
Jill Coleman – Moderation365 Certification


I’ve always been on the lookout for lifestyle programs that promise real, sustainable change without the usual restrictive diets that feel like they’re more trouble than they’re worth. That’s when I stumbled upon Jill Coleman’s Moderation365 Certification. It’s not just another diet program; it’s a philosophy that’s reshaping the way we think about food every day of the year.

The Moderation365 Certification is grounded in the principle that moderation, not deprivation, is the key to lasting health and wellness. Jill Coleman, a fitness and lifestyle coach with a refreshing approach, has been turning heads with this innovative concept. I was intrigued by the promise of learning how to maintain a balanced diet without the guilt or the yo-yo effect that comes with extreme dieting.

I decided to dive deeper into what makes the Moderation365 Certification stand out. Join me as I explore how this program could be the answer to the sustainable lifestyle changes many of us have been searching for.

What is Moderation365 Certification?

When I first came across the Moderation365 Certification, I was curious about its core principles and its approach to nutrition. Developed by fitness and nutrition expert Jill Coleman, this certification program equips fitness professionals and enthusiasts with strategies for creating a sustainable, non-restrictive diet methodology. It advocates for a year-round, balanced approach to eating that does not require giving up your favorite foods.

The essence of Moderation365 lies in intuitive eating, food psychology, and habit formation. Participants are coached on methods to avoid the common trap of ‘all-or-nothing’ dieting. The idea is to consume foods in moderation while still achieving health and wellness goals. The program dismantles the traditional diet mindset, which often leads to the cyclical pattern of restriction followed by overindulgence.

Key elements of this certification include:

  • Understanding the nutritional value of foods
  • Learning to identify hunger and fullness cues
  • Managing emotional eating
  • Strategies for eating out and social events
  • Incorporating all types of foods in moderation

Practical application is a significant focus of the Moderation365 Certification. I’ve learned that it isn’t just about studying these concepts; it’s about applying them in real-world scenarios. This is where the program stands out—providing actionable tactics that can be immediately implemented.

Further, what really piqued my interest was how this certification underscores the importance of mindset in achieving a balanced diet. We often overlook how our thoughts around food impact our eating behaviors. By reshaping our food philosophy, the Moderation365 approach aims to establish a healthy, guilt-free relationship with food.

It’s refreshing to see a program that doesn’t push for strict diet rules or unrealistic fitness routines. Instead, it encourages a flexible eating pattern, making the idea of moderation a practical part of daily life. The certification’s curriculum suggests that once you understand the principle of moderation, you can maintain a balanced diet easily without the need for drastic measures or feelings of deprivation.

The Philosophy Behind Moderation365

Moderation365 takes a unique approach to healthy eating, and I’ve found it’s not just about what you eat, but how you think about food. The foundation of the program lies in the idea that food is neither good nor bad; it’s the patterns of consumption and the emotions tied to eating that need adjusting. Mindset shifts are central to this philosophy, reinforcing the principle that you can enjoy a variety of foods without labeling them or experiencing guilt.

I’ve learned that the program’s philosophy is deeply rooted in intuitive eating. It teaches participants to tune into their body’s natural hunger and fullness signals rather than following a prescribed diet or meal schedule. By focusing on internal cues and respecting your body’s needs, it’s possible to develop a healthier relationship with food. This is a key component of the Moderation365 philosophy and distinguishes it from the often rigid and prescriptive nature of many diet plans.

Through the certification, I’ve been exposed to strategies that help in understanding the psychological triggers that lead to overeating and food binges. Food psychology plays a significant role in this program, and I’m seeing how emotional eating patterns can undermine health and wellness goals. Moderation365 emphasizes that by managing these triggers and understanding the emotional connection to food, you can create sustainable eating habits that aren’t disruptive to your lifestyle or social events.

Habit formation is another important aspect of the Moderation365 philosophy. You’re encouraged to implement small, incremental changes that eventually lead to a significant impact on overall eating patterns. It’s not about overhauling your diet overnight, but gradually adopting new habits that support a more balanced way of eating. By incorporating a variety of foods and focusing on moderation, the stress and anxiety that often accompany dietary restrictions are greatly reduced.

I’m becoming adept at incorporating flexibility in my diet and realizing that a balanced approach to eating can be both enjoyable and conducive to my health goals. With the Moderation365 philosophy, it’s clear that the journey to a balanced diet is not lined with restrictions, but rather paved with freedom and personal choice.

Who is Jill Coleman?

Jill Coleman is a fitness coach turned wellness educator with an impressive track record in the health industry. Fitness has always been at the forefront of Jill’s professional endeavors. I’ve come to understand Jill’s journey began with a degree in Exercise Science which she later merged with a master’s degree in Human Nutrition. With this formidable base, she went on to establish a career that is as inspiring as it is instructive.

Her approach to wellness has always been radical yet relatable. Jill’s career milestones are highlighted by her commitment to helping people achieve balance in their lives, particularly when it comes to nutrition and fitness. After years of working hands-on in the fitness industry as a trainer, she identified a critical gap in the market: a sustainable approach to eating and fitness that could stand the test of time without the yo-yo dieting phenomenon that plagues many enthusiastic dieters.

Pioneering an online platform, Jill became a trusted voice advocating for a lifestyle free from the tight constraints of traditional diet culture. As a wellness educator she doesn’t just talk the talk, she walks the walk – sharing her personal and professional experiences with unfiltered honesty. It’s through her continued education efforts and personal anecdotes that I find her teachings strike a chord with so many.

In addition to shaping her own products, like the Moderation365 Certification, Jill often speaks at various industry events. Her presence on podcasts, webinars, and live workshops has made her an influential figure in the movement towards body positivity and realistic health goals. Navigating through the complexities of emotional eating and habitual behaviors, she’s guided many towards a more balanced, moderation-focused lifestyle.

Certainly, her insights extend well into the realms of entrepreneurship and personal branding within the wellness industry. For fitness professionals and enthusiasts seeking to blaze their own trails, Jill Coleman’s methods serve not only as a path to better health but also to professional fulfillment. She reinvents the common narratives surrounding success in the fitness realm with her own blend of pragmatism and authenticity.

Benefits of Moderation365 Certification

When I decided to delve deeper into Jill Coleman’s Moderation365 approach, I discovered that obtaining her certification offers a wealth of advantages. Firstly, it equips fitness professionals with a comprehensive understanding of nutrition that shuns extreme diets and embraces a more feasible, year-round way of eating. The Moderation365 Certification turns the spotlight on developing habits that promote longevity and consistency in one’s nutrition practice.

The certification also endows me with the skills to coach clients more effectively. It emphasizes the psychological aspects of eating, shedding light on emotional eating patterns and providing techniques to help clients overcome these barriers. Knowledge gained from this certification includes:

  • Strategies for managing cravings
  • How to handle “food guilt”
  • Techniques for portion control without counting calories
  • Methods to integrate treat meals into a healthy eating plan

With the Moderation365 Certification, my clients get personalized guidance that aligns with their lifestyle. It’s not just about short-term gains but fostering a sustainable approach that clients can maintain indefinitely. This certification is a game-changer for fitness enthusiasts who are tired of the “all or nothing” mentality and seek a balanced repertoire.

Moreover, this certification bolsters my credibility as a wellness educator. It allows me to stand out as an expert who promotes a practical and evidence-based approach to nutrition. In a world where fad diets and quick fixes are rampant, being certified in a program that counters that narrative is immensely valuable.

By integrating the Moderation365 principles into my practice, I’ve witnessed firsthand how this empowers clients. They’re no longer bound by the chains of dieting extremes. Instead, they learn to nurture a healthier relationship with food, one that supports both their physical goals and mental well-being.

How Does Moderation365 Work?

Moderation365 is a comprehensive program that I’ve found centralizes on the concept of moderation in eating habits. It detangles the complex web of yo-yo dieting by encouraging a balance in everyday nutrition choices. I’ve observed that Jill Coleman’s approach disperses the all-or-nothing mindset, which typically sabotages long-term health goals.

The strength of the program lies in its focus on intuitive eating. I’ve learned that this isn’t about strict meal plans or calorie counting but about understanding the body’s hunger cues and giving permission to enjoy all foods in moderation. The strategies taught through Moderation365 aid in developing a mindful eating practice, which has been instrumental in how I now perceive food as nourishment rather than a source of anxiety.

One of the main pillars of Moderation365 that resonated with me is the technique of front-loading. This involves consuming more calories earlier in the day to help manage hunger, energy levels, and cravings. By incorporating this into my routine, I’ve noticed significant improvements in how I handle my appetite and make healthier choices without feeling deprived.

I’ve also embraced the idea of habit stacking where I add new, beneficial habits alongside existing ones, making them easier to adopt and maintain. For example, pairing a glass of water with my morning coffee has ensured I stay well-hydrated throughout the day.

To reinforce these principles, Moderation365 emphasizes the need for regular treat meals – not cheat meals – to avoid the psychological restrictions that often lead to binge eating. I’ve found this aspect crucial in maintaining a sustainable and pleasant relationship with food, as it allows space for indulgences without guilt.

The beauty of Moderation365 is that it’s designed for the long haul, creating a foundation for a healthy lifestyle that can be maintained indefinitely. It aligns with the natural ebb and flow of life, making it practical and flexible enough to adapt to various circumstances, which I’ve observed is key to its effectiveness.

Is Moderation365 Right for You?

Determining if Moderation365 is the right fit for your lifestyle hinges on several crucial factors. Flexibility is at the heart of Jill Coleman’s program, but get this: it’s not for everyone. Some individuals thrive on structure and rigid schedules; if that’s you, Moderation365’s fluid approach might feel overwhelming. However, if you’re nodding along to the idea of ditching the all-or-nothing mentality, keep reading.

Let’s break down what makes a good candidate for the Moderation365 Certification:

  • You’re tired of the yo-yo dieting cycle and crave a more balanced approach to nutrition.
  • Tracking every calorie has become exhausting, and intuitive eating sounds like a breath of fresh air.
  • The concept of treat meals resonates with you – who doesn’t love a guilt-free indulgence now and then?
  • You’re seeking a sustainable method that aligns with the unpredictability of daily life and social events.

It’s important to note that adopting Moderation365 principles requires a certain level of self-awareness. It’s about listening to your body’s signals, not ignoring them. The emphasis on front-loading calories rests on understanding your appetite patterns and controlling cravings before they control you.

If you’re in the fitness or nutrition industry, think about the value this could add to your services. The certification expands your toolkit, equipping you with strategies to help clients navigate their relationship with food. It’s not just about the one-on-one gains though; it’s about influencing a cultural shift towards healthful habits and away from extreme diets.

For those concerned about how much time you’ll need to dedicate, rest easy. Moderation365 integrates with your existing routine rather than demanding a complete overhaul. It’s all about small yet impactful changes that amount to big results over time.

Are you resonating with these points? If so, Moderation365 might just be the game-changer you’ve been looking for. It’s not just a diet program; it’s a lifestyle philosophy that celebrates moderation and the joy of eating. Sounds liberating, doesn’t it? And isn’t that what we all ultimately seek from our nutritional philosophies – freedom?


Adopting the Moderation365 approach could be a game-changer if you’re seeking a balanced and sustainable way to manage your nutrition. I’ve seen firsthand how intuitive eating and mindful practices can transform one’s relationship with food. For those tired of the calorie-counting rollercoaster and craving a lifestyle that embraces regular treat meals without guilt, this program might just be the key. And if you’re a professional looking to expand your expertise, the certification offers tools that can enrich your practice and help clients achieve lasting success. Remember, it’s about making small, consistent changes that fit seamlessly into your life for enduring health and wellness.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Moderation365?

Moderation365 is a nutrition and fitness program designed by Jill Coleman. It promotes a balanced and sustainable approach to eating by focusing on moderation and intuitive eating practices, without strict meal plans or obsessive calorie counting.

How does Moderation365 differ from traditional diet plans?

Unlike traditional diets that often involve rigid meal plans and calorie counting, Moderation365 emphasizes mindful eating, moderation, and the integration of regular treat meals, aligning with the natural ups and downs of everyday life.

What is intuitive eating in the context of Moderation365?

Intuitive eating, within Moderation365, is about listening to your body’s hunger and fullness cues and eating accordingly, rather than following a strict diet protocol.

What are “treat meals” and how are they incorporated into Moderation365?

Treat meals are indulgent foods that are intentionally included in the Moderation365 program to satisfy cravings and to prevent feelings of deprivation. They are part of the philosophy that all foods can fit into a balanced diet.

Can Moderation365 integrate with my existing routine?

Yes, Moderation365 is designed to be flexible and can integrate with your existing lifestyle and routines. It offers small, impactful changes to create long-term sustainable results.

Who should consider the Moderation365 program?

Moderation365 is suitable for those seeking a balanced approach to nutrition, tired of constant calorie tracking, and interested in incorporating treat meals without feelings of guilt.

Is there a certification available for Moderation365?

Yes, there is a Moderation365 certification available for nutrition and fitness professionals who want to incorporate its principles into their own practice and help guide their clients with a balanced approach to nutrition.

Original price was: $2,037.00.Current price is: $170.00.

Download Jill Coleman’s Moderation365 Certification Guide for a cheap price.