marketing rules are broken forever and how you can profit from other people still breaking their back with the same old marketing nonsense.
  • The exact reasons why the JV merry go round is broken forever and everyone wants to get off. These are the kind of hushed whispers that fill seminar halls…everyone knows about it but no one is talking.
  • How the tides have been turned and how reverse sweep viral marketing is now eating away at the guru profits like a piranha feeding frenzy.
  • How the rise of social networks such as Facebook and Myspace have helped to crush the guru profit margins and give the little guy a chance.
  • How net ‘stickiness’ has broken the guru game plan forever. Make a mistake now and watch as it spins and sticks around the net for an eternity.
  • Why putting the customer experience to the front of your business can increase your profits by 200%, 300%, or more!
  • How a super helpful school teacher trebled her profits and destroyed the competition simply by helping people on niche forums.
  • What you can learn from how my Grandma does her shopping and how you can use this information to effectively sell to your lists.
  • Why you need to stop selling and start giving and the dramatic effect this can have upon your online profits.
  • 3 Fatal errors new marketers are making right now and how to avoid them. Learn about the killer mistakes other marketers make before you fall into the same old list zapping trap.
  • The rules of the new web and how you can apply these for maximum profits. I’m going to show you why selling is old hat, and why giving can be so much more profitable. And your list will love you for it too.

Module #2 45:28 Minutes of Audio
How to build a super responsive list packed full of high quality subscribers

  • My proven 6 part step-by-step system to build a super responsive list fast. I’m going to show you the exact methods I use to build profitable subscriber lists in any niche and how you can do the same.
  • How to ethically steal the best subscribers from big name marketers and turn them into raving fans who are desperate to buy all your future products. Hint: Get this right and you’ll make all your future selling so much easier.
  • How to use simple 20-30 page ebooks to add thousands of frenzied subscribers to your list who simply can’t get enough of your newsletter. Quit with all that list building that doesn’t produce results. I’m going to show you how to target the high paying subscribers like a heat seeking missile.
  • How to turn $9.97 ebooks into products worth $47, $77 or $97 or more. Think you can get rich by selling $7 ebooks? Forget about it! I’ll show you how to add value so you can increase your selling price by 200%, 300% or even 500%!
  • Secret tips to explode your list building by grabbing juicy JVs almost daily. You’ll kick yourself when you see how easy it really is to get big list players to promote your product.
  • Which Web 2.0 resources you really want to use for list building and which to ignore. I’ve spent hours in the labs testing the quality of the traffic these sites send, and I’m going to show you where to concentrate your efforts for maximum profits.

Module #3 35:14 Minutes of Audio
How to create value for your subscribers for maximum profit

  • Why creating enormous value is the key to a hyper responsive list. Most gurus don’t get this, but if you knock this one out the park then it’s bye bye day job. Let me show you how to start feeding your subscribers exactly what they want starting today.
  • My secret plan revealing how to create huge value fast in any niche. Want to know how I’m able to pump out the good stuff month after month? Well let me show you! I’ll teach you how to play to your strengths so that the juicy content starts oozing from you for maximum income.
  • How to create one piece of free content and get paid for it in 3, 4 or 5 or more different ways! Not many people are talking about this, but let me show you how to get 4 times the benefit while actually working less.
  • Proven methods to package your content in ways that will create even more value that will literally have your subscribers worshipping at your feet. Get this right, and you’ll be able to increase your prices and still have people thanking you for what you sell them.
  • 3 ways to reuse your content so you get paid over and over and over. The best part is, you’ll work once and get more traffic, more subscribers, and more sales!
  • How to have your subscribers tell you what they want and have them thanking you for the opportunity to tell you. Note: the benefits of doing this are practically endless and you’ll be amazed at the impact this will have upon your business.
  • 3 Killer mistakes that will nuke your free content before it even zips off your hard drive. Get this wrong and you’ll have nothing but wasted time on your hands. Get it right and subscribers will be piling into your sales funnel before you can blink.

Module #4 49:56 Minutes of Audio
How to communicate via compelling newsletter content

  • How to create a communication echo that has your message ringing around the ears of your customers without them even knowing it!
  • 3 golden rules of a successful newsletter. Want to know how I was able to finish in a JV contest with only 603 list members? Good, because that’s what I’m going to tell you! Get these golden rules right and it’s almost impossible not to profit hugely.
  • Fatal errors that make most promo emails flop and how you can avoid them. Other marketers are making these mistakes right now but I’ll show you how to profit from their mistakes and send your list income into hyperdrive.
  • The key to super successful online selling. How to appear less like a salesman and more like a friend. Hint: your open rates and clickthroughs will rocket!
  • Proven power tactics to increase your email clickthroughs each and every time. Simple steps to force your subscribers to click the links you send and have them drooling at the mouth as they do it.
  • The hidden formula to teach you how frequently to email your list for maximum results. Feel like you’re emailing too much? Or not enough? Let me show you my proven formula for deciding how often to broadcast so I get the maximum return possible.
  • How to use your subject lines to create such incredible curiosity that your subscribers can’t resist opening your emails. Your clickthroughs and sales will soar and you’ll wonder why you weren’t doing this in the first place.
  • The simple truth that will allow you to send as many as 25 emails a month to your list and still enjoy bumper open rates. Let me show you how one of my JV partners is able to send up to 28 emails per month and still have one of the most responsive lists in the business.
  • 3 powerful ways to deepen the response to all your future promotions. Hint: I use all three each month and this is one of the key reasons why I’ve been able to go from zero to $20,000 per month in 161 days.

Module #5 42:04 Minutes of Audio
How to increase your profits by learning the simple art of online giving

  • Why giving away free content is the fastest way to online profits. Discover how giving your list original and intoxicating content will have them rushing to open your emails time after time.
  • 3 ways to give away no cost content and still make money as soon as the freebie hits the inboxes. You’re going to look like a hero by handing out incredible amounts of good stuff and you’re going to make immediate profits too.
  • How to leverage your list by having your subscribers distribute your freebies for you. Learn proven methods of using your list to create a ‘viral stir‘ that results in your free content whizzing around the net bringing you new subscriber after subscriber.
  • How to generate free traffic on tap and brand yourself as an online giver too. Hint: I used this technique in a teaching niche one year ago and I still get traffic from this daily.
  • How giving away the right content will help you form a deep relationship with your subscribers that will practically force them to keep on buying from you time after time.
  • How handing out the free stuff can help you develop raving fans and how a loyal fan base can help you secure the juicy joint ventures that will leave your bank account spinning.

Now I’m going to really annoy some other marketers…

Have you ever noticed how most products have a big pile of bonuses at the end of the sales page? Yeah, well you’ve probably also noticed how most of them have no value and can usually be downloaded for free right across the internet…

Well I refuse to do the same which is why I’m proud to say that I’ve spent days creating some genuinely high quality bonus products that will help you implement the Project New Web system starting today.

If you download now then I’m also going to throw in these incredibly valuable free bonus products too…

Bonus #1 –
Project New Web Live Case Studies

Let me show you the dramatic impact the explosive content inside Project New Web has had upon my business.

I’m going to show you 3 real life examples revealing how I applied the theory to boost my profits and how you can do the same.

I’m going to uncover secret stats from deep inside my own business….and you’re going to learn how to profit wildly from my greatest success.

Bonus #2 –
How to build your list by taking part in giveaways

In this 3 video series I explain how taking part in the Best of eBay giveaway sales event added hundreds of subscribers to my list, and helped to build my brand and my business.

Included in this three part video series I’ll show you the dramatic effect that taking part had upon my business, and how it can have a huge effect on your online profits too.

Bonus #3 –
How to treble your conversions fast by offering your customers easy to produce bonus videos

In this revealing video I explain how you can triple your email marketing profits simply by whipping up a quick to make video bonus.

Watch as I explain how you can spend just a few minutes creating valuable video content that will send your profits soaring!

Get Download Lee McIntyre – Project New Web at today!


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Original price was: $97.00.Current price is: $30.00.

Digital Download: You will receive a download link via your order email “Discover a Powerful System Any Beginner Can Steal to Earn $16,496.42 In 31 Days By Giving Away Their Best Secrets For Free!” Let Lee McIntyre Show You How Anyone Can Earn a Fortune From Little Tiny Lists Such As $1,180.79 From One Email to a List of Only 603 People…