
Greg Greenway – Sex On Demand System


Let me tell you a quick sex story…

It’s my first night out in this new, lovely unique city. I’ve been here less than 24 hours, but after flirting with Karla, the lovely receptionist with the cute bum, she hooks me up with an invite to the hottest club in town.

I pop into the restaurant downstairs to have a quick bite before hitting the club…

While I’m waiting at my table, I see these stunning olive skinned girls with dark hair sitting at the bar. I watch for a while before guy after guy walks up to them trying to be funny, entertaining and charming…

I think back to when i used to approach women…that’s not my life anymore, women approach me.

I tell the bartender to send the 2 lovely ladies a glass of champagne each; put it on my tab and tell them to enjoy their night…

I don’t even like champagne, but women do, and this is my go to conversation starter whenever I see top shelf beauties in a restaurant or bar…

A few minutes later as I’m tucking into my ribeye steak, medium and marbled, the dark haired beauties come over to my table to thank me for the drinks…

Luckily they speak English cos my Spanish is so-so… As they’re about to sit down I say:

“You’re welcome sweetie. Just let me finish my steak real quick, and I’ll come join you at the bar…”

The old me would have jumped at the chance to be joined by 2 gorgeous brunettes, but by saying no and making them wait, they crave my attention…

I hit the bar after dinner, the girls are there waiting, and I invite them with me to the club, which they eagerly accept…

Later On That Night…

Arm in arm with both girls, they’re laughing at my jokes, they’re loving my company.

As I get to the club I see all the guys checking us out…

I mean who wouldn’t? I’ve got 2 girls on my arm…drawing attention from everyone.

We walk straight past the line of about 100 people, right up to the man mountain of a bouncer… He say’s:

“Sorry, no walk in’s tonight”.

I respond cooly with a slight smirk on my face: “Karla told me to swing by…”

The bouncer looks at me, and the 2 girls on either side, smiles and lifts up the velvet rope…

As I walk in, I take one look back inside to see the jaws drop of all the other poor saps waiting in line…

Sounds like a typical Greg C. Greenway night out right?

And yeah sure…this type of thing happens to me all the time…

But this wasn’t my story…

This was the story of 44 year old bio-tech engineer Alex..

This is the kind of life you could live, using the principles I will show you on this page…

But don’t take my word for it, I’ll let Alex tell you…

Alex’s Story

 /></div><div><p>Hey Greg,</p><p>I am only a beginner to the whole dating advice scene. I went through university and generally couldn’t attract the women I wanted, then one day I decided enough is enough and I decided to set higher standards and stick to them so I got into the world of dating advice.</p><p>I actually found Project Royalty through a friend of mine and I dived straight in. I’m loving this program. I’m 44 living a 20s lifestyle. Women are naturally perceiving me as high value so I’m never getting rejected.</p><p>Saturday I was invited to this high end club in Madrid. I didn’t really even do anything. I got the numbers of a couple of really hot girls, then they were texting me at 6:00 am wanting to come to my hotel with me…</p><p>Saturday was a good night I was constantly with one or more girls moving around through the venue. At one point a super hot Russian model comes in with a semi-slick guy…</p><p>I do the flirting trick you showed me with her and this girl gets totally turned on and flirts back like hell it was almost shameful…</p><p>She keeps on flirting aggressively with me (I think the guy pays her but in the meantime she got really turned on by me since I had like 4 girls around me all the time..) I need to practice more the getting sexual stuff in the programme, but I’m already loving the results.</p><p>As I said, I am only beginner in building my future lifestyle and I have not reached anywhere near the full potential of myself or these strategies yet and I am gradually working away but I am taking giant steps forward from where I used to be. I’m excited about the future….</p><p><em><strong>Alex V, Los Angeles</strong></em></p></div></div></div><div><h1>That’s quite the transformation right?</h1><div>But, despite what most advertisers will tell you, transformations<br /> don’t happen overnight. I’m sure you’ve seen the headlines:</p><p> “Make $200k a year sitting at home<br /> in your underwear”</p><p>– or –</p><p> “How To Build 30 pounds Of<br /> Lean Muscle In 14 Days”</p><p>– or –</p><p> “2 Quick Secrets To Find<br /> Your Soulmate and Love<br /> This Weekend” </p><p>– or –</p><p> “How To Seduce Beyonce And Make Her So Horny She Leaves Jay-Z To Become Your Personal Sex Slave”</p><p> Ok, so the last one is a joke, but you can see what I’m getting at.<br /> The world wants you to think that everything comes easily to anyone,<br /> but all that is a ploy just to get you to buy something.<br /><img src=
Just by reading this, you are in the top 1%
of men who actually has the balls
to make a change…
So you already know that anything
worth having takes work.

 /></p><p> What I am going to do,<br /> is give you every single tool that you need<br /> to build rock solid inner confidence;<br /> the social skills to charm and influence anyone;<br /> the ability to sculpt any lifestyle you want;<br /> and the seduction skills to attract the girl<br /> you’ve always dreamed of…</p><p><img src=

These are the secrets I showed Alex
that fueled his transformation…

These are the secrets that I want
to give you inside Project Royalty.

Take a look at how the techniques I’ll be giving you in Project Royalty have allowed me to engineer my own perfect lifestyle…

 /></div><div>My social circle consists of TV stars, celebrities and multi-millionaire CEO’s…Not as random contacts in my phonebook, but as close, trusted friends who come to me for advice guidance and support…</div></div><div><div><img src=
I fly all over the world on private jets to connect and mastermind with industry heavyweights, thought leaders and all round badasses…

 /></div><div>I used to struggle to get dates and when I did, I’d always end up home alone after spending a fortune on dinners and drinks. Now I go to dinner surrounded by hot women who have practically BEGGED to be part of my crew for the night…</div></div><div><div><img src=
I haven’t paid to enter a nightclub or waited in line for over 10 years…I don’t just walk in. I’m treated as a respected VIP, being given red carpet, bottle service and private access in cities all over the world…

I never ask for phone numbers or approach hot women anymore.
I just go out, be my normal self, have fun with my friends
and women freely approach me offering attention,
friendship and often their bodies…

 /></div><div> Like minded friends and people I adore fill up my time. I never spend an evening alone unless I need a break…</div></div><div><div><img src=
My life is my own. I enjoy total freedom and control all the time. I answer to no one. I do what I want, I go where I want, I say what I want, I get what I want and I get who I want, all whenever I want.

I’m not telling you any of this to brag or impress you.
I tell you this to impress upon you what is possible
when you have the tools, techniques and strategies
inside the program that I am most proud of.

This is my VERY best work, so without further ado…

Allow Me To Introduce To You…
 /></h2><div><div><div><div><div><h3>PROJECT ROYALTY IS…</h3><p>A 46 day transformational event<br /> that will take you <strong>from Zero to King;</strong><br /> Explode your social life;<br /> and give you <strong>MORE WOMEN</strong><br /> than you could ever possibly imagine…</div><div><ul><li>It’s not just a comprehensive program…</li><li>It’s not just breakthrough information…</li><li>It’s a fully immersive, transformative EXPERIENCE that will upgrade every aspect of your life…</li><li>And all you need is 10 minutes per day…</li></ul></div></div></div></div></div></div><div><div><div><em><strong>Over the 46 days you’ll discover…</strong></em></div></div></div><div><div><div><em>MODULE 1</em></div><h2><em>Inner Game</em></h2><div><em><img src= Everything starts from your mindset. The most important story in your life is the story that you tell yourself.

If you can master your mindsets, belief and legend…you can master any situation you come across…

  • How to have earth shattering confidence in any situation…
  • The simple trick to know your TRUE path and how to follow it…
  • How to take control of your life and live by your own rules…
  • The 7 stage LEGEND CREATION program…this is ONLY for winners…
  • The 5 stages of belief creation. Easily fix your negative beliefs and replace them with thoughts that empower and uplift you…
  • Learn my patented Seduction Parachute. With this technique in your back pocket, you can mess up 90% of an interaction and women will STILL want you.

Original price was: $997.00.Current price is: $135.00.

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