
Jan Roos – Proven Income Method



Jan Roos – Proven Income Method

My Average Monthly Earnings From Amazon

He’s used it to help countless ordinary, wanna-be marketers end their debt… quit their jobs… and live life on their ow
But today… this online alchemist is breaking his silence… revealing the “off the map” wealth wilderness he visits for an effortless six-figure income.
Want to know his secret?
Then read every word on this page very carefully…

From: Jan Roos
Subject: Yeah… it really IS this easy…

It’s already making Simon just shy of $8 000 per month…

Peter is earning $1500.00 per month from his very first website…


Brian’s income is growing faster than the speed of light…

And this 54 year old Grandma is making real money for the first time in years of online struggle…

And get this…

In just a few short moments… you too could have it in your grasp.


You should be…

Because you’re about to discover answers most internet entrepreneurs will never know…

…marketing methods six-figure-earners would sell a kidney to possess…

…and online money-makers sending greedy gurus into doomsday panic.


Because the weapons I’m quietly putting within reach have razor-sharp edges no “guru” launch can outmatch.

Fact is…

Let’s not pretend here…

…we’ve both seen the “hot” money-makers that’ve come out lately.

Push-button software… backdoor “exploits”… and sneaky, underhanded “tricks”… all guaranteed to make you a millionaire by breakfast.

They’ve even got the earnings screenshots and account statements to prove it to the world…

…or do they?

Maybe you’re sharp enough to see the problem here…

…or maybe your good nature has blinded you to what’s really going on.

Because it’s not about who is and isn’t falsifying their results… though I’d bet my last dollar more than one of those big launches you’ve seen recently are filled with blatant lies…

It’s not even unscrupulous marketers pitching their latest gadget as the key to online success… when it hasn’t made them a single dollar.

The problem’s simple…

They have access to money, staff and resources the average marketer can’t even dream of approaching.

In fact… I’m willing to go on record saying…

But you don’t…

…and you’re not.

Not that it’s your fault…

After all… I understand better than most just how difficult it is to create a steady online income.
my pic Hi… my name’s Jan Roos… and I’m a former online failure. Not just your average garden-variety failure, either…

…I’m talking about the kind of guy you cross the street to avoid.

If there was a scheme, scam, or strategy to make money online, I tried it… and screwed it up in the most spectacular fashion imaginable.

Sure… it’s kind of funny now… but back then, things were anything but amusing.

Debt was piling up… I was spending every free moment of my time chasing magic bullets… and my social life was dead and rotting in the corner.

Yeah, it was bad… and it was about to get much, much worse.

Because one day… a life-changing event would blindside me… bring my world crashing down around me in a torrent of pain and fear… and threaten to destroy my dreams forever.

And it started when my wife asked a simple question…

sub head

If you’re married, you’ll understand…

…this was one of those questions that has no right answer.

Sure… I was working myself into the ground was to give her the lifestyle everyone dreams of…

You know…

The luxury vacations… the fast cars… the big house…
The ability to set your own hours… quit your job… and tell your boss to “shove it”…
And everything else that comes with being 100% financially free…

But the truth is… I hadn’t gotten us any of that.

True… I’d won a few prizes from the countless hours of hard work I put in…

…but threatening phone calls… maxed-out Master Cards… and the rotten feeling of failure aren’t exactly the rewards I had in mind when I jumped into this venture.

Hell… even my ever-supportive wife’s patience for my shenanigans was wearing dangerously thin.

Long story short… I’d hit rock bottom… and if things didn’t change soon I might never recover.

So I locked myself in the bathroom… looked square in the mirror… and made myself a promise…

Reckless… maniacal… stark raving mad…

…these are all words you could use to describe the pact I made.

Don’t get me wrong… it’s not like I wanted to go back to the rat race.

I just didn’t have any other options left.

Now… I could go into excruciating detail about my fervent search for the secrets to internet marketing success…

Give you a sermon on the drastic measures I had to go to in order to sort fact from fiction and expose the keys to online wealth…

Or jump on an already-overflowing bandwagon and proclaim my hatred for the “gurus” and their poverty-inducing methods…

…but who wants to hear that?

After all… we both know I wouldn’t be writing this letter if my quest had failed.

The details of my struggle aren’t really important…

But the details of my success might change your life.

Because during my last-ditch effort I stumbled upon vital secrets that even the greenest newbie can use to crack the internet marketing safe.

Plus… Not only am I using it to pull in earnings like this without doing any of the work myself…

income amazon

…I’m also giving you the opportunity to get your hands on the blueprint constructed from my success.

I call it…

Doesn’t require ANY previous experience (total “newbies” have already used it to create full-time incomes!)
Rushes you past all competitors, leaving the field wide open for you to generate some seriously easy profits…
Ethically leverages other people’s time and cash… providing you more money for less work…
No need to pay for anything else… if you have an internet connection, you’re ready to make money!
Absolutely no “income ceiling”… I’m making almost five figures a month and am still growing insanely fast…
Can be completely outsourced (I make over $8 000 a month barely LOOKING at my sites, much less working on them…)
Gives top search engine rankings with no tricks, supplying you with 100% traffic for months and years to come…
Comes with a proven step-by-step blueprint allowing you to simply “copy and paste” my success (many already have!)

The Proven Income Method is not one of those push-button schemes.

So if you’re not willing to put in at least a tiny bit of effort to set up an online cash cow that’ll pay you for years to come…

…or if you honestly believe there’s a “magic bullet” out there capable of instantly banishing all your money troubles…

…then the Proven Income Method is not what you’re looking for.

But I’m going to take a stab in the dark and assume you’re smart enough to know there’s no free lunch out there…

After all… if those “push-button moneymakers” actually worked… you wouldn’t be reading this.

You’d be doing what they promised…

Lying on a sun-drenched beach… sipping daiquiris as you take in the eye candy…

…and so would I.

But that stuff hasn’t worked for you… me… or any other person either of us actually know.

And that’s where the Proven Income Method is different.

You see…

Now… you’re probably thinking that these people are special…

After all… we all know the vast majority of internet marketers fail miserably…

So why is it these people find internet oil wells while everyone else is only striking online dirt?

It’s not because they’re smarter… richer… or even more privileged than you are…

It’s simply because they have something you don’t… The Proven Income Method.

Let me explain…

Writing articles… selling info products… creating blogs…

… it’s all been done to death.

Competition is fierce… and it’s getting harder and harder for the little guy to get ahead.

Can it still work?

Maybe… if you’re willing to invest a colossal amount of time and energy.

But the Proven Income Method’s different…

Because instead of trying to carve yourself a tiny slice of a pint-sized pie… you’re able to step directly into a marketplace desperate for the solutions you’re offering.

Instead of trying to badger visitors with hyped-up sales copy… you simply pass them on to someone who does all the hard selling for you.

And instead of “gaming” search engines or spending thousands on dicey paid traffic methods… you give the search engines and your readers exactly what they’re looking for (and reap the profits).

And here’s the best part…

The internet marketing gurus would love for you to believe ebooks are a big money-maker…

…but it just ain’t true.

Fact is… ebooks account for such a tiny percentage of the average person’s yearly spending they’re not given a second glance by any truly savvy marketer.

On the other hand… physical products like clothing… electronics… sporting goods… toys… appliances… kitchenware… and too many more to list are selling like crazy…

Look at the image below for one of my physical product accounts. Look at the kind of profits I’m pulling each month just from one site that runs on auto pilot without input from me.

Yep… this is from one of my accounts. Check out those figures!

…and with the Proven Income Method… you too can stake your claim to this almost untouched goldmine.

It’s easy too. In fact…

Find something to sell. Don’t worry… if you’re not sure exactly what’s “hot” at the moment… or where the big money is… I’ll explain it all to you in crystal-clear detail.

Follow the step-by-step blueprint to build a site that will automatically attract hordes of hungry buyers and suck in cash like a black hole of capitalism.

Cash the checks that flood in to mailbox and PayPal account. That’s right…. even though someone else is doing most of the work, you still take the lion’s share of profits!

If that was all the Proven Income System contained… I think you’d agree it’d be an absolute godsend for the online entrepreneurs out there stuck in Newbie Hell.

But when you get your hands on my patented profit-pulling funnel…

Such as…

The seven money-murdering mistakes new marketers make when looking for products to promote… and how YOU can avoid them. WARNING: Making just one of these mistakes and success will continue to escape you…
A simple tweak that makes “high-ticket” items fly off the shelves of your site like a billionaire-only airport. It doubled my income… and I’d be shocked if it didn’t do the same for you…
There’s one particular type of item you MUST avoid promoting at all costs. Sadly, it’s one of the most popular for wannabe business owners. Don’t make this business-wrecking mistake… read page 7 first!
Four microwave-easy secrets to discovering which products are hot… and which aren’t. Once you know these, you couldn’t stop the commissions pouring into your account if you wanted to!
The hidden roadmap to the “Holy Trifecta” – products which everyone wants, pay big commissions and have low competition. Yes, they ARE out there… check out pages 19 – 24 to discover them for yourself.
How to uncover “easy rank, easy bank” keywords with almost zero competition. They’re worth a fortune… but most marketers will never even find them, much less use them…
The five-point star of easy search engine optimization. Forget what you may have heard… when you know these, getting #1 rankings is like taking candy from a baby…
The upstream secret to getting people to buy from you over and over again. This goes against everything you thought you knew… but it works like crazy!
Six super-easy ways to find and snag high-powered backlinks to your site. It’s like blackmailing Google into giving you a #1 position… but it’s 100% legal, ethical and free…
In chapter seven, I reveal the five most powerful traffic generation weapons in my marketing arsenal. And get this… not a single one relies on the search engines to drive hordes of eager-to-buy visitors to your website…

Of course… this is just a small portion of the wealth wizardry you’ll discover inside this proven internet treasure map.

Because in addition to the Proven Income Method manual… you’ll also receive…

Some people think building a website is hard work…

…but it doesn’t have to be.

I’ll admit… if you don’t know what you’re doing, creating ANY site can take days…

…let alone one that sucks in cash faster than a Hoover in a bank vault.

But you won’t be in that kind of unfortunate position… because you’ll have my 23-video series on stupidly easy website creation.

All you have to do is follow the simple step-by-step instructions I’ve laid out in this easy-to-digest video series and you’ll have your very own profit-pumping website slinging cash into your pocket.

And when I say easy… I mean it.

The average student sets up their first site in about 45 – 60 minutes… and if they want to build more sites, it’s significantly faster the second time around.

And since you won’t have to worry about any complex search engine rituals or confusing techno-babble, you can spend less time working…

…and more time enjoying the fruits of your “labors”.

Powerful stuff?


…but you already knew that.

Hell… maybe you’re sitting on the edge of your chair… biting your nails in anxiety as you ask yourself…

I understand your concern.

Because when you really look at what’s on offer here… it’s hard to believe I’d let it go for anything less than thousands of dollars.

After all… there are countless people who spend obscene amounts of cash at college or university…

…all for a $25 000 a year position.

And it’s not exactly what you’d call “easy money”…

They practically live at the office… customers and clients treat them like dirt… and they probably hope their boss takes up base jumping and forgets his parachute.

Now… be honest…

Next to that scenario… wouldn’t you say $10 000 for this proven system is a real “no brainer”?

Hell… we’ve both seen the guru launches that sell out within days… even hours… asking $2 000 or more…

And between you and me…

So when you stumble across a system that’s been put through its paces time and time again…

One even the greenest of internet newbies can use to rake in a full-time income on a non-existent budget…

And one that right this very moment is putting cash into the pockets of countless successful members…

Well… it’s not hard to see how I could easily charge $2 000 for this program and have it sell out faster than Justin Bieber tickets at an all-girls high school.

Now…. I can’t speak for everyone… but I know when I was struggling, the last thing I needed was a further two grand on my already obese credit card.

So I’m not going to ask for two thousand… one thousand… or even five hundred dollars.

In fact… I’m not even going to ask for ONE hundred dollars!

Because today… you’ll be able to get your hands on the Proven Income Method for a mere $97.

But today… things are different.

Sure… back before this method broke the surface of the internet marketing pool with a colossal belly-flop… I was practically giving away the Proven Income Method for an insane $97.

But that was then… and this is now.

With the amazing rags-to-riches stories of everyday people behind me… I can pretty much charge whatever I want for this program.

But that’s just not me.

I’m no greedy guru. I’m just an ordinary guy who discovered the shortcut to internet success… and want to pass it on to other fresh-faced entrepreneurs.

So today.. you won’t pay the low price of $97 past students have paid.

Hell… you won’t even pay the ridiculously low entry fee of just $67.

Today… I’m offering you the keys to online prosperity for the pauper’s sum of just $47.

Now, $47 won’t buy you a new car… a flat screen TV… or even dinner for two at a nice restaurant…

But it will get you this proven blueprint to paint-by-numbers online success.

Wow Jan… I’d be crazy to pass this up.
Give me access to the Proven Income Method right now!

Still not convinced?

I understand.

After all… it doesn’t matter how powerful a method is… or how many people have created full-times income using the secrets within it.

What matters is whether YOU can do the same…

And that’s something I simply can’t promise.

After all… I don’t know you.

So if you’re the kind of person who prefers to chase “push button money” rather than put in a few minutes a day to create an unstoppable passive profit juggernaut…

If you would rather let this secret weapon of internet warfare sit on your hard drive gathering digital dust… rather than deploying it for massive rewards…

Or if you’d rather whine to your bar buddies about how much life sucks… rather than take the easy steps towards improving it…

…then this won’t help you.

But I’m guessing you’re not that kind of person… and if you haven’t jumped on this opportunity already… it’s because you’re worried this will be another method that doesn’t work for you.

Don’t be.

Because not only have the most innocent of greenhorn marketers used this to create full-time incomes where before there was only debt and failure… but you’re also backed by…

Here’s the skinny…

Grab the Proven Income Method today. Take it out for a test drive… follow the couldn’t-be-simpler step-by-step instructions… and keep an eye on your PayPal account.

Because if by day 59 sales aren’t hammering your inbox like a tropical hailstorm…

If you haven’t told your boss to shove his job up his… well, you know…

And if you don’t have the cold, hard proof in your wallet the Proven Income Method is the best thing to ever happen to your online business…

…then I don’t want your money.

Of course… you don’t have to wait ’til day 59. You can ask for a refund at any time during the first sixty days… for any reason or no reason at all.

That’s how confident I am the Proven Income Method will change your life.

Okay Jan… I’m sold. Give me access to the
Proven Income Method right now!

You might feel as though something’s missing.

Something you usually see prominently featured in this kind of letter… that’s strangely absent.

Maybe you’ve already solved what it is…

Or maybe you’re racking your brains trying to figure it out… but coming up with a frustrating blind spot.

I’m hardly surprised you sense something’s playing hooky… because…

There’s two reasons behind that…

First of all… we both know you’re too smart for that crap.

I mean, come on… if publishing houses can print enough Harry Potter books, I’m pretty sure the kind of small-time operation your average guru works on wouldn’t even register on their radars…

…especially if they’re digital products which don’t take ANY time or resources to reproduce.

And secondly… I simply don’t need to resort to those kinds of underhanded tactics.

Because you’ve seen with your own eyes what the Proven Income Method has done for everyday “mom and pop” marketers…

Penniless entrepreneurs have transformed themselves into superstar online earners in the blink of an eye…
Former corporate slaves have demanded their bosses to shove their jobs… er… somewhere less than pleasant…
And countless people worldwide are finally living dream lifestyles packed with luxury… security… and freedom.

In fact…

As I said earlier… I can’t promise you what will happen when you do get the Proven Income Method…

…but I can promise you what will happen if you don’t.

You’ll keep busting your hump to make someone else rich… while your colleagues wave their resignation letters right in the boss’ face.

You’ll go on struggling to pay the bills with your soul-crushing 9 – 5… while your friends live a life of wealth… happiness… and abundance.

And you’ll never forgive yourself for not taking the escape hatch offered to you by this one-of-a-kind program… while others enjoy true financial freedom.

And that’s not hyperbole, either…

After all, you’ve seen for yourself what the Proven Income Method has done for others…

…not to mention the pages of success stories I simply didn’t have room to list.

But right now… that’s not important.

What is important is what it can do for you.

Don’t live a life of struggle and weariness for one second longer…

Get the Proven Income Method right now… and take the first step toward a better life.

I’m tired of the constant grind of the rat race… struggling to pay the bills… and never having enough time, money, or… well, anything, really!

I’m ready to build my very own profit-generating internet empire… and since I know this method’s worked for newbies who could barely switch on a computer… I’m going to grab my copy right now!

I understand:

I’ll instantly receive the revolutionary manual in .pdf format which can be read by using the 100% free Adobe Acrobat program (it’s probably already on my computer).
In addition, I’ll receive the 23-video series revealing the step-by-step secrets to building a websites that create more easy money than the Mafia’s printing press!
I’ll also have insider access to you and your support team, so if I have any troubles at all – or just don’t understand something – help is just an email away.
Furthermore, I’ve got a full sixty days to test drive the program. If at any time during that period I’m not 100% convinced the Proven Income Method is the best investment I’ve ever made, all I have to do is shoot you an email and I’ll get a no-questions-asked full refund… and we’ll part friends.
Finally… my order will be processed through, the world’s leading payment processor for digital products. Their 128-bit Secure Socket Layer servers represent the pinnacle of internet security, so my personal details are completely safe and confidential.

For all these reasons… and many more… I’m going to place my order right now!

order now

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Original price was: $47.00.Current price is: $25.00.

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