
Joe Vitale and Laura Childs – The Stampede Secret


The Stampede Secret

“What would you say if a 40-year old chicken farmer told you she knew a secret 8-letter word that doubles your subscribers and doubles your website traffic within 24 hours, for FREE?”

“Yeah, sure”, is what I said. But my eyes almost popped out of their sockets when she not only doubled my subscription base — she tripled it — overnight!

Unleashing this secret 8-letter word on your website could double, triple or ever quadruple your subscribers and your traffic. And at the same time create a stampede of eager buyers waving their credit cards for your products or services, all within 24 hours. Best part: if you can cut and paste you can use this secret immediately because we’ve already done all the work for you!

Dear Friend:

I confess.

I didn’t believe this secret 8-letter word would work. But the fact is, it did. It tripled my subscribers in 24 hours. It could triple yours, if you knew the secret. And it gets way better.

What I’ll show you also gets your website listed all the way up in the popular search engines. But that’s not all. This deceptively simple secret could get you into the Yahoo directory for FREE (yes, without paying the $299 inclusion fee).

I know. That one is also hard to believe. But I promise you it’s true. In fact, I’ll tell you that secret in a minute. However, I have no idea where to begin so I’ll just tell you what happened.

Here’s the story:

A short while ago I got a call from a woman in Ontario. She told me she was a chicken farmer. This made no sense to me. Why would a chicken farmer call me? I’ve never had anything to do with chicken (besides eating them) and the only pets I’ve ever had were cats and a dog. (And a duck once, but that’s a different story.)

Anyway, she starts to talk about her website and the problems she’s had with getting buyers for her gardening and chicken products. She goes on and on. And I’m thinking: “Where is this going?” Then suddenly she blurts out: “That’s when I discovered the secret to doubling my subscribers, doubling my hits and in fact, I doubled my income. I said: “Are you kidding?”

“No” she said. “My website had been a sleeper for five years but when I used the secret I just told you about everything just went crazy. I sold so much product that I had to give away orders to a friend in South Carolina, convert links to affiliate commissions, and jack my prices for specialty orders because there just wasn’t enough time in a day! I was so desperate to serve people’s needs and I simply didn’t have the time to fulfill the product orders myself. Everything just went nuts”.

How the chicken farm woman tripled my subscribers in 24 hours

Listen, I’ve been online since 1990 or so. I’m considered an Internet pioneer. I’ve written dozens of books on Internet marketing. I own dozens of successful sites. Heck, I even teach net marketing. But I had never heard about the secret the chicken farm woman told me about. But I got very curious. So I said to her:

“How many new subscribers do you think I could get with this secret?” She said: “I think you could double your subscription base.” That made me even more curious. But I was skeptical since my website already get tons of traffic. So I challenged her: “Prove it”, I said. “No problem. Give me access to one of your websites and I’ll do the best I can.”

The next morning I had not doubled my subscription base. I had tripled it! Overnight! And when I was looking at the stats for my website, the traffic had, you guessed it, tripled. You want to know what she did? She put a little link on my website and announced that link to 40 directories right here on the Internet. And ka-boom! My subscribers tripled in less than 24 hours.

The magic of this 8-letter word could make you rich

Look: if you want to flood your website with eager cash-in-hand buyers, if you want higher search engine ranking without any work, if you want to double or even triple your subscribers, then remember this name, remember this secret 8-letter word, in fact write it down now:

RSS Feeds

Never heard of it? Neither had I. Not until Laura Childs (the chicken farm woman) told me about it. And very few marketers know about RSS Feeds. Let alone how to use it to make money. So far I know only of two people besides Laura and me. One of them made $1,080,496.37 on the Internet in less than 24 hours a short while ago (why do you think he uses RSS Feeds?) As you’ll see, this is about to shake up the whole online marketing business, and change the way you’ll market on the Internet forever.

Here’s why:

Surfers go online to do two things. Pick up email or surf for specific information. However, they are getting fed up with both of those activities. First of all they are sick and tired of spam. That means that it gets more and more difficult to get people to sign up to free newsletters or e-courses. People now know that their email address is “currency”. They don’t trust privacy statements anymore. And they don’t trust promises that their email won’t be sold or rented to third parties. What does this mean to you? It means spam filters. It means that your prospects might NOT get your newsletter although they signed up for it. It means less and less sign ups to your newsletter, e-course or whatever. It means less sales. And it’s getting worse. Soon very few will sign up for anything.

What’s more, people are really getting tired of slow loading pages, search engine results that don’t match what they’re searching for, and pop-up ads. That’s why they are signing up for RSS Feeds in droves. Because feeds give them the information they want, in the way they want it.

The breakthrough that eliminates the email filter nuisance

Listen, RSS is like having your own news wire service.

Let me explain.

People who visit your site can sign up to receive news bulletins from you. Does this sound like what you’re already doing with a newsletter? You’re right. But there’s one big difference. You see, RSS Feeds almost magically appear directly on your subscribers’ screens.

That alone should send shivers down your spine. You know why? Because this bypasses email filters and feeds your news, your ad, your message directly to the screen of your prospect.


But it gets better.

RSS Feeds are about to explode — mammoth profits await you if you jump on the bandwagon now, if not lose out forever

RSS is the next big trend online. More and more people learn about it everyday. And they rush to the sites that have it to sign up for news and information they’re interested in. They download RSS Readers (this is just a simple software you use to read RSS Feeds, but people can also read them directly in their regular browsers). What’s more, these people are different from your average surfer. They are, for lack of a better word, better buyers, better customers for you.

Here’s why:

These people are the crème-de-la-crème surfers. They are looking for solutions for their problems. In fact, these people are the new starving crowd for your product and services. They don’t want to surf for hours looking and sucking up knowledge for free. They want to find the person or website they can connect with and buy the solution to their problems right now.

This is excellent news for you! Also, these people are Internet smart, they are viewers who appreciate directness. They want to buy their way out of their frustrations. That’s why they are online. They’re online to buy solutions to their problems. Plus, they have the money to do it.

New Starving Crowd Eagerly Awaiting Your Products or Services

And you know what? These people LOVE to receive RSS Feeds about what you sell! And they will SIGN UP for the privilege of receiving it! – if you know how to approach them in the right way. Isn’t this what you want? People who are starving for your products or services? People who are NOT interested in freebies? People who want to buy solutions to their problems right now, today? Are you beginning to see that these people are your ideal customers? Are you beginning to sense the power of this? You do? Good! But this is still only the beginning…

You see, if you jump on this right now, you’re going to be light years ahead of your competition. Smiling all the way to the bank.

However, let me ask you this:

How would you like to be way up there in the popular search engines? Maybe even in the top ten rankings? Do you think this would give you more traffic fast? Do you think you would make even more money if you were in the top 10? You bet you would. So, here’s a surprising bonus benefit of marketing with RSS Feeds and an other traffic generating method that I haven’t told you about yet.

You can be as lazy as you want because these two secrets crank up search engine rankings with minimal effort on your part!

Here’s a secret for you: search engines LOVE the content of your RSS Feeds. And as you continue to add content to your site, just like you’re publishing your own newsletter, only this time you’re adding news to your RSS Feed – the search engines will continuously rank YOU as new and relevant. This too, as you can see, increases the odds of you getting more traffic fast.

Wait – we’re not done yet. There’s one more thing you can add to your site to catapult your site ranking with very little work. It is this: link up a Blog on your website. You probably know about Blogs. They’ve been around for a couple of years. But its’ not until recently that they’ve become popular. Now here’s why you must have a Blog on your website. You probably know how tough it is to get high rankings on search engines. Right? But have you heard the buzz lately?

Some website owners are shocked by this…

Search engines LOVE Blogs too! Blogs are being added to search engine listings like wild fire. The average positioning of a Blog has much, much higher ranking in comparison to many other pages of the same website. Some site owners are SHOCKED at the top rankings of their Blogs. Also, a Blog gives you new leads and prospects because, as I said earlier, people are fed up with slow websites and a Blog delivers what? Fresh content quickly! Exactly what people are looking for!

And here’s the best part: You can enjoy all the benefits of a blog without having to write pages of new content, responding to posts and continually updating! Wait: I’m not done yet.

You see, if you have this on your site you can get into the Yahoo directory without paying the $299 inclusion fee. Too good to be true? Not at all. I’ll tell you more about slipping into the Yahoo directory FOR FREE in a minute. But first, let me tell you something even more amazing…

If you can cut and paste you can have your own RSS Feed up and running and making money within 24 hours – maybe faster!

Listen: when I discovered that Laura had tripled my subscribers in 24 hours my head started spinning. You see, the first thing that struck me was: “Hey, we’ve got to get this out to people somehow!”

So I called Laura to say thank you, but I also asked her if she would be willing to share these secrets with other people. People like you. And you just got lucky my friend, because she said yes.

Laura agreed to co-write a special report with me about RSS Feeds and Blogs. Now, this special report is quite different from anything you’ve ever seen. Why? Because we’ve already done all the work for you. Sure, you need to use your brain a little bit. But we’ve really made this a no-brainer for you.

Let me explain how easy this is…

All you need to do to get your own RSS Feed up, running and making money within 24 hours is this: cut and paste your ad, news or message. Click one button, and voila! You’re done! It’s true. Please trust me, it doesn’t get any easier than this. But before we go any further I have to confess something. When I say you can make money within 24 hours I’m actually not telling the whole truth. You see, if you’re a “go-get-things-done” type of person you could have everything up and running and making money within 2 hours. But that seems too good to be true. Doesn’t it?

Well, you do need to read the special report to get an understanding how RSS Feeds and Blogs work. And you can read it in one hour because there is no fluff whatsoever in this special report, just the meat. If and when you want to know more or do more with your RSS Feed you’ll have access to a special Subscriber’s Only website where you’ll learn more ways to use and market your RSS Feed.

We decided to call this special report:

The Stampede Secret: How to get more targeted, smart, affluent, hungry traffic than you can imagine using BLOGS and RSS FEEDS.

Because that’s what you’ll get. And we’ve put all the secrets of how Laura tripled my subscribers in less than 24 hours, and how Laura doubled her hits, doubled her subscribers, doubled her income on a website that had been a sleeper for the past 5 years. You can do this too! It’s easy!

Here’s a sneak peak of the insider secrets that creates a stampede of more targeted, smart, affluent, hungry traffic than you can imagine:

  • Announce your RSS Feed to these 40 directories on the Internet, stand back and watch your response and your sales explode like you’ve never seen before!

  • How to generate thousands of prospects to your RSS Feed and converting them into customers by using a simple but very powerful link strategy.

  • The Blog phenomena: You might do it already but are you pulling in any money?

  • Types of blogs. Which one should you choose? We’ll give you the answer.

  • Where to put your Blog so it increases page rank in the top search engine (and makes more money for you.)

  • How to easily and quickly get a Blog rolling on your site.

  • How to update a Blog using existing copy already on your site.

  • The 2 deadliest Blog mistakes. They’re causing prospects to click away in droves.

  • How to write an RSS Feed that breaks the bank.

  • Why some site owners are shocked at the top rankings of their blogs (and how to make yours go way up there too!)

  • Search engines love these 4 things (and those 4 things are in your Blog if you do it right).

  • How RSS Feeds give you new subscribers and gets existing prospects and customers to buy from you.

  • See other Blogs that are the widest read, longest running and have the highest subscription rates on the Net. Use them for inspiration and FREE tips, tricks and secrets for making your Blog even better.

  • Put a Blog on your site, stand back and watch your search engine ratings soar!

  • The code-free way to create and update an RSS Feed, plus 3 other, easy ways…

  • If you can cut and paste you can start your own RSS Feed within 1 hour and start making money the same day.

  • How to put your ad, message or news directly into the surfer’s web browser.

  • How your message automatically downloads into your prospects browser or RSS Reader (this is priceless! Imagine…every time your prospects log on YOU will be there with your message waiting for them).

Slip into the Yahoo directory for FREE – this secret slashes the $299 inclusion fee!

Here’s a big secret that you won’t likely hear anywhere else right now. If you’ve never paid for inclusion in Yahoo’s directory, and your site is without presence on Yahoo – a few webmasters have found that by simply submitting their feed via the method I describe in The Stampede Secret gets the Yahoo crawler out to your site within 24 hours and adds all relevant pages (not just the feed!) to its index.

That tip alone, as long as it lasts before Yahoo cracks down, will save you the $299 Yahoo Express inclusion fee! Yahoo is on a big blitz in its beta phase to include as many feeds as it can, so that people start using their MyYahoo pages again. Like I said, I don’t know how long this will last…so you better hurry and download The Stampede Secret right now, this minute! But before you do that – here’s even more secrets you’ll learn from The Stampede Secret.

For example…

  • Get this: your prospects get a “ping” from their computer speakers every time you post your news. This means you get instant response if they are interested in what you have to offer.

  • How prospects find your RSS Feed (they are looking for your products and services money in hand, make sure you’re there to welcome them!)

  • 15 other ways your prospects can read your RSS News.

  • Reading RSS News Feeds is as easy as reading search engine results.

  • How to get your prospects to subscribe to and add your news feed to their feedlist.

  • The three ways surfers find your news.

  • The person who reads RSS Feeds are willing to BUY NOW and are not looking for freebies.

  • Site example #1: This site had been a “sleeper” for five years. But when Laura put an RSS Feed link on it she doubled the hits, doubled its subscribers and she doubled her income very, very quickly. Use it to swipe ideas from.

  • Site example #2: This is from the guy who made over $1,000.000 (that’s 1 MILLION) in less than 24 hours on the Internet. Why do you think he uses both a Blog and RSS Feed? Discover his secrets and use them as your own.

  • Warning: do not make this mistake when you send out your RSS Feed.

  • The six easy steps to creating an RSS Feed for your web site (it’s easy, a kid could do it).

  • The 3 easy steps that gets people to read your news and act on them.

  • Six examples of good news feeds you can swipe ideas from and use in your own feed.

  • Caution: Do not make your news any longer than this.

  • The most important part of your news feed and how to make sure you get it right.

  • The 2-step secret that makes your news feed impossible to ignore.

  • The one thing in your news feed that must be riveting and how to make sure it is (you get four examples you can swipe ideas from and use in your own feed).

  • Why you must never tell the whole story in your RSS Feed.

  • Outrageous: The secret of the virtual girlfriend that demands gifts (use this strategy in your own feed and you’ll create a ton of traffic to your website).

  • 2 secrets on how to write RSS News people will read.

  • Hate writing? That’s ok. Just use this software that practically writes the RSS Feeds for you. And a new, proven technique to generate Blog content.

  • How to sell your own products and services through your own RSS.

  • One very clever and hypnotic way of beginning a sentence that almost forces people to click on your link.

  • What your RSS story should do and what it should not do. Very important.

  • How to use the question that everybody wants to know the answer to.

  • Why you must think like a news reporter but with a marketer hat on.

  • Remember this word: tease. It is the most important concept in your RSS Feed.

  • The only time you should update your news feed.

  • The 3 steps to get on top of feed directory search results (much, much easier than getting high on ordinary search engines but you will get higher on them too!).

  • This web site has the number 1 spot for the search term “internet marketing”. How do you think they made it there? Hint: Blog plus news feeds linking to their Blog. You can do this too!

  • 3 tricks on how to get other blogs to link to your blog (this means massive traffic!).

  • How to announce your RSS Feed to the world!

  • Do this simple thing and you’ll automatically know what’s going on in the world of Blogs and RSS Feeds.

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Digital Download: You will receive a download link via your order email Unleashing this secret 8-letter word on your website could double, triple or ever quadruple your subscribers and your traffic. And at the same time create a stampede of eager buyers waving their credit cards for your products or services, all within 24 hours. Best part: if you can cut and paste you can use this secret immediately because we’ve already done all the work for you!