
Hoyt Barber – Secrets of Swiss Banking


Hoyt Barber – Secrets of Swiss Banking

In Secrets of Swiss Banking, offshore financial specialist Hoyt Barber shows how to protect your hard-earned assets by safely and legally moving your money into trusted Swiss financial institutions. Along with timely banking advice and solid investment insights, Barber provides authoritative information on a variety of Swiss banking-related issues—from the basics of opening an account to the nuances of numerous Swiss banking and investment strategies. He also details Swiss banking policies and regulations along with U.S. tax and reporting requirements.


Switzerland and the subject of Swiss banking have evolved over the past few decades, but the legendary ability of Swiss banks to attract incredible sums of money from all over the globe has only increased over time, strengthening this little country’s position in the world. Why? Because Switzerland has remained independent in the face of global geo-politics, including pressures from the European Union to join them and pressures from the United States to abolish their Banking Secrecy Act. Switzerland intends to remain free from such insanity and to hold its own in the face of outside demands. This book, then, is not only about Switzerland and Swiss banking, but it is also about a bigger picture of where Switzerland stands today within the current context of world events—and how thisunique country can avail itself to you for your benefit.

Written by a renowned specialist in tax havens and offshore banking, Secrets of Swiss Banking reveals a way for you to safely and legally hide your money and protect your assets, all the while quietly building your retire-ment funds and personal fortune without the need for complicated financial planning. Hoyt Barber provides up-to-the-minute, authorita-tive information for both those who are new to the subject and those who are more expe-rienced and seek an update of the most current information, approaches, and ideas. Allreaders will advance their understanding to a new level and be in a better position to take advantage of current opportunities and future prospects as well as avoid potential problems. Barber skillfully explains the different types of Swiss bank accounts, how to select a bank, and how to invest in stocks, bonds, and other financial instruments through your Swiss bank. He details Swiss banking policies and regulations along with U.S. tax and reporting requirements. And he even outlines the best alternatives to Switzerland.

For anyone interested in protecting their assets and safely securing their financial future,Secrets of Swiss Banking provides the advice they need to succeed.

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