
Jonathan Mizel & Tim Gross – Traffic Evolution 4.0


Jonathan Mizel & Tim Gross – Traffic Evolution 4.0

Thursday, March 06, 2014
From Jonathan Mizel & Tim Gross

Dear Friend,

Are you a sucker for “traffic tricks?”

“fad” was in vogue that month? Maybe the method gets banned, maybe it becomes cost prohibitive, or maybe it simply stops working.

Whatever the reason, your new-found income is gone, and you are back to square one in your business.

It’s all about sustainability

As a friend of Justin Brooke and, you already know there are consistent and reliable traffic sources like media buying, solos, pop-ups, banners, and other paid ads.

Justin is all about legitimate traffic sources and developing a long term strategy, and his killer services and training are helping smart marketers ramp up their sales. (He’s a cool guy to hang out with too, we had a chance to hook up with him in San Diego at the Traffic and Conversion Summit.)

So when he asked us to make you a special free trial offer on our Traffic Evolution Media Buying course (something we rarely do), we immediately said yes.

You see, over the past 20 years, my partner Tim and I created a methodology that’s not only universal (it works regardless of your business, product, or service), it’s also completely evergreen, meaning it will work for a very long time.

If you build your marketing funnel correctly, use the legitimate traffic sources we recommend, and target your market using the “Avatar Method,” you can quite literally make magic happen.

And that’s what this letter is all about: Finding a great offer, adding targeted traffic, and using what almost seems like Voodoo to sell more products and services, generate more leads, and make more damn money

“This training is so good, I gott-mikehill a copy
for every one of my coaching students!”

“If you want to break into the world of paid media and the virtually limitless traffic game, this is the real formula. So simple you may not even believe it, but it works!”

~ Mike Hill,

You’re here because you run an online business and you want to get more customers, generate more leads, and build a big list. In a nutshell, you need more traffic.

You are tired of trying to get lucky with SEO and short-lived traffic tricks. You want visitors and are willing to pay for them, but you want to see a consistent acquisition cost and ultimately, a positive ROI.

OK then, let’s get started…

Here’s Our “Short-Code” To Build A
Successful Online Business:

Identify your ideal target market and customer
Uncover their hidden pains, passions, and desires
Use specific language patterns that have power over them
Generate ads that compel them to take action
Construct or promote a “hard-to-copy” sales funnel that converts traffic and befuddles competitors
And finally, turn on the traffic fire hose!
That’s the formula, and if you are ready to step up and create a real, sustainable online business, we’re here to help you start playing what we call “the long game.”

Once you realize the difference it makes, the long game is the only way you’ll ever want to play

“300,000 visitors in 6 weeks”t-adamholland

“When I say that Traffic Evolution over-delivered, that would be an understatement! Jonathan went out of his way to deliver a tremendous amount of value in this course. And the results show. My business partners and I generated almost 300,000 visitors in 6 weeks with just ONE of the traffic techniques in the course. I can’t wait to implement more!”

~ Adam Holland, MLM Marketer

“Really a game changer for me”t-rondouglas

“This course was really a game changer for me. I knew that I had a killer offer, but it was in a super competitive market and I was really struggling to promote it. Adwords was too expensive, Article Marketing was taking too long to see results, and I got tired of begging JV Partners to mail for me. I felt like giving up and moving on to the next project. Then this course came along and really saved the day.

I discovered a whole new world of advertising opportunities with paid media that I previously wrote off as ‘out of my budget’. I was shocked to see so many affordable options to drive a flood of traffic to my site. And with their guidance, I’m now able to properly set up my campaigns to be profitable. If you’re sick of busting your tail for traffic or getting slapped by Google and are ready to take your business to the next level, I highly recommend that you check out this amazing course.”

~ Ron Douglas, NY Times Best Selling Author ,

With Traffic Evolution you’ll discover how to:

Use Paid Media Buys to get targeted traffic
Rent legitimate email lists for the most responsive traffic online
Build powerful sales funnels and landing pages that create desire, and weed out tire-kickers
Target ads demographically, by keyword, by Web site, and by topic
Use simple Facebook marketing tricks to create rabid buyers
Run banners on “remnant” networks for 75% off normal rates
Use PPV Marketing to “steal” traffic from your competitors
Monetize “Big Ass” keywords and high-traffic Web sites with scalability
Track traffic, opt-ins, and sales by source so you know which ad made which lead or sale.
Use affiliate programs and CPA networks to test ideas and product demand
Split-test sales pages, squeeze pages, sales funnels, and big ideas
Use Remarketing to capture and recycle traffic that left without buying
And way, way more…
You are about to leave everything you ever knew about visitor generation at the door and take a journey to a land where there’s virtually unlimited traffic. The world of high-traffic media buys.

“Rocking Course”t-chadmichaellawson

“This thing is the real deal. It’s all laid out in an easy to understand method/process and gets you the info you need to know. Build it right and watch your metrics and it works. Nuff said.”

~Chad Michael Lawson
Chad Connects, LLC,
Re-Engineering Your Approach To Traffic And Beyond

Traffic is where it starts, and our “Avatar Method” is going to completely change the way you target visitors and prospects. With that said, it’s what you do with the visitors once they get to your site that ultimately determines profitability.

If you’ve failed in the past with paid media tests and it turned you off to the whole concept, we’re here to tell you it’s worth spending the time to get it right. Getting paid traffic to work is like putting a puzzle together, and when you can see the whole picture your sales and profits grow exponentially.

It’s not that hard, but a number of things need to be in place for it to work. If you’ve got a “leak,” you’ve got a problem.

Here’s just some of the “leaks” you could have:

Not running paid media using a legitimate ad source (tip: Use one from our list!)
Not using “Avatar Targeting” and accidentally advertising to the wrong people
Not running a teaser ad with a headline/approach that demands attention
Not having a strong enough call to action in the teaser ad
Not using a funnel (or not using one of the best funnels we’ll show you)
Not using email followups or not using enough email followups
Not using compelling email followups using our blueprint
If all that sounds like it takes some effort it does. But most of it just needs to be done once and it improves everything automatically, and for as long as you want to keep making money.

You can either put your head in the sand and keep struggling with a simplistic selling approach that isn’t working very well, or you can roll up your sleeves, start applying our Advanced ROI Strategies, and reap your deserved rewards.

If you want to market in 2014 and beyond, you need to take your game well beyond where it is now…

You need to really know your prospects so you can speak to them in their own language.
You need to excite them without venturing into the unbelievable.
You need to tell them something they don’t already know
You need to control the sales process away from the eyes of your competitors.
The solution is to pull the traffic into your own sales funnel, where you control the content, opt-in process, and flow without tipping your hand about what you are doing. It’s the only way we know to keep your business private, and ensure you are effectively monetizing your traffic.

“Stands the usual product-centric marketingmike-efford
model completely on it’s head”

The breadth of material covered in this course far exceeds expectations. It’s simply way more than media buying/management. Right from the start, the emphasis is on building out a fully developed business, not just blasting a series of random paid media sniper-shots all over the landscape.

And their approach to marketing online is unique in that they build an in-depth customer profile first…which they use to market MANY things to, over a long period of time. A stand-alone asset that pays huge dividends over a long time. It stands the usual product-centric model completely on it’s head. And that’s just the beginning.

Very savvy stuff here, well articulated by a couple of real pros.

~Mike Efford, Mike Efford Motion Design

Do you play the lottery?

If you really want to have success online, remember it’s a marathon, not a 50 yard dash.

It comes from doing many little things correctly over a period of time, not getting lucky once or twice. Everyone dreams of winning the lottery, but most of the rich people in the world made many good decisions over time, and you can too.

In our almost 2 decades online, we’ve seen tricks and gimmicks come and go. Hell, we’ve even made cash with some of them. But it’s the enduring process of knowing your customer, knowing your product, and knowing your media that always works in the long term.

That’s our bag, baby, enduring processes that will work for the next 20 years.

“Most scalable and effective traffic system I’ve seen”t-mani

” If I did not have access to your material, this same process would have been 5 times harder, very likely be incomplete, and I would have much less confidence. This is the most scalable and effective traffic system I’ve seen. Thank you for giving me the knowledge and confidence. It’s priceless. “

~ Dr.Mani, The Internet Infoprener,

Here’s what Traffic Evolution can do for you

Over the past 20 years, nearly 100,000 students have used our training systems to get literally billions of visitors, for a variety of products, in a number of niches, as both affiliates and merchants. What’s more, they used our Strategy Blueprints to create blockbuster ad campaigns, and even entire businesses.

We’ve taken pretty much everything we know about generating traffic, everything we’ve learned in our two-decades in this crazy business, and we created a powerful new training program we call Traffic Evolution.

This is specifically for online businesses who want to break into paid traffic and media buying. Entrepreneurs who want to learn how to:

Identify a market with money
Use alternate funnels that increase ROI
Position your landers and creatives to maximize response
Increase credibility with cold prospects
Message positioning tweaks that attract big-fish affiliates
Our favorite tools for advanced tracking
Specific strategies for breaking into big niches
Hyper-local traffic generation
Advanced media negotiation
Mobile traffic (and the shockingly effective targeting trick we just discovered)
Using dynamic insertion for GEO targets
…And lots, lots, lots more
As you can guess, this isn’t for brand-spanking newbies, dreamers, or wannabes. This is very specific training for people and businesses who need results.

In fact, if you need more traffic, this’ll pretty much kick your ass into high gear like nothing else.

“Cheaper than Google.”t-glenn

“For years it seemed like Google was the only game in town, and the majority of PPC marketers were becoming progressively more despondent as the stakes got higher, and Google’s rules got tougher. Traffic Evolution is the salvation route I see for most of my students and clients. Less rules, more volume, and cheaper than Google. Get it.”

~ Glenn Livingston, Ph.D.

“Real-life case studies and individualt-moemuise
attention from Jonathan and Tim”

I’m a “charter” member of Traffic Evolution 4.0 and I have to say it’s the best paid traffic course I’ve ever taken (and, like many IMers, I’ve taken a lot!) Two things make TE 4.0 stand out:

(1) Real-life examples of campaigns Jonathan and Tim have run (or are currently running). This really makes the lessons stick. It also shows that even the “gurus” sometimes run campaigns that are duds, and that testing is key.

(2) Jonathan and Tim respond personally to questions in each module. The specific answers they provide are invaluable, given their years of experience in buying media.

I eagerly await each new module. Most of the IM products I’ve purchased in the past have been crap, or mediocre at best – outdated content and little attention from the creator(s). TE 4.0 stands head-and-shoulders above those products.”

~Moe Muise,

Surprises in store for you (the good kind)

You may be thinking you know what this is all about, but I promise you don’t.

In addition to the training, by registering for Traffic Evolution, you are also gaining access to a high-level “Coaching Group” with one-on-one attention. After every training Module we have lengthy Q&A discussions with members in the comments section on how they can apply each newly introduced concept or source into their own businesses and niches.

We encourage you to ask as many questions as you want until it “clicks” for you, and we answer every single question personally.

Back in 2001, we ran the first ever coaching club online. The price was $500/month, and our members included guys like Kern, Schefren, Pierce, Mandossian, and many more.

The level of training and consulting going on right now in the Traffic Evolution member site is actually better than anything we’ve ever done before, and for a small fraction of the price (at least for now, and which you can “lock in” by registering today, more on that in a minute).

Of course, answering questions takes a lot of our time. But we don’t mind…

We like solving marketing challenges and giving people personal attention. However for our own sanity (and to keep our wives from killing us!), we are keeping the member levels manageable so we can give everyone the help they need without going crazy.

We’re just finishing the training for a small “test group” of about 350 people, and their results are damn impressive: Immediate sales, more traffic, responsive leads, higher conversion rates, and bigger profits.

We’re currently opening up the training for another 300 students. Registration is by invitation/referral only, and we really couldn’t think of a better bunch than friends Justin

We’re building a powerful community and want you in it.

“The Last Traffic Courset-vinceCzaplyski You’ll Ever Need to Buy”

“The truth is this course has no real competition–in a sea of ‘WSO of the Day’ wannabes, it stands alone at the top of its class. If you want to know the honest to God nuts and bolts truth about how to buy traffic, track it, build and optimize amazing funnels that work to sell your products and services and other such marketer gold, buy this course, you won’t regret it.”

~Vincent Czaplyski, Surefire Tactics Marketing LLC

“Proud 4th Generation Traffic Evolution Member”t-simonuford

“I joined JM’s very first Traffic Evolution class 5 years ago. I’m a 12 year Internet Entrepreneur veteran and I continue to learn valuable lessons from this course; “year in, year out…” The course format has improved with age, the content is always derived from lessons they learn at the cutting edge. You can’t this stuff anywhere else.”

-Simon U. Ford, Social Traffic Inc.,

Weekly Training To Maximize Results For Busy Entrepreneurs

Your Traffic Evolution training will be delivered to you weekly over a 6-month period. Here’s why:

If you want to become a Black Belt in karate, you have to work your way through White, Orange, Yellow, Blue, Green, Purple, Brown, and Red first, right?

On your first day of college, they don’t just drop four years worth of books at your feet and say, “Study these for a while and when you feel like you’re ready to graduate, come on in and take The Test.”

Trying to rush into the paid traffic game short-changes your ability to make the most money from it. It’s not rocket science, but don’t fool yourself, it ain’t kindergarten either. Rushing through details you may not realize are important can hurt your results, and we’re here to maximize your profitability.

Our systematic approach to buying media really works, and so does our systematic approach to training.

Your entire learning experience is carefully engineered to benefit you the most. It’s a powerful, simple-to-implement 6-month training program that maximizes your ability to absorb the information, and put it to use in your own business.

There’s no overload, no 50 hours of videos, no massive mind-maps that only confuse you, no crazy upsells or distractions… in a nutshell, no bullshit. Everything’s stripped down for maximum absorption in minimum time.

You get exactly what you need, when you need it. Every week you’ll receive a new Module with the training and key points to get you up and running with that specific lesson. Everything is explained clearly, and in the correct order. The Modules build on one another, they are complete, and you can ask as many questions as you need to if something doesn’t make sense and we’ll answer them personally. This training is changing lives.

“Green Beret in the field of online media buys”t-perry

“Jonathan Mizel has consistently been one of THE leading edge online marketers for more than 15 years. He gets credit for the “Unlimited Traffic Technique” which is the core of what I do and teach today, and he’s a Green Beret in the field of online media buys. He ranks as one of the best teachers and practitioners of traffic and conversion, period.”

~ Perry Marshall,

“Increased response from 70% to 500%”t-rallen1

“Tim Gross is a top Internet marketer and copywriter. He’s done fantastic work for us and has increased the response of our ads from a minimum of 70% to over 500%. Pay close attention to whatever he has to say – I guarantee you he’ll give you new ideas on increasing your profits.”

~ Robert G. Allen,

If You’re An Online Business Owner,
This Is What You’ve Been Looking For

Your Tuition Investment

How much is unlimited traffic worth to you? What about a million dollar traffic source? Or a “magic” sales funnel that turns dimes into dollars? Depending on your situation it could be $10,000, $50,00, $100,000, or much more. We personally have 7 figures in sales in a variety of markets doing what we’re going to show you.

Obviously, we aren’t going to charge $100,000 for this training, that would be freaking crazy.

Traffic Evolution is a college-level curriculum, designed to sell for $1,995, and frankly, that would be a great deal. However, like I mentioned, we still haven’t launched this course to the general public. By participating in this training now, you’ll help us continue to make the training even better, so we’re going to give you a deep tuition discount.

Since the training is six-months long, the cost is just $99.95 a month for six-months, which is not only a huge savings, it lets you break up the payments as you start implementing what you learn.

Most of our students make more than the cost with what they learn, which effectively pays for the training with their increased profits. That makes the whole deal free, assuming you will actually use what we teach you (you will).

Additional 50% Off Charter Member Discount…

Because your questions and feedback (if you choose to give it) will continue to help us shape this training, we want this to be a no-brainer for you, like buying a cup of coffee at Starbucks or ordering a turkey sandwich for lunch. We want it so cheap you’ll hardly even notice it. So by registering right now, we are going to slice that price in half.

Right now you can become a full member of Traffic Evolution for just $49.95 a month for 6 months. (This isn’t one of those deals where you get billed forever. After 6 months, no more payments, even when we add additional content.)

And because you pay for it monthly, it’ll help you manage your cash flow, which is always a nice bonus. Be sure to check with your accountant too, because as a business expense, Traffic Evolution may be tax deductible.

Special Offer For Friends Of Justin Brooke
– Don’t Even Pay Now!

You’re interested in becoming a Traffic Evolution member or you wouldn’t have read this far, but maybe you’re a little skeptical. That’s OK. We appreciate a healthy dose of skepticism.

Maybe you’ve been “burned” a few times in the past by sales letters that sound great and over-promise, but the product itself isn’t great, or it’s just not something you can use.

We understand where you’re coming from, we’re going to take away all the risk from you and put the full burden of proof on our shoulders. As part of a limited trial offer that will end when we reach our limit, and as a friend of Justin, you can try Traffic Evolution for a full 30 days before being billed your first payment.

During that first 30 days, for any reason at all, no matter what it is, if you don’t love Traffic Evolution and want to continue being a member, just let us know and you won’t be billed.

Register Immediately For Your
30-Day Trial And Lock In Your Spot

To find out if you’re a good fit, lock in your spot right now for the initial month’s training and get instant access to the first 4 modules. You’ll know immediately if you want to be part of this.

If you love the training, you’ll continue to receive additional modules every week for 6 months.

And if you don’t think Traffic Evolution for you, just let us know within 30 days and you won’t be billed, period. And of course we’re still friends.

We really aren’t too worried about that though. The good news for you AND us is that once people see what this is all about, they want to stick with it until the end because it’s so valuable to them

This will more than just teach you how to get traffic and build a successful business online, it’ll rock your freaking world!

See you behind the curtain.

Respectfully submitted,

Jonathan Mizel & Tim Gross

Original price was: $299.00.Current price is: $67.00.

Jonathan Mizel & Tim Gross – Traffic Evolution 4.0 PRODUCT DELIVERY: You will receive a download link via your order email.