




This is going to be the most direct, most in-your-face sales letter you’ve ever read.

But don’t let that mess with your head.

It’s also going to be the MOST IMPORTANT LETTER you’ve ever read.

Because let’s be honest about it …
Money CAN Buy Happiness.

You know it, I know it.

It can get you the house you’ve always wanted. Put your kids through college. Give you luxurious vacations on the beach. Let you start and grow your own business. Retire early. Travel abroad.

I’ve been flat broke, and I’ve been filthy rich. I’ll take rich every time, thank you!

That’s one reason why I wanna help you make 2014 and 2015 the years where you finally break through and start making REAL MONEY.

What Do I Mean By “Real Money”?
Get Ready to Start Drooling…
Well, if you make 6 or 7-figures a year, you’re doing well by most standards. You can get a better car, or maybe a nice home. But you’re still limited — and you may still have to work or possibly fear for your future if the money ever slows down.

I say… “fu#k that!”

I don’t just want you to earn 6 or 7-figures a year…

I’m dead serious about getting you to a level where you’re making a MILLION-DOLLARS-A-MONTH “set for motherf$#@ing life” type money.

So I’m doing something completely unprecedented in the history of internet marketing …

This Is An Insane Story…

Last year, I stunned the marketing world by gathering a small group of the world’s richest, most successful affiliate marketers (myself included) — put them all in one room, and taught virtually everything we know to a sold-out group of attendees.

Here’s what some of them had to say:

Honestly, that makes me a hell-of-a-lot prouder than any of the money I’ve made. Helping other folks get to 6 or 7 figures — especially when we’re talking MONTHLY INCOME — is life-changing beyond words.

Now, I want more people in the internet marketing community to have access to that – people like YOU.

That’s why I’m one-upping myself this year, adding even more heavyweight speakers for what is easily going to the event of the year. Introducing…


I’m not sure if there will be a bigger, badder collection of internet marketing mega-millionaires in one room — EVER — with well over a BILLION dollars in annual sales and income in attendance.

And if you’re lucky enough to grab your seat in time, you’ll be right there with us — rubbing shoulders with all these legendary moneymakers, exchanging contact info, brainstorming, troubleshooting and doing everything you need to multiply your business and income.

Yes, that includes me, Greg Davis — the guy they call “Mr. 50k-a-Day.” In addition to revealing the EXACT processes and secrets I personally use to rack up staggering daily profit numbers …

… I’m going to open up my computer and show you REAL LIVE CAMPAIGNS so you know exactly how I do it.

But before I go into more detail about the many tips, tricks and techniques you’ll discover at this 4-day event — I want to introduce you to our all-star lineup.

Pretty awesome, right? Well, this is only just the beginning…

We’re also holding…

“Black Hat Night”
Featuring Lambo Luke
Let’s face it — black hat is often still how the money is really made in this business.

I’m not talking about anything illegal or unethical, though, rather this is about survival and protecting the insane wealth you’re about to start building.

If you don’t know many of these strategies, your income could be vulnerable — there are some shady people in this business looking to take advantage of weakness. But WITH them, you’ll be able to see any “trouble” a mile away, and insulate your campaigns and offers so that your cash flow keeps growing.

Black Hat Night is also gonna be a lot of plain old fun! We’ll not only cover a ton of killer info, but we’ll party and network so that you can tap into hidden profits in all kinds of ways. I’m looking forward to this, BIGTIME.

That’s not all, though.

We’re also holding…

“Adult Night”
with Tuan Smash
To anyone who knows him, Tuan is the bonafide king of adult traffic — especially mobile. And boy is adult traffic a MASSIVE market (pun intended).

In the past, I’ve paid him a small fortune to teach me the exact same adult traffic-generating secrets and strategies he’s going to flat out GIVE YOU as a bonus during “Adult Night” of the Affiliate Millionaires event.

Depending on your offer, this part of the event could alone generate 100X or 1,000X what you paid to attend. I’m not exaggerating.

Tuan helped me personally add least one zero to my monthly income and I’m thrilled that you’re about to learn all the ridiculously powerful stuff he knows.

Plus, who knows, there may even be a few “adult stars” in attendance that night… ☺

Last but not least, you’ll Learn a TON from ME:

Greg Davis, “Mr. 50k-a-Day”
Your Host and Founder of Affiliate Millionaires

Now, if you didn’t know I was a humble guy before this — you should know it now.

I’ve worked so f%ckin’ hard to assemble the richest, most powerful lineup of affiliate marketers — EVER — it almost makes me look average in comparison.

Still, this kid who came from nothing and built up a pretty solid 8-figure biz – all on his own — still has a few tricks up his sleeve…

And I’m going to be teaching a TON of what I know to you.

Just note: this is NOT going to be theory.

Just like a lot of the other speakers, I’m actually going to fire up my laptop, open up some of my hottest campaigns and show you what I’m doing — in REAL TIME…

… so that you too can master paid traffic… scale… ramp-up of your profits…multiple campaigns… and everything you need to start seeing consistent six and seven figure months.

A Historic Event — and Quite Possibly the
Best Wealth-Building Opportunity
You’ll Have In Your Lifetime!
Most “gurus” would simply relaunch this same event over and over again each year. But we believe in over-delivering to our attendees…

… which is why I’ve added more incredible experiences and speakers to this year’s lineup — making it 5-10X better than the Affiliate Millionaires event everyone RAVED about last year.

LIVE, IN-PERSON training like this is a priceless way to learn — because together, we’re going to literally open up your brain and install the very same skills we’ve used to generate many billions in sales – both for ourselves and the companies we’ve worked with.

Yes, you will literally have these skills installed into your brain — so that you can begin putting them to work later that night in your hotel room.

THAT’S how fast a lot of this stuff can work for you!

Plus, you’re essentially getting exclusive access to my network of insiders and mega-wealthy entrepreneurs — which will continue to help you many months and years after this event.

That’s right — both at this event and after — I’ll do my very best to connect you with everyone I feel can speed you along in your goal of becoming a top-earning, super affiliate in 2014 and 2015.

You’ll get more and more specifics as we approach the event dates of October 16-19th once you’ve enrolled… but I assure you: this is a historical opportunity that can change your life — IF you grab one of the last few seats.

Get ALL the Core Skills Our Speakers
Use to Generate Billions In Sales — and
Hundreds of Millions in Annual Income
There’s so much I could say about all the stuff you’ll learn – including ALL the latest, most cutting-edge developments in…

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Ads – This classic traffic source just never seems to die. In addition to the huge potential available with Google — there’s still a bunch of money to be made using Bing and even Yahoo. You’ll hear and see how our speakers carefully choose and optimize the performance of their traffic sources, and then keep their campaigns profitable for many months or even years at a time.

“Banner Media” Buys. This is STILL one the most lucrative sources of traffic on the Internet — and it’s still a secret weapon for many as CPA marketing has become more and more competitive. With banner media, you can target millions of red-hot prospects who are PERFECT for your offers … and you can reach them for a small fraction of what you’d pay elsewhere.
Trust me, NO ONE else teaches this stuff – and it’s just one of the traffic methods I will reveal to you at the Affiliate Millionaires event.

Finding Huge Email Lists – FREE. Another amazing source of traffic is something that’s all around you – and costs you nothing. And that’s simply finding by finding people with HUGE, well-targeted email lists and then setting up a win-win deal with them to use their lists.

For example, right now I am meeting guys who own lists filled with millions of clean, white-listed email addresses – and I’m setting up deals with them that could easily make us both fortunes in 2014-2015.

And trust me, lists like this aren’t that hard to find … you just need to know where to look.

You’ll learn TONS more stuff like this — and much more — in your 4-days with us.

Why Facebook Is an Affiliate Marketer’s Wet Dream!
Everyone knows about and uses Facebook. But few realize that Facebook may just be the single most lucrative traffic source in the world today. There are so many incredible ways to target and optimize your campaigns, creating ROI and profit numbers that are to die for.

You’ll hear a TON about Facebook traffic throughout this event, and you’ll walk out with complete confidence in your ability to use it to generate wealth. We’ll cover:

How several of the speakers generate over $100k / day on Facebook alone.
How to get click-through rates as high as 50%
How to get penny clicks on FB (yes it’s still possible if you know this trick!)
Advanced targeting without “scraping” (this is huge!)
Where to find the hottest images that get the clicks
How to bank 100k per day on Facebook without cloaking or getting banned.
How to avoid being banned so that you can let your profits stack…
How to obtain and manage a large number of accounts

This alone is worth many times more than the cost of a VIP seat. In fact, JUST ONE of these Facebook enhancements could net you hundreds of thousands of dollars next month alone!

New to CPA and Affiliate Marketing?
Doesn’t Matter — You’ll Get Everything You
Need to Jump In and Start Making Money, Today!
Once you’re there, sitting down in that room with us — it will become painfully obvious why this is the single best business in the world to be in.

We’ll cover the A-Z of Affiliate Marketing, turning you into an expert in 90 days or less.

This includes 7 main ways to get paid and earn millions in affiliate marketing — and they’re doable for you, once you know the steps. I’m talking about how you can:

1) Get Paid for ACTIONS. You’ll learn even more ways to tap into performance networks (like CPA) and how to make money from simple actions that people take. This is one of the most explosive, easy-to-do and highest leverage ways to make money online – especially in this economy – because it doesn’t depend on product sales. Just simple actions!
Much of the money I’ve made over the years has been from the process of driving targeted traffic (using the methods you’ll learn at the event) – and then making money from the actions those people take. You’ll get all this and more…

I will show you how to turn your traffic into sales – when necessary – because the money gets really crazy when you can get people to buy products or to accept free trial offers. There’s a science to this – especially when it comes to the constructing the offer page – that you will learn … step-by-step … so that if you want to sell products, you can maximize the amount of money you make in the process.

2) Get Paid for SALES. I will show you how to turn your traffic into sales – when necessary – because the money gets really crazy when you can get people to buy products or to accept free trial offers. There’s a science to this – especially when it comes to the constructing the offer page – that you will learn … step-by-step … so that if you want to sell products, you can maximize the amount of money you make in the process.

3) Get Paid for PARTNERING. Sometimes the easiest, fastest way to make money is simply to partner with another guy who’s got a massive traffic source or killer product – and then USE the skills you get from the event to profit from that relationship.

You’ll learn how affiliate millionaires evaluate potential partners … how to set up win-win deals that can make you a fortune … secrets for negotiating effectively (without overcomplicating the process) … and so much more.

4) Get Paid for Simple WRITING. No this is not a copywriting seminar (I’m a terrible copywriter) … but still, writing quick little emails or short ads can be one of the most explosive ways to make money online – especially when you have a traffic source that’s eager for what you offer.

Therefore, I’ve enlisted the help of some KILLER copywriters to be in attendance at this event. They’ll be there, willing to show you how to quickly write emails … little ads … and other short forms of writing that can help you maximize the money-getting power of every single lead and traffic source you tap into!

5) Get Paid for ENDORSING. Once you have powerful strategic relationships in place, a simple phone call can sometimes make you a fortune. ESPECIALLY when you have access or knowledge of massive traffic sources — and can recognize ways to profit from that traffic.

I will show you how to find the most lucrative business contacts … establish relationships … and then endorse products, offers and traffic sources – for FREE – giving you the potential to get paid VERY well in the process.

6) Get Paid for CONNECTING. Along the same lines – once you make powerful contacts like I teach you … it’s also very easy to simply connect those people with others you know, and then make money from the process. The trick is merely setting up the deal the right way, so that everyone wins and you get compensated properly.

At the Affiliate Millionaires 2.0 Event on October 16th-19th, you’ll discover exactly how to recognize these potential opportunities … set up connections between people who can profit from each other … and then make at least 10% from the money that’s made from their relationship!

7) Get Paid for SOURCING. The last and sometimes most effective method for making money as affiliate is to simply find new products … and then be a “middleman” who gets the product into the hands of the right person. You can make royalties … licensing fees … or a flat-fee commission based on the potential sales of the product – and it’s much easier to do this than you think. I will show you everything I’ve ever discovered for finding or quickly creating products that are worth their weight in gold.

And That’s Just the Core Principles and Secrets –
We’re Going to Be Taking You Much, MUCH Deeper
Of course, the reason why this event is 4 solid days is that we’re going to be getting down-and-dirty with every single strategy, going into intense detail. You’ll learn things like:

Little-known optimization strategies, doable in minutes, that can multiply your profits by 10…
How “momentum outsourcing” can sky-rocket your income almost overnight…
How to tap into unique, overlooked traffic sources, ignored by 90% of other affiliates, that yield highly targeted visitors who are ready to get YOU paid…
How to make $50k per month on autopilot within 6 months…
The exact steps to building a $50K/day campaign…
How to quickly ramp PPC campaigns from 3 figures to 5 figures per day – plus elite “scaling” strategies for every level of traffic and income
How to triple the traffic of any profitable campaign instantly. No one is teaching this method!
How to find, take over and dominate the most profitable niches (before your competitors know what hit them!)
How to get dirt cheap traffic on the PPC search (not content) networks…
5 secrets to testing and tracking like a pro…
Sneaky bidding strategies, including how to get the best possible ad placements for the cheapest possible cost per click…
How to take a small-yet-successful campaign and ramp it up to HUGE levels, often in a matter of days!

Plus, You’ll Learn Hot “New” Stuff Even
Many of Our Experts Don’t Know Yet!
I’ll let you in on a little secret – I don’t pay my speakers, and whatever they make selling products or services at the event is TINY compared to what these guys rake in each day in their main business

So besides doing a solid for me – why the hell are they showing up?

I’ll tell you:

Getting all these heavyweights together in one room helps EVERYONE share and “laser in” on the top 1% of information out there – including all the newest tips, tricks and insights about what’s working in all our respective businesses.

Here are some “rumors” I’ve heard about what will be shared:

How to quickly create killer landing pages that get 70% opt-in rates!
How to throw together a simple email marketing campaign that can quickly and easily generate $10k per month within 90 days.
How to cash in with “ghetto” banners (and the places where “ghetto” works way better!)
The 1 REAL way to do large scale display media buys…
A proven trick and follow-up strategy for making HUGE money on CPV that no one is talking about.
How to make $200,000 per month using none of your own money!
How to write PPC ads that get disgustingly good conversions — regardless of the traffic source or keywords!

And more – LOTS more. One of the reasons my speakers and I are so excited is that this event is the “ultimate mastermind experience.”

It’s where we’ll share ALL the most ruthlessly effective stuff, learn a TON, and then go home and use what we learn to add zeros to our bank balance.

4 Exciting Days That Will
Absolutely RUIN Your Ability to
“Settle” for Small Money — Ever Again!
Have you ever wondered how — guys like all of us speaking at this event — are able to make tons money and get to work when they want … wherever they want? Some make money from home … others from coffee shops or even the beach.

I sure did when I got started in this biz! I grew up wishing when I got older, I’d find a way to do the type of work I love — and make TONS of money — while living the lifestyle I wanted.

I guess I got lucky. Or I worked hard AND got lucky. But either way…

One of the greatest things about affiliate marketing is not only that you can make money from anywhere, virtually anytime of the day… or that you get paid while you sleep…

… but also that your income numbers can be truly INSANE.

I mean, many of the guys speaking on stage make more than most celebrities — even the crazy famous ones — and yet they still get to have their privacy and live a lifestyle the average person would kill for.

Learn, Network, Party and Profit With Us…
Start Generating 6 or 7-Figures (Monthly),

So there you have it.

In this letter, I’ve only given you a TINY TASTE for all the incredible info, insights, secrets, tips, tactics and strategies our billion-dollar lineup of world-class speakers is going to deliver from October 16th through the 19th, in beautiful Washington D.C.

But hey — even if you learned nothing — this event would probably still be worth 10X the price just for the networking alone!

Seriously, where else could you go and rub shoulders with dozens and dozens of mega-millionaire affiliate marketers — who are doing HUGE NUMBERS, in the real world, right now?

You’ll learn with us… eat with us… even party with us… creating relationships and friendships that could literally change the entire course of your life.

There’s a saying, “your income is the average of your 5 closest friends” …

Well, with all the rich new friends you’re going to be making at Affiliate Millionaires on October 16th-19th — your income is about to skyrocket!

I encourage you to grab one of the last remaining seats by clicking any big button you see on this page. We’re already over 2/3 full — as of this writing – and I haven’t even gotten my partners to push it yet.

Once that happens, you’ll be shut out.

And you’ll miss the best networking and moneymaking event of the year – maybe of your lifetime. So don’t wait, grab your seat now and lock it in — I want you to be right there in the room with us, soaking it all in, as all these legends tell-all.

Delivery Method

– After your purchase, you’ll see a View your orders link which goes to the Downloads page. Here, you can download all the files associated with your order.
– Downloads are available once your payment is confirmed, we’ll also send you a download notification email separate from any transaction notification emails you receive from
– Since it is a digital copy, our suggestion is to download and save it to your hard drive. In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us and we will resend the new download link.
– If you cannot find the download link, please don’t worry about that. We will update and notify you as soon as possible at 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM (UTC 8).

Thank You For Shopping With Us!

Original price was: $988.00.Current price is: $84.00.

GREG DAVIS AFFILIATE MILLIONAIRES 2.0 (2014) PRODUCT DELIVERY: You will receive a download link via your order email.