
Heather Robson – How to Write High Value UX Copy


Take it from Amazon Web Services, the world’s largest provider of cloud computing services to web-based businesses – 88% of online shoppers WILL NOT return to a website after a bad experience. That means you stand to lose nine out of ten customers if your website doesn’t provide a great user experience. In fact, industry surveys have shown that 44% of shoppers who have a bad online experience will tell their friends.

Don’t let your business be one of those lost in the crowd. Make sure your website stands out by prioritizing a great user experience (UX). Hire copywriters who specialize in writing effective UX copy to create a positive first impression that will keep visitors coming back.

At the end of the day, you only have one chance to make a first impression. Don’t leave it up to chance – invest in a great UX and make sure your website is the one they’ll remember.

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Original price was: $1,037.00.Current price is: $115.00.

An alarming 88% of all online shoppers will not return to a website after a bad experience – that’s based on a study from Amazon Web Services, the biggest provider of cloud computing services to web-based businesses in the world! That’s a huge number of potential customers who will simply click away without taking any action – and they won’t come back. And, even worse, 44% of shoppers who have a bad online experience will tell their friends about it – that’s bad news for businesses trying to build a positive online presence. That’s why providing an exceptional user experience – also known as “UX” – is a top focus for companies today. To ensure their websites are providing the best possible experience for customers, many companies are hiring copywriters who are trained in writing effective UX copy. A well-crafted UX copy can make all the difference in creating a positive first impression – and help companies avoid losing 88% of their customers!