With rapport you can much more easily…
- create a feeling of connection – like you’re someone’s long lost buddy
- convey trust
- generate empathy
- communicate on an unconscious level with everyone you meet to get what you want – when you want it!
- use any NLP or hypnotic technique more effectively.
Practical Guide to Rapport and Advanced Rapport Video
“Closed-door session reveals rapport’s deepest secrets”
People paid thousands to attend this training – but it wasn’t open to the public. In this segment, rapport master Keith Livingston reveals ultra effective, advanced NLP rapport techniques. You’ll get to see and hear as Keith guides you through the intricacies of the power of unconscious communication that is rapport.
You’ll learn practical aspects of how to use NLP rapport techniques in multiple situations.
And you also get the powerful advanced stuff as well…Practical Guide to Rapport and Advanced Rapport Audio #1
On this audio, hypno/NLP guru Geoffrey Ronning interviews Keith via phone about the basics of rapport. You’ll hear exactly how to use body posture, breathing, tonality and a world of other techniques to get a solid grounding in the most powerful and pervasive of all NLP techniques.
* Rapport what it is
* Where to use it
* Why it is so important
* On a deeper level what rapport is all about
* Basics of Rapport
* Matching
* Mirroring
* Cross Matching
* Mis-Matching
Practical Guide to Rapport and Advanced Rapport Audio #2
Geoff and Keith extend their interview to shed light on advanced rapport techniques that take your ability to generate incredible feelings of connection and “simpatico” to the next level.
You’ll learn advanced techniques including…
* Fourth Dimensional Rapport
* Schwarzenegger Rapport Technique
* Virtual Reality Rapport Technique
* Core Rapport
* Multi-Sensory Replication Rapport
Practical Guide to Rapport and Advanced Rapport Audio #3
This is all about practical application.
* The masters level secret for practicing rapport
* How to begin to automatically use rapport without any effort or conscious awareness
* How to use rapport techniques from a distance without saying a word
* How to use rapport techniques on the phone
* How to use rapport techniques for financial success
* How to use rapport techniques for personal relationships
* How to use rapport techniques for business achievement
Plus –
Practical Guide to Rapport and Advanced Rapport Resource Workbook
The workbook contains complete transcripts of the interviews PLUS exercises designed to get out and use the skills. Follow through with the exercises and you’ll be a “rapport gettin’ genius” in no time.
Life is Just More Fun when You Have the Simple Skills to Automatically Connect with Others and Have them Instantly Like and Trust You!
Look – it’s this way…
1. Rapport is the #1 skill for getting ahead in life.
2. This is the most comprehensive, detailed and advanced rapport package ever put together.