
Jason Fladlien – The Niche Copywriter


Jason Fladlien – The Niche Copywriter

A Year Internet Marketer!

All for less than a week’s worth of groceries…

I know a secret about you. You’d rather have someone give you a fish than fish yourself. And that’s totally cool.

Why not jump over the learning curve… And just leverage my talents instead?

Fact: I created over 72 profitable products in the last 14 months

Fact: I’ve written over 91 successful sales letters in the last 14 months (My best pulled over 22%)

Fact: The demand for my time is so great, I charge $250 an hour for personal, one on one coaching.

My name is Jason Fladlien and I’m going to be flirting with 7 figures this year (one million dollars!).

What’s that mean for you?

This – Since it’s so easy for me to create high quality products and converting sales letters… And close high end coaching and consulting deals…

I can just do the work for you. And offer you a killer deal, too.

Here’s What It’s All About

Once upon a time I conducted a training class where 68% of my active students created their own product in 2 weeks.

Problem: Even though most created a product, they were too burned out to market it properly.

Another Problem: There was still 32% of the class that didn’t have a product!

Solution: Forget creating your own product. Just use one (or all!) of the 12 products you get the rights to today!

Best of all, I’ll show you personally how to market these products.

And since these are products created by me – and not some dorky ghostwriter – you know they’re of the highest quality.

We’ll discuss these products more in a second. But first…

Let’s Handle The Problem of Selling Stuff!

If you’re like most of my clients, you fall into one of two groups.

The first group needs to be able to write copy to promote their own products and services. The second group wants to write copy for other people, and make big money as a freelance copywriter.

What I’ve done is solve both problems… Simultaneously.

Get this: the best way to get high paying copywriting clients is to have them come to you instead of you going to them.

Here’s how you do it…

You put an information business in front of your copywriting business. You create a lot of reports that are of high interest to people who are the most willing to hire copywriters.

They get their hands on one of your reports… Read it… Like what you said… And either:

A) Contact you personally to hire you.

B) Sign up for your list, where you then send out an email to them later, pitching your services.

Is That Too Simplistic?

No. I know from personal experience that’s exactly how it plays out.

But I also know this: out of the hundreds of clients I’ve taught this strategy to… Only 3 have ever followed my advice.

So instead of telling you to write the reports, I decided to write the damn things for you. And I also created squeeze pages for each report that, based on initial testing, convert around 39% to 43%..

This leads us back to the first group of people, who need to figure out the art of copywriting for themselves. Since all of these reports I’ve created were to attract clients who need copywriting, guess what they’re about?


So even if you only grab these reports for personal use, you’ll figure out exactly how to write the copy for your own products or services. (Plus, there’s a diabolical shortcut template I’ve also thrown in!)

Here’s the 6 Copywriting
Products You Get Rights To

You can give them away, sell them for profit, or study and profit from them yourself.

You can add them as bonuses to your own offers, use them to build a membership site or do anything else with them you desire except offer master resale rights.

Write A Killer Headline
In 10 Minutes Or Less

Product 1

Quit spending hours agonizing over a headline.

Unless you have $20,000 of ad money on the line, you don’t need to fret that much. Actually, it’s better to write 3-5 headlines, and then pick the best.

With the formula in this report, you’ll be able to do just that.

Here’s how it works:

Follow step one to come up with you “grabber”. Add in step two to put an emotional “locking point” with it. Finally, add the “hook” in step 3.

Then just write it out 3-5 different ways and pick the best one. Killer headlines in under ten minutes…

You’ll also discover:

  • Why you shouldn’t use headline swipe files to help you come up with fresh headlines.
  • The truth about how the 80/20 rule applies to headlines… And how to use it to write better headlines than ever before!
  • The Secret Headline Writing Formula: B ER INC = Killer Headlines.
  • How to find your biggest and baddest benefits… And then turn them into “can’t ignore” hooks.
  • Plus TONS more!

How To Master Writing Bullet
Points In One Sitting

Product 2

If you want to create copy that sells, you have to be a bullet point genius.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to become a bullet point genius – in one dedicated sitting? Well, you can… If you have the right approach.

Here’s what you want to do: first, make sure each sales letter contains 6 specific types of bullet points. Why? Well it guarantees your bullet points are going to hit the widest circle of readers.

Listen. Your bullet points must be so powerful that someone will buy your product just to get the answer to a single bullet point! I show you how do that.

In this report, you’ll also find out:

  • The “Suck Method” — how to suck out all the benefits of your product then twist them into bullet points.
  • The Biggest Mistake amateur copywriters make with their bullet points that is guaranteed to depress response!
  • The Magic Bullet Point Formula: HB C (1-7) = Great Bullet Points

How To Create Stories That Sell

Product 3

Try this: spend 5 weeks studying some of the greatest ads of all time. Look for one thing in particular: the types of stories they use in those ads.

What you’ll find is 95% of those ads follow three basic “story plots”.

Even better: break the movement of those plots down into 5 steps. Then, whenever you have to write copy… Decide which of the three plots best fits with your situation… And just follow the five steps.

That’s what I did when I wanted to master how to tell stories that sell.

I isolated the 3 most successful plots in advertising history, and then created a five step process that allows you to tap into these plots… Even if you suck at telling stories.

Then, I show you how to take it even further with:

  • The Secret Art of subplots and how to use them to keep your reader’s attention through even the longest sales letters.
  • 2 Advanced “positioning tactics” you can use to send conversions through the roof. (Warning: only for serious marketers!)
  • How to use power verbs to keep your stories exciting and impactful.
  • The Exact Amount of “Drama” to put into your stories.
  • How to work in your proof, benefits, and scarcity naturally into your story so it doesn’t even appear like you’re trying to sell them something. (The “sneak up on them” approach!)

101 ‘Power Transitions’ Guaranteed To Keep Your Prospects Reading Every Word Of Your Copy

Product 4

This was “stolen” from one of the greatest copywriter’s of all time, Gary Halbert.

Funny thing is Halbert never mentioned this technique in any of his own copywriting products or his newsletter. Only the keenest copywriters picked up on it through rigorous study.

Everyone knows the importance of a headline and subheads. But not 1 copywriter in a thousand knows about a special “third type of headline”.

Halbert knew about it, which was a major reason he was so successful.

I’m talking about this: The third headline relates to “transitions”, which determines how your copy flows. If your copy doesn’t use the proper transitions, the reader gets bored very easily.

Now this is where is gets interesting – once you know certain time-tested transitions, it becomes easy to write copy that flows as smooth as silk.

Actually, with my 101 Power Transitions you can master this advanced technique without even practicing it. Just consult my list every 3-4 paragraphs, and enter the transition you like best.

Yes, it’s that easy!

How to Create A Simple Squeeze
Page In 9 MINUTES Or Less!

Product 5

Here’s a neat trick: isolate the three main “approaches” for getting the most signups for your squeeze page.

When it’s time to create your next squeeze page, pick the one of the three you think will work best.

Then just fill in the blanks!

Even better: use this strategy to quickly test different niches with affiliate products and then redirect them right through your affiliate link. You don’t even need to create a free “bribe” to get started!

In this report you’ll also discover:

  • The 3 Elements your squeeze page must have if you want to meet with success.
  • How to immediately make money from almost every person who signs up for your list.
  • How to use the 80/20 rule to make squeeze pages that convert every time!
  • A secret “3 out of 10” ratio most great marketers follow… But aren’t even aware of! (Use this same ratio and profit from it.)
  • And more!

Copywriting POWER Words

Product 6

You know what the biggest difference is between stale copy and exciting copy? It’s mostly verbs. Boring copy uses weak and passive verbs. Engaging copy uses powerful action verbs.

He didn’t talk to the crowd. he enchanted them. He wasn’t filled with energy. He pulsated with it.

See the difference?

In this report I’ve come up with the most powerful verbs and adjectives to use in your copywriting. Things such as:

  • The 18 best phrases to describe “instant” benefits.
  • The 39 best phrases to describe “without effort” benefits.
  • The 10 best ways to describe “financial gain” benefits.
  • The 18 best words to use to position your product as inexpensive.
  • Over 216 other “power words” to use for terms such as lazy, increase, fail, empower, humiliate and so on.
  • Why you should stay away from the word “learn” in your copy, and 17 other words to consider using instead.
  • Why you should avoid the word “pay” in your ad… And use one of these 15 phrases instead.
  • And over 41 phrases to use instead of the words sell, buy, teach, etc.

Now Here’s The Coolest Part
About These 6 Products
You Get Rights To Them

I went the extra mile on this one.

Besides getting the rights to these 6 copywriting products, you’re also going to get the rights to a sales letter I created that offers all 6 of these products (and one unadvertised bonus).

And the copy is smoking hot for that package, converting at 7-9% depending on where the traffic comes from.

You Get The Rights To This Sales
Letter – Use It & Keep 100% Profits!

You can literally download this package, turn around and upload the sales page, the download page and the six products… And start making sales right away.

Just drive about 15 targeted visitors to the page you just uploaded… And you should expect to get your first sale.

Then rinse and repeat.

Want to get them on a list first?

Do this. Take one of the 6 squeeze pages that come with each product, and drive them to that instead.

After they sign up for your list, just redirect them to the “bundled package” sales letter that promotes all 6 of the copywriting products you have rights to.

Here’s a preview of the
different squeeze pages you get:

Here Are 6 MORE
Products You’ll Also
Be Getting Rights To

Remember how I said to put an information business in front of your copywriting business if you want to get a lot of clients?

The same is true offline! You can get small business owners to pay you outrageous fees for doing the most basic marketing and copywriting work.

So what I did was create 6 special reports you can slap your name on, give away as bonuses, sell or do anything with them other than offer master resell rights.

Here’s What You Get

How Any Small Business Can Increase Their Profits By 90% In 20 Days

Product 7

This is a report laying out a system for how small business owners can isolate their top customers – the 20% who give them 80% results – and leverage those customers for massive results.

It describes in detailed fashion how to market additional products to these “best of the best” customers.

I also cover how to attract new customers who are most likely to also become “best of the best” customers.

Good stuff to know for your own business… Even better if you use it as “bait” to get a small business owner interested in hiring you to be their marketing consultant.

How to Make Your Yellow Page
Ads 300 Times More Effective

Product 8

This is basic marketing stuff you and I know — but stuff that small business owners have no clue about!

This report is perfect to use to “get in the door” with small business owners, and then charge them $1,000 just to write their Yellow Page ads. It takes about 45 minutes to write a Yellow Page ad.

You do the math on that one!

Referral Marketing For Small Business Owners

Product 9

This is a slick little report. It outlines a direct mail system and includes specific letters that you can just “swipe and mail”.

Best of all, it’s great for you to promote yourself as a “Referral Marketing Specialist”

You use this report to get in the door, then you give them one of two options. Try to do it themselves, or just hire you to do it for them (for $1,500 of course!)

The 3 Fatal Mistakes Most Small Businesses Make The Keeps Them Poor

Product 10

Another report to use as “bait” for small business owners to reach out and contact you. This report positions you as an expert in small business marketing and copywriting.

How to Turn Twice As Many Prospects Into Customers In 4 Short Weeks

Product 11

Here’s a cool tactic you can use as an offline marketing consultant.

Most small business do not know the power of testimonials. So what you do is use my “testimonial collector” system to get a ton of them for a small business.

Now just use one of the three techniques I show you on how to position these testimonials to tear down customer resistance… It’s easy to double a small business owner’s conversion rate.

Center of Influence Marketing
For Small Businesses

Product 12

This is a report about joint ventures… With a unique twist.

Again, we online marketers do it all the time because we’re marketing savvy. But these small businesses don’t have a clue on how to do it!

So what you do is become an offline “joint venture broker”. You set up a deal, and you take a base fee ($500) plus 10% of the sales you generate.

Good for big pay days!

How to Make Money With
These 6 “Small Business Reports”

There are two easy ways to turn these reports into cash.

The first is to use my “lead generation letter” that’s included with this package, and send it out to 25 small business owners. This letter has a call to action to get them to contact you for a free consultation.

Now that they have reached out to you, they have identified themselves as prime customers.

Also, since you know these are very high quality prospects, you can spend time following up with them.

You can give out any of the reports to the small business owner for free as a bonus for meeting with you. Or ask for their email address and send them the report.

Within each report there are several calls to action.

I put them in to build up your value and convince them to contact you again to seek your services.

You now have their email.

And if you bopped into their business, it’d be easy for you to chat them up.

These reports do the closing for you since they demonstrate your expertise. You literally have to do nothing more than just talk to them and ask them some questions (I’ll tell you which questions to ask), and the deal will close itself.

The second way you make money with these reports is simple: become a shovel seller.

What you’d do is bundle all 6 of these small business reports together, and then sell them to people who are looking to get into offline small business consulting.

I’ve Saved The Best For Last

Besides getting all of the above… You’re also going to get me.

Here’s what I mean: I recorded 2 special webinars going over how to use these 12 reports to get the quickest profits possible.

The first webinar focuses on the copywriting reports that you get rights to.

During the first part of the webinar, I show you how to use these reports to build a list and how to SELL the reports and make a profit.

During the second 45 minutes I show you how to use the 6 copywriting reports to attract high paying copywriting clients. I also show you 3 techniques for closing copywriting clients and also cover how to market “back end” services.

To Get Paid A Lot
More Per Client!

The second webinar recording is about the 6 reports for small business owners.

I start off showing you how to attract — and get — high paying offline consulting and copywriting clients.

Then I lay out specific systems and services you can sell.

See, I’ve worked with small business owners before, and I know how to sell to them. You need to present them with an “exact solution” you can show them right before their eyes.

That’s what Yellow Page reps do. That’s what newspaper reps and radio reps do. And that’s what you’ll do as well.

In this webinar recording you’ll discover 2 simple ways to “make the sale close itself” so you don’t even have to ask for the sale!

How You Can Get This
Incredible Package For Less Than
A Week’s Worth Of Groceries

After a lot of thought, I’ve decided to offer this whole package for only $97.

It’s really a no-brainer at $97. Just the sales letter you get to use to sell the 6 bundled copywriting reports will make your investment back in no time. You only have to do 3-6 sales!

And that’s not including any copywriting clients you might get, offline business clients, or even the breakthroughs you’ll make in your business just by using the information contained within the reports you get the rights to!

Act Today And
Get This Bonus!

I’m also going to throw in an audio training on how to get your first $1,000 paying client in 7 days or less.

This is a program I sell every day on its own, but it’s yours free when you sign up today.

You risk nothing with my guarantee (more on that in a moment). You stand to gain everything.

There are so many different easy ways to immediately make multiplies of your investment back… That you should sign up right now to get everything.

Get download Jason Fladlien – The Niche Copywriter at right now!


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– Since it is a digital copy, our suggestion is to download and save it to your hard drive. In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us and we will resend the new download link.
– If you cannot find the download link, please don’t worry about that. We will update and notify you as soon as possible at 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM (UTC 8).

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Original price was: $97.00.Current price is: $32.00.

Digital Download: You will receive a download link via your order email The first group needs to be able to write copy to promote their own products and services. The second group wants to write copy for other people, and make big money as a freelance copywriter.