
Jason Potash – The ArticleAnnouncer Article Marketing System


The ArticleAnnouncer Article Marketing System

Attention: Search Engine ‘Dummies’…’Traffic Challenged’ Business Owners… And Anyone Else Who Wants More Traffic, NOW!

FINALLY! A 100% ‘Legitimate’ Way To Quickly & Easily Drive Targeted Cash-In-Hand Prospects And Visitors To Any Of Your Websites at NO Cost…
(And If That Isn’t Enough Traffic For You ‘It’ Will Also…)

Boost Your Search Engine Rankings, Link Popularity, And Get ALL The Traffic You Want, Whenever You Want — Nearly Automatically…

Without Falling Victim To The Latest “Get-Traffic-Quick” Scheme, Using Risky Software, Or Illegal (Short-Lived) Tactics That Might Even Get Your Website Blacklisted!

READ THIS: If you are truly serious about making more Google AdSense revenue, generating more clicks, selling more ebooks, or driving new affiliate revenue… you are losing money every day that you are not using this proven (free) traffic strategy…

Watch this ‘shocking’ play-by-play underground video as 3,920 pages in Google pick up my article and send me traffic — you’ll watch these “free traffic pages” balloon right before your eyes…

Note: I just checked the status of the video again. The results are all over the board. Not surprising since it’s no secret Google is shuffling their index and not showing all links — to throw people off from reverse engineering their algorithm. But, let’s just say you spent 30 minutes today and only got 250 “free traffic pages” pointing back to your brand new website. Do you think it would be worth it? Of course. And as further (more accurate) proof, please also search on, or after watching this video and you’ll see thousands of more free traffic pages there too!…


The ArticleAnnouncer Article Marketing System

“Now YOU Too Can Exploit

The #1 Free Traffic Source

On The Internet Using

This Secret Weapon!”

What’s included? Well, let me first say this. As you can see above, this is a meaty course complete with audios, workbooks, CD-ROM training, and software. Here is a quick breakdown of everything you’ll get:

4 Audio CDs – These studio-mastered CDs are the heart of the article marketing system and contain 4 hours of A-Z teachings about how to succeed with your articles — no stone is left unturned.

CD ROM Video Tutorials – You get to peek over my shoulder as I go step-by-step though some of the more advanced and technical elements of marketing your articles.

2 Workbooks – Cheat sheet, resource guide, article swipe file… it’s all included to get you up and running as fast as possible with articles

User Guide – A play-by-play guide shows you how to maximize your results when submitting your articles — it’s all explained in an easy-to-follow, even easier to do format.

Article Software Scripts – Includes the ArticleAnnouncer software to make your article submissions a breeze. Plus, you’ll get access to a treasure trove of handy “must-have”, web-based article scripts to help you better research, format, analyze, track and find partners for your articles.

This is NOT some over-pricedMickey Mouse” course that includes two audio CDS and a flimsy three ring binder (that is double spaced, loaded with filler and contains 10 pages for “notes”).

The beefy workbooks and info-packed audios and videos deliver a ton of solid content right from the get go. You won’t be disappointed. There’s enough here to satisfy anyone new to articles right up to seasoned pros who think they already “know it all”.

That’s why I am so proud of the ArticleBlueprint component of this course and how it turned out. I really wanted to make sure that you get all the answers and fully understand every last secret to making your articles explode like 2 tons of dynamite once they hit the Internet… and they will!

The course lays it all out for you — in a step-by-step, easy to follow system — form start to finish… including advanced search engine optimization strategies (and dangers) that few people are talking about today.

And rather than put a microphone to my mouth and ramble on for 4 hours about all the ins and outs of how to be successful with your articles, I did something MUCH better…

This makes it way easier to listen to (…even a little “entertaining” at times) and provides 5 times more value!

I asked one of the top marketers online today to grill me for 4 intense hours. I thought, if I’m going to be interviewed — do a virtual brain dump and all give away ALL my years of street-smart knowledge — then, I want the best in the business to drag it out of me.

And this is EXACTLY what happened when my good friend John Reese and I sat down and conducted this interview only a few short months ago.

I was amazed. The minute I’d say something, John would step in and add even more insight and more incredible information. This battle of the minds went on for several hours without losing pace. You have to hear it to believe it!

And the quality of these recordings is top notch. No muffled voices, no hissing, no static-laden telephone lines. You get to enjoy crystal clear, studio-quality audio in the car, on the couch or at your computer.

Let’s take a closer look at the “heart” of the ArticleAnnouncer Article Marketing System…

Your first entry into the world of article marketing is mastering the fundamentals. Yes, even if you’ve written an article before, there are still key (crucial) ingredients that you have probably missed.

And these key ingredients can spell the ultimate success, or failure, of your articles.

They are all covered here in this 70 minute audio recording…

Audio CD Volume 1:
“Article Fundamentals”

Here’s Just A Small Sample Of Things You’ll Discover On
CD Volume One…

  • How to use the “credibility factor” in articles as the missing link to rope in more traffic, subscribers and sales than you ever imagined and get people begging to do business with you!

  • 5 BIG reasons why you must start to create and distribute articles — 2 of these reasons didn’t even exist two years ago but they are the most exciting yet!

  • Don’t like to write? How to scope out the best article freelance writers… without getting lied to, screwed or burned by hiring the wrong person!

  • How to use a clever “testing” technique that quickly delivers you the best ghostwriters, who will crank out kick-butt articles for you at rock-bottom prices!

  • 4 sure-fire tricks for determining “hot” article topics that people are desperate to read about. (In fact, the answers are only a few websites away… you won’t believe how easy it is!)

  • The seldom-discussed “lottery ticket” mentality approach to creating articles and why it is the single most important factor to driving massive traffic! (Those who understand this clobber their competitors without fail, every month! Now YOU can too).

  • Use this golden 3-word formula to guarantee your article gets passed around the net faster than the latest computer virus outbreak! (This trick alone will put you on the article success track — real fast!)

  • The “leave them hanging” technique that drives people to your websites in droves like nothing else… when used correctly, unleashing a stampede of a few hundred website visitors per day, every day is not uncommon!

  • The biggest blunder that 70% of article publishers make — this is the sweet spot of your article that will instantly catapult its success — or kill it!

  • The secrets to using the right keywords and keyword density in your articles to siphon more traffic through the search engines!

  • And much, much more.

The next step is… Advanced Article Strategies.

Once you’ve nailed down the fundamentals, it’s time to step-up and get into the advanced stuff. You’ll get a TON of insight as I go through — in detail — all the necessary article mechanics including little known tactics to get even better results with your articles.

This is critical territory. Don’t even think about skipping over it. Before you get ready to blast out your articles all over the Internet, you need to have all your ducks in a row. This will help get you on the right track, right away.

Audio CD Volume 2:
“Advanced Article Strategies”

Here’s Just A Small Sample Of Things You’ll Discover On
CD Volume Two…

  • 2 sneaky (yet 100% above-board) ways to alter and optimize other people’s articles and use them as search engine bait on your websites. (If you play the AdSense game, you will kick yourself for not having thought of this yourself).

  • How to develop an “article series” to get even more traffic with your articles… once you know how to leave them hanging, readers will stampede your website anxious to grab your next article!

  • How to use a powerhouse 3-way article strategy to quickly balloon your opt-in subscriber list. (This little baby has been known to haul in a few thousand subscribers in 72 hours or less!)

  • How to repackage other people’s content legally and ethically to keep your article topics fresh. (This will stamp out your “Writer’s Block” in 2 minutes flat!)

  • How to leverage the “silent salesman” in your articles… get thousands of dollars in free advertising by weaving in your website, business, product, or service into your articles, without being accused of producing a blatant ad.

  • How the search engine preferred “stagger” approach will skyrocket your traffic even more when promoting your articles online. (This can also spell the kiss of death if you blow it!)

  • Article mechanics: Know what the pros know about the best length for articles, how many characters per line, which articles get the most read, best format, best ways to write them? Follow the rules, get more exposure with your articles.

  • And much, much more

The next step is… Promotion, Optimization & Traffic.

Okay, this is where the rubber hits the road! Promoting and submitting your articles over the Internet let’s you finally see your articles come to life!

Which websites should you submit to? How can you entice people to publish your articles? It’s all covered right here… and then some!

I go full-circle through all the how’s, why’s, when’s and where’s of promoting your articles to get YOU more traffic and BETTER results than anyone else.

Audio CD Volume 3:
“Promotion, Optimization
& Traffic”

Here’s Just A Small Sample Of Things You’ll Discover On
CD Volume Three…

  • How to go directly to “the source” and get your articles republished on dozens of websites… often on the same day! (Sad to say, 90% of people don’t even bother to do this)

  • What ezine publishers and webmasters desperately want from you (but will never tell you). Get this right and watch them come begging to republish more of your articles!

  • How to get 2 or 3 times the mileage out of a single article using a clever “recycle” technique

  • How to optimize your articles for the search engines and make them reader-friendly… no need to keyword stuff your articles to trick Google, you can provide great content and hog all the traffic at the same time!

  • How to wipe out any search engine benefits your articles provide by ignoring this simple article formatting rule. (It’s brain-dead simple, yet so many people completely overlook it).

  • How to submit your articles, where to submit them to get hundreds of incoming links to your websites… and watch your search engine rankings — and traffic — blast off the charts without you becoming a search engine guru!

  • And much, much more

The next step is… Promotion, Optimization & Traffic.

I could have easily stopped right here, but I dove even further into what makes the search engines tick. Keyword selection… linking strategies… you’ll get an accelerated course in search engine optimization in less than 70 minutes.

The end result? Watch as you get even BETTER results with your articles once you fully understand — and exploit — what the search engines are looking for.

90% of people who promote articles completely miss the boat on this. You’ll be among the select few you get it and steal top search engines rankings and traffic as a result.

Audio CD Volume 4:
“Search Engine Tactics”

Here’s Just A Small Sample Of Things You’ll Discover On
CD Volume Four…

  • How to get hundreds (even thousands) of websites to instantly syndicate your articles and send you more free traffic! (It’s 100% free and spreading like an untamed Texas wildfire as we speak.)

  • Clever tricks to “squeeze under the radar” and siphon more affiliate cash out of your articles, without getting penalized or banned by ezine publishers, webmasters or article directories.

  • Little known article linking secrets that will turbocharge the results you get with your articles. (Turn on the tap to more highly-targeted traffic right away!)

  • Understand the dangers and pitfalls of using auto-content generation software and how it can be suicidal to all your efforts of building a high traffic, high ranked website. (Google is especially cracking down on this and could de-list your website without warning!)

  • How to seduce the search engines to crawl all over your website, index your webpages lightening fast, and slingshot your rankings by using an optimized “article map”.

  • How to unlock the fundamentals of meta tags, make your HTML article (and AdSense) webpages sizzle with the perfect blend of keywords, and legally and ethically steal more traffic from your competitors! (They WILL hate you for it, but you will love it!)

  • How to capture more Page Rank for your website and avoid Page Rank bleed when promoting your articles online. (This is like watering down your lemonade when you don’t have to).

  • You’ll hear a shocking example of one lady who built her subscriber list from 50 to 14,000 in one year and skyrocketed her web traffic to ZERO to 8,000 visitors per day — using ONLY articles to promote her website!

  • Learn the 1-2-3 formula responsible for bringing in $150,000 worth of business using a single article — you’ll learn step-by-step how you can do the same.

  • How the tap into the “double echo effect” of articles to drive more traffic and get thousands of radio hosts, newspapers and television shows calling YOU, seeking your expertise!

  • And much, much more

Next, are the CD-ROM “screen capture” lessons and tutorials.

These tutorials go into greater detail and expand upon the key article concepts and strategies you learned about on the audio CDs.

There’s no way that I could possibly teach you in writing or on audio some of the things that you will see in these video. Yes, they are THAT advanced… and in some cases quite technical.

You get to sit back, relax… listen, watch and learn — it’s as if you were sitting there right beside me during a one-on-one personal consultation. The only difference is, you can hit the “pause” button and go back and review, anytime you like.

CD-ROM Tutorials:
“Video Lessons & Training”

Here’s Just A Small Sample
Of Things You’ll Discover In
These 21 Video Lessons…

Actual screenshot of just one lesson from the CD-ROM video training.

  • Article spy techniques to zero in with laser-precision and find what people are interested in reading about. (Makes sure you article is a hit before you write a single word).

  • How to swoop in and view the top 30 topics that people are interested in online by visiting these two websites — it’s just like getting a list of the Billboard top hit singles.

  • How to reverse engineer other articles and trump your competitors — they will have no where to hide once you unlock their traffic secrets!

  • How to use boost the search engine “sexiness” of your article pages. (You’ll seduce the search engine spiders to visit often and drive them wild once you learn these HTML optimization secrets!)

  • How to quickly bring anyone to their knees who rips off your articles. (Send them this 10 line email and watch them cave in like a wet paper bag — no lawyers required!)

  • How to “own” keywords and why this is such a powerful strategy to hoard all the traffic and snag top rankings within your target market. (Hardly anyone is doing this).

  • Why getting less traffic with your articles can boost your search engine rankings and sales! (Super savvy affiliate marketers use this same technique and siphon huge cash from other websites)

  • The triple profit motivator that gets affiliates so “HOT” over your articles, they will promote them, republish them… or do whatever you want them to do! Yes, it’s THAT effective.

  • How to milk more profits from all your articles by using these 4 re-packaging techniques. (This can quickly turn your articles into a viral traffic frenzy!)

  • The correct way to format links within your articles. (It’s so simple, yet a common mistake that will instantly demolish all the search engine benefits you can get from your articles)

  • 7 ways to safeguard your articles and salvage any profits that can be easily snapped up right from under your nose!

  • And even more!

Get download Jason Potash – The ArticleAnnouncer Article Marketing System at right now!


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Original price was: $379.00.Current price is: $65.00.

Digital Download: You will receive a download link via your order email Search Engine ‘Dummies’…’Traffic Challenged’ Business Owners… And Anyone Else Who Wants More Traffic, NOW! “FINALLY! A 100% ‘Legitimate’ Way To Quickly & Easily Drive Targeted Cash-In-Hand Prospects And Visitors To Any Of Your Websites at NO Cost…