
Kate Riley – Self Publishing Boss


Are you ready to write the book of your dreams and join the ranks of bestselling authors?

If so, then you’ve come to the right place! I’m here to show you the step-by-step process of writing a bestselling book and provide you with the resources and strategies you need to make it happen.

What You Get With This Course

This course is designed to give you everything you need to become a bestselling author. You’ll learn how to select the right genre, craft a killer blurb, build an author platform, generate pre-release buzz and build an audience.

Genre Selection
In this section, you’ll learn which genres are most profitable and how to identify your own writing niche. You’ll also learn how to qualify the profit potential of any book idea you have.

Blurb Crafting
This module provides you with the essential tips and tricks for crafting a killer blurb for your book. You’ll learn the insider secrets for creating intriguing hooks and an effective synopsis so readers are compelled to buy your book.

Author Platform Strategies
Have you ever wondered what it takes to become a successful author? In this section, you’ll learn the strategies for positioning yourself for quick success, creating a team of die-hard fans, and more.

Pre-Release Market Strategies
This module provides you with efficient strategies for creating pre-launch buzz, building a rock-solid system, and even a pre-release day blueprint and checklist.

Audience Builder Strategies
This section will show you how to create a system that will drive readers and buyers to your books. You’ll learn my Power List Building Strategy and other techniques to help you build an audience that’s eager to buy your books.

Leveling Up Strategies
Finally, this module provides you with the insider secrets to leveling up so you can scale your business quickly. You’ll also get a comprehensive guide to Mastering the One-Click Blurbs.

Take the First Step to Becoming a Bestselling Author

Writing a bestselling book is a challenging but rewarding endeavor. With the right guidance, you can make it happen!

So, what are you waiting for? Sign up for this course and start your journey towards becoming a bestselling author today!

Sales Page

Original price was: $1,037.00.Current price is: $70.00.

Are you ready to write a bestselling book? If so, you’ve come to the right place. With this comprehensive series of lessons, you’ll get everything you need to hit the ground running and create a successful book. This series of lessons will provide you with all the information you need to write a bestselling book. You’ll learn what genres are most profitable, how to qualify potential profit potential, and even how to craft a killer blurb. You’ll also get strategies to help you position yourself for success, build a team of die-hard fans, create pre-launch buzz, and even a pre-release day blueprint and checklist. In addition to learning essential strategies for writing a bestselling book, you’ll also learn how to build a rock-solid audience building system. With my Power List Building Strategy, you’ll be able to quickly flood your list with avid readers and buyers. Finally, you’ll learn the secrets to scaling your business quickly. With my Leveling Up Strategies and the Complete Guide to Mastering the One-Click Blurbs, you’ll be able to maximize your income and build a long-lasting bestseller. So, if you’re ready to write a bestseller, this series of lessons is the perfect starting point! With this comprehensive series, you’ll have all the tools and strategies necessary to hit the ground running and write a bestselling book.