
Kyle Gawley – How To Build a SaaS Product (PRO)


If you are a software developer wanting to build a SaaS application, understanding the architecture of a SaaS application is key to success. In this article, we will discuss the fundamentals of a SaaS application, including client and server, API, Model-View-Controller, single or multi-tenant SaaS, and features of a SaaS app.

Understanding Client & Server

The client-server model is a distributed application architecture that divides the workload between two or more computers: the client and the server. The client is the computer that initiates a request, such as a browser requesting a web page; the server is the computer that responds to the request by providing the requested service.

What is an API?

An API (Application Programming Interface) is a set of programming instructions and standards for accessing a web-based software application. It is a way for two pieces of software to communicate with each other. An API allows you to request information from a web service, like a weather report or stock price, and receive an answer.

Understanding Model-View-Controller

The Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern is an architectural design pattern for software development. The pattern divides a software application into three components: the model, the view, and the controller. The model is responsible for managing the data of the application, the view is responsible for displaying the data to the user, and the controller is responsible for handling user input.

Single or Multi-Tenant SaaS?

When deciding on what type of SaaS application to build, you must determine whether it should be single tenant or multi-tenant. Single-tenant applications are built with a single customer in mind and are usually customized and tailored to their specific needs. Multi-tenant applications, on the other hand, are designed to accommodate multiple customers, and are usually more cost-effective and easier to maintain.

Features of a SaaS App

When building a SaaS app, it is important to consider the features that the app should have. Features such as user authentication, subscription management, billing, analytics, and customer support are all important for a successful SaaS product.

Building Your Stack

Once you have determined the features of your SaaS application, it is time to think about the technology stack on which the application should be built. Does the technology stack matter? Yes, it does. Different technologies can have a major impact on the performance, scalability, and maintainability of the application.

Why use Javascript?

Javascript is the most widely used programming language and is a great choice for developing a SaaS application. Javascript offers a plethora of useful libraries and frameworks, making it easier for developers to create interactive and dynamic web applications.

Which framework is best?

When it comes to choosing a framework for your SaaS application, there are a lot of options available. Popular frameworks include React, Angular, and Vue.js. Each framework has its own advantages and disadvantages, so it is important to choose a framework that best suits your needs.

Setting up the Project

Once the technology stack and framework have been decided upon, it is time to set up the project. This involves creating the project directory, setting up the development environment, creating the necessary files and folders, and configuring the application.

Configuring the Development Environment

Once the project directory has been set up, it is time to configure the development environment. This involves setting up the necessary dependencies, libraries, and frameworks, as well as configuring the application to use your chosen database.

Data Modelling

Data modelling is one of the most important steps when building a SaaS application. Data modelling involves designing the data structures and relationships that the application will use to store and retrieve data. It is important to start with data modelling in order to ensure that the application is built on a solid foundation.

Why Start with Data?

Data modelling is an important step in the development process as it ensures that the application is built on a solid foundation. It also helps to prevent costly errors and makes it easier to add new features or modify existing ones.

Relational or Non-Relational Data?

When designing the data model for a SaaS application, you must decide whether to use a relational or non-relational data store. Relational databases are well-suited for storing data with complex relationships, while non-relational databases are better suited for storing large amounts of unstructured data.

Data Modelling Tools

There are a variety of data modelling tools available to help you with the data modelling process. These tools can help you to create and visualize data models quickly and easily, eliminating the need for manual data modelling.

Designing Data Models

Once the data model has been designed, it is important to ensure that the data is


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Welcome to a deep dive into the architecture of a SaaS application. We will be exploring the various components of the architecture and the importance of understanding the client and server, APIs, Model-View-Controller (MVC) and the decision between a single or multi-tenant SaaS application. We will also focus on the features of a SaaS application, the tech stack, setting up the project and configuring the development environment, as well as the data modelling of the application. Understanding Client & Server At the heart of the architecture of a SaaS application, is the client and server. The client, in this context, is the web browser or mobile application used to access the application, while the server is the computer on which the application runs. This setup allows for the client to request data from the server and the server to handle the requests and return the data. What is an API? An Application Programming Interface (API) is a set of protocols that enable communication between different computer systems. In the SaaS application, the API is used to allow the server to send data to the client. Understanding Model-View-Controller The Model-View-Controller (MVC) is an architectural pattern that is used to structure the code of the application. The model is used to manage the data, the view is used to handle the user interface and the controller is used to handle the user inputs and requests. Single or Multi-Tenant SaaS? When building a SaaS application, the decision of whether to use a single or multi-tenant architecture should be taken into consideration. Single-tenant deployment involves a dedicated server for each individual user, while multi-tenancy involves a single server for multiple users, with each user having access to their own set of resources. Features of a SaaS App The features of a SaaS application depend on the specific use case. However, common features of a SaaS application include scalability, availability, security, analytics and user authentication. Building Your Stack One of the first steps when building a SaaS application is to choose the right tech stack. As there are many different tech stacks to choose from, it is important to consider the requirements of the application and select the stack that best suits the needs of the application. Does Tech Stack Matter? The choice of tech stack is an important decision when building a SaaS application. The selection of the right technology stack can make a huge difference to the performance and scalability of the application. Why Use Javascript? Javascript is a popular and powerful programming language that is used to develop web applications. It is used in the SaaS application to allow for interactive user experience and dynamic client-side processing. Which Framework is Best? When it comes to selecting the right framework for a SaaS application, there are a lot of options to choose from. The best way to select the right framework is to consider the specific needs of the application and choose the framework that best suits the requirements. Setting Up the Project Once the tech stack has been chosen, the next step is to set up the project. This involves configuring the development environment and setting up the project structure. This allows for the application to be developed in an organised and efficient manner. Configuring the Development Environment The development environment should be configured to allow for the application to be developed in an efficient manner. This includes installing the necessary software and libraries, configuring the workspace and setting up the project structure. Data Modelling Data modelling is an important part of developing a SaaS application. It is important to start with data modelling as it allows for the data to be structured in the most efficient way. Why Start With Data? Data modelling is an important step in the development of a SaaS application. By starting with data modelling, the structure of the data can be determined, allowing for the application to be built in an efficient manner. Relational or Non-Relational Data? When deciding on a data model, it is important to consider the needs of the application. Relational databases are best suited for applications that require high performance and scalability, whereas non-relational databases are better for applications that need to store unstructured data. Data Modelling Tools There are a variety of data modelling tools available to help with the development of a SaaS application. These tools allow for the data to be structured in an efficient way and help to reduce the time spent on data modelling. Designing Data Models Designing data models involves creating the structure of the data and ensuring that it is efficient and optimised for the application. This involves setting up the data relationships and defining the data types. Normalisation, Foreign Keys & Cascades