
Ken Sar – No Money System


No Money System

Newbie-Proof Videos Finally Reveal Underground Tactics That Allow YOU To Rake In Affiliate Commissions With SQUAT ALL In Your Bank Account!

Dear Friend,

Do you think it’s actually possible?

Do you think you can actually make money on the internet?

Do you think you can make money on the internet without having to invest in anything? Yes.. ANYTHING whatsoever?

I didn’t believe if at first. In fact I thought that everyone should AT LEAST have basic website hosting? Or maybe they should at least have to buy a domain for their website or to store their affiliate link right?

Well it does not have to be the case. Not any more.

You see a while back I set myself a mission. A mission to find a way for any beginner to make money on the internet with as little investment needed as possible.

Whilst I wasn’t brought up in a ‘free world’, a ‘free internet world’ does exist. For example, have you ever heard of open source software? Open source software is free software developed by self-volunteered programmers who wanted to publicize their alternative solution to expensive paid for programs such as Microsoft Office, Photoshop, DreamWeaver, with great solutions like Open Office, GIMP, NVU, CoffeeCup and much more.

So on the software side of things, a business start up without investing in software is very possible. But what about everything else?

What about the ‘making money’ side of things?

Well, to get started all you really need is to sign up with an affiliate merchant provide your home address so they can send you your checks and the rest is history. Most product vendors want affiliates like YOU to come in freely and promote their high quality products so paying to become part of an affiliate program is out of the equation!

Okay let’s move on to another obstacle you may face. What about traffic for example? How do you get the good traffic to your site without any money in your bank account?

Well, believe it or not, there are several highly effective methods of generating traffic that are not only FREE, but BETTER than the paid stuff!

Let me give you an example, article marketing. Now I’m sure you’ve tried this before, or at least heard about it.. but for some reason it didn’t really kick off for you. But what if you were taught how to do it the right way from the start? The right way being when you getting the right kind of people to your site or affiliate site and they’re ready to buy? Don’t you think your marketing efforts would be so much more easier?

Let me give you another example, video creation. Now before you run a mile, stop and read this.. video marketing is NOT hard.. especially when you know how to do it. Even better.. when you know how to do it effectively and for free. There are many sites and services avaliable on the Internet right now that allows you to distribute your videos fast, efficiently and for free. And what’s more.. now that you know that open source software exists you know you can do it without burning a hole in your pocket!

Isn’t the free world great? 🙂 Can you see why I called this the ‘No Money System’?

So with that in mind let me start by telling you what you DO NOT need to make this work for you..

  • You DO NOT need to have your own product…
  • You DO NOT need to have your own website…
  • You DO NOT need to have your own mailing list…
  • You DO NOT need to have any name recognition…
  • You DO NOT need to have any joint venture partners…
  • You DO NOT need to have a niche…
  • You DO NOT need to have extra money to spend on making this work…

And even if you are an absolute beginner, you can succeed with this incredibly simple and proven system.

Introducing The No Money System
Home Study Course..

I have put together for you a downloadable home study course that includes 30 videos with about 289 minutes of total content, or almost 5 hours of step-by-step content. This massive package shows people step-by-step a complete affiliate marketing system from start to finish.

Scroll down now and see exactly what you’ll learn from each video!

Video 1: Overview Of The System

In this first video installment, you’ll learn about the process of starting an Internet Affiliate Marketing Campaign with little or no up-front money invested.

 width=How to navigate your way through ClickBank – You’ll learn about, an affiliate marketing site that features thousands of products for sale.

 width=The logical process and natural selection – We’ll walk you through the process of selecting a product to promote.

 width=How to scan for a ripe product – We’ll give you tips on how to choose a product that has a good chance of selling and earning you money.

 width=How to crunch those numbers – We’ll show you how to navigate Clickbank’s site and understand all the numbers, categories, and other little details that you need to know to start a successful internet affiliate marketing campaign.

Video 2: How To Select Your Niche And Research Your Keywords For Guaranteed Results!

In this second installment of our Internet Affiliate Marketing Campaign guide, we’ll take you through the process of selecting a hot niche or product to promote. Choosing a product that is going to sell is the key to a successful affiliate marketing business or campaign. If it won’t sell, you won’t be making any money. This guide will teach you how to browse’s long list of products that you can promote.

 width=How to seperate the hot sellers from the duds – You’ll learn what to look for in a hot item, product, or niche. We’ll help you separate the duds from the hot-sellers.

 width=Exposing Google Adwords keyword tool – We’re also going to take you on a step-by-step guide through Google Adwords’ Keyword Tool, a vital step in the process.

 width=How to design a website to promote a product – Successful research using the Keyword Tool will help you determine what kind of site will rank high in the search engine results. A high rank means more traffic, and more traffic means more sales.

Don’t pass up this important second step!

Video 3: How To Set Up Your Clickbank Affiliate Account

Step 3 of the Internet Affiliate Marketing Campaign guide will walk you through the steps of opening a account. This important step is required to get your affiliate marketing campaign off the ground.

 width= Our video tutorial will break the process down into simple steps. You can follow along with the video.

 width=In no time you’ll have your own account and you’ll be ready to start making some money.

Video 4: How Write Aricles Effectively To Get People To Click On Your Links And Bring You Traffic!

Writing a catchy, search engine optimized article is a vital component in your Internet Affiliate Marketing Campaign. Step 4 of our video tutorial will guide you through the process of successfully researching the product or niche that you have chosen to promote.

 width=Learn how to write articles – Many people lack confidence when it comes to article writing. This video lesson will simplify the process and make you feel like an article-writing expert.

 width=How to use them to bring REAL and WILLING buyers back to your website – With our hints and tips you’ll soon have a slick and professional promotional article that will drive traffic to your website and drive sales through the roof!

 width=How to research your product and niche – this will allow you to quickly compose original content that will rank high in the search engines.

Don’t skip this important step!

Video 5: The Anatomy Of The ClickBank Affiliate Link And Setting Yours Up

In this fifth installment of the Internet Affiliate Marketing Campaign tutorial you’ll be brought through the steps of creating your affiliate link. Creating an affiliate link is an absolutely vital step in the process of starting an affiliate marketing campaign. Without this URL link, you won’t get paid.

 width=The ClickBank hoplink dissected and exposed – This tutorial quickly reviews the process of opening a Clickbank account and dives right into the steps necessary to creating a “hoplink,” or affiliate link. Without taking this important step you won’t be able to make money with your affiliate marketing campaign.

Video 6: How To Set Up A Free URL Tracking Program

In this segment you will learn how to use, an important resource that will add professionalism to your affiliate marketing campaign. Navigating can be a little tricky, but this video tutorial will break it down into easy-to-follow steps.

 width=How to cloak your affiliate links to prevent commission theft – When you’re done, you will have a unique PinURL that can mask your affiliate link and help drive traffic to your website to generate more sales. Following this tutorial is vital, as incorrect use of can hurt an Internet Affiliate Marketing Business.

Video 7: How To Create And Set Up A Website For Free

Step 7 in the Internet Affiliate Marketing Campaign video tutorial teaches you how to set up a website for free. That’s right: FREE!

 width=How to build a website from scratch, complete with images, video, and a working blog. This key step is the gateway to success and money.

 width=How to add that touch of professionalism – Our tips and tricks will have you designing a sleek and professional-looking website that will help promote your chosen product or niche, driving traffic and sales and boosting your bottom line.

 width=How to break it down into managable chucks – Creating a website may seem like an overwhelming task, but this video tutorial will take you on an easy-to-follow journey that breaks the project into smaller steps.

 width=Finishing off – Your own website will be up and running in no time, and you won’t pay for a designer, a host, or a domain name. We’ll teach you how to do it yourself, for FREE!

Video 7: How To Create And Set Up A Website For Free (Continued)

In this video lesson on setting up your own Internet Affiliate Marketing Campaign, we’ll show you how to use some of the more advanced functions when building your affiliate website for free. Every website has basic text and content.

 width=How to build and add ‘search-engine-hugry’ dynamic content – We’re going to show you how to add dynamic content like video, which will help bring your website alive and separate it from the rest.

 width=How to publish your site and make it live – This video tutorial will also teach you the final steps you must take before publishing your website and making it live. Don’t skip out on this process—it’s key to a successful and professional website.

Video 9: How To Magnetize Traffic With Effective Social Bookmarking

The next few steps in the Internet Affiliate Marketing Campaign series will walk you through the process of Social Bookmarking. Understanding how Social Bookmarking works is crucial to the success of your affiliate marketing business.

 width=How to bookmark your site with social networks – Successful social bookmarking will greatly increase traffic to your website, which will increase sales.

 width=Even more un-tapped bookmarking sites revealed – This video lesson will help you navigate a few of the more prominent social bookmarking websites.

 width=By the end of the lesson your affiliate marketing campaign will have a significantly stronger presence on the Internet.

Video 10: ‘Under-The-Rug’ Social Bookmarking Websites

This installment of the Affiliate Marketing Campaign tutorial takes you deeper into the world of Social Bookmarking.

 width=Where to find the best social boomarking sites that make the most splash – We’ll introduce you to some additional preeminent Social Bookmarking sites, where you will learn how to set up accounts and upload related content that will give your website and campaign a stronger presence on the Internet.

 width=This will help drive traffic to your promotional website, which will lead to more sales and more money.

 width=How to save your time and increase your efficiency with social bookmarking – In addition, we’ll also teach you a nifty little trick that will help you save a ton of time when using social bookmarking sites in the future. You don’t want to miss out on this lesson!

Video 11: How To Blog and Ping Your Blog For Free

Step 11 will teach you an important step in the creation of your Internet Affiliate Marketing Campaign: blogging. Adding and managing a blog on your promotional website is essential to the success of your affiliate marketing business.

 width=How to set up your blog and submit new content – Your blog will bring fresh content, which helps drive traffic through better search engine results.

 width=Not only will we show you how to add a blog to your site, we’ll teach you how to post that blog on a number of blog-related resources on the web. This often-overlooked step is the key to blogging success. Remember, your blog will drive traffic!

Video 12: Article Marketing Tips ‘n’ Tricks

In this video tutorial you will learn how to market an article to help drive traffic to your affiliate website. Successful article marketing is critical to a successful Internet Affiliate Marketing Campaign. Correct use of your marketing content can mean the difference between a sluggish site and serious sales.

 width=One simple but deadly effective HTML trick to add in your articles – Not only will we teach you how to submit an article to an Article Marketing website, we’ll also introduce a few key HTML tricks that will help drive even more traffic to your affiliate site.

 width=The process detailed in this video tutorial will open your eyes to the power and importance of good Article Marketing. Don’t miss out!

Video 13: Article Marketing Tips ‘n’ Tricks (Continued)

This continuation of the previous video tutorial will take you deeper into the world of Article Marketing.

 width=The BEST sites to submit your articles too that make the most difference – Not only will we show you how successful Article Marketing will drive more traffic to your affiliate site, we’ll introduce you to a handful of the premier Article Marketing websites where you will be marketing your article and promotional material to send traffic to your site.

 width=A ‘hold-you-by-the-hand’ step-by-step approach to getting signed up – In addition to teaching you where to marketing your article and important promotional content, we’ll also walk you step-by-step through the process of signing up for service with each site, which is absolutely free.

 width=By the end of this tutorial you will have new accounts with a host of Article Marketing websites, and your article will be available online and driving traffic back to your affiliate site.

Video 14: How To Set Up A Squidoo Lens Effectively For More Free Traffic

Some Article Marketing sites can be tricky to understand. In this video tutorial for your Internet Affiliate Marketing Campaign, we’ll guide you through Squidoo, an Article Marketing website which is absolutely essential for the success of your affiliate marketing business.

 width=Taking a look at Squidoo under the microscope – If you have a product to promote and an affiliate website to drive traffic to, you are going to want to understand how to use Squidoo to its fullest capacity.

 width=We’ll take you step by step through all of Squidoo’s important features, from opening an account to using all of their must-have modules, which will add credibility to the article that you are marketing.

 width=Don’t feel overwhelmed with Article Marketing. Watch this video tutorial and you will feel like a Squidoo pro!

Video 15: How To Set Up A HubPages Page Correctly

This video tutorial takes you through yet another essential Article Marketing website. is a popular and highly-regarded Article Marketing website.

 width=What Hubpages are all about and how to nagivate your way through them – This lesson will teach you how to navigate the HubPages site, starting with the creation of an account through the successfully publication of your promotional article. HubPages can seem a little difficult to the uneducated user, but this video will make it seem like a breeze.

 width=You’ll have your article up and running in no time, with all the HubPages bells and whistles that will help your article stand out and drive more traffic to your affiliate site. Any Affiliate Marketing Campaign that wants to be successful needs to properly leverage the power of HubPages and Article Marketing.

Video 16: How To Write An Effective Press Release

This video tutorial will teach you how to write and release press releases. Every legitimate business successfully uses press releases to inform the public and update content. Your Internet Affiliate Marketing Campaign should be no different.

 width=How to write and release a press release for an extra surge of traffic – We’ll teach you how to use online press releases to drive traffic to your affiliate site.

 width=The best ways to write a press release for maximum impact and lasting effect – Not only will you learn where to go to post a press release online, we’ll show you the best ways to write a press release for online publication. These press releases will all be designed to pull more traffic to your site. There’s a tried-and-true process to writing a press release, and we’re going to show you what that is.

 width=You will want to watch this video to learn the best ways to writing a press release. With this knowledge in hand you will quickly become an expert at writing press releases for your affiliate marketing campaign.

Video 17: How To Write An Effective Press Release (Continued)

In this step you’ll learn how to tweak your press release to make it sound more like a newsworthy press release and less like a sales page. Distinguishing your press release in this manner is important when posting the press release online. Writing a press release may seem like a challenging task, but we’ve simplified the process in this video tutorial.

 width= You’ll learn how to break the press release down into manageable sections that read like a professional press release from an establish company.

 width=Once finalized, the press release will be ready for posting online, which will help drive traffic to your affiliate site.

 width=Don’t skip this important step in the launching of your Affiliate Marking Campaign. Successful management of your campaign press releases will boost traffic and increase sales.

Video 18: The Best Places And Methods To Submit A Press Release Online

Now that you understand how to write a press release for your Internet Affiliate Marketing Campaign, it’s time to post the press release online. This video tutorial will walk you through the steps of posting your press release to a handful of notable online press release websites.

 width=A hands-on approach to releasing your first press release – We’ll walk you through the process of registering for each site, and inform you of the various steps that you will need to take when posting your press release. Relax! It’s not that difficult if you follow the video tutorial.

 width=We’ll take you through each site and walk you through every step, from signing in to filling out all the necessary information about your press release.

 width=In no time your press release will be posted online, ready to drive traffic to your affiliate site.

Video 19: How To Create Videos And Where To Find Royalty-Free Pictures For Free!

In this video guide you will begin the process of creating a video to promote your product and drive traffic to your affiliate site. Creating a video is a bit of a project, but we’ve broken it down into manageable steps. Creating a video to promote your product or affiliate site is a key step in building a successful Affiliate Marketing Campaign.

 width=The TRUTH behind videos and why they work – Video is an important promotional and marketing tool, and we’re going to teach you how to use it.

 width=How to create your first video with stock footage and stock photos for a professional finish – In this step you will learn how to gather images that you will use in your video. You might be thinking that this is going to cost you money. Well, you’re wrong. The process we guide you through will not cost you a cent.

 width=The tools you will learn to use to create your promotional video are all free, and we’re going to teach you what they are and how to use them.

Video 20: How To Edit Your Images With GIMP For Free

This continuation of the Affiliate Marketing Campaign video tutorial will guide you through the process of preparing your pictures and images for the promotional video that you are creating. Using the previous tutorial you learned how to find and save free images.

 width=How to edit your pictures like a pro and for free – In this tutorial you will be shown how to edit the pictures for use in the promotional video. Preparing an image to use in a video can seem like a complicated process. There are a number of costly software options available online that can help you.

 width=In this video lesson we’ll show you how to use free software to edit your pictures. That’s right—it’s completely free.

 width=We’ll show you where to find it, how to access it, and how to use it to move your video promotion project along.

Video 21: How To Create Video And Record Audio With Free Software

Every good promotional video has catchy audio. This video tutorial will teach you how to assemble the audio portion of your promotional video. The final promotional video will be posted online and will increase traffic to your affiliate site.

 width=How to record your video like a pro and for free – Recording audio is an essential part of any successful video project. While there are plenty of expensive recording software choices available online and in stores, we’re going to show you how you can find and use free recording software that is perfect for your video project.

 width=Not only will you learn where to go, we’ll walk you through the step-by-step process of preparing and recording an audio track that will accompany your promotional video. You’ll feel like a professional voice-over narrator!

Video 22: The Final Steps In Creating Your Video

In this Internet Affiliate Marketing Campaign video tutorial, you will learn how to use Windows Movie Maker to prepare and create a slick, professional-looking promotion video that will drive traffic to your affiliate site.

Windows Movie Maker is available on most Windows-based PCs, but many people don’t know how to effectively use it. As it is pre-loaded on most computers, it is essentially a free application. So you won’t be spending additional money to complete the promotional video project.

 width=How to polish up your video for a tailor made finish – This tutorial will walk you through the steps of importing your images and audio and tailoring them together to create a polished promotional video related to your product or niche.

 width=How to brand your video wi

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Original price was: $197.00.Current price is: $42.00.

Digital Download: You will receive a download link via your order email I have put together for you a downloadable home study course that includes 30 videos with about 289 minutes of total content, or almost 5 hours of step-by-step content. This massive package shows people step-by-step a complete affiliate marketing system from start to finish.