- Faculty:
- Kevin Blake
- Duration:
- 6 Hours 24 Minutes
- Format:
- Audio and Video
- Copyright:
- Nov 02, 2018
Diagnose ADHD & Measure EF in Adults
- The Big 3
- Ratings scales
- Questionnaires
- Semi-structured interviews
- Impairment Index
- Collaterals
Measuring EF
- Adult executive functioning inventory
- Brief-A
- Comprehensive executive function inventory
- NIH toolbox cognition battery
- Barkley’s rating scales
Adult ADHD Treatment
The Big 4 & 4 Steps
- Therapeutic effect of diagnosis
- Medication-genetic testing
- Psychoeducation
- Accommodation
- Comorbidities: ADHD, Inattentive presentation-restrictive, or sluggish cognitive tempo
- Specific Learning Disorder
- Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Sleep disorders
- Depression & anxiety
- Personality disorders
EF Techniques & Strategies
Organization, Planning & Time Management
- Clinical Interventions to bring order to the disorganized mind
- The 30 to 40% rule for inattention, impulsivity/hyperactivity & ADHD
Impulse Control & Self-Regulation
- CBT & internalized speech
- Overcoming guilt & shame
- Automatize behavior
- What about mindfulness?
- Relaxation skills
Enhance Focus, Attention & Working Memory
- ”Neurotypical” forgetting vs. ADHD forgetting
- Chunking, mnemonics & other memory techniques
- Multisensory memory
- Loci
- Self-testing & self-imagining
- N-Back
- 5 ways to reduce cognitive load
- Technological prosthetics-assistive technology
Stop Executive Dysfunction from Sabotaging Your Clients’ Relationships
- Impact of EF difficulties on adult relationships
- Goal setting
- Self-monitoring & self-talk
- Social skills training
- Conflict resolution skills
- Anger identification
- Decode facial expressions & body language
- Making accurate facial expressions
- Better follow through with medical issues & self-care
- Tips to remember special dates, etc.
For the Workplace & Home
- ADHD work difficulties
- Career counseling
- Clutter control made simple
- Job coach & supervision; advocacy?
- Social skills, self-esteem & education
- Training & adult education accommodations
- ”Best” ADHD jobs
Risks & Limitations
Kevin Blake, Ph.D., P.L.C., ADHD-CCSP Related seminars and products: 2
Kevin T. Blake, Ph.D., P.L.C., ADHD-CCSP, is a licensed psychologist and recognized national authority on ADHD, executive function, and learning disorders. With over 20 years of specialized experience, Dr. Blake was one of the first professionals in the United States to study these conditions in adults specifically. Dr. Blake now speaks throughout the nation, educating clinicians on the latest evidence-based diagnosis and treatment recommendations for improved clinical outcomes.
Currently in private practice and serving as a facilitator for a community adult ADHD support group, he also speaks across the nation on the latest evidence-based diagnosis and treatment recommendations for improved clinical outcomes A published author, Dr. Blake’s articles have been featured in Attention!, LDA Newsbriefs, and Perspectives (of the International Dyslexia Association). In 1991 Dr. Blake was honored to be a delegate to the National Institute for Literacy’s “LEAD 2000 Congress,” where he was a member of a special committee advising the U.S. Congress on diagnostic and remediation issues confronting learning disabled adults.
Dr. Blake is a member of the American Psychological Association, International Dyslexia Association, Children and Adults with Attention Deficit Disorders, and Learning Disabilities Association. Dr. Blake’s own experience overcoming dyslexia and hearing impairment drives his passion for educating both professional and lay audiences about methods to overcome the challenges of ADHD and specific learning disorders.
An accomplished and engaging speaker, Dr. Blake’s presentations are known for weaving together empirical evidence, germane information, and practical how-to’s in a way that is accessible and applicable. When he’s not traveling the country to speak, Dr. Blake calls Tucson, AZ home.
Speaker Disclosures:
Financial: Kevin Blake maintains a private practice. He is a stockholder in Johnson & Johnson, Inc. and Amgen, Inc. Dr. Blake receives a speaking honorarium from PESI, Inc.
Non-financial: Kevin Blake is a member of the Children and Adults with Attention Deficit Disorders (CHADD), International Dyslexia Association, Learning Disabilities Association, and American Psychological Association.
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