
Jo Ann Hammond-Meiers – The Money Flow Formula Telesummit 2014


The Money Flow Formula Telesummit

21 Expert Entrepreneurs Share How to Transform Purpose and Passion into Profit and Philanthropy!

Over the last several months I have been sharing resources with you to transform your wealth.
I believe the key to enjoying an abundant life is aligning with your core values.
Do you want to connect more with your passion and purpose while at the same time bringing in greater profits?
Do you dream of making a difference in the world?
Would you like to receive and give more through your knowledge, skills and monetary gifts by being more philanthropic?
Learn how to make your dreams come true by immersing yourself in this 21-Day Summit, The Money Flow Formula at NO Charge.
I have joined 21 other entrepreneurs and philanthropists to create this inspiring program which shows you how to re-charge your energy, create a success mindset and build great relationships.
Listen to each days recording at your own convenience.
The 21 experts on ”The Money Flow Formula: Discover how to Transform Purpose and Passion to Profit and Philanthropy” are coaches, entrepreneurs, and professionals who want to help you with your Money Flow.
Along with the powerful information in this free video summit, each presenter will be offering a special gift to increase your money flow.
Experience quantum growth by listening and taking notes!
You will benefit from:
financial perspectives
winning mindsets
self-confidence enhancements
legal perspectives
growth through giving in business.
You are invited, as my guest, to start your success journey now!
This is your opportunity to make a huge shift in your Money Flow. Go ahead, take it.
To Your Success.
Jo Ann Hammond-Meiers

Meet Our Expert Entrepreneurs

Ryan Harris
Nicola Grace
Ellen Rogin
Jessica Olmon
Ronnie Tsunami
Joe Rubino
Mark Porteous
Susan Ziebarth
Angela Gower
Liz Uram
Chris Atley
Steve Jones
Sheryl Wolowyk
Bethany Mooradian
Frank Demming
Janet Clark
Jill Lublin
Josie Tytus
Melanie Benson
Maddie Brown
Nan Akasha

How to Avoid Flops, Failures, and Flat Launches by Creating Raving Fans Who Devour Your Offers

Ryan Harris

Ryan’s mission is to help you enjoy greater abundance and prosperity. He is a former professional copywriter turned business growth & marketing coach for heart-centered entrepreneurs. Ryan has created numerous multi-million dollar product launches online as the one-man internet marketing department for high-performance clients. He recently co-created the Find Your Tribe – Find Your Power! Group coaching program to help heart-centered entrepreneurs find the raving fans who will devour anything they publish or promote! Ryan is also the host of Prosperity Radio and the creator of Creating Wealth from the Inside Out, a Law of Attraction-based financial prosperity home study course and he’s the author of 30 Seconds to Prosperity.
Master Money with Mission Mojo

Nicola Grace

Recently honored with an award for implementing a strategy that went on to save a billion dollar change agent industry from ruin, and make history, Nicola Grace “The Mission Mentor” develops highly effective changemakers, social entrepreneurs and difference makers – on purpose, in prosperity, making a BIG difference.
Six time author Nicola Grace was recently published by Celebrity Press Publishing who represent industry giants Brian Tracey, Jack Canfield, Arielle Ford, Michael Gerber and Mike Koenigs. Her expert insights appear in the ground breaking book Ready Aim Captivate Put Magic in Your Message and a Fortune In Your Future, along with other world leading visionaries Deepak Chopra and Jim Stovall.
For over twenty years, Nicola has captivated her audiences as an inspirational speaker, visionary, educator and transformation leader. She made history with her 10 Step Master Plan to achieve her mission in 2006. She has defeated two different types of cancers with short expiry dates and gone on to teach her Master Plan to individuals, organizations and entrepreneurs all too successful results.
She is the undisputed expert on how to achieve your mission, even when you face insurmountable odds.
In today’s world, people want more than a talking head spouting a lot of unproven ideas and information. They want real solutions that create real results and positive change.
While many speakers in her field are motivational and transactional, Nicola Grace is transformational. Nicola is also an active humanitarian with a grand vision for the elevation of ALL of humanity that she would like to share with you.
“I was privileged to work with Nicola using her 10 Step Master Plan that made history and saved an industry from what could have been an irreversible, disastrous decision.
She not only pulled a diverse group of business owners and individuals together to unify them, but she pulled them through an impossible mission to victory… While many speakers are all talk and no action, Nicola is all action.
I’ve seen how she can inspire and lift the spirits of a room of despondent men. I’m confident she can inspire your team or audience too.” Eric Blankenbyl, Entrepreneur and Business Owner

Great with Money: Thinking Your Way to Prosperity!

Ellen Rogin, CPA, CFP®

Today You’ll learn:
How to Activate the Amazing Power of a Money-making Mindset and Use It to Transform Your Financial Life
5 Steps to Stress-Proof your Money Thinking
The Most Important Step to Being Great with Money Most People Ignore
Ellen Rogin is a financial advisor, author, public speaker and nationally-known expert on living a life of success and prosperity. She is the founder of the Abundance Activist® movement, committed to focusing on opportunity, optimism and gratitude as the way to positively change your world.
Chock full of “left-brain” credentials – MBA, CPA, & Certified Financial Planner™ – Ellen also walks on the “right” side, balancing values, big picture ideas, meditation and a sense of humor with all her professional training. She is as comfortable talking about the power of compound interest as she is the power of belief.

Avoid Sinkholes and Building a Successful Business

Jessica T. Olmon

Jessica T. Olmon helps entrepreneurs and CEOs build successful businesses. As a business attorney and managing partner at Vero Law Group, she works with growing companies as outside general counsel. Jessica also provides consulting services for targeted corporate problem solving in areas such as growth, streamlining systems and procedures, corporate governance and a variety of other issues after having worked with hundreds of companies.
Before starting Vero Law Group, Jessica honed her legal skills at the international law firm of Fulbright & Jaworski LLP where she was an associate in the corporate department of the Los Angeles office. She formed Vero Law after seeing an opportunity to create a new kind of law firm: one where attorneys provide innovative new services outside of the billable hour model and where clients rely on their attorneys as trusted advisors.

Creating Your Success Tsunami: Passion Carries, Purpose Clarifies, Profits Accelerate, and Philanthropy Gives

Ronnie Tsunami

Ronnie Tsunami – The Quick Launch Guru, is a dynamic and energetic Speaker, Author, Talk Show Radio Host and Success Coach specializing in helping entrepreneurs to quickly develop and market new products and services by leveraging the latest digital marketing techniques and technologies, including internet, social media and mobile marketing. His business and technology training programs have been implemented in over 10,000 academic institutions and enterprise organizations around the world including Microsoft, the US Air Force, the Office of the Secretary of Defense, UPS, Time Warner Cable, Habitat for Humanity, Oxfam, Blue Cross/Blue Shield and many more. He is also the learning solution architect of a suite of business training programs and services specifically designed for coaches, and these include including Find Your Tribe – Find Your Power!, QuickLaunch Creator, Social Influence University, Rapid Pro Marketing (RPM), The Life Coaching Connection (TLC5) and

Elevating Self-Esteem

Dr. Joe Rubino

Dr. Joe Rubino, CEO of, is acknowledged as one of the world’s foremost experts on the topic of elevating self-esteem. He is a life-changing personal development and success coach on how to restore self-esteem, achieve business success, maximize joy and fulfillment in life and productivity. He is known for his groundbreaking work in personal and leadership development, building effective teams, enhancing listening and communication skills, life and business coaching and optimal life planning.
His 12 best-selling books and audio programs are available in 24 languages and in 58 countries. Learn more about his life-changing work in championing people to restore their self-esteem and achieve greater success and happiness in life at:

Soulful Selling Success: Creating Wealth through Meaningful Work.

Mark Porteous

Mark Porteous is the author of Maximizing Your Human Experience; A Personal Travel Guide for Your Journey of Life. In his book, Mark shares powerful tools to navigate your path toward self actualization and his personal understanding of manifestation to create the joyous life you truly desire. Fueled by his vision of humanity’s return to a state of oneness, a world where we all recognize our connection to each other and all that surrounds us, Mark is on a mission to accelerate the shift in social consciousness from “fear and separation” to “love and unity.”
Mark practices a two prong approach to achieve his mission, personal development and service to others. To help others employ his approach, he offers two training programs, Max Your Life personal empowerment training and the Transformers Mastermind for Visionary Leadership. Through his Transformers Mastermind for Visionary Leadership Training, Mark helps heart-based entrepreneurs share their gifts with a larger audience and create personal prosperity by designing a strategic success plan for monetizing their unique combination of experience, knowledge and passion. Mark recently hosted the Personal Transformation Summit where twenty of today’s leading luminaries and twenty emerging visionary leaders collaborated to share tools and information for global change through personal development.
After living in Central Florida for 23 years, Mark now lives in Ohio with his wife Renee and their twins Alexender and Eden. Mark and Renee work as a team operating their company, Max Your Life, LLC to empower visionaries to share their gifts with the world.

Definitions, Intentions, Values: How They Impact Money Flow.

Dr. Susan Ziebarth

Dr. Ziebarth works with high achieving women who desire to be extraordinary and are seeking fulfillment and peace of mind in their careers and growth in their own businesses. She knows that for women to know and live their joy they have to have what they are doing in alignment with who they are.
Sometimes successful women are serial achievers, not recognizing and celebrating their current success because they are already searching for something more. The drive for perfection also can isolate and separate high achieving women as they do not feel like they fit in with their environment, friends, or colleagues. Yet others are so caught up in the endurance race they live on a daily basis that they become numb to the feelings of anxiety, tiredness, and emptiness that may creep in over time.
Susan’s programs help women to own their value and charge what they are worth, know and understand their relationship with money and how it can impair and sabotage or support their success, and help women who feel stuck or feel like they are living out of integrity clarify their journey so that they can make thoughtful choices in alignment with their life’s intentions.

Having Fun to Increase Your Wealth and Freedom.

Angela Gower-Johnson

From childhood Angela Gower-Johnson has been gifted with the ability to tap into people’s energy and thoughts. As she grew older she embraced and enhanced this gift by seeking wise counsel and ancient teachings. Her natural curiosity and desire to deal with her own life challenges has led her on a magical journey of spiritual and personal development that has spanned three decades.
Currently her coaching and consulting practice provides a one of a kind experience with truly breakthrough results for those fortunate enough to work with her.

Your Path to Profits

Liz Uram

Liz Uram, The Coach & Mentor Group – Business Development and Marketing Plan Expert.
Using proven systems and action plans, Liz helps fast-paced entrepreneurs take their big ideas and break them down into manageable pieces that can be easily implemented.
With a well-rounded business background accumulated from over 15 years of corporate and entrepreneurial experience, Liz brings a wealth of relevant and practical information to her clients across the globe. She is an award-winning speaker, the author or several workbooks for entrepreneurs, and a certified professional coach.

3 Steps to Creating a Lucrative & Lifestyle Friendly Business

Chris Atley

Chris Atley shows entrepreneurs how to make better decisions so they can get different results. Chris inspires thousands of entrepreneurs internationally through her writing, teaching and coaching programs. Her mission is to help as many people she can create fabulous businesses and freedom-filled lives! Chris is a certified coach, NLP-Practitioner and has a BA in Psychology. She walks the talk, and draws on her own experience to help others build successful businesses.
Chris is a wiz at helping business owners get results fast – often during their first call! She helps people go deep to shift their blocks, and then shows them how to use their own resources to make different decisions and create lasting change.

Change Your Mindset with Hypnosis

Dr. Steve G. Jones

Dr. Steve G. Jones, Ed.D. is a clinical hypnotherapist, NLP trainer, Life Coach and LOA expert. He is the founder of the American Alliance of Hypnotists, American University of NLP and the Global Sciences Foundation. Dr. Jones has his doctorate in education from Georgia Southern University. He has created thousands of self-help recordings, programs and certification courses to empower others.
“If you want to make a positive change in your life, Steve G. Jones can make the difference. He did with me.” Tom Mankiewicz, Writer of “Superman the Movie”

Sheryl Wolowyk

Since 1996, Sheryl Wolowyk – a successful serial entrepreneur – has created four multi-million dollar expert businesses. Each success — one right after the other — was created by following a simple, yet powerful operating style and philosophy. It is all about ESL. Make it Easy, Simple, and Lucrative.
Today, Sheryl deploys the strength of her talent, experience and voice to inspire and guide action focused experts to follow her lead to build lucrative businesses and influential brands all their own. She guides them to create lasting and fulfilling legacies that leave a profound and favorable mark on the world.
Sheryl walks her own expert advice by amplifying her voice and message as Executive Producer and host of the ExpertPreneur™ Radio Show, airing on the Amazing Women of Power Radio Network, serving 3.5 million listeners worldwide. Sheryl is also creator, editor, and publisher of ExpertPreneur™ Magazine, selling on the Apple newsstand in 155 countries.
Action-focused aspiring experts rave about their success attracting clients, growing their revenues, and charging their worth as a direct result of the lessons they learn at Sheryl’s invitation.

Creating Multiple Income Sources

Bethany Mooradian

At some point in her life, Bethany Mooradian has worked as a puppeteer, dog walker, waitress, child-care provider, book/music seller, actor, model, merchandiser, mystery shopper, elderly care giver, phone book deliverer, hotel brochure canvassar, pre-school teacher, artist, music and performance venue coordinator, community education teacher, web designer and coder, census-taker, virtual assistant, standardized test scorer, pilates studio manager, housekeeper for Bill Gates and Paul Allen, vacuum salesman, small business consultant and revenue-generator, and of course, Ronald McDonald’s bodyguard.
All of these fabulous (and not so fabulous) experiences have led her to being dubbed, “Queen of the Random Job.” After all, she needed ways to supplement her puppetry habit, but still find ways to eat. Bethany’s workshops teach people how to find these legitimate work at home jobs and avoid scams. You’ll learn not only how to trace emails, track IP addresses, and the common marketing tips of scammers, but receive listings of hundreds of real companies that hire at-home and flexible-hour workers. You can learn more about working from home, mystery shopping, and the Queen herself at

A Proven Practice to Significant Revenue Growth

Frank Demming

Frank Demming, along with his lovely wife, owns and operates a website development and marketing firm called F & A Worldwide Solutions.
He is an innovative entrepreneur and consummate family man who loves to help local businesses exponentially increase their revenue and net worth by using strategically positioned and proven marketing methods.
He first became an entrepreneur in 2007, because he was seeking freedom from a 60 – 70 hour per week Program Manager job. His journey to freedom began with the network marketing and affiliate marketing industries because he thought it was his passion.
He shortly realized that his true passion was the art of marketing. That being said, he joined several marketing mastermind groups & began to associate myself with the marketing industry.
Then in 2009 a friend of his, an entrepreneur as well, needed some marketing help to promote a fashion show for her boutique.
She found out that Frank and his wife were designing and developing websites for local businesses because of all the promotions she saw them doing online. She wanted that same style of promotions for her business as well especially for an event that she had coming up.
Eventually, she hired them to promote her fashion show and bring massive traffic to her boutique.
The fashion show was a huge success & her boutique grew immensely due to the promotions & that is when F & A Worldwide Solutions was born. Since their “coming out” party, they have helped DOZENS of other local businesses grow exponentially either through their innovative marketing services, or their marketing consulting programs.

Secret Strategy for Getting to the Money

Janet Clark

Janet Clark is the creator of a program called The M-Powered Entrepreneur How to Manifest, Market and Monetize Your True Livelihood. She also is founder of The Freedom
Janet is a mentor and business strategist. Her background includes an extensive corporate career in high-tech, where she built and managed sales organizations. She then spent 10 years as CEO of Integrated Communications, a telecommunications sales company which she built from scratch to a 6-figure residual income business.
Janet now mentors professionals in transition who desire to turn their life purpose into their livelihood. She possesses strong tactical skills and she excels at mapping out a strategy and getting things done.
In addition to mentoring and sales training, she shares her technical team who do everything from websites, landing pages & shopping carts to videos, podcasts and whatever else is needed. The passion that motivates Janet is knowing that she is contributing to the world in a much bigger way because she is helping many who are then able to help many more. One thing that is unique about Janet is that she prays for each of her clients by name every day.

Getting to Money Success

Jill Lublin

With 200 speaking engagements each year, master publicity strategist and consultant, and bestselling author, Jill Lublin, consistently wows audiences worldwide with her entertaining and interactive keynotes, seminars, and training programs on publicity, networking, and influence marketing.
Jill has shared her powerful networking and publicity strategies on the stages of Tony Robbins, T. Harv Eker, Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Loral Langemeier, Richard Simmons, and many others. Additionally, thousands of people have attended her popular “Crash Course in Publicity”, which she teaches live several times a month at locations around the U.S. and Canada, as well as a live online webinar. Her popular home study system is used by clients worldwide who are ready to create greater success and revenues for themselves and their companies.
Over the past 25 years, Jill has worked with ABC, NBC, CBS, and other national and international media as a highly regarded publicity expert. She has been featured in The New York Times, Women’s Day, Fortune Small Business, Entrepreneur, and Inc. magazines.
Jill is the author of three bestselling books, including: Get Noticed…Get Referrals (McGraw-Hill), Networking Magic (Morgan James), and Guerilla Publicity (Adams Media), which is regarded as the “PR Bible”. With three national bestselling books, Jill is acknowledged as the go-to person for building success through influence marketing, networking, and publicity. She is also the Producer and Host of the BizLearning show, “Messages of Hope”, which inspires people to take positive action to improve their lives and create a better world.
In addition to her speaking engagements, Jill trains and consults with executives, sales teams and marketing departments in Fortune 500 companies, as well as in small-to-medium-sized companies. Her innovative influence marketing and publicity techniques consistently increase bottom line results for her clients.

Permission to Succeed

Josie Tytus

Josie is committed to move people through inspired, challenging or confusing times by turning them into one of the best opportunities for creating a Great Life. That’s what happened to her.
Unexpectedly, her 20 year marriage ended rather abruptly with no hope of reconciliation. Facing an uncertain future, she felt lost, confused, scared and very, very alone. Turning 50, with no full time work, living out in the country with a child to raise, it seemed like she had stepped out of her life and into a really bizarre movie. She was left with a shattered world that she no longer recognized and a divorce that would take several years to settle.
It was time to create a new vision for her life. The time had come to unlock her passions, re-define her Self. She went through a profound process that would develop the work she now uses to guide others in finding their own Truth. She has walked the journey and now shares the insights and revelations of Self Leadership with high achievers, ready to optimize meaning, passion and results in their life.
Josie Tytus is known as a Success Alignment Vision Coach & Mentor.
She is an Author, Speaker, Certified Professional Coach, Neuro Linguistic (NLP) Practitioner, Energy Leadership Index (ELI-MP) Master Practitioner, Passion Test Facilitator.
Josie’s mission is to awaken your Vision to what’s possible, identify and ignite your passions, and design a powerful life that pulls you forward to reach your optimal level of meaningful success.

How to Recode Your Money DNA for Automatic Wealth Attraction

Melanie Benson-Strick

Melanie Benson Strick, known as America’s Leading Small Business Optimizer, has a gift for guiding fast-paced, overwhelmed, driven entrepreneurs to thrive in their small business. With over 13 years mentoring thought leaders and big thinking entrepreneurs, Melanie is a liberator – uncovering costly breakdowns and de-railers while re-energizing profits– ultimately freeing the entrepreneur to do more of what they do best.
Melanie has been on faculty with StomperNet as their delegation expert, spoke on stages across the globe, is co-author of’s Start Up Guide to Starting an Information Marketing Business and has her success tips featured in magazines such as American Express OPEN Forum, Woman’s Day and the LA Times. Melanie is a proud lifestyle enthusiast and spends her free time in search of the best spas and beaches in the world.

5 Simple Steps To Rewrite Your Money Story

Maddie Brown

Maddie Brown is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) with 30 years of working with small businesses. Maddie has a passion for helping other business owners fulfill their dreams and create the real business they were meant to share.
Her services save time, stress and money and give people wings. By helping business owners fulfill their place, she fulfills hers.
Maddie’s website is

Flip Your Switch: The Miracle Manifestation Method for Getting what you truly want – Even Money!

Nan Akasha

Nan Akasha, a Best Selling Author, is known as the “Secret Weapon” for ‘flipping your switch’ and re-wiring Entrepreneurs and Professionals to make quantum leaps in power, voice and money. As a renowned success, mindset and business mentor and speaker, her x-ray vision and innovative strategies translate into accelerated clarity, performance and profits. Nan has an uncanny ability to get to the heart of what’s blocking you or your organization from high velocity success.
Featured in Fast Company Magazine (July 2013) as a top 20 Business leader to watch, and awarded the Women in Ecommerce award from WE Magazine for 2012, Nan’s work is real, and relevant to the current economy. Her powerful “Flip Your Switch™ signature series of programs (Flip your Rich Switch™… Power switch… Sales switch…. is the foundation to success in leadership, business and profits.
Nan’s new movement The New Feminine Economy™ helping women lead and succeed through her groundbreaking “The New Feminine Success Formula™” to women, so we can flip the switch in our economy and lifestyles and tap into the enormous power of women. Nan brings the real, raw relevant truth about women, money, success and business in the new economy. Nan’s style is warm and humorous, her messages are filled with powerful substance and practical knowledge that can be put to immediate use in daily life to create a profoundly successful, prosperous and deeply fulfilling life.
As the CEO of Akasha International, a global Consulting and Performance company, her breakthrough methods have been instrumental in transforming the sales results, income, and businesses of hundreds of thousands of people around the world.
Nan, recognized as one of the pioneers in the field of personal growth and mind mastery for exceptional success, is a popular speaker, from Keynotes, to trainings, telesummits and talk shows, Nan has appeared on stages, livestreams and radio coast to coast, with the top names in many industries like Bob Doyle, Arielle Ford, Mike Koenigs, John Chow, Suzanne Evans, Joe Vitale and Marianne Williamson.
In her keynotes, workshops presentations and products, Nan shares the principles she has taught for decades, that flip your switch and accelerate your results. From how to most effectively use the power of your mind, how to turn obstacles into opportunities and the art of “Increase”… knowing how to intentionally increase anything in your life, Nan inspires and opens your mind to a whole new paradigm in sales, business or personal success that is relevant and real in the new economy. Nan Flip’s your Switch by clearing your inner blocks and mastering your success sabotage patterns. .
Nan lives in Austin, TX with her partner Chris, and her twin girls Emily and Sierra, and their cat ‘Kilala’.

Your Host

Jo Ann Hammond-Meiers, Ph.D.

Jo Ann Hammond-Meiers coaches evolving entrepreneurs. She lives in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada and likes being a lifelong learner and professional who continues to develop her professional offerings and services. She has a Master Life Coaching Certificate and she is a Certified Law of Attraction Coach with Quantum Success Coaching Academy. She has integrated Coaching in her private practice and now is extending her outreach online.
She is CEO of Coaching Flow Success, an online firm that serves entrepreneurs who aim to succeed in their developing businesses. She maintains two separate businesses, one an in-person business and one, an online business. Before establishing a business co-owned with her husband, Dr. Gary Meiers, she had a solo entrepreneur business.
In her online business training Jo Ann took training with High Performance Academy, Experts Academy, and 10XPublishing with Brendon Burchard. She trained with Rich Schefren of Strategic Profits and Pete Williams in Profit Hacks. For two years she studied online with Ryan Eliason in Socially Conscious Entrepreneur training and Visionary Businesses. She studied with Rich German’s Epic Coaching, and learned about TeleSummits from Sage Lavine. She is a member of GKIC under Dan Kennedy’s and Dave Dee’s expert tutelage. She trains with the Social Media Program, ‘We First’, with Simon Mainwaring, learning social media branding and work with non-profits.
She has been influenced by visionaries such as Jean Houston who she originally heard present in 1981 and re-studied in 2012. She studied dance in New York for two years in the early eighties which taught her how to master movement and mindful awareness which she continued to learn within hypnosis, bodywork and mind, body, spirit integration.
Jo Ann is a certified Neurolinguistic Programming Practitioner. She trained, and practices in Milton Erickson’s Therapeutic Hypnosis. She has trained, and practiced in Craniosacrum Therapy, Trigger Therapy, Trager Therapy, and Bowen Technique, all forms of Body Therapies. She continues to study Energy Therapies, Positive Self-Talk, utilizing Cognitive Behavioral Techniques as well as Emotional Shifts, focusing on Integration Techniques that promote success at all levels.
She is a Registered Psychologist in Alberta Canada, (#1321), a Board Certified Dance/Movement Therapist, a Registered Art Therapy (with American Art Therapy Association), and a Registered Canadian Art Therapist (with Canadian Art Therapy As

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