
Keith Hafner – Small Business Mastery


Small Business Mastery

How Keith Hafner’s “Small Business Mastery” will change your business life forever — Amazingly Powerful Strategies for the Small Business Entrepreneur REVEALED…

Dear Friend,

If you own a small, entrepreneurial business of any kind: How would you like to

1. Eliminate Cash Flow problems…once and for all

2. Create a steady stream of pre-qualified customers…who seek you

3. Put an end to employee problems, once and for all

4. Have your business run on auto pilot

5. Turn your experience into true wealth?

6. Finally…have the type of entrepreneurial freedom that you once
expected; once dreamed of…and that has proven to be so elusive?

It doesn’t matter if you own a retail store or a service business; a professional practice; an internet business; a high tech company or a low tech one.

Incredibly, what I’m about to reveal to you will work for virtually any of these businesses. Why? Easy. We are all entrepreneurs.

My name is Keith Hafner. I’ve been a small business owner since 1979.

At the age of 22 I purchased my first business, a martial art school in Ann Arbor, Michigan. The school, now named “Keith Hafner’s Karate,” has grown to become one of the largest in the world, setting several records in the martial arts industry.

I have been the subject of numerous magazine and newspaper articles, and am often called upon to speak to and consult with other businesses, both in and out of the martial arts field. In 1995, I was inducted into the Educational Funding Company Hall of Fame for success in the martial arts business.

I am the author of several books, including “How to Build Rock Solid Kids,” “The Ultimate Collection,” and “Street Smart Self-Defense.” Additionally, I am the author of the column, “Message From The Master” and “The Rock Solid Kids Newsletter.”

Currently, I maintain a “coaching group” of business owners from fifteen different industries. Through one-on-one consulting, group meetings, phone consultations, and other methods, I teach these business owners strategies and systems to grow their businesses to new and exciting levels.

I’m rich and I’m free. But — it’s not always been this way. As a young, wet-behind-the-ears entrepreneur, I had a TON of obstacles…and some nearly fatal business problems.

For example,

– How come, even when I was doing a pretty good amount of business, the cash flow was still so bad?

– Why is it that, every time I got a good employee, they leave me to go work somewhere else?

– I never seemed to have enough time to do all the things I needed to do to make my business run successfully.

– And, my goodness, the marketing. What a mystery that was, in those early days. I would run ads and nothing would happen. Then, more advertising salespeople would show up. I would buy MORE ads…and still, nothing would happen.

– And, if I am supposed to be living the American dream by owning my own small business, how come I’m running myself ragged, exhausted and broke?

Have you ever had any of these painful experiences? I suspect you have.

I was discouraged, and I was beginning to wonder if my small business would ever become the successful operation I had always dreamed of.

I would take two steps forward…and one step back. Sometimes I would take two forward…and take two back. Or even three. Sound familiar?

So, here’s what I did. In the mid 1980’s, I began an intensive study of success principles for small businesses.

I read every book I could get my hands on. I invested in a mountain of books, audio tapes, and video programs. I traveled around the country attending seminars.

I studied everything I could get my hands on from the world’s top business teachers: Ted Nicholas; Dan Kennedy; Jay Abraham; Brian Keith Voiles, and Gary Halbert.

And — most significantly, I TRIED the things I learned.

As you might imagine, this education was very expensive. Over the last several years, I have spent at least $200,000 in seminars; copywriting courses; running and testing ads; assembling and mailing direct marketing pieces. And — it was worth every penny.

But — in many ways, it was a frustrating experience. Why? Because I had to sift and sort thru a virtual MOUNTAIN of material that didn’t apply to me!

When I began my search, I thought, “Hey, I’ll just go to the bookstore and find a book that tells me everything I need to know.”

You probably started there, too, didn’t you?

But here’s the problem. Have you noticed yet that much of what you get in the bookstores is:

· Written by MBA types…people who have only worked in very large companies

· Written for businesses with thousands of employees. And when you find the few books that are written for “small” businesses, did you know that a “Small Business” is defined as one with 450 or fewer employees? Does that sound like your small business? I mean, I enjoy reading about Starbucks and Home Depot, too. But I never get the feeling that I’m reading anything that has to do with MY small business!

· Relevant to businesses that spend other people’s money (like stock holders). I suspect that those people feel differently about spending money than you and I do…who spend only OUR OWN hard earned money!

Yes, there are a million books on the book shelf about business. But most of them are written by:

People who have never done it. Or, people who used to do it…and don’t do it any more. Or, worse, people from corporate America…who have no idea what it’s like for SMALL business entrepreneurs… People who are actually in the trenches. No stock holders. No board of directors.

(And, just so you know, I AM still doing it. My business is at 214 S. Main Street, in Ann Arbor, Michigan. If you are in town, drop in. Or, you can pick up the phone and call us at 734-994-0333!)

But — I pushed through this mountain of material…sorting and sifting… experimenting; trial and error…and, like I said, often taking two steps forward and one step backward.

And then, after a long, long time, my investment in these strategies began to pay off. And, when it did, I exploded off the “plateau.” My monthly gross went from $12,000 to over $100,000 per month!

Not bad for a service business with very low overhead! And — not only that…it’s spun off two other highly profitable businesses!

Finally — I was living the life of my dreams. I was rich and I was free.

Now, this next part is important.

As I was enjoying the fruits of my success (wealth and freedom), I often wondered, “Why isn’t there a training course that people can take that will show them everything they need to know to get their small business off the ground?”

Is it really necessary for the small business owner to read hundreds, thousands of books…travel all around the world attending seminars…spending tens and tens of thousands of dollars…to get the education he or she needs?

This is why I created “Small Business Mastery.” You see, it’s EXACTLY the type of education… the type of toolkit…I wish I had as a young entrepreneur.

“Small Business Mastery”
is like no other business product.

…regardless of the hype and promises the other products might make.

Why? Simple. It is exactly the product that I needed back in those early days of my business career.

And — I’m sure you will find that it’s exactly the right product, at the right time, for you. Why?

Because “Small Business Mastery” is actually a complete toolkit…a Business Education in a Box! It is filled with actual tools that you will be able to immediately put to work in your business. And — once you begin implementing these powerhouse tools, strategies, and systems in your business… your profits will soar…just like mine did!

When I decided to create “Small Business Mastery,” my goal was simple:

1. To distill everything I had learned into simple, easy to use concepts that can be successfully applied by anybody, anywhere…regardless of their previous business background

2. To put it all in one place…in an easy-to-master system

3. To make it affordable for the SMALL business owner

4. To provide ACTUAL tools…not a bunch of theories or pie-in-the-sky ideas

I promise that you will be amazed at the power of the ideas…they can transform your business into a

Cash Generating Machine

And, if you act quickly, you can put these incredible strategies to work for YOU now, on a zero risk basis.

Even if you’ve read a lot of books, attended a lot of seminars, listened to a bunch of audio programs, I guarantee you that you’ve never gotten your hands on anything quite as powerful and practical as my Small Business Mastery Program.

Here’s just a small sample of the powerhouse tools and strategies you will receive in “Small Business Mastery”:

· How to master the secrets of effective marketing – no matter how inexperienced you think you are!

· How to use simple service strategies to turn your clients into lifetime customers

· The 4 crucial moves you must make when hiring new employees

· How to quickly determine your target customer

· How to judge—for yourself—how much your average customer is worth to you (So you are instantly in control of your marketing budget)

· The secrets of direct mail marketing

· How to find the hidden benefits of your product or service

· The natural “guides” that automatically guarantee a successful marketing plan

Take a look at what else is included…

· How to avoid the devastating mistakes even experts make when hiring new employees! (and how to use the professional tricks of team building – one of the surest ways of hiring only winners!)

· The 20 marketing tricks that are never taught in business school!

· Marketing “Short Cuts” you can use immediately…no matter how inexperienced you are!

· Simple customer service strategies (And how to turn customers into lifetime supporters!)

· How rookie marketers let thousands of dollars slip through their fingers… and how not to do it yourself

· How to reverse the worst cash flow position you could ever find yourself in!

· The simplest way to gain a “life customer” when you receive a service complaint!

· Exactly how and what to teach your employees, week after week, month after month, so you are completely in control of your results and employees’ potential!

· How to increase the effectiveness of your staff so you pile on profits like you’ve struck oil!

· How the myths of marketing have completely ruined the careers of entrepreneurs trying to build their businesses! (And how you can avoid this trap yourself, no matter what kind of business you’re in!)

· How to get away forever from the business owner’s nightmare where employees are costing you money!

· Why you’ve had problems with your marketing even though you religiously used ads designed by “professionals!” (“They” told you it was the way to go, so why aren’t you getting an avalanche of new customers?)

Not only that. Check out
these awesome benefits:

· How to manipulate your cash flow for monster gains!

· How to manage your marketing funds even if you’re on a tight budget!

· Why 99% of all business owners totally miss the boat when it comes to gaining a customer’s loyalty & repeat business… and how you can easily manipulate these 34 secrets to get massive growth without limit!

· How to blast your financial growth through the roof by making a few cash flow changes!

· Why it’s actually more simple to work based on statistics (once you know the secrets) than it is to follow the goofy hit-and-miss marketing “fads” that you find out there.

· How a simple adjustment in your marketing can give you an explosive edge over your competitors!

Additionally, I’ll be teaching you…

· How to get better (and faster) results than the bozo’s who are paid top dollar for creating “professionally designed” ads!

· How to reach, in just 4 weeks, the point of getting steady, permanent and phenomenal gains that don’t stop!

· Why the so-called experts are just dead-wrong in their ridiculous theories on marketing….and how to use what really works to pack another 50% of permanent results into every ad, postcard, and direct mail piece!

· The truth why only entrepreneurs who are working “on the edge” ever get any results from their marketing. (And how to get that “edge” quickly yourself…where you can stop wasting money on ineffective ad campaigns)

· A dirt-cheap, simple, do-it-yourself tool that will give you a 100% accurate rating of your statistics! (This trick is especially important as you gain net profit!)

· The one mistake even pro copywriters make that kills the power in their marketing…and how to use a simple, easy “adjustment” that will instantly increase your results by 200% or more!

· How a “secret” change in your budget translates into massive cash flow! (Not one business owner in a thousand even suspects the potency of this simple adjustment!)

· How to instantly diagnose mistakes in your budget — so you’ll never have cash flow problems again! (the most common mistakes you’re likely to make… and a complete “fail safe” system of correcting yourself!)

And that’s not all…

· These strategies are incredibly easy to master in a short time! (People who have only been shown these strategies—and never actually done them—have nevertheless had tremendous success in “crunch time”… with an avalanche of results in their business!)

· This system is so simple you can actually “learn it and forget it”…and yet it will be there for you whenever you need it! (There are only 8 components to the entire system!) In fact, you can learn more business skills in one short hour than you’d learn in a month of business school classes!

· How to put together your own ad campaigns that bring you a flood of new customers…

· How to take advantage of the critical “Window of Opportunity” after each sale to create a lifetime customer…

Here’s how you can…

· Become immune to the slavery of the rat race…

· In 2 minutes you’ll learn the secrets of time management that will give you the Holy Grail of business: Freedom!

· What if you could build a money-making machine that operates all the time – even when you’re at the beach or sleeping?

· Imagine what it would be like if you had enough free time each week to open a new business, work an additional job, or just relax?

· The #1 mistake business owners make when hiring new employees – and how to stop making it

The more you keep reading this report, the more you start to feel that entrepreneurial freedom and wealth can finally be yours! Just imagine experiencing a totally new way to operate your business! And, the beauty of this product is that it is so simple, so easy to use, even I could have used it at age 22!

Here’s what you get when you invest in “Small Business Mastery.”

Tool #1: The Small Business Mastery Audio Curriculum

This is an audio program on eight compact discs. There are 8 main moneymaking components in Small Business Mastery. And — I’m going to walk you thru each of them.

Mastery Component #1: Building a Team. Build a highly skilled, loyal staff.

Imagine the success you will enjoy with an energetic, motivated staff of employees!

Mastery Component #2: Marketing. For many of us, the biggest
business challenge. How would you like to have customers looking for
YOU…instead of you looking for THEM?

Mastery Component #3: Customer Service: Retention…the key to net

Mastery Component #4: Time Management. With these strategies, you
will increase your productivity many, many times over by learning to focus
on what really gets the results…while eliminating all non-productive efforts!

Mastery Component #5: Statistics. When you master this area…no
more guesswork in running your business. The numbers always give you
the answer!

Mastery Component #6: Creating Systems that put your business on
auto-pilot…systems that operate for you…day in and day out. Hint: this is
one of the keys to entrepreneurial freedom!

Mastery Component #7: Cash Flow. The life blood of a successful
business. How to keep it steadily flowing through your business!

Mastery Component #8: Lifestyle. The ultimate goal for the
entrepreneur…lifestyle FREEDOM. Learn to run your business on your own
terms…instead of your business running YOU!

And, it’s going to be so convenient and so easy for you to master these vitally important strategies.

Why? Because all you have to do is put these discs in your car and listen to them over and over.

Put them in your discman or your iPod.

Just think about it…

Soon, the ideas will have been so completely reinforced; so fully understood; that the implementation just seems to happen automatically!

Tool #2: The Small Business Mastery Curriculum Transcript

Yup. The eight compact discs in the audio part of the program have been transcribed into print. Now, with this hefty manual, you will be able to review what you’ve listened to…and use the handy space provided to jot down notes, plans, and questions.

Research proves time and time again that being exposed to learning materials through different sensory experiences is the key to understanding, retaining, and applying what you’ve learned.

Because you are both listening to and reading the Small Business Mastery curriculum, you are sure to acquire the essential skills!

Tool #3: The Small Business Mastery Book of Exercises.

This powerful training tool contains fifty exercises for the entrepreneur; thought provoking questions; and activities that you will use to

a. gain clarity of your goals

b. inspire your staff to think as you do

c. put your exciting new plans into Action Plan format!

d. smash through barriers and obstacles

e. anticipate future opportunities…and be ready for them

f. and lots, lots more!

Imagine having these powerfully effective strategies at your fingertips! And, best of all, once you have them, they are yours to keep! You will be able to review them, month after month, year after year!

Okay, So What’s the Cost for this Incredible Resource?

I’m getting to that…but let me give you a hint: it’s going to be a lot less than you think.

But first, I’d like to tell you about a knock-your-socks-off bonus that is yours, absolutely FREE of charge, when you invest in the “Small Business Mastery” program.

It’s called the ” Marketing Ninja Newsletter.” And all twelve issues are yours, FREE of charge. Imagine. Nearly one hundred pages of high powered content…focused totally on MARKETING!

The “Marketing Ninja Newsletter” gives you real-life, how-to-do-it, nuts-and-bolts, direct marketing know-how — information you can use!

Here’s a sample of what’s covered in this powerful newsletter:

· Generating Low-Cost, High-Quality Leads · The Secrets of Writing Winning Headlines
· Direct Mail Tips & Strategies · Secrets of Customer Retention
· How to Use Free Publicity to Build Your Customer Base · The Anatomy of a Sales Letter
· Romancing Your Clients and Customers to Increase Referrals · The Ten Most Common Marketing Mistakes…and How to Avoid Them!
· Increasing Your Profits Thru Public Speaking · Strategies for Creating Powerful Newspaper Ads
· How to Write Your Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

· How to Work ON — and not IN — Your Business · How to Profitably Use Multi-Step Marketing

And — Much, Much More! The Marketing Ninja Newsletter regularly sells for $197.00, but if you act now, you will receive it absolutely FREE of charge with your investment in “Small Business Mastery!”

Okay. By now, you are probably becoming a little concerned about the price…

Most people guess we’re in the $1,200.00 to $1,800.00 price range. I’ve paid these amounts…and lots more…for similar training courses that were nowhere near as complete or as effective.

Realize, of course, that “Small Business Mastery” could easily sell for thousands of dollars. As I said, I’ve invested over $200,000 in developing these strategies. And — it took me twenty years of painful trial and error to do it!

But I’m not asking anywhere near that amount. In fact, your total investment for this awesome toolkit is just $395.00

Now, let all this sink in for a moment…

The money you’ll earn as a result of these proven strategies can very easily pay you back hundreds (probably thousands) of times your initial investment in the first year. And then, these powerful strategies will continue to produce for you, year after year!

Consider this: When you invest $395.00 in “Small Business Mastery,” and, as a result, gain just ONE new customer…or improve the skill of just ONE employee…or turn just ONE customer into a lifelong fan…you will have recaptured your initial investment immediately!

Now, you could do what I did. You could spend 20 years studying, buying tapes, watching videos, traveling all around the country attending seminars, testing different ads and letters — and spend tens of thousands of dollars. Just to, hopefully, assemble a portfolio of strategies like the one now available to you.

Or, you could do nothing. You could continue to hope that somehow, someday in the future, things will improve, and you will “explode from the plateau,” with no additional effort or investment.

And — if you believe that will happen…I’ve got this bridge you might be interested in…it’s in Brooklyn…

Now, I do understand that $395.00 represents a substantial investment. I also understand that until these strategies produce like I am saying they will, the risk is still on your shoulders.

So, I’ll “Sweeten the Deal” Even More…

with My “10 Times, Risk Free Guarantee.” Here’s how it works.

Buy “Small Business Mastery” today. As soon as it arrives, study every strategy. Every tool. Every exercise. Take your time. Absorb it all. If you don’t think it will produce 10 times what you paid for it, simply send it back anytime within sixty days, and I will promptly refund your money.

You see, I completely guarantee that the proven strategies and concepts will work for you. Try the course for sixty days with no risk whatsoever. The risk is completely mine.

You can “test drive” every business building component as many times as you like. Prove to yourself that their wisdom makes a real difference in your business. If you aren’t completely satisfied, I want you to ask for, and get, your money back.

The truth is, you’ll never have to worry about asking for a refund. Because once you start using these ingenious, proven techniques and strategies, and see the immediate increase in income, it will be impossible to get you to part with “Small Business Mastery.”

Is that fair or what?

That means you can try out “Small Business Mastery” at my risk, while you see if the strategies work for you or not. And if they don’t produce, I honestly want you to ask for your money back.

Whether your marketing budget is big or small,

You Really Can’t Afford Not to Invest in “Small Business Mastery.

Having this remarkable resource is like owning the Goose that laid the Golden Egg!

So, how do you get “Small Business Mastery?”

So — don’t wait! Start on the path to small business success today!

Yours for Success,

Keith Hafner

P.S. #1 Remember, the risk is entirely on me. You can use every strategy and technique for a full sixty days and prove to yourself that they work as well as I’ve promised. If you aren’t satisfied, for any reason, just return “Small Business Mastery” for a prompt, full refund. You’ve got absolutely nothing to lose – and a “profit explosion” to gain!

P.S. #2 Free Bonus. As a bonus for investing in Small Business Mastery, I’m enclosing a special FREE bonus worth $650.00!

In your kit, you will find three very important certificates.

The first two are “Small Business Mastery” Ad Critique Certificates. Each of these certificates entitles you to submit any ad, sales letter, postcard, or any other direct mail piece for me to review, FREE! I usually charge $200.00 for a critique, but this pair of critique certificates is my gift to you as a free bonus for investing in “Small Business Mastery.”

As a consultant, I frequently provide these Ad Critique Certificates to my clients and charge $200 per critique…so this IS a very real $400 value.

The third certificate is for a FREE phone consultation with me, Keith Hafner. When you redeem this certificate, you will receive a FREE twenty minute, one-on-one phone consultation! During this appointment, I am completely at your disposal. We can discuss any business problem, marketing challenge, personnel issue…anything that’s important to YOU! This certificate is worth $250!

P.S. #3 So — to review. For your one-time investment in Small Business Mastery, you get

1. Part #1: The Small Business Mastery Curriculum Audio: Eight audio CD’s containing all essential Small Business topics

2. Part #2: The Small Business Mastery Curriculum Transcript. The written transcription of the audio program.

3. Part #3: The Small Business Mastery Book of Exercises. This powerful training tool contains fifty exercises to sharpen your entrepreneurial skills!

4. Part #4:You get $847 in FREE Bonuses!

The Ninja Marketing Newsletter (a $197.00 value)

Two Ad Critique Certificates (valued at $200 each = $400)

The One-on-One Phone Consultation Certificate (value $250)

So — don’t wait! You know it in your gut — you must order now!

Get download Keith Hafner – Small Business Mastery at right now!


Delivery Method

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– Since it is a digital copy, our suggestion is to download and save it to your hard drive. In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us and we will resend the new download link.
– If you cannot find the download link, please don’t worry about that. We will update and notify you as soon as possible at 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM (UTC 8).

Thank You For Shopping With Us!

Original price was: $395.00.Current price is: $79.00.

Digital Download: You will receive a download link via your order email How Keith Hafner’s “Small Business Mastery” will change your business life forever — Amazingly Powerful Strategies for the Small Business Entrepreneur REVEALED…